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Are The Airports Next If The Yellowshirts Can't Win By The 5th?


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I'm booked to fly into Thailand on the 12th for a mates wedding. I'm pretty worried that if the yellowshirts don't get their way in the next couple of days their next target will be the airports again.

Is this a possibility?

Edited by Boxclever
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Unfortunately, nobody can tell you and yes, everything is possible. my flight is only few days later and I am thinking about contingency at present, i.e. fly to phuket and use some other means of transport if necessary.

Problem is that as long as governments do not issue warnings to fly into BKK airport, no insurance company will take over the additional costs of replanning.

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Just to be correct, the current protesters are not members of PAD, who are referred to as yellow shirts. If you see yellow being worn, it's due to respect for the King, who's favorite color is yellow. The current protesters are mostly normal Thai citizens who've had enough of the current government and want a change.

Seems things have calmed down for now, but it's still a volatile situation. So far, the protesters have focused on government buildings. Let's hope they stay away from the airports.

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No one has a crystal ball but obviously the street protests will be quiet in the next 48hrs for HM birthday celebrations. From there who knows but hopefully it is more of the behind closed doors negotiations than expanding street protests. Asking about anything a few days away is generally futile let alone 10 days away.

I suspect that the chances of an airport being targeted for occupation during this protest cycle are almost nil but nothing can be excluded. AOT contingencies are better prepared with U Tapao more established as an alternative should both BKK airports ever become closed again (They reportedly have an SOP for such a scenario but who would really trust the AOT?). No one can rely on that.

If this is a real anxiety for you, have a think about your own plan B if travel is a must and the unexpected arises. ie. which other airport either in Thailand or in a neighbouring country would you use to undertake your travel to your destination. How would you get there? etc Though you cannot foresee the exact situation if an airport does close even having done such a simple thing as this allows you to have more confidence and some preparation, more than most. Any travel involves being flexible and being aware of other options. To & from work or overseas.

Last time in 2008 people some people really freaked out for little reason. We have become so used to the ease and convenience of international travel that we forget that it was much more difficult & uncertain a couple of generations ago. Quite a few others were happy to be stuck in Thailand for a bit longer.

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There was a specific reason for the 2008 takeover. Unless there is a similar situtation, there's no reason to take over the airport.

Im curious: What were these reasons? And do you have some sources for that? I'm curious.

They wanted to obstruct the prime minister from landing. Why they kept the airports closed after he arrived, I don't know.

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