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Elderly gentleman


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I was hoping we might avoid the 'real Thailand' comments, ah well.

All parts of Thailand are equally 'real'. As are all parts of any country. London, for instance, is very different to, say, the Cotswolds. Both are 'the real England'.

Reality isn't area specific. Things like how people live and behave in societies can not be explained in simple terms, people are complicated, and different.

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I was hoping we might avoid the 'real Thailand' comments, ah well.

All parts of Thailand are equally 'real'. As are all parts of any country. London, for instance, is very different to, say, the Cotswolds. Both are 'the real England'.

Reality isn't area specific. Things like how people live and behave in societies can not be explained in simple terms, people are complicated, and different.

Yes but he lives in the richest province in Thailand,posted a pic to,I was impressed beyond words,may open the pic and look at it later.

I to hate the real Thailand comments,would like to visit Phuket some time,I'm certainly not above it.

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Have you observed this situation?: Young, obnoxious man with young woman,

woman ends up going home with older man - a man who knows how to actually have a conversation and has something to offer, rather than something to prove. "It" is all in the mind, anyway.thumbsup.gif

On the subject of conversation,wouldn't people of the same age have more in common in that regard.

She may wish to discuss the latest dance music and may get turned off listening to the wonders of al Jolston.

It makes sense,try making a thai girl sit through gone with the wind.

No both my wife and i like snow patrol and her favourite tv shows are the dog whisperer and mountain men ,while i like science fiction ,so ,pick the bones out of that ,i'me 26 years older than her. and we talk constantly ,about anything and everything smile.png

Your the one who said they cannot converse with a younger man,that's a stupid statement.

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The "generality" that most older farangs with a 20 year plus difference in their and their spouses ages will have been accepted by their wife's in the first place because of their ability to provide security, food accommodation comfort, status and at the end of the day (On average) a lump sum and maybe a private pension.

I do not think that any sensible person would argue too much with my statement.

On the other hand to consider that this is just typical of say the South Asian Countries is to deny what has taken place in Europe and indeed many other Countries of the world.

Monarchy 's together with rich and powerful family's and indeed normal family's throughout the world have been persuading coercing or forcing their young women (and men) into marriages thought out time and in Thailand we see really only a variation on a set theme.

We are not far removed from the Neanderthal in that we still follow our most basic instincts and for any woman there must be a desire to be the mate of the biggest, toughest, wealthiest man available....old or young and before the testosterone infused young men object I am talking about "power" and not youth or good looks!

If you consider the "Variables" available in a Country where "Ladies" are treated in such a low manner by the indigenous male population then maybe it is logical that after their initial experience of sex and according to some stat I read recently this usually start in the rural areas by losing their virginity at 11 years, their "Interest" in sex as a pastime is not the same as those ladies in the West who have to have "Chemistry and high levels of eroticism in their sex lives before embarking on matrimony!

I am married to a lady who is 22 years younger than me,

If I said that I was 40 then this would mean that my wife is 18.

What would the membership have to say about the rights and wrongs of that?

In truth I am 68 and my wife 22 years younger and now this information may well bring about an entirely different response from those same members.

At the end of the day there is only luck and if you are lucky with your mate then you will be happy and so will she.

If you are not lucky then join the band of bitter and twisted men who have loved and lost!

Be lucky......!

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when i met my wife i was 47 and she was 25 we have been married over 21 years ,does she prefere older men? God knows ,i never asked her , i was not rich ,she was not poor , people are all different what works for one does not work for another ,ask a friend of mine ,he couldnt care less how old or good looking a woman is as long as she has massive tits ,i kid you not.

Massive tits are good.

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Think, can not be said in general.
Age is in many cases not so importent for women,
but all are fascinated from Alpha males.
Question is, what makes you to a Alpha male in her eyes?
Everything can do it: Your smile, your wallet, your body, your esprit, or what ever.
Some love a boy with a toy and other love a man with a plan.

I am old and I've stopped, trying to understand women.
Since then, the young stunning girls flying around me.biggrin.png

But if you really want to know, then go in a zoo and study the monkeys on the rocks.
Indeed, the youngest females flock to the silverbacks.

Edited by tomacht8
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I don't think they necessarily prefer older blokes but there doesn't seem to be the cultural problem with a large age difference relationship that there is in the UK. My wife is about the same age as me but her mum had a much older husband and one of her brothers has a much younger wife - it doesn't seem to be limited to farang+thai relationships.

There may not be a cultural "problem" with it as such but I know the look of embarrassment when I see it on a young looking Thai woman with an overweight, elderly Western man in sandals and socks whenever I step into Big C or Tesco.

She knows that everyone is assuming she's a bargirl

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I can't see how you can expect an answer that's going to be worth having to be honest.

Based on a question that starts with "What do Thai women prefer.....?" given that there are over 30 million of them, and they will all have different preferences.

Similar to asking "What do Australian men prefer.....?"

Culture is one thing, but it doesn't affect everything like some kind of blanket that's been thrown over the whole population. As I'm sure you're aware, it doesn't do that in your home country either.

No this is not fair,I have a good reason to ask,I don't see vast numbers of girls at home dating older men,much much older men.

So it is fair to say if I see it in Thailand every 5 minutes,and rarely ever in Australia,it may be a cultural thing.

Absolute nonsense. Once outside of the prostitution areas of Phuket, Bangkok, Pattaya, CM and so on you never see it. Lasts weekend I went to the mall and looked at 5000 people and I was the only one with a much younger wife. 99% Thai and 1% Farang population at the mall.

Of coarse you will not see it,there were no farang about.

I'm not talking about older thai men,surely you know that come on brother don't make me spell it out.

It is like drawing all of your experiences about Australia from Kings Cross eh?

Don't see it in kings cross either,are we confused here,are you telling me you don't see a lot of older men with younger ladies getting around Thailand,is that what your saying.

Please tell me your not saying that.

I live in the richest province in Thailand and I don't see any Farang. I don't see any Farang with younger women. http://www.skyscrapercity.com/showthread.php?t=564028&page=2

So it's no more prevalent in Thailand then in other countries,is that what your saying.

I think you telling porky pies.

"Lasts weekend I went to the mall and looked at 5000 people and I was the only one with a much younger wife. 99% Thai and 1% Farang population at the mall"

You seem to be drawing all your experience of what you see with your own eyes only,people do live together you know,and don't feel as though they have to demonstrate togetherness,for your benefit. I don't pretend to know the true figures,but I reckon I would be on a winner,if I stated that: Thai Farang relationships,would be be mostly much younger wife. IMO it would not be easy to come up with the real logical reason.

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No, in my experience Thai women do not 'prefer' older men. This is a misconception created by the Farang-oriented sex industry in Thailand. If there are individual Thai women out there who claim to be looking for an 'older man', I am confident that in 99% of cases that would be based on the perception that an older man may be a better provider : at 55, I dont have a problem with that either way.

i agree thai women prefer men near to their own age and prefer thai men as well " i no like thai man i like farang man" that expression is a bar girl saying

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But if you really want to know, then go in a zoo and study the monkeys on the rocks.

Indeed, the youngest females flock to the silverbacks.

1. Silverbacks are gorillas

2. Gorillas are apes, not monkeys, and apes are much closer to humans than monkeys

3. The females are with the silverback because the smaller males are scared sh*tless of him - for now ...

If I went to a zoo that had monkey in with gorillas, I'd have little faith in the people who ran that zoo. If I saw a gorilla copulating with a monkey, I'd know the end was nigh for planet earth. That's about as natural as a man with an Orangutan - we aren't talking big cats here. Or Thai women .....

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The "generality" that most older farangs with a 20 year plus difference in their and their spouses ages will have been accepted by their wife's in the first place because of their ability to provide security, food accommodation comfort, status and at the end of the day (On average) a lump sum and maybe a private pension.

I do not think that any sensible person would argue too much with my statement.

On the other hand to consider that this is just typical of say the South Asian Countries is to deny what has taken place in Europe and indeed many other Countries of the world.

Monarchy 's together with rich and powerful family's and indeed normal family's throughout the world have been persuading coercing or forcing their young women (and men) into marriages thought out time and in Thailand we see really only a variation on a set theme.

We are not far removed from the Neanderthal in that we still follow our most basic instincts and for any woman there must be a desire to be the mate of the biggest, toughest, wealthiest man available....old or young and before the testosterone infused young men object I am talking about "power" and not youth or good looks!

If you consider the "Variables" available in a Country where "Ladies" are treated in such a low manner by the indigenous male population then maybe it is logical that after their initial experience of sex and according to some stat I read recently this usually start in the rural areas by losing their virginity at 11 years, their "Interest" in sex as a pastime is not the same as those ladies in the West who have to have "Chemistry and high levels of eroticism in their sex lives before embarking on matrimony!

I am married to a lady who is 22 years younger than me,

If I said that I was 40 then this would mean that my wife is 18.

What would the membership have to say about the rights and wrongs of that?

In truth I am 68 and my wife 22 years younger and now this information may well bring about an entirely different response from those same members.

At the end of the day there is only luck and if you are lucky with your mate then you will be happy and so will she.

If you are not lucky then join the band of bitter and twisted men who have loved and lost!

Be lucky......!

"The "generality that most older farangs with a 20 year plus difference in their and their spouses ages will have been accepted by their wife's in the first place because of their ability to provide security, food accommodation comfort, status and at the end of the day (On average) a lump sum and maybe a private pension."

Well considering when the Divorce comes,age, whether you have 10, 20, or 30year, age gap,is of no consequence,the court will do a 50/50 split,regardless of age,and including all of the above taken into consideration,during your time together. So... what was your point?

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i just see the same <deleted> talk about again and again,

just by newer members,

stick around this will be back again in a few months

Join us in the Southeast Asia forum where each week we try to address the latest 'How about Laos/Cambodia/Myanmar/Malaysia/Indonesia ?' thread - I suggested a sticky but apparently its a lot more fun to post the same info opinions again and again. Thankfully, the admins have now moved all the Cambo-specific threads into a sub-forum and Sheryl is doing an awesome job bringing order unto chaos.

That said, the visa info here is topnotch. Knowing that you can hand an Immigration bigwig 250USD and have your passport, updated with a 12-month Business visa, delivered to your door in Pnomh Penh the following day is priceless. Try that at Swampy :)

What would ~250USD get you at Pattaya these days, PJ ? ;)

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Why is there such a huge amount of younger, attractive Thai women without boyfriend or husband?

Because they want to marry up. They don't want a LoSo Thai man of similar age. The "sexy young" motorbike driver or construction worker is not an option.

And because there is only a limited number of Thai men of higher status, there are more women single.

This is basic biology and called "hypergamy".

And that's what many Western men don't understand, grown up in oldfashioned ideas of "equality".

Then comes the older farang into the game. A woman of middle or lower sexual market value (not attractive enough for HiSo Thais) will prefer an older farang over being alone and single. Even a farang which is not the best catch in his home country, can outperform many Thais.

Simple as that. There is always a sufficient supply of younger women, and it doesn't need to be from the bars.

You guys with equalist dreams should take nature as it is.

What makes you believe that the younger, attractive Thai women do not have boyfriends? Because they told you this? I would never suspect a Thai girl capable of telling a lie!

I have many male and female Thai friends who are 18-30. Some of them are on the lowso end of life and some on the hiso end. On the low end, the guys girlfriends all work in bars and go with customers. On the high end, the guys girlfriends go out on dinner dates with foreigners sometimes ending in sex. One of my close friends told me that she was 'seeing' a foreigner for over 6 months trying to marry him while she of course had her real boyfriend (a Thai male) hidden on the side.

How many of us have dealt with cheating spouses or girlfriends (or ourselves being the cheater)? Would you all be so naive as to believe you are exempt from this plague now that you have a sexy young Thai girlfriend/wife?

A better thread would be to poll the current happily married men and see if they ever believed their Thai wife have ever, currently is, or would ever cheat on them! That way we can gauge how delusional the user base is here before moving on to more serious issues.

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i just see the same <deleted> talk about again and again,

just by newer members,

stick around this will be back again in a few months

I see your point totally,however make no mistake jake unlike the usual trolls itching for a fight I posted for reasons of curiosity as to why it's more prevelent here then in some places.

The age thing itself does not bother me,each to their own and good luck to them,it's more a curiosity thing then a wind up however with so many who do judge I can absolutely see why you may think it's the usual crap.

I'm not saying it's wrong,just interested in what drives it as opposed to the far less numbers in the west,a cultural study if you will.

Hope I did not offend you jake.

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Why is there such a huge amount of younger, attractive Thai women without boyfriend or husband?

Because they want to marry up. They don't want a LoSo Thai man of similar age. The "sexy young" motorbike driver or construction worker is not an option.

And because there is only a limited number of Thai men of higher status, there are more women single.

This is basic biology and called "hypergamy".

And that's what many Western men don't understand, grown up in oldfashioned ideas of "equality".

Then comes the older farang into the game. A woman of middle or lower sexual market value (not attractive enough for HiSo Thais) will prefer an older farang over being alone and single. Even a farang which is not the best catch in his home country, can outperform many Thais.

Simple as that. There is always a sufficient supply of younger women, and it doesn't need to be from the bars.

You guys with equalist dreams should take nature as it is.

What makes you believe that the younger, attractive Thai women do not have boyfriends? Because they told you this? I would never suspect a Thai girl capable of telling a lie!

I have many male and female Thai friends who are 18-30. Some of them are on the lowso end of life and some on the hiso end. On the low end, the guys girlfriends all work in bars and go with customers. On the high end, the guys girlfriends go out on dinner dates with foreigners sometimes ending in sex. One of my close friends told me that she was 'seeing' a foreigner for over 6 months trying to marry him while she of course had her real boyfriend (a Thai male) hidden on the side.

How many of us have dealt with cheating spouses or girlfriends (or ourselves being the cheater)? Would you all be so naive as to believe you are exempt from this plague now that you have a sexy young Thai girlfriend/wife?

A better thread would be to poll the current happily married men and see if they ever believed their Thai wife have ever, currently is, or would ever cheat on them! That way we can gauge how delusional the user base is here before moving on to more serious issues.

Seems your saying all thai girls cheat,bit unfair don't you think.

Perhaps if they are not being satisfied on several levels.

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I was hoping we might avoid the 'real Thailand' comments, ah well.

All parts of Thailand are equally 'real'. As are all parts of any country. London, for instance, is very different to, say, the Cotswolds. Both are 'the real England'.

Reality isn't area specific. Things like how people live and behave in societies can not be explained in simple terms, people are complicated, and different.

There is an island in Michigan that smells like horse poop and fudge. That is not the smell of Michigan. Not even close to Detroit or Flint. Is Mackinaw Island the real Michigan? NO. It is an exception to the norm. It has no autos. It has horses. Is horse transportation the real Michigan? NO. It is an exception to the rule.

Is Nana Plaza the real Thailand? NO it is an exception to the rule. Is Pattaya the real Thailand? NO. It is an amusement park designed by drunk sailors for old guys to have another shot at life before they pass on. Pattaya as a whole speaks English pretty well. Does Thailand speak English pretty well? NO of course not. Pattaya is not representative of the whole of Thailand.

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i just see the same <deleted> talk about again and again,

just by newer members,

stick around this will be back again in a few months

I see your point totally,however make no mistake jake unlike the usual trolls itching for a fight I posted for reasons of curiosity as to why it's more prevelent here then in some places.

The age thing itself does not bother me,each to their own and good luck to them,it's more a curiosity thing then a wind up however with so many who do judge I can absolutely see why you may think it's the usual crap.

I'm not saying it's wrong,just interested in what drives it as opposed to the far less numbers in the west,a cultural study if you will.

Hope I did not offend you jake.

It's old. Thai Visa has been mocking old men and younger women for years. The best one was, "

"So Were You Caught Out By Thaivisa April Fools Prank?"



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Be aware , you will get all the genius smart mouth comments that certain farangs like to make. They

Think they are the only intelligent ones around(not all) and just live, from what I see, to make

Their sarcastic comments. You will see as they will come out of the woodwork, commenting on what

I just stated. Just watch. Your better off just looking and not commenting, as they will try to make you

Feel like an idiot.

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