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RE: Bangkok post op/ed 'Don't Thai to me' Have you heard it?


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This is going around the Thai social media websites now. Even was reported in the Bangkok Post the other day. Hard to argue with when even the finance minister admits to telling porkies.

Sorry, my British, Australian, NZ, S.African English is no up to date.

Perhaps someone could replace the term "porkies" to something more internationally standard, as in North American English?


North American English is hardly internationally standard. It is a uniquely self-absorbed sub-dialect of real English. <deleted> you can't even spell.

Try explaining difference between "I quite like it" and "I quite like it" to non-native speaker.... At least Americans can pronounce foreign names somewhat as should be, such as Hunta for Junta, not like BBC reader who said Junta.... US English is international standard. And we say "derby" with "er" not "ar" sound.

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This is going around the Thai social media websites now. Even was reported in the Bangkok Post the other day. Hard to argue with when even the finance minister admits to telling porkies.

Sorry, my British, Australian, NZ, S.African English is no up to date.

Perhaps someone could replace the term "porkies" to something more internationally standard, as in North American English?


North American English is hardly internationally standard. It is a uniquely self-absorbed sub-dialect of real English. <deleted> you can't even spell.

Well, I used to do translations for the INTERNATIONAL English speaking market (English to English) and when I was dealing with original content from British writers, a key priority was to STRIP OUT all British specific usage including spelling. I think that American English is actually much closer to the international standard. Porkies is DEFINITELY not standard international English. Obviously clear Americanisms also don't belong in international English. Cheerio!

Edited by Jingthing
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This is going around the Thai social media websites now. Even was reported in the Bangkok Post the other day. Hard to argue with when even the finance minister admits to telling porkies.

Sorry, my British, Australian, NZ, S.African English is no up to date.

Perhaps someone could replace the term "porkies" to something more internationally standard, as in North American English?


North American English is hardly internationally standard. It is a uniquely self-absorbed sub-dialect of real English. <deleted> you can't even spell.

Try explaining difference between "I quite like it" and "I quite like it" to non-native speaker.... At least Americans can pronounce foreign names somewhat as should be, such as Hunta for Junta, not like BBC reader who said Junta.... US English is international standard. And we say "derby" with "er" not "ar" sound.

Time for those Brit Porkies to hone up their speaking skills. I can't understand a work either. Sounds like Korean.

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This is going around the Thai social media websites now. Even was reported in the Bangkok Post the other day. Hard to argue with when even the finance minister admits to telling porkies.

Sorry, my British, Australian, NZ, S.African English is no up to date.

Perhaps someone could replace the term "porkies" to something more internationally standard, as in North American English?


North American English is hardly internationally standard. It is a uniquely self-absorbed sub-dialect of real English. <deleted> you can't even spell.

Wrong. Most non-native people of the world speak more like Americans than Brits. Own up.

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This is going around the Thai social media websites now. Even was reported in the Bangkok Post the other day. Hard to argue with when even the finance minister admits to telling porkies.

Sorry, my British, Australian, NZ, S.African English is no up to date.

Perhaps someone could replace the term "porkies" to something more internationally standard, as in North American English?


North American English is hardly internationally standard. It is a uniquely self-absorbed sub-dialect of real English. <deleted> you can't even spell.

Well, I used to do translations for the INTERNATIONAL English speaking market (English to English) and when I was dealing with original content from British writers, a key priority was to STRIP OUT all British specific usage including spelling. I think that American English is actually much closer to the international standard. Porkies is DEFINITELY not standard international English. Obviously clear Americanisms also don't belong in international English. Cheerio!

Yeah, I create content for websites and it just depends on the market--they will request what they want, usually uk or us, but sometimes they specify australia, etc. It just depends who will most likely be reading it. We are lucky to speak a language with so much variety based on its history--more fun things to learn.

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If this is what people are saying about Thailand then, heaven forbid, if they were ever unfortunate enough to go to Vietnam. Lying, cheating and stealing are the national pastimes.

I've lived in Vietnam for the last 8 years, after 5 years in Thailand.

In my experience Thai people are infinitely more adept at lying, cheating and stealing than Vietnamese people.

Is your view based on experience of hearsay?

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The lack of civili, dishonesty, moral decay, hate, bigotry, greed,etc. are alive and well around the world. It does not seem to be a uniquely Thai phenomenon.

Fortunately, consideration, honesty, decency, love, tolerance, generosity, etc. are also alive and well and in greater quantities.

"The names and hurtful slang we fabricate and employ are constructed to destroy the user".

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If this is what people are saying about Thailand then, heaven forbid, if they were ever unfortunate enough to go to Vietnam. Lying, cheating and stealing are the national pastimes.

I have lived in many Asian countries, lying is an accepted part of life wherever I've been. I'm no longer a fan of Thailand or its' people, but they are no different when it comes to lying to Vietnamese, Chinese, Filipinos, Cambodians, malaysians or Singaporeans.

When I moved to the Philippines years ago, a friend said it must be a welcome change from TL. My response was, 'indeed, here they can lie, cheat and steal fluently in English'......and they could teach the Thais a trick or two.

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Makes me laugh when I hear things like this,

The part of Europe I come from, not alone would you not dare to leave out tables,chairs pots plants etc., etc., etc., they even steal National Monuments if there's a hint of metal in them. My friend at home recently told me they have now taken to stealing the plants growing in your front garden....the first palace to start looking for them would be in some Sunday market. As for plant machinery on building sites....well that's another long story...I could go on for a very long time but I have to go out now. As they say....they would take the eye out of your head....and come back later for the eyebrows.....so....please, leave Thailand alone.

Doesn't have the decency to tell us the name of your country. Are they roma ppl?

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Makes me laugh when I hear things like this,

The part of Europe I come from, not alone would you not dare to leave out tables,chairs pots plants etc., etc., etc., they even steal National Monuments if there's a hint of metal in them. My friend at home recently told me they have now taken to stealing the plants growing in your front garden....the first palace to start looking for them would be in some Sunday market. As for plant machinery on building sites....well that's another long story...I could go on for a very long time but I have to go out now. As they say....they would take the eye out of your head....and come back later for the eyebrows.....so....please, leave Thailand alone.

Doesn't have the decency to tell us the name of your country. Are they roma ppl?

You think it would be "decency" to name my country after pointing some not so nice things about it.....I call it "loyalty" for not naming it.

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This is going around the Thai social media websites now. Even was reported in the Bangkok Post the other day. Hard to argue with when even the finance minister admits to telling porkies.

Sorry, my British, Australian, NZ, S.African English is no up to date.

Perhaps someone could replace the term "porkies" to something more internationally standard, as in North American English?


North American English is hardly internationally standard. It is a uniquely self-absorbed sub-dialect of real English. <deleted> you can't even spell.

What a load of pony!


A load of what?

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In Thailand there are as many honest people as in Singapoor or Hong Kong or whatever the next place is going to be with a superior feeling. There they say don't Thai to me. Here they say don't Lao to me. People just like to point a finger at each other and talk sh_t without realizing that they are not any better. In my country we say: wherever the <removed> you come from just come clean and you'll be fine.

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