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Many females want to be fair skin. Why are they so Prejudice? Or are they?


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The reasons are:

1. Thai women grew up believing that light skin is more beautiful than dark skin.

2. Thai men prefer light skin women.

3. Thai girls idolize Japanese, Chinese, and Korean girls, they want be like them and look like them.

4. In the past, dark skin represents poor or farmer, not sure it still stands now.

So there you have it--the reason.

its about time thai girls got some self pride and quit risking their health for a false idea of beauty

Boy howdy ya all don't know much about women. Brazil had the largest number of cosmetic surgeries per capita and guess what it was for? Breast reduction. 555

South Korea has the highest ratio of cosmetic surgeons to citizens worldwide.

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The reasons are:

1. Thai women grew up believing that light skin is more beautiful than dark skin.

2. Thai men prefer light skin women.

3. Thai girls idolize Japanese, Chinese, and Korean girls, they want be like them and look like them.

4. In the past, dark skin represents poor or farmer, not sure it still stands now.

So there you have it--the reason.

its about time thai girls got some self pride and quit risking their health for a false idea of beauty

Boy howdy ya all don't know much about women. Brazil had the largest number of cosmetic surgeries per capita and guess what it was for? Breast reduction. 555

South Korea has the highest ratio of cosmetic surgeons to citizens worldwide.

so whats your point?

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The reasons are:

1. Thai women grew up believing that light skin is more beautiful than dark skin.

2. Thai men prefer light skin women.

3. Thai girls idolize Japanese, Chinese, and Korean girls, they want be like them and look like them.

4. In the past, dark skin represents poor or farmer, not sure it still stands now.

So there you have it--the reason.

its about time thai girls got some self pride and quit risking their health for a false idea of beauty

Boy howdy ya all don't know much about women. Brazil had the largest number of cosmetic surgeries per capita and guess what it was for? Breast reduction. 555

South Korea has the highest ratio of cosmetic surgeons to citizens worldwide.

so whats your point?

Saying, "its about time thai girls got some self pride and quit risking their health for a false idea of beauty." Is a statement by a person who does not have an inkling of the basic thought process of women. Ladies in Brazil want little hooters. Ladies in Thailand want big ones. Girls in Thailand want white skin and girls in California want tan skin.

When a man finds the true idea of beauty that is accepted by women you let me know. Get it?

When a woman asks you, "do I look fat in this dress" do you tell her the truth or go along with her false idea of beauty? Get it yet?

There are big hipped, big breasted short dark woman with big smiles in a certain part of Thailand that Thai men......... and it goes on and on.

Edited by thailiketoo
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All females desire to be fairer. Even the white ones yes there are many white females that tan themselves but think about this. They are deathly pale. Some white ppl are just deathly pale so they do tan not that they actually want to be black skinned or really tanned or anything it's just that they are so pale on the extreme scale that even if they did tan they wouldn't be dark skinned like a mexican/thai female. Most females of every race desire to be fairer not darker. African females use bleaching for example. Some white females tan cos most of them are so pale anyhow. The ones like say the spanish ones that aren't that dark don't tan.


It is PC reeducation "black is beautiful", but most people in the world don't think so. Even in Africa.

Accept it that everbody here wants to be white. It is normal behaviour, and your Western "critical thinking" is just abnormal.

Nevertheless, whitening cream is crap for your skin. Better stay brown.

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of course I understand WHY they think this way! I'm saying they are risking their health and I dont agree with it! its got nothing to do with "getting it"!!

Risking their health? Laying out in the sun for hours trying to get a tan (as farangs do) is much less healthy than trying to avoid it. As for the lotions they apply, perhaps some can be unhealthy, but most are largely harmless.

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Why do you think it because of?

Care to venture some ideas?

I see you have started 3-4 Threads the last 45 minutes.


Travel2003, is your avatar a rock star or a serial killer? I'm trying to work out who it is?

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of course I understand WHY they think this way! I'm saying they are risking their health and I dont agree with it! its got nothing to do with "getting it"!!

Risking their health? Laying out in the sun for hours trying to get a tan (as farangs do) is much less healthy than trying to avoid it.

That's correct. That's why many farang women of 35 years old look like 50. Years of lying unprotected in the tropical sun does its work. That behaviour is much more irrational than the Thai chicks rave for white skin.

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of course I understand WHY they think this way! I'm saying they are risking their health and I dont agree with it! its got nothing to do with "getting it"!!

OK I'll try again. Women should go to women doctors because women doctors have a clue about what women will and won't do for their health. Men doctors seldom have an inkling about what to say to a woman to make her a healthier person.

The OP said are Thai women Prejudice? Of course not. They are women. Your statement makes as much sense as wishing for the sun not to set or the rain not to fall.

I think you said it because you think you know more about health than Thai women know. Perhaps I'm wrong.

Why did you write, "its about time Thai girls got some self pride and quit risking their health for a false idea of beauty."

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Why do you think it because of?

Care to venture some ideas?

I see you have started 3-4 Threads the last 45 minutes.


Travel2003, is your avatar a rock star or a serial killer? I'm trying to work out who it is?

Not a serial killer.


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of course I understand WHY they think this way! I'm saying they are risking their health and I dont agree with it! its got nothing to do with "getting it"!!

OK I'll try again. Women should go to women doctors because women doctors have a clue about what women will and won't do for their health. Men doctors seldom have an inkling about what to say to a woman to make her a healthier person.

The OP said are Thai women Prejudice? Of course not. They are women. Your statement makes as much sense as wishing for the sun not to set or the rain not to fall.

I think you said it because you think you know more about health than Thai women know. Perhaps I'm wrong.

Why did you write, "its about time Thai girls got some self pride and quit risking their health for a false idea of beauty."

because skin whitening creams are bad for the skin and can lead to HEALTH PROBLEMS!

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Its like one of those naff songs that comes out, everyone groans, you get sick of hearing it, sick of yet another play, yet some people still sing along........this thread is the same.......enjoy, for those that miss it, dont worry it will be back again soon......

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Should the question not be ... why do young Swedish Back Packers bask in the glory of the sun on the Beaches of Thailand chasing that elusive Sun Tan?

Me thinks the OP actually knows the answer to his question, but is providing us good folk with a discussion invectivé.

I, for one, will pass on this subject as I have more interesting things to absorb my Sunday.

A good Sunday morning coffee is a great start ... coffee1.gif


Well, well, well. Thank you for your input. Many an opinion has an answer which may have not being solidly formulated and hence in need of Thai visa people. Hope you enjoy your next coffee.

Keep your partner tanned.

In every society, EVERY SOCIETY, there is a standard of feminine beauty. You don't have to understand it or even agree with it, but the women in that society will strive to achieve it.

In the US for example, there's an obsession with being thin. I know, I know, many try but fail to achieve it. Nevertheless, there are many women who do unhealthy things to attain this. Are they prejudice against obese people? I don't think the thought really crosses their mind. It's more about trying to achieve what society considers beautiful.

If you were in America and trying to convince your girlfriend that fat is beautiful, do you think she will believe you? You're doing the same with your GF in Thailand.

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OK I'll try again. Women should go to women doctors because women doctors have a clue about what women will and won't do for their health. Men doctors seldom have an inkling about what to say to a woman to make her a healthier person.

The OP said are Thai women Prejudice? Of course not. They are women. Your statement makes as much sense as wishing for the sun not to set or the rain not to fall.

I think you said it because you think you know more about health than Thai women know. Perhaps I'm wrong.

Why did you write, "its about time Thai girls got some self pride and quit risking their health for a false idea of beauty."

because skin whitening creams are bad for the skin and can lead to HEALTH PROBLEMS!

Ergo since skin whitening creams are sold in the millions you know more about health than Asian/Thai women.

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Its like one of those naff songs that comes out, everyone groans, you get sick of hearing it, sick of yet another play, yet some people still sing along........this thread is the same.......enjoy, for those that miss it, dont worry it will be back again soon......

Its like a bloody ABBA song, YMCA (Village People).

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of course I understand WHY they think this way! I'm saying they are risking their health and I dont agree with it! its got nothing to do with "getting it"!!

Risking their health? Laying out in the sun for hours trying to get a tan (as farangs do) is much less healthy than trying to avoid it.

That's correct. That's why many farang women of 35 years old look like 50. Years of lying unprotected in the tropical sun does its work. That behaviour is much more irrational than the Thai chicks rave for white skin.

So true. And tanning not only leads to premature aging, but skin cancer as well.

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OK I'll try again. Women should go to women doctors because women doctors have a clue about what women will and won't do for their health. Men doctors seldom have an inkling about what to say to a woman to make her a healthier person.

The OP said are Thai women Prejudice? Of course not. They are women. Your statement makes as much sense as wishing for the sun not to set or the rain not to fall.

I think you said it because you think you know more about health than Thai women know. Perhaps I'm wrong.

Why did you write, "its about time Thai girls got some self pride and quit risking their health for a false idea of beauty."

because skin whitening creams are bad for the skin and can lead to HEALTH PROBLEMS!

Ergo since skin whitening creams are sold in the millions you know more about health than Asian/Thai women.

lol! lots of stuff sold is bad for health! www.nhs.uk/Livewell/skin/Pages/Skinlightening.aspx

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Its to do with fair skin being seen as a sign of affluence, i.e. not working outside in the sun. Nothing to do with racism at all.

Yes, Thorstein Veblen, arguably the most insightful American economist of all time, explored this concept in his classic "Theory of the Leisure Class". Fair skin, clothing accoutrements that could not possibly be worn doing manual work, all are outwardly displayed signs of belonging to the leisure class. But in Thailand there is certainly an underlying, unspoken racial undertone as the poorer people tend to be darker skinned ethnic Tais while the ruling class tends to be lighter skinned Sino-Thais. Just watch, under duress as if often the case, any Thai soap opera or popular movie to see which characters are lighter skinned (leading roles) and which characters are darker skinned (servants and secondary roles).

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IN MY OPINION.. peasants work in fields and get tanned. Therefore if you are tanned you are a peasant. I can't quite work out why people that are very obviously peasants also try to keep the sun off, by masking themselves like highway men. Things have gone overboard and the idea of getting the skin complexion to the same tint as a Hi-So lady that never goes out of doors has been lost, many now seem to want to look like ghosts. Wearing a hat is also a symbol of being a peasant, so, no hats, laptops are for instance often used keep the sun off. My dark skinned wife looks very fetching with a hat, but there you are, it's not in fashion. Same thing in Cambodia.

Don't forget that the same thing happened in Europe a hundred years or so ago, ladies had their parasols as an accessory, tanning was for peasants until it became an indication that someone had been in sunny climes in winter, very expensive when I was a kid.

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very simple. because hey have been told from birth that white skin is more beautiful and dark skin is ugly.

funny thing is its true. I just dont seen good looking dark skin thai girls.

Normally means you are buying the racial and ethnic stereotyping of the Thais themselves. I have a barber who came from China and brought a dog with him. His dog bred with a Thai dog of the lady who makes noodles next to his shop. They had Chinese/Thai puppies. I guess I should put the rest in the pet forum. Same place for your post.

Edited by thailiketoo
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Farang women want to look Thai, they pay oooooooooodles of cash to do it. Soooooo go figure. coffee1.gif

they don't want to look thai, SOME just want sun tanned skin but that doesn't mean they want to look Thai. Just like how Thai women don't look farang when they pay so much money for white skin.

So much trolling!

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Farang women want to look Thai, they pay oooooooooodles of cash to do it. Soooooo go figure. coffee1.gif

they don't want to look thai, SOME just want sun tanned skin but that doesn't mean they want to look Thai. Just like how Thai women don't look farang when they pay so much money for white skin.

So much trolling!

cheesy.gif ..............................cheesy.gif ............gawd...................coffee1.gif

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I agree with somsrisonphimai ( long name dude!)

Not only does dark skin mean a poor person who has to labor in the sun all day to survive,

white skin means a wealthy person who doesn't need to work or one who is well paid to work indoors in an office and out of the sun all day.

Long ago, Europe had the same values,

The well off would use white powders to make their completion even lighter. (As well as for covering up sours from venereal diseases)

Let's take it a step further and look at women all over the world who paint their lips red, cheeks pink eye lids different colors, color their hair and wear garments that push and pull their bodies into unnatural shapes.


Most women are very insecure about their appearance and go to great lengths and pains to look like something they are not.

This is done ,not necessarily to attract men, but to please themselves and each other.

Idea for a new thread: Men, Thai men and why most color their hair when the first gray hair shows up!

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Its to do with fair skin being seen as a sign of affluence, i.e. not working outside in the sun. Nothing to do with racism at all.

Yes, Thorstein Veblen, arguably the most insightful American economist of all time, explored this concept in his classic "Theory of the Leisure Class". Fair skin, clothing accoutrements that could not possibly be worn doing manual work, all are outwardly displayed signs of belonging to the leisure class. But in Thailand there is certainly an underlying, unspoken racial undertone as the poorer people tend to be darker skinned ethnic Tais while the ruling class tends to be lighter skinned Sino-Thais. Just watch, under duress as if often the case, any Thai soap opera or popular movie to see which characters are lighter skinned (leading roles) and which characters are darker skinned (servants and secondary roles).

And many are half Thai and half farang...lighter skin and a "tall nose"!

maybe my beautiful daughter will be a soap star and support me in my old age?? cheesy.gif

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