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Suthep announces 4-point demands against Yingluck govt


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Looks like General Prem gave him the OK.

I think you are right ( maybe not Prem though....) and we are now head on for serious conflict.

History is being written for Thailand, the sad part is that it is being written by lunatics.

It may be that confrontation and serious violence is already unavoidable.

I very much hope it won't happen, but it don't look good.

philw, why is it you always sound like a depressed and pessimistic academic writing from far away?

Don't worry too much about Suthep, he has done his job of galvanizing the population against unethical governance, soon he will be admitted into hospital 'suffering from exhaustion'.

If Yingluck has any sense she will do the same.

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The man has obviously gone totally mad. Who on Earth gave him the right to order the police about, demand that YS resign as caretaker PM (which, by the way, would be illegal under the present constitution) and order the army on to the streets?

The Dear Leader is starting to think that he is the supreme authority, a very dangerous path to go down.

He did, when he declared the PTP/Yingluck government was no longer legitimate. The police are part of the problem.

This silver haired fox knows exactly what he's doing, step by step. The police haven't laid a hand on him, and after the rumored "secret" meeting with the current and former heads of the Thai Army, appears he's got all the backing he needs; which was probably the case from the very beginning.

He will be judged by history depending on his success or failure. The Founding Fathers of my country were rebellious dissidents, now revered as heroic patriots. Had they failed, would just be martyred footnotes on the Colony's Wiki page.

Your Founding Fathers created a Constitutional Republic with democratically elected representatives to Congress. They didn't destroy a democratically elected government and implement a quasi-dictatorship to get there.

Those who are victorious generally write the history books.

The country's on a bit of a slippery slope. I hope this doesn't end badly for everyone's sake. Just my humble opinion.

Edited by connda
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What fools will follow a man like this, or is it only money that make them follow ?

Answer that with, by any chance do you remember the story of Jonestown or Heaven's Gate, only slightly differing from the story around "have you seen the little piggies" If not, there's always the author of the book "My Struggle" (Changed from "Four and a Half Years of Struggle against Lies, Stupidity and Cowardice." not with any reference to Thailand)?

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What fools will follow a man like this, or is it only money that make them follow ?

Answer that with, by any chance do you remember the story of Jonestown or Heaven's Gate, only slightly differing from the story around "have you seen the little piggies" If not, there's always the author of the book "My Struggle" (Changed from "Four and a Half Years of Struggle against Lies, Stupidity and Cowardice." not with any reference to Thailand)?

Hitler, Mussolini, Mao, Pol Pot to name a few: Charismatic leaders all. Scary huh?

Gen Xers and Millennials probably wouldn't grasp the significance -- it's off their radar, and who studies history anymore anyway?

Edited by connda
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Looks like General Prem gave him the OK.

I think you are right ( maybe not Prem though....) and we are now head on for serious conflict.

History is being written for Thailand, the sad part is that it is being written by lunatics.

It may be that confrontation and serious violence is already unavoidable.

I very much hope it won't happen, but it don't look good.

philw, why is it you always sound like a depressed and pessimistic academic writing from far away?

Don't worry too much about Suthep, he has done his job of galvanizing the population against unethical governance, soon he will be admitted into hospital 'suffering from exhaustion'.

If Yingluck has any sense she will do the same.

You are wrong on all counts but never mind.....

I think what is happening is deadly serious but it's just my personal take and i could be wrong ( Hopefully I am )

Can you give me a reason why Suthep has chosen NOT to take the avenues of due process of law in order to unseat this "unethical" ( your word ) government ???

Why have none of the alleged multiple instances of the Governments corruption been supported by any evidence ??

Why are there no proceedings against the PM ??

Why have the Dems not instigated criminal charges for all the alleged malfeasance and corruption ??? ( appeals to the CC are not criminal, they are procedural )

If she is so inept and corrupt, why are there no specific charges against the PM and her cabinet ???

Many on here talk ( almost boast ) of the rice scam, can you or anybody else give me the detailed mechanics of the " scam ".

Is the PM gaining personally ???

( I do know how it is wrong, though )

Neither depressed, academic or far away..........

But seriously concerned about the damage Suthep and his ilk are about to do.

He has just knowingly disenfranchised about 35 million people ( from all parties ) and some of them will be very unhappy and for sure will make their feelings clear.

Give it a few more weeks and those on here who support Sutheps actions may well regret.

And by the way, I personally detest Thaksin, think the PM has handled the recent developments with thought and aplomb and believe in the future of Thailand and her institutions.

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Madman? Maybe. But at least he is far better than the Thaksin clam. My hats off to him for standing up and saying "We're mad as hell, and we aren't gonna take it anymore!"

Maybe this guy is just what's needed to make some changes. I also like the fact he has no love for the sorry excuse called Royal Thai Police. He should send them all packing with the Thaksin clam as well.

Go Man Go!

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This guy is exactly doing the same as Hitler did and came in power in Germany, the only difference is that Suthep is worse than A.H.

He should be soon stopped !

For you and the others who believe this sort of exaggeration, shouldn't you be packing your bags and getting out of Thailand as quickly as possible before you're sent to a KZ?

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The man has obviously gone totally mad. Who on Earth gave him the right to order the police about, demand that YS resign as caretaker PM (which, by the way, would be illegal under the present constitution) and order the army on to the streets?

The Dear Leader is starting to think that he is the supreme authority, a very dangerous path to go down.

You can see this as him making a satirical point. By breaking the law and violating the constitution as the PT have done and refusing to accept the rule of law, Suthep's argument is that they have forfeited the right to hold office and he has just as much right to tell the police what to do as Yingluck does now, I sort of agree and I get it, they should be removed from power and replaced ( though I don't know who by admittedly ). I tend to agree although I wish he would offer his arguments in a calm and rational way instead of jumping up and down like a monkey on stage and shouting himself hoarse...However, if this was a REAL democracy, then they could have been removed by democratic means already. Since we have a Mickey Mouse version of democracy here, the usual rules do not apply, so Suthep has been forced to play silly bugger in attempts to get one over on the dictator fugitive and his puppets...You know the expression 'sometimes you need a madman to stop a madman' ?

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This is about positioning and jostling for the day after the real D day. The pieces are nearly all in play now, This will be a watershed and a total paradigm shift the likes the country has never seen in its lifetime.

There is far far more going on that is connected than most realize. Suthep cannot make these demands, stay free and get away with them without the go ahead and Its very rare to see such an obvious link.

Clearly like the panic a few years ago some believe is not far away now. mellow.png

I fear you are right Englishoak :(

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This is about positioning and jostling for the day after the real D day. The pieces are nearly all in play now, This will be a watershed and a total paradigm shift the likes the country has never seen in its lifetime.

There is far far more going on that is connected than most realize. Suthep cannot make these demands, stay free and get away with them without the go ahead and Its very rare to see such an obvious link.

Clearly like the panic a few years ago some believe is not far away now. mellow.png

Like BC, I fear you could be right.

Hope we are wrong and that the Thai population and the powers that be make the right decisions.

So far, the calm and reason put out by the PM has been correct and admirable but there are are very hot heads on both sides.

The only thing guaranteed is that readership on TV will grow as people look for info and that more instability is on the way.


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I hear that she's run north to Chang Rai (or was it Chang Mai ?).

Next thing you know she will be walking through the jungle to Burma to get on a private plane to run further.

Dubai maybe..........

I guess if today Suthep will not get any support from police (555) and army, he will be the one to go on the run or turn himself in.

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I hear that she's run north to Chang Rai (or was it Chang Mai ?).

Next thing you know she will be walking through the jungle to Burma to get on a private plane to run further.

Dubai maybe..........

I guess if today Suthep will not get any support from police (555) and army, he will be the one to go on the run or turn himself in.

If he doesn't win the election then he had better run.

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I hear that she's run north to Chang Rai (or was it Chang Mai ?).

Next thing you know she will be walking through the jungle to Burma to get on a private plane to run further.

Dubai maybe..........

I guess if today Suthep will not get any support from police (555) and army, he will be the one to go on the run or turn himself in.

The thing is that the prachashon (people) would never let him sit in jail.

That is if the police or army had the balls to actuially jap (lock him) him.......

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I hear that she's run north to Chang Rai (or was it Chang Mai ?).

Next thing you know she will be walking through the jungle to Burma to get on a private plane to run further.

Dubai maybe..........

I guess if today Suthep will not get any support from police (555) and army, he will be the one to go on the run or turn himself in.

If he doesn't win the election then he had better run.

Why ?

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I hear that she's run north to Chang Rai (or was it Chang Mai ?).

Next thing you know she will be walking through the jungle to Burma to get on a private plane to run further.

Dubai maybe..........

I guess if today Suthep will not get any support from police (555) and army, he will be the one to go on the run or turn himself in.

The thing is that the prachashon (people) would never let him sit in jail.

That is if the police or army had the balls to actuially jap (lock him) him.......

I think, until now he has not been apprehended because the large support from the protest sites. Support is decreasing by the days, and once they are sure his arrest won't lead to violence, then he will be apprehended (If, God save us, he won't be successful to achieve his target before).

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I hear that she's run north to Chang Rai (or was it Chang Mai ?).

Next thing you know she will be walking through the jungle to Burma to get on a private plane to run further.

Dubai maybe..........

I guess if today Suthep will not get any support from police (555) and army, he will be the one to go on the run or turn himself in.

If he doesn't win the election then he had better run.

Why ?

Sedition carries a prison sentence.

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I hear that she's run north to Chang Rai (or was it Chang Mai ?).

Next thing you know she will be walking through the jungle to Burma to get on a private plane to run further.

Dubai maybe..........

I guess if today Suthep will not get any support from police (555) and army, he will be the one to go on the run or turn himself in.

The thing is that the prachashon (people) would never let him sit in jail.

That is if the police or army had the balls to actuially jap (lock him) him.......

I think, until now he has not been apprehended because the large support from the protest sites. Support is decreasing by the days, and once they are sure his arrest won't lead to violence, then he will be apprehended (If, God save us, he won't be successful to achieve his target before).

His support is NOT decreasing.

It's just that people have to work to support their families in this ruined economic atmosphere as well as be in Bkk.

Trust me when I say, he will never be arrested........

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I guess if today Suthep will not get any support from police (555) and army, he will be the one to go on the run or turn himself in.

The thing is that the prachashon (people) would never let him sit in jail.

That is if the police or army had the balls to actuially jap (lock him) him.......

I think, until now he has not been apprehended because the large support from the protest sites. Support is decreasing by the days, and once they are sure his arrest won't lead to violence, then he will be apprehended (If, God save us, he won't be successful to achieve his target before).

His support is NOT decreasing.

It's just that people have to work to support their families in this ruined economic atmosphere as well as be in Bkk.

Trust me when I say, he will never be arrested........

Oh well, after all we have just different opinions :)

And I truly hope he can be arrested, or sent to company his arch-enemy in Dubai...

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