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The future of Phuket in 10 years


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I would be interested to know your opinion, especially from those who live here:

1) How will Phuket look like in 10 years time? A modern city, with developed infrastructure, with a reputation of a luxury and organized tourism (MICE) type of destination or ecologically damaged overpopulated island? Other options?

2) How would you like to see Phuket develop in 10 years? The best possible scenario.

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A thread tailor made for the troll.

As soon as he wakes up in England he'll be all over this one.

I see a mixture of the two options.

An improvement with basic infrastructure (transport), less corruption and more controls on badly planned buildings put up for the greedy few, but a long way from a desirable international tourist destination.

However, there may be more distinct luxury enclaves for the well heeled, kept separate from the mass tourism flesh pits.

Heading the same way as Bali.

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Cheap tourism has always been here with people booking cheap flights and and looking for cheap accommodation which there is plenty of

The tourist hotels are doing fine with high occupancy rates about 85% or more in the popular ones even in the low season

More tourists will arrive every year but there will be less of the cheap charlies as prices go up they wil go to Cambodia or Laos

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Clearly it will be your option 2 - ecologically damaged overpopulated island with a reputation for cheap charter tourism.

What would I like to happen - end of corruption, money actually spend 100% on infrastructure. (never happen)

Ditto, well said LIK, once thing is for sure, it can't continue the way it is going, are should i say it most probably won't change and when it's all to late, the Thai's will stand back and blame someone else.

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Probably the major concern will be gridlocked traffic, as more Thais who are currently on scooters can afford and opt to buy cars (even older used ones). Naturally, as tourist and expat numbers increase, more Thais will be attracted to the island to enter service industries. Since my first time here, growth in traffic, and resultant congestion, has been incredible - I don't see that pattern changing.

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Clearly it will be your option 2 - ecologically damaged overpopulated island with a reputation for cheap charter tourism.

What would I like to happen - end of corruption, money actually spend 100% on infrastructure. (never happen)

LK...I agree to option 2 also. I first saw Phuket in 1973. Returned in late 84 to reside for

nearly 2 years, left in late 85 when Club Mud started to move in. Returned off & on

from 87 to 97 & was stunned each time...not in a pleasant way either. Resided again

from 2001 to 2007 then gave up & moved off island to Ranong. It's not just the rampant

development, ripoff's, scams etc...it was pretty much the gamut of BS Phuket vomits

up in the name of getting thatg almighty tourista Baht. Enough was enough. What will

it be like in 10 years time? Hopefully the island will be cleaned up in all manners but

I kinda <deleted> doubt it.

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There is a topic on "how all the events in Bangkok will influence Phuketians" but I would like to ask here rephrased.

When democrats where in power what where their long term objectives in terms of island development? And what is current government planning to do with Phuket? Which party is more beneficial for our local needs?

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There is a topic on "how all the events in Bangkok will influence Phuketians" but I would like to ask here rephrased.

When democrats where in power what where their long term objectives in terms of island development? And what is current government planning to do with Phuket? Which party is more beneficial for our local needs?

I stay away from Thai politics, but I do know that Phuket is a Democratic Party stronghold.

Many claim that because of this, the current government seems reluctant to spend funds in the province as a form of punishment for voting the wrong way.

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More cement, more congestion on the road, more expensive taxies, more greedy Thai businesspersons are a few of the predictions. Thailand boasts that the beaches are first class and maybe that would be true if all the garbage was cleaned up. Now, there is also the problem with crime towards visitors and that will be on the rise. Immigration office problems ? It will not change for the better and I'm sorry about that but I remember the time years ago when the people smiled.

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[1] If its done right ,it could end up similar to Singapore....Thriving and successful..a huge task to make Phuket anywhere near it even in ten years,all good things being considered

[2] If not done right it could end up like a multitude of places in Spain.,,derelict..its well on this path already...ten years of the same ideals?..easily done...

My money is on [2]...sad.png

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Patong will become a war-zone, with its depraved inhabitants and visitors continually drinking and fighting. The streets will run orange with vomit. Tuk tuks will assume total control of transport, arming themselves with heavy machine-guns and rocket launchers. They will destroy all privately owned vehicles on sight.

The seas will turn brown with sewage, and the beaches will be completely covered with broken glass, excrement and used condoms. There will be hundreds of murders a day, and the corpses will be thrown into the sea.

Woe betide anybody who visits Phuket in ten years!

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I think Revelation 21:8 put it this way...

"The fearful, and unbelieving, and the abominable, and murderers, and whoremongers, and sorcerers, and idolaters, and all liars, shall have their part in the lake which burneth with fire and brimstone"

Yep... that about sums it up.


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Phuket will be the hub of high speed trains. Miss Yingluck will connect German,. French, Chinese and Thai high speed railways by using a Chinese tablet as a train driver.

A tunnel under the oceans will connect all continents. Thanks Yingluck.-wai2.gif


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Are we foreigners qualified to comment on Thai politics with any degree of experience ?

Quite honestly all sides are corrupt here in Thailand. I could say the same for most countries, might not be so obvious, but political corruption is universal.

There are some who are. A bit lengthy story, but gives a broader and deeper view to the Thai politics and culture, compared to many others. Worth of reading, with filters as always when talking about politics. http://www.prachatai.com/english/node/2694

When I came to Phuket for the first time, I was in my early thirties. Phuket was a playground to explore and wonder. Great place indeed. Fun and exciting.

NKM said earlier that Phuket changed faster than he has done. I think that's partly true. There has been many uncontrolled changes to the island. The people who come here now will see what Phuket is now, exiting and fun for them. They don't see it as the way it used to be - exciting and fun.. with different tune.

I think I, and possibly others who have been here for a while, have become old for the changes or uncertainty. We'll find places which offer more suitable surroundings to the oldtimers. The places which were great when we were young.

Phuket itself is and will be the same as she has always been. Vibrant and always changing island with parties for youngsters to join in.

Now, where is the next dream location ?

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Are we foreigners qualified to comment on Thai politics with any degree of experience ?

Quite honestly all sides are corrupt here in Thailand. I could say the same for most countries, might not be so obvious, but political corruption is universal.

There are some who are. A bit lengthy story, but gives a broader and deeper view to the Thai politics and culture, compared to many others. Worth of reading, with filters as always when talking about politics. http://www.prachatai.com/english/node/2694

When I came to Phuket for the first time, I was in my early thirties. Phuket was a playground to explore and wonder. Great place indeed. Fun and exciting.

NKM said earlier that Phuket changed faster than he has done. I think that's partly true. There has been many uncontrolled changes to the island. The people who come here now will see what Phuket is now, exiting and fun for them. They don't see it as the way it used to be - exciting and fun.. with different tune.

I think I, and possibly others who have been here for a while, have become old for the changes or uncertainty. We'll find places which offer more suitable surroundings to the oldtimers. The places which were great when we were young.

Phuket itself is and will be the same as she has always been. Vibrant and always changing island with parties for youngsters to join in.

Now, where is the next dream location ?

Nice article. Thank you.

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Phuket in 2022:

Will have 95%+ English speaking staff in most tourist areas since ASEAN 2015 will have a real impact here since Filipino's, Malaysian's, Cambodian's and Singaporean's and other English speakers will flood the Thai market pushing out the Thai's as well as major investment (business and land purchases) within the region.

2015 will be a pivital year, as other economies will thrive and the region will witness who are the real power brokers, and if Thailand thinks they're going to compete with all their divisions, then they're sadly mistaken.

Lets hope someone rises from the ashes and wakes up the country and soon because Thailand has not seen anything yet.

Tick, tock..

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Patong will become a war-zone, with its depraved inhabitants and visitors continually drinking and fighting. The streets will run orange with vomit. Tuk tuks will assume total control of transport, arming themselves with heavy machine-guns and rocket launchers. They will destroy all privately owned vehicles on sight.

The seas will turn brown with sewage, and the beaches will be completely covered with broken glass, excrement and used condoms. There will be hundreds of murders a day, and the corpses will be thrown into the sea.

Woe betide anybody who visits Phuket in ten years!

Sounds like last weekend.

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