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PM Yingluck calls on intruders to withdraw from state building


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PM Yingluck calls on intruders to withdraw from state building
By English News


BANGKOK, Nov 26 – Prime Minister Yingluck Shinawatra today pleaded with anti-government protesters not to intrude into government buildings, an act which is detrimental to tourism and the international community’s confidence in Thailand.

She made the request after former Democrat MP Suthep Thaugsuban led demonstrators in seizing the Finance Ministry. Ms Yingluck said she had never expected such an incident.

The demonstrators have repeatedly announced that they would rally peacefully and refrain from intruding into government buildings, she said.

Calling on the demonstrators’ cooperation, she said a no-confidence debate is scheduled for tomorrow and opponents should use Parliament as a forum to check the government.

“Intrusion into a government building resulted in damages and confidence in Thailand. I extend my moral support to to officials on guard at the building,” she said.

She gave assurances that the seizure of the Finance Ministry will not affect the civil servants’ daily work but “I don’t want this to happen.”

“This is the month of tourism. Lots of tourists travel to Thailand. I don’t want to see a negative impact on Thailand’s overall economy,” she said.

The prime minster said there are laws to deal with such an intrusion, and that security authorities will take into consideration whether they would escalate their peace-keeping actions to cope with the situation. (MCOT online news)

-- TNA 2013-11-26

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PM Yingluck calls on intruders to withdraw from state building

I believe that this is essentially what Suthep is also calling for ... although in his case he is calling for one particular intruder, who also happens to be a fugitive criminal, to withdraw from state affairs ...!!

I'm afraid that you simply cannot get away with a statement like this after what you've been doing to the country for two years...!!

"I don’t want to see a negative impact on Thailand’s overall economy,” she said.

And just to finish off, a very thinly disguised threat against peaceful protesters, whilst showing obvious favor for those who would care to cause disturbances at their peaceful rallies ....

Note another favored word of the Red Shirt thugs .... "escalate"...!!

"The prime minster said there are laws to deal with such an intrusion, and that security authorities will take into consideration whether they would escalate their peace-keeping actions to cope with the situation".

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Madame PM.

The message is loud and clear.

The opposition tried to debate in the house and your bulldogs wouldn't let them.

Your members cheated in the house with their voting

They tried to wipe out an astronomical number of convictions benefiting you and your family

You allowed democracy to fail - you were a large part of it's failure

Now The people are fed up with your family being in politics

I think the writing is pretty much on the wall. Can anyone honestly imagine YL and co being able to run a functioning government, even if the demonstrators packed up and went home. I think its pretty much game over.

If she is confident about her support base she should call an election. That would shut the Dems up and give her another four years (instead of the 2 which remain on her current term).

On another note - reported on Thai TV news this morning that over 50 buildings have been occupied in Bkk

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"... tourism and international community’s confidence in Thailand."

She needs to worry about what is really detrimental to the Thai people and Thai confidence in Thailand before she worries about what tourists and the international community think.

I agree 100%.

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Madame PM.

The message is loud and clear.

The opposition tried to debate in the house and your bulldogs wouldn't let them.

Your members cheated in the house with their voting

They tried to wipe out an astronomical number of convictions benefiting you and your family

You allowed democracy to fail - you were a large part of it's failure

Now The people are fed up with your family being in politics

And for all the red shirt sympathisers, they should read this above post. This is in a nutshell (plus the financial impact of the rice pledging) is why people have taken to the streets. If a Western government had done the same as the list above there would be riots too.

How can they say they want democracy and reconciliation when they won't allow the opposition a fair say and they cheat with voting? Amazes me that some people can't see through their lies and believe they are genuine. Mind boggling.

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it seams to me she was concerned about the revenue from tourism and the negative effect it could have on the economy should tourism suffer, NOT what Tourists think

"... tourism and international community’s confidence in Thailand."

She needs to worry about what is really detrimental to the Thai people and Thai confidence in Thailand before she worries about what tourists and the international community think.

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so many here love to cry out loudly with, the RED THUGS, building invaders, law breakers, beating any one with a different view,

speakers signaling out (reporter) for a beating,

So let the back peddling begin,,, OR do you now condone this behavior?

Red protesters burned buildings down, executed some of the people they mobbed, launched grenades and used automatic weapons.

The same is it?

Did you just get off the plane or are you just clueless about recent history?

You forgot to mention that the "red thugs" demanded money from people who tried to get to their homes each day.

My friend was asked for 100 baht every time he tried to get in and out of his road. He ended up moving away for a few weeks.

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Madame PM.

The message is loud and clear.

The opposition tried to debate in the house and your bulldogs wouldn't let them.

Your members cheated in the house with their voting

They tried to wipe out an astronomical number of convictions benefiting you and your family

You allowed democracy to fail - you were a large part of it's failure

Now The people are fed up with your family being in politics

PS. please don't let Suthep have his way or we are all in serious trouble!

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Madame PM.

The message is loud and clear.

The opposition tried to debate in the house and your bulldogs wouldn't let them.

Your members cheated in the house with their voting

They tried to wipe out an astronomical number of convictions benefiting you and your family

You allowed democracy to fail - you were a large part of it's failure

Now The people are fed up with your family being in politics

Now The people are fed up with your family being in politics

Thanks for the comedy.

The next general election will see you off to Manila

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Madame PM.

The message is loud and clear.

The opposition tried to debate in the house and your bulldogs wouldn't let them.

Your members cheated in the house with their voting

They tried to wipe out an astronomical number of convictions benefiting you and your family

You allowed democracy to fail - you were a large part of it's failure

Now The people are fed up with your family being in politics

Now The people are fed up with your family being in politics

Thanks for the comedy.

The next general election will see you off to Manila

I wouldn't be so sure about that

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Madame PM.

The message is loud and clear.

The opposition tried to debate in the house and your bulldogs wouldn't let them.

Your members cheated in the house with their voting

They tried to wipe out an astronomical number of convictions benefiting you and your family

You allowed democracy to fail - you were a large part of it's failure

Now The people are fed up with your family being in politics

Now The people are fed up with your family being in politics

Thanks for the comedy.

The next general election will see you off to Manila

Hope not

Manila sure doesn't need more problems.....

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Yingluck was quoted (translated) "Would you nice people kindly not occupy our government building please please, you know we have urgent business to discuss here, regarding getting new executive SL500 motorcars for my friends and I want my daddy -sob sob- and worst of all my coffee is getting cold, don't you hate that when it happens?

This is true... go ask her if you don't believe me.

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Where are all the other ministers.

Yingluck seems to be front and centre for everything

First time for everything.

Further, why is nutawoot there, he's not a full minister and not a long-term person. Surely this particular meeting should be all senior long-serving ministers and only those specific to security etc. matters.

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