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I was cured from my gluten intolerance


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some thing amazing has happened to me since coming to thailand.

I know I still shouldn't but I can eat bread. I am cured percent cured from my gluten intolerance.

I normally break out in severe cytic deep pimples when I eat bread and now?? thak buddah I can stuff my face with apple bread, apple pie, burgur king hamburgers its a miracle.

I also had the same reaction to pasturized milk in australia. I would break out when drinking it, or having it In my coffee. noe im fine.

I am trying to pinpoint what I did to fix it.

it could be the following

1. I started taking nascent organic iodine...

2. I feel like the water I much better here, in australia I felt like I was I a nazi socialist gas chamber every time I took a shower!!

3. maybe the bread and milk are lacking some kind of preservative.. or something. ..

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Happy to hear you are feeling better.Some of those foods you can eat though are quite questionable for other reasons than gluten


I read your article , very interesting, I actually always suspected I wasnt gluten intolerant.

I wouldnt be supprised if the sickos are putting some thing bad in the foods just to screw us up and keep us in the hospitals later on

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The link I provided really clears up a common misconception.

The big difference between gluten intolerance and celiac disease.

The former is not very rare, the later is pretty rare.

Way too many people who MIGHT be gluten intolerant go on regimes only suitable actual celiac cases.

Actual celiac kills.

I have some relatives who THINK they are celiac but I was never really convinced that they got a credible diagnosis.

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If ... "I can stuff my face with apple bread, apple pie, burgur king hamburgers" ... maybe you'd be healthier with the gluten intolerance. 555

In the same way that some people who discover they have glucose intolerance or pre-diabetes often live longer because they start to take care of their diet and exercise. It's like a trigger to a healthier lifestyle

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Why do people conclude that there is something wrong with them when their body reacts adversly to consuming something toxic ?. The reaction is a warning to stop doing whatever caused the problem. The body has an amazing ability to recover once the assult is stopped. Not sure about the source of wheat used in Thailand but I know that I can't tollerate wheat products in Europe of the USA.

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I too have celiac sprue. I'm better since I've been living here. I would say only, "Try to minimize your monosodium glutamate intake as much as possible." This would be true for people who do not have celiac disease as well. It's actually the protein "gliaden" in the gluten that is the culpret. Rice and corn are OK. Even "glutenous rice" does not have gliaden. Please excuse the spelling, I can't get my spil chocker to phuncshen hear.

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Why do people conclude that there is something wrong with them when their body reacts adversly to consuming something toxic ?. The reaction is a warning to stop doing whatever caused the problem. The body has an amazing ability to recover once the assult is stopped. Not sure about the source of wheat used in Thailand but I know that I can't tollerate wheat products in Europe of the USA.

The source of wheat in Thailand is the same as the source in Europe and the USA: the ground.

And quite often it has nothing to do with alleged toxicity, but instead an overreaction of the immune system (in other words: yes there is something wrong with your body). This is what allergies are.

As for the OP, anonymous strangers on the internet (including myself) won't be able to do you much good aside from wild guesses and armchair diagnoses. Most likely you will never solve the mystery. It could just as easily be a case of mistaken assumption of cause & effect.

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I love www.infowars.com

Great stuff.

I was considering buying that iodine myself for other reasons.

I drank three bottled of wheat based chiang tonight, I cant believe it!!

thank u alex jones! !

some people critise him, most people don't even know he exists, but alex helped me so many <deleted> times and now he cured my gluten intolerance, ir what ever was wrong with me!!!! he us doing the job our parents didnt!!

im an atheist but alex is still my number one go to guy when I wanna know some thin yeah im drunk on chang right now

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Both celiac and gluten intolerance are real (and different) things. I agree there are many more people who THINK they have both these conditions and actually don't. It's trendy! But there are also plenty of people who have the conditions and don't know it too.

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The link I provided really clears up a common misconception.

The big difference between gluten intolerance and celiac disease.

The former is not very rare, the later is pretty rare.

Way too many people who MIGHT be gluten intolerant go on regimes only suitable actual celiac cases.

Actual celiac kills.

I have some relatives who THINK they are celiac but I was never really convinced that they got a credible diagnosis.

A strong possiblility is leaky gut as it can cause all sorts of allergies and conditions and is not well understood by mainstream medicine.

Basically thou you are poisoing yourself because toxic substances are leaking from gut into the bloodstream and wreaking havoc everywhere.

It can be fixed with a bit of hard work thou like taking Glutamine and lots of probiotics before eating and eliminating all sugar , fried foods , trans fats etc

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Alex Jones is a nut as are most of the people who do not have celiac disease and think that they are gluten intolerant.

I wouldnt be supprised if the sickos are putting some thing bad in the foods just to screw us up and keep us in the hospitals later on

34 yr old retired nut who can now drink beer, yay, ty alex

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I can offer a shortcut to everybody, look after the concept of paleolitic dietary, and You going to finish Your gluten and laktoz tolerance, and have a chanche for a healthier life

im not sayinh your wrong, but ive been paleo for about 3 years, I really dont think it was what helped me in my case, I think it was something more

another point I forgot to mention was I would break ouy if I drank the 2 dollar pasturized supermarket milk, but I had no problem with un-pasturized cow bath milk and goat milk

but here I thailand I can drink pasturized cow milk

some thing is not right

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I have coeliac disease, which is an autoimmune disorder causing a malabsorption issue which takes place in the small intestine, and I can assure you that once you have got this it stays with you for life. There is No medical treatment. The severity of the symptoms will vary in individuals but as said in a previous post the major symptoms will undoubtably include, impaired growth in childhood, severe diarrhoea, stomach cramps, bloating of the stomach, aneamia, causing lethargy and loss of weight. Never heard of pimples on the face! But I suppose it could be possible.

I had this disease as a child and can remember that my mother used to bake special cakes and bread for me. Later in my childhood the doctors gave me the all clear. It wasn't until I was in my 40's that I started to feel vey lethargic and when driving would have to pull the car over on a frequent basis and then would fall asleep. I decided to see a private specialist. The immediate thing he noticed was I was quite aneamic but only after many questions did I say that in childhood I had been diagnosed as having coeliac disease. 'That's it' he said. 'We always thought one would grow out of that disease but now we know'that is not the case'. He sent me into hospital for a blood transfusion and to have a biopsy taken from my small intestine. The biopsy clearly showed that I had coeliac disease. Thev only true way to confirm this diagnosis. The doctor also told me that there had been a recent study on this disease where blood was taken from thousands of subjects and Gluten intolerence/Coeliac disease was very high and becoming more prevalent. In the USA 1 in 105 people have some degree of Gluten intolerance. Some people who have Coeliac disease are only diagnosed after a biopsy from the small intestine as I had done, my blood test did not show anything was wrong this leads me to think I have a fairly mild form of the disease.

Coeliac disease is also hereditary, it can miss a generation like it did with my daughter's but two of my grandchildren have Coeliac disease, one is so severe and also has to avoid dairy products.

The main problem I found is that once you have started a Gluten Free diet then your body becomes even more sensitive to Gluten and you have to be so very careful what you eat and drink.

I did not have a problem when I lived in the UK as there are many companies who specialise in foods for those who need Gluten Free and now many products are clearly marked as 'Gluten Free'. Which also underlines that if there is a need for these companies and labelling then the problem of Gluten intolerance is much higher than most people would think. You only have to go to one of the many big supermarkets in the UK and you will now find large aisles dedicated to Gluten Free foods. If you have a child who is Gluten Free then you can get these foods from a pharmacy with a presciption given by your local doctor.

The big problem is when you decide to live away from the UK or go on holiday. The USA and a lot of the larger EU countries have the same facilities and are very knowledgable regarding this dietary problem. However before coming to live in Thailand I lived in Cyprus and could find very little deicated Gluten Free products. There was a local bakery who did Gluten Free bread, you order 2/3 days ahead but from my experiencethey really did not have any understanding of the product or the allergy. Because Gluten Free bread can be very crumbly (Gluten is the glue in wheat that binds everything together) and not easy to cut I asked the bakery could they slice the loaf of bread for me. 'No problem' was the answer and they took the bread to the machine that had just been slicing normal bread but did not bother to clean the machine first so the chances of contamination with normal bread was almost certain. Needless to say it went in the bin. Very few Gluten Free products were available in the supermarkets.

Later moved to Thailand. Again big problems getting gluten free products. One can not even be sure that what you are buying has Gluten in it or not as most of the ingredients are maked in Thai and here they do not seem to have the same standards in marking what is in the product. For example, picked up a tube of similar to pringles in the UK. My wife read the ingredients list. Not have wheat she says. After eating these for three days with some cheddar cheese was feeling bad and had severe diarrhoea. Decided to look at the box again. Took of the Thai ingredients label only to see the ingredients written underneath in English and there it stated it had 7% wheat flour. Other problems I found is that branded products that I could eat safely in the UK are sold here but do NOT contain the same ingredients, For example I could eat Plain (Called original) Pringles and Kellogs Corn Flakes knowing they are gluten free but the same items sold here states that there may be traces of Gluten. One would have thought that items made under licence would have the same ingredints, that is not so.

Going to eat out is a major problem because one is never sure about the products used in cooking. Even some sauces are not safe

The problem a Coeliac has if they should unknowingly eat food that contains gluten is that it will flatten the villi in the small intestine which means one does not aborb the normal vitamins and minerals the body needs. It can take up to three months for the villi to recover to somewhere near nomality and even then experts say that there will always be a tendency that the small intestine will never maintain the normal efficiency in absorbing the nutrients the body requires. Suppliments such as calcium are highly recommended as osteoporosis is prevelant in those with this disease as much of the normal daily diet of calcium intake is found in food such as bread..

I read in one of the replies to this topic that Coeliac disease is a killer. Possibly but only if not diagnosed and treated by diet and only then by those who have the most serious forms of this disease.

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Yes it leads to very serious life threatening diseases (typically cancer) if you don't know you have it and you don't radically change your diet. Of course many people are living in socio-economic environments where living on a 100 percent gluten free diet (which is what actual celiacs need) is basically impossible. Such people will know they are in distress but just might not ever know why (lack of good medical care) and cause severe permanent internal damage. So yes it kills but of course not if you totally avoid gluten. Again, statistically this is very rare compared to gluten intolerance. BTW, my understanding is the only way to get a definitive diagnosis is for a doc to actually have a look INSIDE. Many people who think they have celiac never go that far and don't really know whether they are actually celiac or not. I think if you are going to radically alter your diet for life, you really NEED to know that it is necessary.

Edited by Jingthing
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I have coeliac disease, which is an autoimmune disorder causing a malabsorption issue which takes place in the small intestine, and I can assure you that once you have got this it stays with you for life. There is No medical treatment. The severity of the symptoms will vary in individuals but as said in a previous post the major symptoms will undoubtably include, impaired growth in childhood, severe diarrhoea, stomach cramps, bloating of the stomach, aneamia, causing lethargy and loss of weight. Never heard of pimples on the face! But I suppose it could be possible.

I had this disease as a child and can remember that my mother used to bake special cakes and bread for me. Later in my childhood the doctors gave me the all clear. It wasn't until I was in my 40's that I started to feel vey lethargic and when driving would have to pull the car over on a frequent basis and then would fall asleep. I decided to see a private specialist. The immediate thing he noticed was I was quite aneamic but only after many questions did I say that in childhood I had been diagnosed as having coeliac disease. 'That's it' he said. 'We always thought one would grow out of that disease but now we know'that is not the case'. He sent me into hospital for a blood transfusion and to have a biopsy taken from my small intestine. The biopsy clearly showed that I had coeliac disease. Thev only true way to confirm this diagnosis. The doctor also told me that there had been a recent study on this disease where blood was taken from thousands of subjects and Gluten intolerence/Coeliac disease was very high and becoming more prevalent. In the USA 1 in 105 people have some degree of Gluten intolerance. Some people who have Coeliac disease are only diagnosed after a biopsy from the small intestine as I had done, my blood test did not show anything was wrong this leads me to think I have a fairly mild form of the disease.

Coeliac disease is also hereditary, it can miss a generation like it did with my daughter's but two of my grandchildren have Coeliac disease, one is so severe and also has to avoid dairy products.

The main problem I found is that once you have started a Gluten Free diet then your body becomes even more sensitive to Gluten and you have to be so very careful what you eat and drink.

I did not have a problem when I lived in the UK as there are many companies who specialise in foods for those who need Gluten Free and now many products are clearly marked as 'Gluten Free'. Which also underlines that if there is a need for these companies and labelling then the problem of Gluten intolerance is much higher than most people would think. You only have to go to one of the many big supermarkets in the UK and you will now find large aisles dedicated to Gluten Free foods. If you have a child who is Gluten Free then you can get these foods from a pharmacy with a presciption given by your local doctor.

The big problem is when you decide to live away from the UK or go on holiday. The USA and a lot of the larger EU countries have the same facilities and are very knowledgable regarding this dietary problem. However before coming to live in Thailand I lived in Cyprus and could find very little deicated Gluten Free products. There was a local bakery who did Gluten Free bread, you order 2/3 days ahead but from my experiencethey really did not have any understanding of the product or the allergy. Because Gluten Free bread can be very crumbly (Gluten is the glue in wheat that binds everything together) and not easy to cut I asked the bakery could they slice the loaf of bread for me. 'No problem' was the answer and they took the bread to the machine that had just been slicing normal bread but did not bother to clean the machine first so the chances of contamination with normal bread was almost certain. Needless to say it went in the bin. Very few Gluten Free products were available in the supermarkets.

Later moved to Thailand. Again big problems getting gluten free products. One can not even be sure that what you are buying has Gluten in it or not as most of the ingredients are maked in Thai and here they do not seem to have the same standards in marking what is in the product. For example, picked up a tube of similar to pringles in the UK. My wife read the ingredients list. Not have wheat she says. After eating these for three days with some cheddar cheese was feeling bad and had severe diarrhoea. Decided to look at the box again. Took of the Thai ingredients label only to see the ingredients written underneath in English and there it stated it had 7% wheat flour. Other problems I found is that branded products that I could eat safely in the UK are sold here but do NOT contain the same ingredients, For example I could eat Plain (Called original) Pringles and Kellogs Corn Flakes knowing they are gluten free but the same items sold here states that there may be traces of Gluten. One would have thought that items made under licence would have the same ingredints, that is not so.

Going to eat out is a major problem because one is never sure about the products used in cooking. Even some sauces are not safe

The problem a Coeliac has if they should unknowingly eat food that contains gluten is that it will flatten the villi in the small intestine which means one does not aborb the normal vitamins and minerals the body needs. It can take up to three months for the villi to recover to somewhere near nomality and even then experts say that there will always be a tendency that the small intestine will never maintain the normal efficiency in absorbing the nutrients the body requires. Suppliments such as calcium are highly recommended as osteoporosis is prevelant in those with this disease as much of the normal daily diet of calcium intake is found in food such as bread..

I read in one of the replies to this topic that Coeliac disease is a killer. Possibly but only if not diagnosed and treated by diet and only then by those who have the most serious forms of this disease.

op here, Ive had really bad reactions to gluten since I had my appendix removed in high school, I only realised it was gluten when I was 28, my parents always said it was hormones

I never ever go to the doctor since learning it was gluten, I always just try trial and error with diet and supplements until I find the fix.

why dont u give th iodine thing a try u havent got any thing too lose....

I think we all just put labels on things and take the pill too often, and dont go exploring after that

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op here, Ive had really bad reactions to gluten since I had my appendix removed in high school, I only realised it was gluten when I was 28, my parents always said it was hormones

I never ever go to the doctor since learning it was gluten, I always just try trial and error with diet and supplements until I find the fix.

why dont u give th iodine thing a try u havent got any thing too lose....

I think we all just put labels on things and take the pill too often, and dont go exploring after that

Be aware that excess intake of iodine supplements can cause toxicity. Make sure you take in well under 1100 mcg per day

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op here, Ive had really bad reactions to gluten since I had my appendix removed in high school, I only realised it was gluten when I was 28, my parents always said it was hormones

I never ever go to the doctor since learning it was gluten, I always just try trial and error with diet and supplements until I find the fix.

why dont u give th iodine thing a try u havent got any thing too lose....

I think we all just put labels on things and take the pill too often, and dont go exploring after that

Be aware that excess intake of iodine supplements can cause toxicity. Make sure you take in well under 1100 mcg per day

thanx ill be careful, but I already should be poisoned, I really appreciate your advice, most people here are heart warming, but I can be a jerk too lol, this stuff tastes so good I crave it, I prolly over dosed last night cause I drank 1.5 litres of chang, so I took an etra massive dose because I was so afraid my acne would return, I think this iodine is different, u have to try it to understand, I feel like im on the top of the moon today btw

I know I am a nut like the previous posted said, but I feel so abused by society that I stubbornly just do crazy stuff against the grain all the time, its working out for me so far, I do get stung alot but, but I always try to think of getting stung as a good thing

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there is a lot of crap that goes into the food and water in australia (and elsewhere) that is replaced by a different combo of crap here. pinning it down to one or even a combo will be difficult. but i am with you i have far less issue with the thai combo than with the elsewhere combos. that's even with the included deliberate random sabotage that appears all to frequently in the thai combo.

read somewhere that worms (threadworm i think) can cause some forms of intolerance.

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I think you had something different, either it went away or you were allergic to something.

Can be a lot things. Would be interesting what happens if you try to use organic food in Australia.

At many pre-processed food in Thailand you find the same things and worse than in the west. As well on fruits/vegetables/meat there is often more chemicals than in the west.

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Yes it leads to very serious life threatening diseases (typically cancer) if you don't know you have it and you don't radically change your diet. Of course many people are living in socio-economic environments where living on a 100 percent gluten free diet (which is what actual celiacs need) is basically impossible. Such people will know they are in distress but just might not ever know why (lack of good medical care) and cause severe permanent internal damage. So yes it kills but of course not if you totally avoid gluten. Again, statistically this is very rare compared to gluten intolerance. BTW, my understanding is the only way to get a definitive diagnosis is for a doc to actually have a look INSIDE. Many people who think they have celiac never go that far and don't really know whether they are actually celiac or not. I think if you are going to radically alter your diet for life, you really NEED to know that it is necessary.

I was not diagnosed as Coeilac even after three endoscopies. So we did a simple test, a weekend eating bread, Pasta and drinking beer the result was the symptoms I stated in my first post. Next was staying free of all products containing gluten. Result fine no problem.

Coeliac's/gluten intolerant you can believe me, you know when to alter your diet.


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