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What did your friends and family say when you told them you were moving to Thailand?


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I left Switzerland at 20 and now live in Pattaya now after 45 yrs mostly in the Golden State. I don't even remember if they said anything when I left. They did come and see me several times in Los Angeles, but I suspect only because of free room and board hahhaha. I have a wonderful Issan wife (no I did not meet her in a bar LOL)

I bought 30 Rai in her name of course. Besides the fact that I have no legal rights in Thailand, I have no complaints. Weather is warm, food is good and the wife works hard in her pharmacy. With a little luck the rubber trees will produce in about 3 to 5 years. The only problem is that it is difficult to find staff for both businesses.

Edited by ubonjoe
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As a gay man, and not close to my Christian siblings, they didn't say much. I assume they thought I had pedophile leanings. fell in love with a 49 year old guy. I am 54. Thailand is a great place to live and love.

Not my scene at all but good luck for you.

Amazing amount of people think that being gay is the same as being a pedophile, I have gay friends and they would be very hurt to be classed the same as a pedophile, most pedophiles are straight hetros but have a thing for kids and the only cure is castration with a knife or two bricks not chemical

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44yrs old, all my friends were very envious, and KEEP VISITING - CONSTANTLY !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! &&&&&& several had also moved here from Australia.... For me, the best place to live a relaxed lifestyle,, easy access to the rest of the world! I'm a Jomtien boy 'until stumps'.

Another lover of exclamation marks!!!!!!!!!!! I love question marks?????????? and I see you also like ands &&&&&&&& would you believe some ponce on the forum had a go at me for using too many ???marks can there never be too many?????????????????????????

Edited by pitchag
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I was given a wholesale pack of 200 condoms as a leaving present. That was 21 years ago.....

And as a measure of your "success" and "happiness" here in this wonderful country, how many do you have left? ha ha. Good man, great friends.

Thailand is to the "Farang", what the western world must be for western women: you can get almost everything you want with relative ease.

This is perhaps why it is loathed so much by western women when associated with western men. A toast to the happiness of western men in Thailand and Western women in the west!

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As a gay man, and not close to my Christian siblings, they didn't say much. I assume they thought I had pedophile leanings. fell in love with a 49 year old guy. I am 54. Thailand is a great place to live and love.

Not my scene at all but good luck for you.

Amazing amount of people think that being gay is the same as being a pedophile, I have gay friends and they would be very hurt to be classed the same as a pedophile, most pedophiles are straight hetros but have a thing for kids and the only cure is castration with a knife or two bricks not chemical

I think you might find that your claims are fallacious. Overwhelmingly paedophiles prey on boys - hence - homosexual by definition

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Moved here at 60 years old after working many years in London. My son and daughter were devastated, which very nearly made me change my decision. We spoke many times and they finally accepted that I needed to try for some happier times. I was still a little reluctant on the day I left. Friends showed mixed feelings and despite much talk from them of keeping in contact, just two remain in touch.

Been here for 4 years now, living in the sticks in NW Thailand. Good times yes but also hard times, mostly understanding the culture and rapid mood swings and changing friendship of the Thais. I've had a good run but despite several trips back to England I really do miss my children, so planning to return soon.

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I am retiring there in 2016 at age 55. I don't think it will shock my family or friends since I visited there a couple times a year for the past 10 years or so and I have been talking about retiring there for ages. I am sure most of them think it is for the women and that is partly true..but in all honestly i don't care what they think...my life and my funeral...I'm not sure i will live there the rest of my life though. I would like to live at least a year or so in the Philippines and I would also like to give South America a go...when my health starts to fade I may even head back to my home town in Ohio to punch out on the old time clock.

Sent from my iPad using Thaivisa Connect Thailand

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been on the road for 41 years now..and half as many countries...actually lived over a year in 4 of those, 6 years in Japan, 15 years straight in the Philippines and just a few years in Thailand.

They said nothing...and actually do not care much to hear about it. I force feed them pictures. Actually they just shrug. One brother (a doctor/psychiatrist) says to me "You aren't crazy, you are just stupid and you like bargirls....!!" My girlfriend is not even from the bar...its what they think (that makes them feel better.)...

Free man.

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been on the road for 41 years now..and half as many countries...actually lived over a year in 4 of those, 6 years in Japan, 15 years straight in the Philippines and just a few years in Thailand.

They said nothing...and actually do not care much to hear about it. I force feed them pictures. Actually they just shrug. One brother (a doctor/psychiatrist) says to me "You aren't crazy, you are just stupid and you like bargirls....!!" My girlfriend is not even from the bar...its what they think (that makes them feel better.)...

Free man.

Your brother needs to retake his Psycho exams. sad.png

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been on the road for 41 years now..and half as many countries...actually lived over a year in 4 of those, 6 years in Japan, 15 years straight in the Philippines and just a few years in Thailand.

They said nothing...and actually do not care much to hear about it. I force feed them pictures. Actually they just shrug. One brother (a doctor/psychiatrist) says to me "You aren't crazy, you are just stupid and you like bargirls....!!" My girlfriend is not even from the bar...its what they think (that makes them feel better.)...

Free man.

Your brother needs to retake his Psycho exams. sad.png

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»Well, what did they say???«

They all wished to come and see me...!smile.png

»Perhaps more interesting would be what you said in response?«

You are welcome...!wai2.gif

– And I do see a huge lot more of my friends from “home” after I moved, than I did before; everyone were so busy, but now they have time to relax, cosy talks and a bit of fun.biggrin.png

»How old were you when you decided to make the move?«

Mid fifties – probably the best decision in the World.clap2.gif

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It's just a hunch, but I'm guessing the guys who are berating their countrywomen because of their bodies/appearance are fat slob baldies. giggle.gif

Actually, women in the west are by far much quicker perishables, in mood, manner and looks...

So bald, slob, blob has nothing to do with it on our side of the equation :)

Edited by metaben
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Moved here a couple years ago in my mid 60's. Staying in the US was slowly bankrupting me. Property taxes, high cost of living, cold winters, snow that had to be shoveled and a piss poor government finally got to me. I go back every year or so but as soon as I get off the plane I am thinking about when I can go back. Miss some friends but when I talk to them it is always how they have to work 50+ hours a week to pay the bills, put the kids through college and by things they don't want to impress people they don't care about.

Every once and awhile I will shit them by saying I live in a hut with a dirt floor and an outdoor outhouse just to see the look on their faces. It is priceless.

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They mostly all stated or wondered why in the he** do you want to go there, you have your new Thai wife with you here in the US why go there? and all i said was it's my Karma..My second chance in life as it were, anyway it was my choice to retire early and get back to living away from all the problems of the US and live and let live with someone who really loves me for myself. Anyway I'm here now so and i see everything back in the US has gone to He** just as I had predicted it would.. Just thinking here now any others here doing the same?

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Not for me Ronnie.

Much prefer to live in my home country. Thailand is a nice place to visit for a couple of weeks but living there is not my cup of tea.

Before you all get bent of shape, I have a Thai wife, property in Bangers and a small business up there, but, I will always be a foreigner and that is what I don't like.

I have lived and worked in many countries and have always been accepted and have been treated equally under the law but, not in Thailand!!!!

Anyway, I guess a place is what you make it, up to you biggrin.png


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