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Elderly gentleman


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Thai women are no different from women of any other country.

Who a women chooses likely depends on what stage that person is in in life. If she is young and wants both physical and emotional compatibility then she would probably chose a man of similar age.

As she gets older and is thinking about settling down and marriage I'd assume she'd prefer a man who can be a leader and provide for the family. Men who are responsible and dependable.

Then again people often prefer people who have similar values which is influenced by which generation you were brought up in so that may explain why women tend to chose men of similar age. Of course there are exceptions, and some men show maturity beyond their years so though uncommon you see women choosing younger men (if not for other reasons!)

If she is looking for an ATM machine for a husband then the rationale is proportional to your bank account.

Edited by smileydude
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Be aware , you will get all the genius smart mouth comments that certain farangs like to make. They

Think they are the only intelligent ones around(not all) and just live, from what I see, to make

Their sarcastic comments. You will see as they will come out of the woodwork, commenting on what

I just stated. Just watch. Your better off just looking and not commenting, as they will try to make you

Feel like an idiot.

Nice avatar,been to the states 3 times,absolutely loved the place and the people.

Will return that's for sure,my children will have to see universal and Disney world in Orlando.

Amazing country,something for everyone.

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i just see the same <deleted> talk about again and again,

just by newer members,

stick around this will be back again in a few months

Which members are you talking about pigeonjake because most of the posters on this thread have been around longer than you.

The fact that like "Readers Digest" the same old same old makes for interesting topics is a matter of choice but then again if "One" is getting fed up of the same old, same old then do like i did with Readers digest and dont subscribe!

Just sayin

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No this is not fair,I have a good reason to ask,I don't see vast numbers of girls at home dating older men,much much older men.

So it is fair to say if I see it in Thailand every 5 minutes,and rarely ever in Australia,it may be a cultural thing.

Absolute nonsense. Once outside of the prostitution areas of Phuket, Bangkok, Pattaya, CM and so on you never see it. Lasts weekend I went to the mall and looked at 5000 people and I was the only one with a much younger wife. 99% Thai and 1% Farang population at the mall.

Of coarse you will not see it,there were no farang about.

I'm not talking about older thai men,surely you know that come on brother don't make me spell it out.

Ok, Kang, let me give you another perspective. I stand by my previous assertion that the vast majority of Thai women do prefer a Thai man of similar age. HOWEVER, if you consider one specific demographic--Thai women who date farangs--then we're talking an entirely different set of preferences. For one, these women have generally rejected normalcy, that is, things that are important to most women, e.g., communication, compatibility, cultural understanding, etc., are no longer on the top of their list. So dating a younger farang or an older one doesn't much matter, i.e., your background is so different anyhow, and you can't communicate perfectly.

Having said that, "some" Thai women who dates farangs may actually "prefer" an older farang to a younger one. Why? The perception is that an older farang will be more stable, more mature, and financially secure. I've heard countless times how Thai women have noticed that young farang guys are serial butterflies (not all, of course). And let's face it, not many young farang guys in Thailand have any real net worth. So to answer your OP, yes, perhaps some Thai women do "prefer" an older farang over a younger farang.

Note: This does not apply to Thai women who are serial farang-hunters and are only about fleecing the unknowing farangs.

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The "generality" that most older farangs with a 20 year plus difference in their and their spouses ages will have been accepted by their wife's in the first place because of their ability to provide security, food accommodation comfort, status and at the end of the day (On average) a lump sum and maybe a private pension.

I do not think that any sensible person would argue too much with my statement.

On the other hand to consider that this is just typical of say the South Asian Countries is to deny what has taken place in Europe and indeed many other Countries of the world.

Monarchy 's together with rich and powerful family's and indeed normal family's throughout the world have been persuading coercing or forcing their young women (and men) into marriages thought out time and in Thailand we see really only a variation on a set theme.

We are not far removed from the Neanderthal in that we still follow our most basic instincts and for any woman there must be a desire to be the mate of the biggest, toughest, wealthiest man available....old or young and before the testosterone infused young men object I am talking about "power" and not youth or good looks!

If you consider the "Variables" available in a Country where "Ladies" are treated in such a low manner by the indigenous male population then maybe it is logical that after their initial experience of sex and according to some stat I read recently this usually start in the rural areas by losing their virginity at 11 years, their "Interest" in sex as a pastime is not the same as those ladies in the West who have to have "Chemistry and high levels of eroticism in their sex lives before embarking on matrimony!

I am married to a lady who is 22 years younger than me,

If I said that I was 40 then this would mean that my wife is 18.

What would the membership have to say about the rights and wrongs of that?

In truth I am 68 and my wife 22 years younger and now this information may well bring about an entirely different response from those same members.

At the end of the day there is only luck and if you are lucky with your mate then you will be happy and so will she.

If you are not lucky then join the band of bitter and twisted men who have loved and lost!

Be lucky......!

"The "generality that most older farangs with a 20 year plus difference in their and their spouses ages will have been accepted by their wife's in the first place because of their ability to provide security, food accommodation comfort, status and at the end of the day (On average) a lump sum and maybe a private pension."

Well considering when the Divorce comes,age, whether you have 10, 20, or 30year, age gap,is of no consequence,the court will do a 50/50 split,regardless of age,and including all of the above taken into consideration,during your time together. So... what was your point?

Maybe if you had read all of the post in the context of the OP you may have noticed a point, maybe it was a bit too subtle!

Taken from your post;

"Well considering when the Divorce comes,age, whether you have 10, 20, or 30year, age gap,is of no consequence,the court will do a 50/50 split,regardless of age,and including all of the above taken into consideration,during your time together.!

Not sure what your point is but you are wrong in making this statement in any case because divorce settlements in Thai courts are not always divided 50/50.

What each partner had individually before they were married is more often not taken into consideration by the Court and considered to be the property of whoever owned it prior to marriage .

Generally, only what a couple acquire after they are married is subject to a 50/50 split

In any event what has your divorce comment got to do with the relevence of the OP?

Edited by n210mp
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cheesy.gif.pagespeed.ce.HaOxm9--Zv.gif alt=cheesy.gif width=32 height=20>cheesy.gif.pagespeed.ce.HaOxm9--Zv.gif alt=cheesy.gif width=32 height=20>cheesy.gif.pagespeed.ce.HaOxm9--Zv.gif alt=cheesy.gif width=32 height=20>

They prefer a big purse and the age and outward are not importatnt at all. Believe me and you won't be disappointed.

Don't kid yourself, the "size of the wallet" is the key issue in most instances.

You may be right.

As someone once said, "I know everything there is to know about women, except one thing. What the hell do they want?" smile.png

These are actual statements that I'll paraphrase that I believed from Thai women:

1 "I have a master's degree, a good government job, I'm 36 and never been married, no kids, and there's no way I want one of the uneducated, lazy, drinking, Thai butterfly men that are in this Isaan village. I want an older farang who will treat me right."

2. "I'm 34, have a good job and education, never married and no kids, dark S. Isaan skin, I'm 4' ll" (150 cm) 88 pounds (40 kg) and I want a farang who will introduce some height and lighter skin into my children. I also want my children to be bilingual.

3. I'm 35, was married, no kids, and my Thai husband hit me, drank too much, and was a butterfly. I want a kind farang who won't do those things.


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So, farangs should be given medals for taking care of society's discards.

A senior Thai politician, (not that we should trust a word they say - tho' he was speaking in Thai to Thai women,) said Thai women get a good marriage with a farang: financially, culturally, educationally. Compared with the average philandering, lazy, wife-beating drunk Thai man, I would have to agree. If the farang is old then the relationship won't be for too long anyway.

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when i met my wife i was 47 and she was 25 we have been married over 21 years ,does she prefere older men? God knows ,i never asked her , i was not rich ,she was not poor , people are all different what works for one does not work for another ,ask a friend of mine ,he couldnt care less how old or good looking a woman is as long as she has massive tits ,i kid you not.

You know Baldy ? biggrin.png

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cheesy.gif.pagespeed.ce.HaOxm9--Zv.gif alt=cheesy.gif width=32 height=20>cheesy.gif.pagespeed.ce.HaOxm9--Zv.gif alt=cheesy.gif width=32 height=20>cheesy.gif.pagespeed.ce.HaOxm9--Zv.gif alt=cheesy.gif width=32 height=20>

They prefer a big purse and the age and outward are not importatnt at all. Believe me and you won't be disappointed.

Don't kid yourself, the "size of the wallet" is the key issue in most instances.

You may be right.

As someone once said, "I know everything there is to know about women, except one thing. What the hell do they want?" smile.png

These are actual statements that I'll paraphrase that I believed from Thai women:

1 "I have a master's degree, a good government job, I'm 36 and never been married, no kids, and there's no way I want one of the uneducated, lazy, drinking, Thai butterfly men that are in this Isaan village. I want an older farang who will treat me right."

2. "I'm 34, have a good job and education, never married and no kids, dark S. Isaan skin, I'm 4' ll" (150 cm) 88 pounds (40 kg) and I want a farang who will introduce some height and lighter skin into my children. I also want my children to be bilingual.

3. I'm 35, was married, no kids, and my Thai husband hit me, drank too much, and was a butterfly. I want a kind farang who won't do those things.


If you are trying to catch a certain fish, you bait it with what you think the fish wants (to hear). What the women want is typically someone close to their own age, who they can communicate with, won't play around, won't cause them to lose face, etc. etc. etc. I hear many things, sometimes they will tell you that all thai men drink or are butterflies etc. IT IS NOT TRUE not all Thai men are like that.

Basing a marriage on purely biological drive (aka loooove) is often a recipe for failure anyway. My mother told me when I was younger that if you are most in love with girl #1 -- don't marry her..... go for girl #3 -- and now statistics backs it up. In many cases arranged marriages (where the focus is who is the best match - not money) are more successful that marriages in the west. In the long term it all comes down to can/will she be happy with you.

If you want to marry a nice very young girl.... well.... even if she would be happy expect her to wander - it is the price you have to pay :P

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cheesy.gif.pagespeed.ce.HaOxm9--Zv.gif alt=cheesy.gif width=32 height=20>cheesy.gif.pagespeed.ce.HaOxm9--Zv.gif alt=cheesy.gif width=32 height=20>cheesy.gif.pagespeed.ce.HaOxm9--Zv.gif alt=cheesy.gif width=32 height=20>

They prefer a big purse and the age and outward are not importatnt at all. Believe me and you won't be disappointed.

Don't kid yourself, the "size of the wallet" is the key issue in most instances.

You may be right.

As someone once said, "I know everything there is to know about women, except one thing. What the hell do they want?" smile.png

These are actual statements that I'll paraphrase that I believed from Thai women:

1 "I have a master's degree, a good government job, I'm 36 and never been married, no kids, and there's no way I want one of the uneducated, lazy, drinking, Thai butterfly men that are in this Isaan village. I want an older farang who will treat me right."

2. "I'm 34, have a good job and education, never married and no kids, dark S. Isaan skin, I'm 4' ll" (150 cm) 88 pounds (40 kg) and I want a farang who will introduce some height and lighter skin into my children. I also want my children to be bilingual.

3. I'm 35, was married, no kids, and my Thai husband hit me, drank too much, and was a butterfly. I want a kind farang who won't do those things.


If you are trying to catch a certain fish, you bait it with what you think the fish wants (to hear). What the women want is typically someone close to their own age, who they can communicate with, won't play around, won't cause them to lose face, etc. etc. etc. I hear many things, sometimes they will tell you that all thai men drink or are butterflies etc. IT IS NOT TRUE not all Thai men are like that.

Basing a marriage on purely biological drive (aka loooove) is often a recipe for failure anyway. My mother told me when I was younger that if you are most in love with girl #1 -- don't marry her..... go for girl #3 -- and now statistics backs it up. In many cases arranged marriages (where the focus is who is the best match - not money) are more successful that marriages in the west. In the long term it all comes down to can/will she be happy with you.

If you want to marry a nice very young girl.... well.... even if she would be happy expect her to wander - it is the price you have to pay tongue.png

So the conclusion is that not all younger Thai men are butterflies, but all younger Thai women are? tongue.png

(My definition of "younger" in my case is mid-late 30's which is rumored to be past her sell-by date.)

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If you are trying to catch a certain fish, you bait it with what you think the fish wants (to hear). What the women want is typically someone close to their own age, who they can communicate with, won't play around, won't cause them to lose face, etc. etc. etc. I hear many things, sometimes they will tell you that all thai men drink or are butterflies etc. IT IS NOT TRUE not all Thai men are like that.

Basing a marriage on purely biological drive (aka loooove) is often a recipe for failure anyway. My mother told me when I was younger that if you are most in love with girl #1 -- don't marry her..... go for girl #3 -- and now statistics backs it up. In many cases arranged marriages (where the focus is who is the best match - not money) are more successful that marriages in the west. In the long term it all comes down to can/will she be happy with you.

If you want to marry a nice very young girl.... well.... even if she would be happy expect her to wander - it is the price you have to pay tongue.png

You are judging women by a man's morals. How many nuns have been charged with abusing alter boys? None. That is a guy thing. Women are not the same as men although men who have had little experience think so.

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I'm sure all hot young Thai women just love having some prune-like toothless old boy in his sock/sandal/wife-beater singletby their side as they swan into a night club in front of all their pals who are sat with their young handsome Thai BFs........

Absolutely. On the other hand, at least they won't have to buy their own drinks!

No axe to grind here either. My wife and I are the same age, although being Thai and my mileage she looks about ten years younger. smile.png

Edited by bigbamboo
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Don't read much, DO YOU..??

Even the briefest history of Thailand will mention Rama IV, who was a Monk from age 13 to 46, yet became King and had 65 wives, few over the age of 25.

It is custom which rules, because an older man is settled, has an income, a place to live, etc, while a younger man is still more concerned with 'sowing his oats'...

Even today, it is not unusual to see a much older Thai man in the company of a younger woman - not his daughter...

From personal observation - it is young women seeking stable older men.

Also, a recent conversation with a recent HS Graduate - They know the boys 'play the field' and the older men don't, so many girls would rather be a Mia Noi than marry someone who doesn't stay home or help feed the children.

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what age is "elderly"?

Well I'm 72 and still young not like those old buggers

+1 thumbsup.gif

“Elderly man” in medical terms is a man past 40. whistling.gif

»It's not a question how old you are, but how you are old...!« (Graucho Marx) smile.png

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If you are trying to catch a certain fish, you bait it with what you think the fish wants (to hear). What the women want is typically someone close to their own age, who they can communicate with, won't play around, won't cause them to lose face, etc. etc. etc. I hear many things, sometimes they will tell you that all thai men drink or are butterflies etc. IT IS NOT TRUE not all Thai men are like that.

Basing a marriage on purely biological drive (aka loooove) is often a recipe for failure anyway. My mother told me when I was younger that if you are most in love with girl #1 -- don't marry her..... go for girl #3 -- and now statistics backs it up. In many cases arranged marriages (where the focus is who is the best match - not money) are more successful that marriages in the west. In the long term it all comes down to can/will she be happy with you.

If you want to marry a nice very young girl.... well.... even if she would be happy expect her to wander - it is the price you have to pay tongue.png

So the conclusion is that not all younger Thai men are butterflies, but all younger Thai women are? tongue.png

(My definition of "younger" in my case is mid-late 30's which is rumored to be past her sell-by date.)

You don't read well tongue.png "NOT ALL".

The younger you are, the more likely you are to be driven by biological imperatives..... This was held in check with societal "expectations" which placed restrictions on you, but those chains are mostly broken in modern times. What is good for the goose is good for the gander.

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If you are trying to catch a certain fish, you bait it with what you think the fish wants (to hear). What the women want is typically someone close to their own age, who they can communicate with, won't play around, won't cause them to lose face, etc. etc. etc. I hear many things, sometimes they will tell you that all thai men drink or are butterflies etc. IT IS NOT TRUE not all Thai men are like that.

Basing a marriage on purely biological drive (aka loooove) is often a recipe for failure anyway. My mother told me when I was younger that if you are most in love with girl #1 -- don't marry her..... go for girl #3 -- and now statistics backs it up. In many cases arranged marriages (where the focus is who is the best match - not money) are more successful that marriages in the west. In the long term it all comes down to can/will she be happy with you.

If you want to marry a nice very young girl.... well.... even if she would be happy expect her to wander - it is the price you have to pay tongue.png

So the conclusion is that not all younger Thai men are butterflies, but all younger Thai women are? tongue.png

(My definition of "younger" in my case is mid-late 30's which is rumored to be past her sell-by date.)

You don't read well tongue.png "NOT ALL".

The younger you are, the more likely you are to be driven by biological imperatives..... This was held in check with societal "expectations" which placed restrictions on you, but those chains are mostly broken in modern times. What is good for the goose is good for the gander.

The only biological imperatives I have seen in women is when they get close to the time when they will no longer have children. They are driven to have children by biology and mother.

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what age is "elderly"?

Well I'm 72 and still young not like those old buggers

+1 thumbsup.gif

“Elderly man” in medical terms is a man past 40. whistling.gif

»It's not a question how old you are, but how you are old...!« (Graucho Marx) smile.png

Really, 40? I was wondering about that from the thread title, the actual definition of "elderly." What was the OP referring to? I tend to think 50+. But I've met young hotties who think 30 is old.

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i just see the same <deleted> talk about again and again,

just by newer members,

stick around this will be back again in a few months

Join us in the Southeast Asia forum where each week we try to address the latest 'How about Laos/Cambodia/Myanmar/Malaysia/Indonesia ?' thread - I suggested a sticky but apparently its a lot more fun to post the same info opinions again and again. Thankfully, the admins have now moved all the Cambo-specific threads into a sub-forum and Sheryl is doing an awesome job bringing order unto chaos.

That said, the visa info here is topnotch. Knowing that you can hand an Immigration bigwig 250USD and have your passport, updated with a 12-month Business visa, delivered to your door in Pnomh Penh the following day is priceless. Try that at Swampy smile.png

What would ~250USD get you at Pattaya these days, PJ ? wink.png


as dont go to pattaya,

as you no i married a poor farm girl from sakoew province and we farm pigs, ducks and chickens,,lol

enjoy your travels


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PJ, I plan to publish an extensive trip report after my next trip to Patts to fill in the gaps (so to speak) for those unfortunate TVers who dont get to experience Disneyland for themselves. It's a shame I cant post photos - that would really go down (..) an absolute treat on this board :D

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i just see the same <deleted> talk about again and again,

just by newer members,

stick around this will be back again in a few months

Join us in the Southeast Asia forum where each week we try to address the latest 'How about Laos/Cambodia/Myanmar/Malaysia/Indonesia ?' thread - I suggested a sticky but apparently its a lot more fun to post the same info opinions again and again. Thankfully, the admins have now moved all the Cambo-specific threads into a sub-forum and Sheryl is doing an awesome job bringing order unto chaos.

That said, the visa info here is topnotch. Knowing that you can hand an Immigration bigwig 250USD and have your passport, updated with a 12-month Business visa, delivered to your door in Pnomh Penh the following day is priceless. Try that at Swampy smile.png

What would ~250USD get you at Pattaya these days, PJ ? wink.png

So I give a Thai broker and my passport and 8,000 baht. What do I get? 12 months and the reporting done every 90 days I think that works. I have to admit I have not tried it but there is a Klingon here who I think knows.

PS 250 USD? Meet you at the Castle.

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thailiketoo, AFAIK there is no 90-day reporting in Cambodia - as always, check that with the relevant authorities. Some here seem to have no problems with 90-day reporting, others seem to find it the bane of their existence, but I like the idea of giving an official money once a year and being left along for the next 11 months and 29 days.

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thailiketoo, AFAIK there is no 90-day reporting in Cambodia - as always, check that with the relevant authorities. Some here seem to have no problems with 90-day reporting, others seem to find it the bane of their existence, but I like the idea of giving an official money once a year and being left along for the next 11 months and 29 days.

Most of the business people I know don't do it themselves. It doesn't bother me so I spend the 5 minutes a quarter. I used to work close to the immigration office so I stop in and visit old friends.

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By the way,don't speak for all the decent girls out there,money is a priority to everyone but not the first,speak for yourself but not for the good girls of Thailand.

By the way, Thai women (and Thai people) taking advantage of foreigners in Thailand happens disproportionately here compared with other countries in my experience. I have the feeling this is culturally ingrained in you people!!

Edited by DavidMavec
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By the way,don't speak for all the decent girls out there,money is a priority to everyone but not the first,speak for yourself but not for the good girls of Thailand.

By the way, Thai women (and Thai people) taking advantage of foreigners in Thailand happens disproportionately here compared with other countries in my experience. I have the feeling this is culturally ingrained in you people!!

Are, "your people" Thai Visa posters? Who is doing the advantage taking? Thais or Thai Visa members?

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When the women in the village see a lady with a farang who has all the usuals - house and a comfortable lifestyle, it has to be a little difficult for them not to have a little envy. It would be naive for a guy 25 yrs. older to say its all about love and only love. Now, if the farangs in thailand only provided the same lifestyle as the usual Thai guy can afford, I doubt the older foreigner would be so popular.

If you as a foreigner only provided your baby with gov. schools, no new car, a 100,00 baht house, maybe - maybe an old motorbike and only food like you know most of Issan eats. Do you really think she would pick a foreigner 25 yrs older to be with?? I hope not. I'm 25 yrs. older and I know for a fact if I provided as I just described she wouldn't be content.

So, if you want to be happy for the rest of your life, never make a pretty women your wife.

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When the women in the village see a lady with a farang who has all the usuals - house and a comfortable lifestyle, it has to be a little difficult for them not to have a little envy. It would be naive for a guy 25 yrs. older to say its all about love and only love. Now, if the farangs in thailand only provided the same lifestyle as the usual Thai guy can afford, I doubt the older foreigner would be so popular.

If you as a foreigner only provided your baby with gov. schools, no new car, a 100,00 baht house, maybe - maybe an old motorbike and only food like you know most of Issan eats. Do you really think she would pick a foreigner 25 yrs older to be with?? I hope not. I'm 25 yrs. older and I know for a fact if I provided as I just described she wouldn't be content.

So, if you want to be happy for the rest of your life, never make a pretty women your wife.


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