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Situation in the capital is still tense after tear gas fired at protesters

Lite Beer

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If the present government was to use the Dems' "tactics" there would be a pool of blood already. Lucky we are that Thailand has such a responsible government.

While a pool of blood is what many protesters, and many on here, are apparently hoping for, I also praise Yingluck, the reds and the government for their restraint. Very wise to try to avoid confrontation with mad dogs as much as possible.

The protesters are really trying hard to finally get to the bloodshed that the Dems need so much.

After all their criminal actions and violence, including cowards attacking a 10yrs old boy, we now see the most serious intimidation of the media.

Not sure what Suthep and his thugs want to explain on TV? If it is about being sorry because their little whistle silly trick did not work as planned, I am not sure it is necessary. But he may also just want to say that he will "upgrade" again his criminal actions... in something even more criminal.

The journalists of the seized TV station must have been terrified by these thugs, after having witnessed what they did to the red protesters last night.

Sent from my HTC One using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

Tell us again about the students shooting each other while high on drugs. I really enjoyed that pearl of wisdom.

Old story already... things move fast you know?


But I am happy to share with you this other picture, which I am convinced you will not find in Thaivisa's favorite, outrageously biased, English only, news source.

According to a well-known Thai language newspaper, this bus was put on fire next to the university at 16.00 today.

All the red shirts were already gone since 14.00, but, for some reason, the bus was still there.

Some "students", who probably found out suddely that life would become quite boring, now that they have no more peaceful red protesters to provoke, decided to put it on fire.

Lots of fun, for sure. Nice guys rolleyes.gif


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His Highness the King of Thailand may well be the saviour of more bloodshed these coming days as Thai people respect and celebrate his upcoming birthday...

Lets just hope everyone takes the time to celebrate his majesties birthday.... fingers crossed but I am less hopeful about that then yesterday.

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Immature democracy: The people think they can rid the system of corruption.

Mature democracy: The people know that corruption and politicians are synonymous.

Immature democracy: Coups and judicial manipulation are used to transfer power.

Mature democracy: Elections are used to transfer power between parties that have no substantial difference in principles.

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The puppet government should do the only right thing and step down to pave the way for a new election.

It is a disgrace what this government has done. Thanks to them, no preparation for ASEAN has taken place and sadly Thailand will end up with all the bottom of the barrel jobs since English proficiency is so poor (like the PM who can barely speak English). Burma, Laos, etc. will get the better jobs. There should have been a major undertaking to get the best candidates properly educated in English. No flood preparation as promised....the rice scheme...what a disaster.....on and on......only line the pockets of the cronies, take orders from Mr. T....pathetic.

If this continues to escalate then maybe a coup is the best thing.

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Meanwhile Deputy Prime Minister Phongthep Thepkanjana said, "We understand that the protest leaders are trying hard to force the government to use violence in order to increase their support fortheir own benefit.

Absolutely! It's a tactic straight out of the UDD copy book.

And fortunately the current governemment is showing more restraint. So far.

I agree absolutely. Protests are one thing, but when they start attempting to take over government ministries, the police have every right to take their lives. That is stepping over the line, and in most countries you would be stopped cold. So, they are making their choices. I cannot fault the police or the military for trying to stop the protestors, who declare themselves hooligans, when they try to take over these offices. You have to draw the line somewhere, and I am glad the govt. is not allowing themselves to be trampled. Just my opinion.

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RT @RichardBarrow: Deputy Thai PM on TV just now suggesting that people stay in their homes between 10pm & 5am for their own safety #Thailand

Oh..that was, what that was about!

Really great, they also did that in English!

There are by no means people constantly in Bangkok, who may not be able to speak Thai..and, hey...who cares, if they are outside at that time!

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Meanwhile Deputy Prime Minister Phongthep Thepkanjana said, "We understand that the protest leaders are trying hard to force the government to use violence in order to increase their support fortheir own benefit.

Absolutely! It's a tactic straight out of the UDD copy book.

And fortunately the current governemment is showing more restraint. So far.

If the present government was to use the Dems' "tactics" there would be a pool of blood already. Lucky we are that Thailand has such a responsible government.

While a pool of blood is what many protesters, and many on here, are apparently hoping for, I also praise Yingluck, the reds and the government for their restraint. Very wise to try to avoid confrontation with mad dogs as much as possible.

The protesters are really trying hard to finally get to the bloodshed that the Dems need so much.

After all their criminal actions and violence, including cowards attacking a 10yrs old boy, we now see the most serious intimidation of the media.

Not sure what Suthep and his thugs want to explain on TV? If it is about being sorry because their little whistle silly trick did not work as planned, I am not sure it is necessary. But he may also just want to say that he will "upgrade" again his criminal actions... in something even more criminal.

The journalists of the seized TV station must have been terrified by these thugs, after having witnessed what they did to the red protesters last night.

Sent from my HTC One using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

oh please, pools of blood already if these were the "dems tactics"? I do remember the protests in 2010 lasted over a month before the "dems tactics" did what they did. I would like to see if this government can hold it's restraint for a month if these protest continue, crippling the center of Bangkok.

And the story of the 10 year old boy has also been adressed as a false info stunt to create more sympathy for the sweet and lovely government people, who would never do anything to hurt anyone.

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I am continuously amazed that, upon retiring from the U.S., my conservative opponents are well and ensconced in Thailand. When will it be learned...share the wealth more equitably or face continuous societal problems. Yes, different in different countries but it will strain. The Shinawatras and Obama were elected as a result of rebelling against the inequity. The wealth gap has grown too wide.

"The wealth gap has grown too wide."

Probably because Thaksin and his cronies have removed most of the wealth?

The notion of Thaksin rebelling against inequality is hilarious. When he spent a night in a temple in 2008 he even had to bring his own Fendi towel with him.

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I am continuously amazed that, upon retiring from the U.S., my conservative opponents are well and ensconced in Thailand. When will it be learned...share the wealth more equitably or face continuous societal problems. Yes, different in different countries but it will strain. The Shinawatras and Obama were elected as a result of rebelling against the inequity. The wealth gap has grown too wide.

Did you mean 'well-ensconced'? But I am well, by the way (knock on my wood).

You shouldn't be too amazed. I wasn't the beneficiary of a big 'wealth gap'. I just got tired of working hard and seeing my income (my life, essentially) go to a confiscatory government and then misspent. I got particularly tired of:

"From each according to his ability. to each according to his need."

Especially when the 'need' is absolutely fraudulent.

Edited by MaxYakov
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It is a disgrace what this government has done. Thanks to them, no preparation for ASEAN has taken place and sadly Thailand will end up with all the bottom of the barrel jobs since English proficiency is so poor (like the PM who can barely speak English).

Gotta be up there for the most pathetic comment of the year , no?

Not sure. Can you translate it for me? :)

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Face book is saying that yingluck has gone over seas ( thai air ways is that Yingluck left Thailand last night to Russia ) she has not been seen on TV and the phua Thai spokes man is doing a interview not live and only by phone , so where are they..

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About time we recognised the following:

1) the government are playing this well (now);

2) Suthep's end game is impossible (and it is his - and not the majority of those supporting the protests who simply want to put down a marker);

3) as foreigners (most of us at least) are trying to apply western standards to something that is deep-rooted and has a very real cultural Asian base;

4) democracy (as we claim to know it) is neither perfect or without very real faults.

This is a social problem. And it is being manipulated for other purposes. The "elite" want to keep control. The rest want their share of power.

Educated populations might not react in this way (I did say MIGHT) but until the majority are properly educated nothing will change. The mighty middle and upper classes look down from their lofty castles and expect the poor to understand and be compliant. The last thing they want is an educated working class!

The poor look up and say "Why not me?" but get manipulated and looked down on.

Solve that and it all goes away. But are Suthep / Thaksin and Co. really interested in that?

Of course not - this is about power, corruption and jealousy.

The solution will take at least a generation and then only if all sides recognise it and work to achieve it!

Hold your horses

Suthep said he shall not run for pm and shall hand himself into the police if this taksin rule goes away

He is going to go to jail no matter what

He has really put himself on the line

Also same said for se Deang who was shot by a sniper rifle

If one is prepared to take a bullet and take his freedom away then how much power and money can they have when they are dead or in jail

While taksin sits in 6 start accommodation who is the cause of all this

If he had any balls and cared about his country then he would come back and do his to years to keep the peace. At least now he is in a position to make a deal. 2 years no more frozen assets that's it

Sent from my iPhone using ThaiVisa app

I totally agree with you, if Taksin come back and serve his 2 years jail, he will even get more respect then just run away. If he do that the protest might stop and people might gain back confident in him and YS. I hope he is going to do something right now before things get worse.

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Meanwhile Deputy Prime Minister Phongthep Thepkanjana said, "We understand that the protest leaders are trying hard to force the government to use violence in order to increase their support fortheir own benefit.


Absolutely! It's a tactic straight out of the UDD copy book. 


And fortunately the current governemment is showing more restraint.  So far.

If the present government was to use the Dems' "tactics" there would be a pool of blood already. Lucky we are that Thailand has such a responsible government.

While a pool of blood is what many protesters, and many on here, are apparently hoping for, I also praise Yingluck, the reds and the government for their restraint. Very wise to try to avoid confrontation with mad dogs as much as possible.

The protesters are really trying hard to finally get to the bloodshed that the Dems need so much.

After all their criminal actions and violence, including cowards attacking a 10yrs old boy, we now see the most serious intimidation of the media.

Not sure what Suthep and his thugs want to explain on TV? If it is about being sorry because their little whistle silly trick did not work as planned, I am not sure it is necessary. But he may also just want to say that he will "upgrade" again his criminal actions... in something even more criminal.

The journalists of the seized TV station must have been terrified by these thugs, after having witnessed what they did to the red protesters last night.

Sent from my HTC One using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app


Sent from my iPad using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

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Let's do it. End the farce.

And all go home and tick the/your box at the next election. Thats how it is done.

And don't forget to pick up your B500 for the "correct" vote.

if that was how it worked the opposition could buy the swing of votes required by paying 5000 baht (either through an official income assistance policy to the poor, or unofficially through hard cash in brown envelopes) for the equivalent of the cost of ~2 weeks of the rice pledge scheme...

rather the opposition doesn't want democracy because they think the electorate are stupid... this may well be true but ignoring them by forcing out the government they elected is not a solution as it will just lead to a new (and worse) cycle in this silly (and ultimately destructive) political merry go round

the only sensible way forward (i.e. that could lead to a stable outcome) is for yingluck (or better still a new leader of pheu thai not connected to thaksin) to announce new elections and for the "democrats" to focus on understanding the poor and winning their hearts (and therefore votes) rather than looking for ways to ignore them

unfortunately i don't foresee anything sensible emerging from either side any time soon

Edited by brit1984
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"Capital is still tense after tear gas fired at protesters"

Am I suppose to believe from reading this headline that firing teargas at protesters was meant to make things calmer?

I believe that they are using UN approved tear gas, that actually makes you cry from emotional stress, rather than a physiological effect on the optic structure of the cranium. The gas, more appropriately know as 'tearful gas' basically makes victims sit down, and think about really sad things that have happened in their lifetimes, a kind of reflection if you like. So don't read too much into those reports, if anything, it help with those suffering PTSD.

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It is a disgrace what this government has done. Thanks to them, no preparation for ASEAN has taken place and sadly Thailand will end up with all the bottom of the barrel jobs since English proficiency is so poor (like the PM who can barely speak English).

Gotta be up there for the most pathetic comment of the year , no?

No. Not even close, there are better candidates earlier in this same thread.

You also edited to poor effect.

I agree with the general gist:

except the last about a coup beeping the final better solution.

Even if it is like the last coup, which I doubt, it can't be better.

Governments do fall in parliamentary style systems from street unrest.

Having this government fall without a coup would be the best outcome.

This puppet racy has reached it's Nader

A caretaker appointed by HRM would satisfy most observers and then,

Another election. Right now this looks set to go past the royal birthday.

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Could be the population of Thailand want a non-corrupt government ? Yelloow or Red ?

It is difficult, too easy money, but a help would be if all tenders was published then the firmas tha loose can complain.

Land, very difficult the political top buy the land and later build the road to the land and sell with a fine profit.

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Thaksin handed himself in as well.... but left (with help from the Democrats - who let him walk away) when it became clear he was going to be locked up. If Suthep gets to the same stage.... don't be surprised to see him take a long vacation. It is standard for all elites to find a way out of it instead of staying in jail.

True enough - but the way the game works is that the "defeated" member of the elite discreetly agrees to play golf and stay out of politics. Thaksin is of course different, and has only himself to blame. Whatever the result of the present debacle, I cannot see how he can come back with any guarantee of personal safety for a very long time.

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Time to move the mechanics of government to Chiang Mai?

No thanks. It's high season, don't you know.... There's no room at the inn.

You may well be right. I'll be there in 3 weeks time. Don't want it too crowded with appalling-driving Bangkokians.

"PM" (I use the term very loosely) Yingluck and her cronies are not under fire. Abhisit and his forces were...!!

The major difference being that Abhisit was not the democratically elected leader of the country but a johnny come lately after his friends in the judiciary banned PPP (Peua Thai's name at the time)

Abhisit came to powere after a realignment of allegiences in parliament. A common way for parliamentary power to change hands where no absolute majority exists and coalitions must be formed.

Do try and keep up and become informed before sprouting your BS

(edit spelling error)

I think you doth protest too much...

Are you seriously trying to dispute that neither Abhisit nor his party were "democratically elected" to govern the country!

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"Capital is still tense after tear gas fired at protesters"

Am I suppose to believe from reading this headline that firing teargas at protesters was meant to make things calmer?

I believe that they are using UN approved tear gas, that actually makes you cry from emotional stress, rather than a physiological effect on the optic structure of the cranium. The gas, more appropriately know as 'tearful gas' basically makes victims sit down, and think about really sad things that have happened in their lifetimes, a kind of reflection if you like. So don't read too much into those reports, if anything, it help with those suffering PTSD.

How about a few renditions of 'Purple Rain' while we're at it?

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If the present government was to use the Dems' "tactics" there would be a pool of blood already. Lucky we are that Thailand has such a responsible government.

While a pool of blood is what many protesters, and many on here, are apparently hoping for, I also praise Yingluck, the reds and the government for their restraint. Very wise to try to avoid confrontation with mad dogs as much as possible.

The protesters are really trying hard to finally get to the bloodshed that the Dems need so much.

After all their criminal actions and violence, including cowards attacking a 10yrs old boy, we now see the most serious intimidation of the media.

Not sure what Suthep and his thugs want to explain on TV? If it is about being sorry because their little whistle silly trick did not work as planned, I am not sure it is necessary. But he may also just want to say that he will "upgrade" again his criminal actions... in something even more criminal.

The journalists of the seized TV station must have been terrified by these thugs, after having witnessed what they did to the red protesters last night.

Sent from my HTC One using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

Tell us again about the students shooting each other while high on drugs. I really enjoyed that pearl of wisdom.

Old story already... things move fast you know?


But I am happy to share with you this other picture, which I am convinced you will not find in Thaivisa's favorite, outrageously biased, English only, news source.

According to a well-known Thai language newspaper, this bus was put on fire next to the university at 16.00 today.

All the red shirts were already gone since 14.00, but, for some reason, the bus was still there.

Some "students", who probably found out suddely that life would become quite boring, now that they have no more peaceful red protesters to provoke, decided to put it on fire.

Lots of fun, for sure. Nice guys rolleyes.gif


But not nearly as "nice" as you, Gerry!

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So what happens? What do the protestors hope to achieve? Bring the government down.....

So if they get their goal, what happens then?

Firstly,the govt could resign and call an election......which they would win again.

Secondly, the opposition could get the army to stage a coup. This means no elected government for another 2 or 3 years.....and guess who will get in then?

I'm no great fan of the current admin, but it would seem that the alternative is equally if not more undesirable.

There is of course a third way.... It's called compromise but the anti-government side seem determined to up their demands and become more intransigent every day.

Edited by Histavia
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"Capital is still tense after tear gas fired at protesters"

Am I suppose to believe from reading this headline that firing teargas at protesters was meant to make things calmer?

I believe that they are using UN approved tear gas, that actually makes you cry from emotional stress, rather than a physiological effect on the optic structure of the cranium. The gas, more appropriately know as 'tearful gas' basically makes victims sit down, and think about really sad things that have happened in their lifetimes, a kind of reflection if you like. So don't read too much into those reports, if anything, it help with those suffering PTSD.

COTD... thumbsup.gif

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