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Police fear violence today

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Police fear violence today
The Sunday Nation

clashes expected as thousands of reds, anti-govt protesters set to join rallies

BANGKOK: -- Clashes are expected today as thousands of government supporters and protesters convene in Bangkok for rival gatherings, as former Democrat MP Suthep Thaugsuban announced yesterday that different groups were getting together to "root out the Thaksin regime".

At the Democracy Monument protest site, Suthep ushered a group of academics, representatives of labour unions from state enterprises, members of the Silom business community, political activists among others to stage in front of thousands of cheering protesters.

The group on stage also included leaders of the People's Army to Overthrow the Thaksin Regime and the Network of People and Students for Thailand's Reform, who have been holding separate rallies in Bangkok to voice their opposition to the government-backed controversial amnesty bill and the so-called Thaksin regime.

The move came on the eve of a so-called "million-man march" planned today by Suthep and other protest leaders.

However, police said they only expected about 70,000 people to show up.

Pol Maj-General Piya Uthayo, spokesperson for the Centre for the Administration of Peace and Order, however, said that there may be attempts to spark violence between the two groups of protesters.

Rapid response teams

Piya said 40 teams of rapid-response police officers had been set up to deal with the situation tomorrow. Police will also be patrolling nine key spots around the capital more frequently, he said, adding that security personnel had three objectives: ensuring the safety of demonstrators, the general public and facilitating traffic flow.

Meanwhile, red-shirt leaders have called on supporters to gather at Rajamangala Stadium from today in order to deal with what is expected to be a massive gathering of anti-government protesters tomorrow. The protesters are expected to split into 12 groups around Bangkok.

Red-shirt co-leader Jatuporn Promphan told the press yesterday that this decision was made in order to bring red-shirt supporters to the capital from upcountry so as to protected Prime Minister Yingluck Shinawatra's elected government. He acknowledged that the anti-government protesters will increase in numbers today and hence, red shirts should be ready to descend on Bangkok today for a prolonged fight as the other group was already closing in on Government House. "We're not going to let Suthep take over Thailand," he said.

Separately, chairperson of the red-shirt Democratic Alliance against Democracy, Thida Thawornseth, called on vocational students to abandon the Democrat party-led protest, saying that the former Abhist Vejjajiva-led government never supported vocational schools and in fact, wanted to shut them down. She said it was time for the students to choose between backward conservative forces and progressive democratic ones.

Anurat Thinwad, chairman of the Isaan red-shirt sector, said 30,000 people were ready to descend on the capital no later than 2pm today. Red-shirt leaders from Pathum Thani said yesterday that they would be bringing more than 10,000 people to Rajamangala Stadium today.

The Chiang Mai 51 group had readied 150 buses last night to bring red-shirt protesters to Bangkok today. They also protested against the Constitutional Court ruling on Wednesday by burning a coffin.

Meanwhile, the anti-government STR group has moved closer toward the Government House and is now occupying the Nang Lerng intersection, which is just a few minutes by foot from the prime minister's office. They were told by a senior police officer that they were violating the Internal Security Act and could face a year in prison and/or a fine of Bt20,000. The officer, who was booed away by the crowds, later returned to present a letter of warning to the protest leader.

-- The Nation 2013-11-24

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Meanwhile, red-shirt leaders have called on supporters to gather at Rajamangala Stadium from today in order to deal with what is expected to be a massive gathering of anti-government protesters tomorrow. The protesters are expected to split into 12 groups around Bangkok.

Red-shirt co-leader Jatuporn Promphan told the press yesterday that this decision was made in order to bring red-shirt supporters to the capital from upcountry so as to protected Prime Minister Yingluck Shinawatra's elected government. He acknowledged that the anti-government protesters will increase in numbers today and hence, red shirts should be ready to descend on Bangkok today for a prolonged fight as the other group was already closing in on Government House. "We're not going to let Suthep take over Thailand," he said.

So they have called in the red paramilitaries than. I was wondering when that would happen.

Someone ought to remind these idiots that only PEACEFUL protests are legal in Thailand. The DSI should now arrest all the red shirt leaders involved..... no wait!

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Just wondered how police rapid response teams were going to be getting around BKK.

Would be difficult enough on an ordinary day.

The bus companies are going to be doing well out of this.

How many does it take to carry 30,000?

There will be a solid line of busses from BKK to everywhere.

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"They were told by a senior police officer that they were violating the Internal Security Act and could face a year in prison and/or a fine of Bt20,000. The officer, who was booed away by the crowds, later returned to present a letter of warning to the protest leader."

Beware of the power of idiots in large numbers. On either side of the spectrum...

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"Jatuporn Promphan told the press yesterday that this decision was made in order to bring red-shirt supporters to the capital from upcountry so as to protected Prime Minister Yingluck Shinawatra's elected government."

So he's saying that the police aren't capable of protecting the govt from "The Whistlers"...

Interestingly enough, the Police weren't capable of doing their jobs in 2010 either. Might want to sack the corrupt lot of them and start over again and pay them a half way decent salary as a first step.

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All the articles I read (including this one) just talk about "Thousands" of protesters. Am I to assume that this is less than about 40,000 ?

usually they would talk about "tens of thousands"... or "hundreds of thousands"

so,, "thousands" is pretty far from a Million.

I would be pretty interested to know these things: Does anyone know where to find this information:

(1) Where can we find out "up to the minute" details on how many people are there at the Rally ?

(2) What time is the march?

(3) What route is the march?

Edited by easybullet3
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The precedent was set a long time ago that these groups could take over any area of the city that they want to, stay as long as they want to, and raise as much hell as they want to, so no there isn't much the police can do. If the police do anything they are trampling on the right to mess up everybody else's life because they feel like it.

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All the articles I read (including this one) just talk about "Thousands" of protesters. Am I to assume that this is less than about 40,000 ?

usually they would talk about "tens of thousands"... or "hundreds of thousands"

so,, "thousands" is pretty far from a Million.

I would be pretty interested to know these things: Does anyone know where to find this information:

(1) Where can we find out "up to the minute" details on how many people are there at the Rally ?

(2) What time is the march?

(3) What route is the march?

Nobody is going to ever be able to give you a true count of how many are there, they don't line up neatly to be counted.

As an example is the recent red rally at the sports stadium where the red leaders said there was 60.000 there. the police said 20,000 and independent reports put the number at between 1,500 and 2,000, so take your pick.

As for 2 and 3 , I doubt anyone but Suthep and the rest of the organisers now that, that is the idea of course, keep them guessing.

I think it is on live on tele, blue sky, channel 11 I think.

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None (neither side) have the collective IQ of a 'dandelion' but that said the 'square face man' must take all responsibility (that's an oxymoron) for inciting all of the violence

facing the nation, from the safety of his armchair in the UAE. And the masses are too stupid to see what is happening.....bah.gifcoffee1.gif

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I can remember the carnage that occurred at motorway services in England whenever some rival football fans met. Can't imagine it will be pleasant if rival groups meet on the outskirts of Bangkok, let alone inside Bangkok, but this is Thailand and they probably sit down and share some food, bid each other farewell and then insult each other as they drive off in different directions.

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"Meanwhile, the anti-government STR group has moved closer toward the Government House and is now occupying the Nang Lerng intersection, which is just a few minutes by foot from the prime minister's office. They were told by a senior police officer that they were violating the Internal Security Act and could face a year in prison and/or a fine of Bt20,000. The officer, who was booed away by the crowds, later returned to present a letter of warning to the protest leader."

Is it me or is Thailand starting to sound like a Monty Python skit?

Police: Your violating the Internal security Act

Red Mob: Oh no were not

Police: You will have to move

Red Mob: Oh no we don't

Police: I wont tell you again

Red Mobe: Booo Boo booo

Police: Well we will be off then

Thank heavens they didn't blow their whistles at the BiB, he would have been out-numbered, and had to call-in an airstrike from the DSI ! laugh.png

One hopes things will remain peaceful, and that faux-PM Yingluck finally takes the hint, but I suspect that another family-member stands ready in the wings, for her 15-minutes to arrive.

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"Red-shirt co-leader Jatuporn Promphan told the press yesterday that this decision was made in order to bring red-shirt supporters to the capital from upcountry so as to protected Prime Minister Yingluck Shinawatra's elected government."

Q. Do they need to bring their own can of petrol or will it be supplied on site this time?

"(2) What time is the march?"

A. Thai time: Strictly anytime between 3.00pm yesterday and 4.00am Wednesday or when they say 'we go now!' so please be punctual.

Edited by ThaiFelix
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"Jatuporn Promphan told the press yesterday that this decision was made in order to bring red-shirt supporters to the capital from upcountry so as to protected Prime Minister Yingluck Shinawatra's elected government."

So he's saying that the police aren't capable of protecting the govt from "The Whistlers"...

Interestingly enough, the Police weren't capable of doing their jobs in 2010 either. Might want to sack the corrupt lot of them and start over again and pay them a half way decent salary as a first step.

Well I agree with none of your post. Pay them a decent salary not a half way decent one.

As for sacking the lot of them. Why? There are many good policeman but we don't like to talk about them on Thai Visa.

We prefer the negative view. Yes I admit I have often been negative but in reality it is against the superior's who call the shots.

Like in 2010 there was more than likely many police officer's willing to do their duty it was the superior's who said no.

Moderators is it OK for me to say some thing nice about the police. I realize it is hard to not generalize but there really is some fine officers who will do what their corrupt superior's tell them to do. They really have no choice.

I'm afraid your defence of the poor souls having no choice but to follow orders was previously tried at Nuremburg...........................

Of course they had a choice - they just chose the easiest option.

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