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Legal age of consent in Thailand 16 or 18


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About the guy who say if you don't like to see old man with young girls look somewhere else. I tell you 2 things:

-If I'd see you with an underaged girl in the street I'd punch you in the face.

My daughter and I go to the market almost every evening to buy food for dinner. I guess I will be on the lookout for some psycho to randomly swing on me.

I remember once in Pattaya seeing an expat who was obviously (to me) walking down the street with his daughter. A bunch of foolish tourists kept pointing at him and calling him a kiddy fiddler. At least they did not attack the poor man.

Edited by Ulysses G.
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About the guy who say if you don't like to see old man with young girls look somewhere else. I tell you 2 things:

-If I'd see you with an underaged girl in the street I'd punch you in the face.

My daughter and I go to the market almost every evening to buy food for dinner. I guess I will be on the lookout for some psycho to randomly swing on me.

Let's see who wins that one.

Sent from my Xoom using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

Your answer is even more disturbing: do you have the same attitude with your gf/wife than with your daughter when you out? You know exactly what I meant about my previous post.

Just to point out, in Thailand parents and children are generally much more touchy feely than sexual partners.

The complete opposite to the western world.

Absolutely no problem with my teen daughter, sitting on my lap in public, holding hands, walking along with her arm around me, all in public places.

Many Thais would be horrified if my wife were to show PDAs like that.

Edited by FiftyTwo
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About the guy who say if you don't like to see old man with young girls look somewhere else. I tell you 2 things:

-If I'd see you with an underaged girl in the street I'd punch you in the face.

My daughter and I go to the market almost every evening to buy food for dinner. I guess I will be on the lookout for some psycho to randomly swing on me.

Let's see who wins that one.

Sent from my Xoom using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app



Your answer is even more disturbing: do you have the same attitude with your gf/wife than with your daughter when you out? You know exactly what I meant about my previous post.

I would not presume to know exactly what you meant..I took your statement at face value, and applied it to my circumstances.

As far as my attitude with my daughter vs with my wife while out in the village here? It is pretty much the same with either one; the daughter is more likely to be holding my hand than my wife is.

Why was my answer "even more disturbing''? Because I would respond to your unprovoked violence in a like manner?

Sent from my Xoom using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

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About the guy who say if you don't like to see old man with young girls look somewhere else. I tell you 2 things:

-If I'd see you with an underaged girl in the street I'd punch you in the face.

My daughter and I go to the market almost every evening to buy food for dinner. I guess I will be on the lookout for some psycho to randomly swing on me.

Let's see who wins that one.

Sent from my Xoom using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

Your answer is even more disturbing: do you have the same attitude with your gf/wife than with your daughter when you out? You know exactly what I meant about my previous post.

I would not presume to know exactly what you meant..I took your statement at face value, and applied it to my circumstances.

As far as my attitude with my daughter vs with my wife while out in the village here? It is pretty much the same with either one; the daughter is more likely to be holding my hand than my wife is.

Why was my answer "even more disturbing''? Because I would respond to your unprovoked violence in a like manner?

Sent from my Xoom using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

I think it is a case of,

The Eight-Fold Path of TV-Humiliation


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There's a 28 year old guy in my wife's village who is living with a 14 year old girl in his parents house, both their parents are Ok with it. She's also pregnant with his child.

Personally, I think he's a low life, but no one else seems to think so.

I agree , he is a rock spider .. Make his day telldem...

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Thai Visa just went to a all time low , you cant talk about politics, government , etc etc but you can talk about having sex or suggesting it with young girls . And the sick people who think this is O.K. to have young girls . This Thai Visa has it owns rules and they make me sick to the stomach letting this topic go on . Some people have no morals .

pedophilean adult who is sexually attracted to young children.
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Thai Visa just went to a all time low , you cant talk about politics, government , etc etc but you can talk about having sex or suggesting it with young girls . And the sick people who think this is O.K. to have young girls . This Thai Visa has it owns rules and they make me sick to the stomach letting this topic go on . Some people have no morals .

pedophile an adult who is sexually attracted to young children.


Exactly what I suggested earlier.

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I can only address this as an American national. Every American is subject to US law, worldwide. So, this means if you are caught with a 17 year old, or under, you are subject to U.S. statutory rape law. I hear usually the Thai police will let you off if you are able to come up with 100,000 baht minimum, within 48 hours, if she is 17. But, if 16 or under, you are truly playing with fire. If caught, the Thai police will demand a minimum of 1,000,000 baht, within 48 hours, in cash. And that is if you get one nice enough to let you off. Most will not. I am convinced they are paid a handsome reward by the American authorities to turn you over to them, and I am told EVERY THAI policeman in the country carries the phone number of the American Consulate in their wallet. The US authorities LOVE these crimes. It is their wet dream. The local police will hold you overnight, while an assistant US district attorney flies to Bangkok to pick you up. You will be transported there overnight also, if you are not there already. He will arrest you, take you back to the US in handcuffs on a commercial flight, and you will be charged with statutory rape, in D.C, in a federal court. Unless you have two million dollars or more, to spend on a legal team (comparable to OJ Simpsons team) you will be prosecuted, and you will spend a minimum of 10 years in a federal prison in the US, as a statutory rapist. I hear the inmates are not fond of these guys, so you will make a lot of new friends inside. 


This is one of the most serious crimes you can commit as an American. If you like girls 16 or under, see a hypnotist, psychotherapist, lawyer, or someone, but do not under any circumstances ever consider having sex with one, if you are an American. If you are unsure, ask for ID, and examine it very, very closely. Any doubts, walk away. Unless you are willing to give up your life as you know it, spend all that time in a federal prison, and once released be on several sex offender lists for the rest of your life, and not be allowed to leave the country for years afterwards, due to your probation. Oh, and did I mention getting barred from re-entering Thailand, ever again? Serious prospects, right? Is it worth it, when the country is chock full of gorgeous women of legal age? That is sure a no brainer for me.


These are all absolute facts, that have been triple verified from multiple sources. As an American you are living under fascist rules. I know, as I am under those same rules. And it only appears to be getting worse with Tiny Blundering Barry, the fascist, who I made the terrible mistake of voting for (only the first time thankfully).

Do write fiction for a living? What utter crap!

Sent from my iPad using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

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Thai Visa just went to a all time low , you cant talk about politics, government , etc etc but you can talk about having sex or suggesting it with young girls . And the sick people who think this is O.K. to have young girls . This Thai Visa has it owns rules and they make me sick to the stomach letting this topic go on . Some people have no morals .

pedophile an adult who is sexually attracted to young children.


Exactly what I suggested earlier.

I saw many threads on Thai politics. Read them . TV does not prevent that conversation. I rather not talk about religion and politics but TV allows it, as it should.

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About the guy who say if you don't like to see old man with young girls look somewhere else. I tell you 2 things:

-If I'd see you with an underaged girl in the street I'd punch you in the face.

My daughter and I go to the market almost every evening to buy food for dinner. I guess I will be on the lookout for some psycho to randomly swing on me.

Let's see who wins that one.

Sent from my Xoom using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

Your answer is even more disturbing: do you have the same attitude with your gf/wife than with your daughter when you out? You know exactly what I meant about my previous post.

I would not presume to know exactly what you meant..I took your statement at face value, and applied it to my circumstances.

As far as my attitude with my daughter vs with my wife while out in the village here? It is pretty much the same with either one; the daughter is more likely to be holding my hand than my wife is.

Why was my answer "even more disturbing''? Because I would respond to your unprovoked violence in a like manner?

Sent from my Xoom using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

Sad to know that you fathers here in Thailand can't hold your daughter's hand in public. In USA I would walk with my then 10 year old holding her and even hugging her. The public made no remarks and if they did ... So what ? She is know older than 20 and I still hold her hand when I go visit her.

Do not jump to conclusions people. We need to be responsible citizens. Especially here at TV.

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Raise your daughter right and you shouldn't have to "fear for your daughter".

I do not lie awake at night worrying about things, but all fathers 'fear' for our daughters...that is implicit in our job description. Your statement leads me to believe you do not have a daughter...I might be wrong on that.

That said, I can say with a very high degree of certainty that my daughter is one of the few in her age group that truly understands human biology as it pertains to 'where babies come from'. I taught her, with my wife as translator, when the daughter had her first period. The wife was not on board initially, but I insisted and we got through it. Sure there were some embarrassing moments, but embarrassment never hurt anyone. And a few uncomfortable moments sure beats having a daughter pregnant in her mid-teens due to ignorance.

I also made it clear to the daughter that when the need arises I will supply condoms no questions asked.

Sent from my Xoom using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

you are right on both accounts; i apologize and wish I could take back that statement.

it is natural to fear for your daughter no matter how well you raise her.

No harm, no foul...I did not take your comment as a slight in any way.

I have an 18 year old son from my first marriage. He is a good kid and has no interest in getting into the sort of nonsense that I did at that age. But even if he did, I could relate and handle problems that might arise.

Females are a mystery to us men, regardless of their age.

Sent from my Xoom using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

Quite right too. Any man that claims to "know" all about women is either a liar or an idiot, and visa versa re women and men.

I learned that the hard way, with 26 years in a predominantly female job.

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You can read the legal statutes here - Thailand Criminal Law

I found this in this law:

"Any person, being over sixteen years of age, subsists on the earning of a prostitute, even it is some part of her incomes, shall be punished with imprisonment of seven to twenty years and fined of fourteen thousand to forty thousand Baht, or imprisonment for life.

Any person has no other apparent or sufficient means of subsistence, and:

Is found residing or habitually associating with one or more prostitutes;

Takes board and lodging, or receives money or any other benefit arranged for by a prostitute; or

Take part in order to help any prostitute in her quarrel with her customer,"


I tried to comprehend the meaning of this clause but I almost gave up. Anybody smarter than me?

Does it mean that people in whole strip bar streets should be in jail?

I think that is the part of the law that addresses the role of the pimp

Sent from my Xoom using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

I wonder how long that ( very good ) law has been in use. Pimps were openly working in Thailand back in the 1970s, providing girls to US servicemen.

However, why isn't that law enforced on Thai brothel owners- rhetorical question, as we all know the answer to that.

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So what if she is! As long as she's of legal age, it's legal. That's what a free world is all about. Some people sell their kidney, others their youth.

Not everyone wants to wake up with someone looks like their granny did, and if both parties get what they want, it's no one else's business.

Why don't some people on here have a go at Hugh Heffner, rather than attacking anonymous people on this forum.

Most women dont want to wake up to someone that looks like their granddad, ESPECIALLY young women. However, old geezers know they can come here with the financial upper hand, so can buy younger ass. One can only hope the women get some action on the side from someone less repugnant.

Edited by LaraC
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This has to be the strangest thread on TV.

The legal age of consent in the UK is as follows:

13 years old (Only if both persons are 13 years old) - Technically illegal - No prosecutable

14 years old (Only if male is are 13 or older years old) - Technically illegal - No prosecutable

14 years old (Only if both persons are 13 years old) - Technically illegal - No prosecutable

15 years old (Only if both persons are 13 years old) - Technically illegal - No prosecutable

16 is the legal age of sexual consent (Hetrosexual sex only)

18 years old (Homosexual sex)

So if you engage in sexual intercouse with a 18 year Thai Girl you would not be prosecuted in the UK, other counties do vary.

But that said, this leads me to why I think this tread is preposterous.

Personally, a female in her 30s or even better 40s with hairy armpits, a natural bush and wearing glasses preferably, flicks all of my sexual switches. The question remains why would you want a young girl, they don't bring much to the table, unless of course your into hurting them, which is easier to do when their young an vulnerable, but in my eyes your a paedophile and deserve to have your bits cut off.

Thats my opinion for what its worth.

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Personally, a female in her 30s or even better 40s with hairy armpits, a natural bush and wearing glasses preferably, flicks all of my sexual switches.


Do you reckon there's a market for hairy armpits in Thailand?

Great idea for a theme bar.

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I can only address this as an American national. Every American is subject to US law, worldwide. So, this means if you are caught with a 17 year old, or under, you are subject to U.S. statutory rape law. I hear usually the Thai police will let you off if you are able to come up with 100,000 baht minimum, within 48 hours, if she is 17. But, if 16 or under, you are truly playing with fire. If caught, the Thai police will demand a minimum of 1,000,000 baht, within 48 hours, in cash. And that is if you get one nice enough to let you off. Most will not. I am convinced they are paid a handsome reward by the American authorities to turn you over to them, and I am told EVERY THAI policeman in the country carries the phone number of the American Consulate in their wallet. The US authorities LOVE these crimes. It is their wet dream. The local police will hold you overnight, while an assistant US district attorney flies to Bangkok to pick you up. You will be transported there overnight also, if you are not there already. He will arrest you, take you back to the US in handcuffs on a commercial flight, and you will be charged with statutory rape, in D.C, in a federal court. Unless you have two million dollars or more, to spend on a legal team (comparable to OJ Simpsons team) you will be prosecuted, and you will spend a minimum of 10 years in a federal prison in the US, as a statutory rapist. I hear the inmates are not fond of these guys, so you will make a lot of new friends inside.

This is one of the most serious crimes you can commit as an American. If you like girls 16 or under, see a hypnotist, psychotherapist, lawyer, or someone, but do not under any circumstances ever consider having sex with one, if you are an American. If you are unsure, ask for ID, and examine it very, very closely. Any doubts, walk away. Unless you are willing to give up your life as you know it, spend all that time in a federal prison, and once released be on several sex offender lists for the rest of your life, and not be allowed to leave the country for years afterwards, due to your probation. Oh, and did I mention getting barred from re-entering Thailand, ever again? Serious prospects, right? Is it worth it, when the country is chock full of gorgeous women of legal age? That is sure a no brainer for me.

These are all absolute facts, that have been triple verified from multiple sources. As an American you are living under fascist rules. I know, as I am under those same rules. And it only appears to be getting worse with Tiny Blundering Barry, the fascist, who I made the terrible mistake of voting for (only the first time thankfully).

Do write fiction for a living? What utter crap!

Sent from my iPad using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

You are indeed in denial. I have had this confirmed by both attorneys in the US, and the Thai police here. So, continue living in denial, but do not touch anyone under 18!

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I can only address this as an American national. Every American is subject to US law, worldwide. So, this means if you are caught with a 17 year old, or under, you are subject to U.S. statutory rape law. I hear usually the Thai police will let you off if you are able to come up with 100,000 baht minimum, within 48 hours, if she is 17. But, if 16 or under, you are truly playing with fire. If caught, the Thai police will demand a minimum of 1,000,000 baht, within 48 hours, in cash. And that is if you get one nice enough to let you off. Most will not. I am convinced they are paid a handsome reward by the American authorities to turn you over to them, and I am told EVERY THAI policeman in the country carries the phone number of the American Consulate in their wallet. The US authorities LOVE these crimes. It is their wet dream. The local police will hold you overnight, while an assistant US district attorney flies to Bangkok to pick you up. You will be transported there overnight also, if you are not there already. He will arrest you, take you back to the US in handcuffs on a commercial flight, and you will be charged with statutory rape, in D.C, in a federal court. Unless you have two million dollars or more, to spend on a legal team (comparable to OJ Simpsons team) you will be prosecuted, and you will spend a minimum of 10 years in a federal prison in the US, as a statutory rapist. I hear the inmates are not fond of these guys, so you will make a lot of new friends inside. 


This is one of the most serious crimes you can commit as an American. If you like girls 16 or under, see a hypnotist, psychotherapist, lawyer, or someone, but do not under any circumstances ever consider having sex with one, if you are an American. If you are unsure, ask for ID, and examine it very, very closely. Any doubts, walk away. Unless you are willing to give up your life as you know it, spend all that time in a federal prison, and once released be on several sex offender lists for the rest of your life, and not be allowed to leave the country for years afterwards, due to your probation. Oh, and did I mention getting barred from re-entering Thailand, ever again? Serious prospects, right? Is it worth it, when the country is chock full of gorgeous women of legal age? That is sure a no brainer for me.


These are all absolute facts, that have been triple verified from multiple sources. As an American you are living under fascist rules. I know, as I am under those same rules. And it only appears to be getting worse with Tiny Blundering Barry, the fascist, who I made the terrible mistake of voting for (only the first time thankfully).

Do write fiction for a living? What utter crap!

Sent from my iPad using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app



You are indeed in denial. I have had this confirmed by both attorneys in the US, and the Thai police here. So, continue living in denial, but do not touch anyone under 18!

Dear Spidemike,

You may indeed be right about US law. But to believe that every policeman here carries the phone number of the American consulate in the hope of catching an otherwise innocent (by Thai law) unsuspecting US citizen. And that a DA will then mediately fly to BKK to arrest such person - despite the lack of any real evidence - is IMHO pushing the bounds of possibility.

I could be wrong of course, but seeing as I'm neither a US citizen nor have any real desire to date, or procure, a teenage girl, I'll not be able to test what you say.

Sent from my iPhone using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

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Personally, a female in her 30s or even better 40s with hairy armpits, a natural bush and wearing glasses preferably, flicks all of my sexual switches. The question remains why would you want a young girl, they don't bring much to the table, unless of course your into hurting them, which is easier to do when their young an vulnerable, but in my eyes your a paedophile and deserve to have your bits cut off.

Thats my opinion for what its worth.


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So what if she is! As long as she's of legal age, it's legal. That's what a free world is all about. Some people sell their kidney, others their youth.

Not everyone wants to wake up with someone looks like their granny did, and if both parties get what they want, it's no one else's business.

Why don't some people on here have a go at Hugh Heffner, rather than attacking anonymous people on this forum.

Most women dont want to wake up to someone that looks like their granddad, ESPECIALLY young women. However, old geezers know they can come here with the financial upper hand, so can buy younger ass. One can only hope the women get some action on the side from someone less repugnant.

And what ever happened to individual freedom and choice of adult persons?

The norms favored by most men or women don't matter and are irrelevant.

What matters are the individual choices made by men and women of any (legal) age, not what the mob rule of normalcy wants to prescribe for them.

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This has to be the strangest thread on TV.

The legal age of consent in the UK is as follows:

13 years old (Only if both persons are 13 years old) - Technically illegal - No prosecutable

14 years old (Only if male is are 13 or older years old) - Technically illegal - No prosecutable

14 years old (Only if both persons are 13 years old) - Technically illegal - No prosecutable

15 years old (Only if both persons are 13 years old) - Technically illegal - No prosecutable

16 is the legal age of sexual consent (Hetrosexual sex only)

18 years old (Homosexual sex)

So if you engage in sexual intercouse with a 18 year Thai Girl you would not be prosecuted in the UK, other counties do vary.

But that said, this leads me to why I think this tread is preposterous.

Personally, a female in her 30s or even better 40s with hairy armpits, a natural bush and wearing glasses preferably, flicks all of my sexual switches. The question remains why would you want a young girl, they don't bring much to the table, unless of course your into hurting them, which is easier to do when their young an vulnerable, but in my eyes your a paedophile and deserve to have your bits cut off.

Thats my opinion for what its worth.

You must have looked up old laws.

The Sexual Offences (Amendment) Act 2000, became law in January 2001 throughout the UK, and thus equalised the age of consent at 16 for both heterosexual and homosexual acts.

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13 if they are your wife (with a judges permission)

15 if they are your gf (with parental permission)

20 if they are an employee

Remember, your own countries laws are also in effect, if you ever plan on returning there.

Wow! I want to read the law. Can somebody lead me there? I think 13 is too young but if the law says so then it is incredible. Even 15 leaves me thinking about the judgment of the law makers.

Where is the 18 year old come into play? No parental consent? You throw in employee for kicks?

Check the qge of consent in European countries; 13-15 is about average

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Personally, a female in her 30s or even better 40s with hairy armpits, a natural bush and wearing glasses preferably, flicks all of my sexual switches.


Do you reckon there's a market for hairy armpits in Thailand?

Great idea for a theme bar.

I doubt there is much of a market for 30-40 somethings with glasses and a natural bush

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Personally, a female in her 30s or even better 40s with hairy armpits, a natural bush and wearing glasses preferably, flicks all of my sexual switches.


Do you reckon there's a market for hairy armpits in Thailand?

Great idea for a theme bar.

I doubt there is much of a market for 30-40 somethings with glasses and a natural bush

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Personally, a female in her 30s or even better 40s with hairy armpits, a natural bush and wearing glasses preferably, flicks all of my sexual switches.


Do you reckon there's a market for hairy armpits in Thailand?

Great idea for a theme bar.

I doubt there is much of a market for 30-40 somethings with glasses and a natural bush

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Lets get to something important. How about the age of consent for an Aussie overseas? 16 or 18?

The Australian law for those travelling overseas for the sake of child abuse/exploitation, a child is defined as under 16 years of age. Maximum sentence of 25 years imprisonment. The legislation is the Crimes (Child Sex Tourism) Amendment Act 1994.

Whilst it does not appear to be clear, I assume that consensual sex would be the laws applying in the country of travel. Within Australia the age of consent law varies between States & Territories, circumstances and the nature of the sexual act; refer URL below.


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