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Thai political protests turn violent, one dead

Lite Beer

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The army will not turn out for a coup... they are in Thaksins pocket now. Your chosen side has assasinated many innocent people before...so a couple more what prick your conscience. Very vociferous for your first 2 posts. Surprised you have not posted before...

Please give evidence where anyone but the reds or the army have killed people since say ... 2009?

The army killed on the instruction of the government of the day. Abhisit 2010 (only if you believe he was the leader and not just a puppet)

Again, please hand your evidence to the DSI. They really need it.

The orders will have been put in writing and many people will have a copy. Nobody is going to instuct his soldiers to shoot to kill without the orders in his back pocket. It will come out at the trial...Over to you

Yet out of all those people with a copy of the written orders, none have sent an anonymous copy to any newspaper or the DSI. Even you must find that strange :-)

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It's borderline retarded. Spend millions bussing in "red shirts" as a demonstration of support for the current despots ru(i)nning the show, then allow it all to be massively overshadowed by shooting and killing students from a nearby university who dare oppose your presence.

The red/Thaksin cheerleaders on this forum - you clearly have your work cut out.

Partisans are going to play this for proganda, though whether you can really call it propaganda when it's so driven by hatred and blindness that people actually believe it (propaganda is usually more cynical)... I don't see how your post gets away from that. I think it's part of it. Just don't see how you can be so black and white about this and point the finger at reds alone. Can't you see that this is a nasty and childish game that neither side is going to win?

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...They bring yellow thugs from south thailand. You know the muslims terrorist, as some of you like to label them. And you wonder its turn nasty.

It seems that also, you hate the truth... pretty sure that a lot of your violent hired yellow thugs from south are also muslim, and it seems now that you have a

problem with this!

As I said earlier, I would like to address the original statement you made first, since that was what I questioned. I wish to do this because I would like to determine whether you can have a reasonable and balanced discussion. So, for the third and final time, did you make it up, or do you have some evidence that made you state it as fact earlier on, and something you're 'pretty sure' about now?


so for the final time, i will clarify my terms and add the fact that your yellow terrorist might be muslim is just a detail.

South Thailand is a tiny area, 5 provinced of south Thailand are mostly muslim, while the others 8 might be "mostly" budhist.

I repeat for the 5th time, the yellow terrorist might be for some muslim and for some budhist, its just a detail. At the end, they are all thugs!

But oh god, how weird!

And when you know how much the deep south do hate Thaksin Shinawatra after the TaiBak tragedy, i will not be surprised, if some

of your yellow terrorist boy are also muslims but that just a details.

ps; funny, when you do look at the map, that your yellow boy dont come also from the others part of the country... well there is not so much

muslim in chiang mai...thumbsup.gif

Edited by Bender
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It's borderline retarded. Spend millions bussing in "red shirts" as a demonstration of support for the current despots ru(i)nning the show, then allow it all to be massively overshadowed by shooting and killing students from a nearby university who dare oppose your presence.

The red/Thaksin cheerleaders on this forum - you clearly have your work cut out.

Partisans are going to play this for proganda, though whether you can really call it propaganda when it's so driven by hatred and blindness that people actually believe it (propaganda is usually more cynical)... I don't see how your post gets away from that. I think it's part of it. Just don't see how you can be so black and white about this and point the finger at reds alone. Can't you see that this is a nasty and childish game that neither side is going to win?

The leaders of each of these movements move the chess pieces around and it is the pawns that eventually get slaughtered.

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Reds are liars, thief’s, and terrorist. ..... you forget this.. or your brain just not big enough to remember..

yes but once again, because of your hate for one guy, you got it completely wrong, as usual.

Let see clearly the fact:

Today trouble, its not the red shirt VS the yellow shirt.

Most of the red shirt are peacefully at home. (except few ones)

Today trouble is your yellow thugs VS a legitimate government. Thats all!

Why you dont get it? This goverment for the 5th time was legitimaly elected by the whole nation, and for the 5th you losetongue.png .

Its seems you are traumatized by the red colors. The red are at home...

ps : i know you hate it, i know it and that make me cumwhistling.gif

" This goverment for the 5th time was legitimaly elected by the whole nation, and for the 5th you lose"

Legitimately elected with help of 500 bath for each vote witch b.t.w. is illegal and one of the reasons Thaksin was convicted. coffee1.gif

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...They bring yellow thugs from south thailand. You know the muslims terrorist, as some of you like to label them. And you wonder its turn nasty.

It seems that also, you hate the truth... pretty sure that a lot of your violent hired yellow thugs from south are also muslim, and it seems now that you have a

problem with this!

As I said earlier, I would like to address the original statement you made first, since that was what I questioned. I wish to do this because I would like to determine whether you can have a reasonable and balanced discussion. So, for the third and final time, did you make it up, or do you have some evidence that made you state it as fact earlier on, and something you're 'pretty sure' about now?


so for the final time, i will clarify my terms and add the fact that your yellow terrorist might be muslim is just a detail.

South Thailand is a tiny area, 5 provinced of south Thailand are mostly muslim, while the others 8 might be "mostly" budhist.

I repeat for the 5th time, the yellow terrorist might be for some muslim and for some budhist, its just a detail. At the end, they are all thugs!

But oh god, how weird!

And when you know how much the deep south do hate Thaksin Shinawatra after the TaiBak tragedy, i will not be surprised, if some

of your yellow terrorist boy are also muslims but that just a details.

ps; funny, when you do look at the map, that your yellow boy dont come also from the others part of the country... well there is not so much

muslim in chiang mai...thumbsup.gif

Why are you so stuck on muslims.... religion has nothing to do with this yellow / red split. It is regional politics at play. The election of governments by a sizeable margin; the rejection of that elected government; engineering to bring the right party to government without the electoral support either through dissolving parties etc or through coups... to bring a minority to power without having electoral majority..... that will eventually lead Thailand to fracture if this nonsense is not halted. It might take 40 years for this to lead to that result.... If democracy is not allowed to run its course; then the same party will be voted back whenever the country reverts back to a democracy because the country was not allowed to "tire" of that elected government.

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YOU ANTI THAKSIN supporters have to admit now that the agressors are the demonstrators YOU cant blame the red shirts for this since its clear they were the ones attacked and if it turns out they shot the kid dead then it was obviosuly in self defense while being attacked by a MOB. there is also a video just posted of these so called peaceful protesters attacking a taxi and the driver

figured I would post the video to show who the aggressors are


Come on Yingluck stop pussyfooting with these scumbags and enforce the law

Why do arm chair referees come across as demented? I think it was Shakespeare (maybe wrong) who quipped: "Man will die for a cause provided he doesn't quite understand it."

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So you just proved that one doesn't have to wear a red shirt to be an idiot. Good work. smile.png

Oh old dinosaur you wrong again, i do wear red, yellow , blue, grey... shirt as long its goes well with my blue jeanslaugh.png

Calling idiot, people you dont agree with, just show how trashy yellow people like you are!whistling.gif

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It's borderline retarded. Spend millions bussing in "red shirts" as a demonstration of support for the current despots ru(i)nning the show, then allow it all to be massively overshadowed by shooting and killing students from a nearby university who dare oppose your presence.

The red/Thaksin cheerleaders on this forum - you clearly have your work cut out.

Partisans are going to play this for proganda, though whether you can really call it propaganda when it's so driven by hatred and blindness that people actually believe it (propaganda is usually more cynical)... I don't see how your post gets away from that. I think it's part of it. Just don't see how you can be so black and white about this and point the finger at reds alone. Can't you see that this is a nasty and childish game that neither side is going to win?

blah blah blah

If you want to see examples of "nasty and childish" games, view the video footage from the events of tonight. Up until now the anti-govt rallies have by and large been peaceful. Reds head into town and conduct themselves in a way we're all too familiar with right now.

So carry on with your (rather average) attempts at character assassination. You clearly don't have much else.

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It's borderline retarded. Spend millions bussing in "red shirts" as a demonstration of support for the current despots ru(i)nning the show, then allow it all to be massively overshadowed by shooting and killing students from a nearby university who dare oppose your presence.

The red/Thaksin cheerleaders on this forum - you clearly have your work cut out.

Partisans are going to play this for proganda, though whether you can really call it propaganda when it's so driven by hatred and blindness that people actually believe it (propaganda is usually more cynical)... I don't see how your post gets away from that. I think it's part of it. Just don't see how you can be so black and white about this and point the finger at reds alone. Can't you see that this is a nasty and childish game that neither side is going to win?

The problem with this argument is that the Reds intentionally bussed in thousands of people and stood on stage, yet again, provoking to violence and the killing of Suthep. Until this point there has been silly and even illegal moves, such as invading government offices, and violating the ISA, but no violence. For what reason other than to violently counter the protestors are the Reds here? It was provocative and stupid - it was in direct violation of the ISA also and yet they continued to bus them in. As with many crimes, guilt can be arrived out simply by showing that it could not have happened without the initial action - that is, the Reds by being in Bangkok en masse have caused the escalation and as provocateur they must be guilty of any crime that results from that - on either side. Of course, it could be said that it would not have happened if the demonstrators were not there either - however they were already there (committing their own crimes), so their intentions can not be to confront the Reds; unlike the reverse.

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It's borderline retarded. Spend millions bussing in "red shirts" as a demonstration of support for the current despots ru(i)nning the show, then allow it all to be massively overshadowed by shooting and killing students from a nearby university who dare oppose your presence.

The red/Thaksin cheerleaders on this forum - you clearly have your work cut out.

Partisans are going to play this for proganda, though whether you can really call it propaganda when it's so driven by hatred and blindness that people actually believe it (propaganda is usually more cynical)... I don't see how your post gets away from that. I think it's part of it. Just don't see how you can be so black and white about this and point the finger at reds alone. Can't you see that this is a nasty and childish game that neither side is going to win?

blah blah blah

If you want to see examples of "nasty and childish" games, view the video footage from the events of tonight. Up until now the anti-govt rallies have by and large been peaceful. Reds head into town and conduct themselves in a way we're all too familiar with right now.

So carry on with your (rather average) attempts at character assassination. You clearly don't have much else.

It has changed. It went from a protest rally to the beginning of holding a country hostage by occupying government buildings etc. until the duly elected government is forced out and replaced by a dictatorship. Whether it is an airport, or all government services - holding a country hostage is wrong.

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Well, it is not all bad news. The more they beat eachother, the more the SET will drop monday morning, which means cheap shares for those who are into that :-)

It may certainly be interesting to see where the SET goes tomorrow - and with quite a few shooting now, journalists beaten and even a demonstrator shot to death, whether there will be serious do not travel warning from some countries too.

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It's borderline retarded. Spend millions bussing in "red shirts" as a demonstration of support for the current despots ru(i)nning the show, then allow it all to be massively overshadowed by shooting and killing students from a nearby university who dare oppose your presence.

The red/Thaksin cheerleaders on this forum - you clearly have your work cut out.

Partisans are going to play this for proganda, though whether you can really call it propaganda when it's so driven by hatred and blindness that people actually believe it (propaganda is usually more cynical)... I don't see how your post gets away from that. I think it's part of it. Just don't see how you can be so black and white about this and point the finger at reds alone. Can't you see that this is a nasty and childish game that neither side is going to win?

The problem with this argument is that the Reds intentionally bussed in thousands of people and stood on stage, yet again, provoking to violence and the killing of Suthep. Until this point there has been silly and even illegal moves, such as invading government offices, and violating the ISA, but no violence. For what reason other than to violently counter the protestors are the Reds here? It was provocative and stupid - it was in direct violation of the ISA also and yet they continued to bus them in. As with many crimes, guilt can be arrived out simply by showing that it could not have happened without the initial action - that is, the Reds by being in Bangkok en masse have caused the escalation and as provocateur they must be guilty of any crime that results from that - on either side. Of course, it could be said that it would not have happened if the demonstrators were not there either - however they were already there (committing their own crimes), so their intentions can not be to confront the Reds; unlike the reverse.

Thaksin is making his money in Dubai with short loans and 2% interest per day for the mainly Muslim business societies. Reminds me on the shady deal with Manchester City Club. Same deal. He must be a welcomed tool for them to keep troubles in Thailand alive.

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The army will not turn out for a coup... they are in Thaksins pocket now. Your chosen side has assasinated many innocent people before...so a couple more what prick your conscience. Very vociferous for your first 2 posts. Surprised you have not posted before...

Please give evidence where anyone but the reds or the army have killed people since say ... 2009?

The army killed on the instruction of the government of the day. Abhisit 2010 (only if you believe he was the leader and not just a puppet)

Again, please hand your evidence to the DSI. They really need it.

The orders will have been put in writing and many people will have a copy. Nobody is going to instuct his soldiers to shoot to kill without the orders in his back pocket. It will come out at the trial...Over to you

Yet out of all those people with a copy of the written orders, none have sent an anonymous copy to any newspaper or the DSI. Even you must find that strange :-)

Did you note what dates are coming in the next few days. The army will come out top calm this all down.

Suthep/PAD/yellows/old money wins.

Once the army comes out they will be a list of people to be detained for crimes against the state. Cue private jets at don meaung

Edited by Thai at Heart
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It has changed. It went from a protest rally to the beginning of holding a country hostage by occupying government buildings etc. until the duly elected government is forced out and replaced by a dictatorship. Whether it is an airport, or all government services - holding a country hostage is wrong.

The same tired, broken "we won an election" rhetoric.

Either the red shirts, or a policeman protecting the red shirts, shot a student dead tonight. When was the last in Thailand students were killed by hired hands of the government? Who will be to blame for putting Thailand on this same path *yet again* ?

Edited by Insight
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YOU ANTI THAKSIN supporters have to admit now that the agressors are the demonstrators YOU cant blame the red shirts for this since its clear they were the ones attacked and if it turns out they shot the kid dead then it was obviosuly in self defense while being attacked by a MOB. there is also a video just posted of these so called peaceful protesters attacking a taxi and the driver

figured I would post the video to show who the aggressors are


Come on Yingluck stop pussyfooting with these scumbags and enforce the law

Lol, some one shot at red shirt camp and you instantly blame the opposition?

May be it was the red shirts who shot opposition member, ever thought of that?

I hope and looking forward to Yingluck being charged after army enters the city

I guess you cant read too well can you

I said IF it turns out to be a red shirt so I had considered it rolleyes.gif

Why would she get charged she has been EXTREMLY PATIENT up to now allowing them to break the law THEY ARE NOW BECOMING VIOLENT and need to be stopped, I doubt she will goe as far as the yellows did by killing 90 people, she has way more sense than that.

And What make you think that the Yellow movement Killed 90 people.. It is apparent you have No clue What you are talking about. I am not saying the Yellow side is Perfect but they did not Kill or do Violence during there campaign to take out Thakins. The people came out to the steers to Praise the Military and all the people who help bring down Thaksin and his corruption. The Present government Paid for most of there vote…. As in Paid people to vote for them….

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The same tired, broken "we won an election" rhetoric.

Either the red shirts, or a policeman protecting the red shirts, shot a student dead tonight. When was the last in Thailand students were killed by hired hands of the government? How will be to blame for putting Thailand on this same path *yet again* ?

I don't have all the details, but whenever you have two protests going on for opposite sides and you do not keep them apart -- passions will run high. There are lots of guns in Thailand -- people, police, army and thugs and when you create a pressure cooker that can and eventually will explode. I blame Suthep for not taking his victory lap after he stopped the amnesty bills and decided it was a good idea to overthrow a democratically elected government. I blame Suthep for bringing the reds here. I blame both the reds and the yellows for the violence. Of course once it became a putsch in progress the other sides organizers are going to move their chess pieces into place - but the instigator for this round is Suthep.

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Well, it is not all bad news. The more they beat eachother, the more the SET will drop monday morning, which means cheap shares for those who are into that :-)

It may certainly be interesting to see where the SET goes tomorrow - and with quite a few shooting now, journalists beaten and even a demonstrator shot to death, whether there will be serious do not travel warning from some countries too.

There will now be a massive escalation of travel advisories the world over. This time some will probably say 'avoid Thailand' this could escalate countrywide.

For the record.

T-shirt with logo on the back of the gunman, according to channel 7 was captured close to the red shirts on behalf of his group, the black warriors. From Phitsanulok province. 100% red shirt country and 100% red shirt militia.


Edited by Biscuit22
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The same tired, broken "we won an election" rhetoric.

Either the red shirts, or a policeman protecting the red shirts, shot a student dead tonight. When was the last in Thailand students were killed by hired hands of the government? How will be to blame for putting Thailand on this same path *yet again* ?

I don't have all the details, but whenever you have two protests going on for opposite sides and you do not keep them apart -- passions will run high. There are lots of guns in Thailand -- people, police, army and thugs and when you create a pressure cooker that can and eventually will explode. I blame Suthep for not taking his victory lap after he stopped the amnesty bills and decided it was a good idea to overthrow a democratically elected government. I blame Suthep for bringing the reds here. I blame both the reds and the yellows for the violence. Of course once it became a putsch in progress the other sides organizers are going to move their chess pieces into place - but the instigator for this round is Suthep.

when the money flow from Dubai is broken it will become peaceful again ... wink.png Thaksin's job is to keep the war coffers full with money and gets a lot of support from those in the Arab Nations, go figure that out ...

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The same tired, broken "we won an election" rhetoric.

Either the red shirts, or a policeman protecting the red shirts, shot a student dead tonight. When was the last in Thailand students were killed by hired hands of the government? How will be to blame for putting Thailand on this same path *yet again* ?

I don't have all the details, but whenever you have two protests going on for opposite sides and you do not keep them apart -- passions will run high. There are lots of guns in Thailand -- people, police, army and thugs and when you create a pressure cooker that can and eventually will explode. I blame Suthep for not taking his victory lap after he stopped the amnesty bills and decided it was a good idea to overthrow a democratically elected government. I blame Suthep for bringing the reds here. I blame both the reds and the yellows for the violence. Of course once it became a putsch in progress the other sides organizers are going to move their chess pieces into place - but the instigator for this round is Suthep.

I blame Yingluck for her lack of leadership, for bulldozing the Thaksin agenda through parliament in an unconstitutional and illegal manner turning public opinion against her. But most of all I blame Yingluck for standing silent while the redshirts came to Bangkok to inflames the protests, for standing silent while the redshirt leaders threatened violence including a sitting MP and for standing silent when violence broke out and a person was killed. All this lack of condemnation indicated that yingluck and her government is complicit in the escalation to violence and I am sure she will remain silent now about the RTP joining the redshirts and firing on the students.

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I don't have all the details, but whenever you have two protests going on for opposite sides and you do not keep them apart...

When *who* does not keep them apart?

(Edit - you do realise that the Education Minister and the Interior Minister - responsible for the police - were on stage supporting the red movement not far from where this shooting of a student, allegedly by the Thaksin-aligned guys highlighted above, occurred?)

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The same tired, broken "we won an election" rhetoric.

Either the red shirts, or a policeman protecting the red shirts, shot a student dead tonight. When was the last in Thailand students were killed by hired hands of the government? How will be to blame for putting Thailand on this same path *yet again* ?

I don't have all the details, but whenever you have two protests going on for opposite sides and you do not keep them apart -- passions will run high. There are lots of guns in Thailand -- people, police, army and thugs and when you create a pressure cooker that can and eventually will explode. I blame Suthep for not taking his victory lap after he stopped the amnesty bills and decided it was a good idea to overthrow a democratically elected government. I blame Suthep for bringing the reds here. I blame both the reds and the yellows for the violence. Of course once it became a putsch in progress the other sides organizers are going to move their chess pieces into place - but the instigator for this round is Suthep.

I blame Yingluck for her lack of leadership, for bulldozing the Thaksin agenda through parliament in an unconstitutional and illegal manner turning public opinion against her. But most of all I blame Yingluck for standing silent while the redshirts came to Bangkok to inflames the protests, for standing silent while the redshirt leaders threatened violence including a sitting MP and for standing silent when violence broke out and a person was killed. All this lack of condemnation indicated that yingluck and her government is complicit in the escalation to violence.

I would have blamed Yingluck if the amnesty passed, but the protest to stop them succeeded and there was no legitimate reason to change the protest into a pusch. At that point, the opposition did their job.... Once it became an attempt to overthrow the government using unconstitutional means - it lost it's legitimacy.

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Two new video clips:

Is a video phone clip showing armed thugs and running students/public and clear, close, gunshots. Ends with a montage of injured and a disturbing picture of the dead student (sorry about that - but you have been warned).

Channel 7 report showing armed men getting off a bus and helping others get clear - but (if you understand Thai) says that men in black went to the stadium and fired at students.

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Thailand is just like the Village Idiot Merry go Round..."choose your ride"..."any colour will do"..."your turn will come around". And people have the audacity to climb into the Army. They should step in right now. Deal for good to the major protagonists like Thaksin, Suthep and others. The rest they should then round up, lock them into Kindergarten with wipe boards and crayons with the assistance of the knowledge of the top 3 or 4 world democracies, for how ever long it takes them as a group to work out what democracy is and how they are going to implement it.

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I would have blamed Yingluck if the amnesty passed, but the protest to stop them succeeded and there was no legitimate reason to change the protest into a pusch. At that point, the opposition did their job.... Once it became an attempt to overthrow the government using unconstitutional means - it lost it's legitimacy.

Agree 100%.. whatever it started as can now only be seen as an attempt at mob rule.

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Well if Sooty and Sweep did not give the orders who did. The army answers to the government of the day. The government gives the ok after consulting with army chiefs before any action is taken. That government was run by Abhisit and Suthep in charge of the CRES

But the DSI case is based on the presumption that they were acting as individuals, not as members of the government.

Even someone as thick as you realises that is a farcical presumption, but it is needed because as office holders they are immune from prosecution.

Actually as office holders they are not immune to prosecution after their MP status is up. Thaksin was an office holder when he committed the crime he was convicted of.

What it means is that their orders will (if given at all) have to be proven wrongful in the situation. They will also have to be tried in the court for political office holders. They are as safe as can be even when the current charges against them are dropped. There is just far too much evidence that they gave warning, they were facing an armed insurrection etc .. and there will obviously be no orders anywere telling the army to fire on anyone unarmed.

Stop being so reasonable.

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The same tired, broken "we won an election" rhetoric.

Either the red shirts, or a policeman protecting the red shirts, shot a student dead tonight. When was the last in Thailand students were killed by hired hands of the government? How will be to blame for putting Thailand on this same path *yet again* ?

I don't have all the details, but whenever you have two protests going on for opposite sides and you do not keep them apart -- passions will run high. There are lots of guns in Thailand -- people, police, army and thugs and when you create a pressure cooker that can and eventually will explode. I blame Suthep for not taking his victory lap after he stopped the amnesty bills and decided it was a good idea to overthrow a democratically elected government. I blame Suthep for bringing the reds here. I blame both the reds and the yellows for the violence. Of course once it became a putsch in progress the other sides organizers are going to move their chess pieces into place - but the instigator for this round is Suthep.

I blame Yingluck for her lack of leadership, for bulldozing the Thaksin agenda through parliament in an unconstitutional and illegal manner turning public opinion against her. But most of all I blame Yingluck for standing silent while the redshirts came to Bangkok to inflames the protests, for standing silent while the redshirt leaders threatened violence including a sitting MP and for standing silent when violence broke out and a person was killed. All this lack of condemnation indicated that yingluck and her government is complicit in the escalation to violence.

I would have blamed Yingluck if the amnesty passed, but the protest to stop them succeeded and there was no legitimate reason to change the protest into a pusch. At that point, the opposition did their job.... Once it became an attempt to overthrow the government using unconstitutional means - it lost it's legitimacy.

The old money has had it.. Enough is enough. The shinawatras must go. Thaksin finally blundered by believing that the red shirts would accept his amnesty bill. His duplicity and lack of principle finally caught up with him.

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