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Not sure what the negativity is over the facial hair especially around Chirstmas, must be a Thai thing.

Seems like a losing battle. I doubt whether a low paying teaching job would do more then prolong a change he needs to make now.

Getting older in Thailand wasting away in what is not really that great of a gig to begin with and little, if any, upside career-wise, and better suited to youngsters passing through.

Feels like an eventual recipe for sitting around drinking as opportunities slowly evaporate. Hanging on in Thailand does not sound like an option. I would bite the bullett, return home ASAP and get a decent paying job from there. Send money back to family and maybe spend as much time here on vacation each year as you can reasonably afford. Build up from there.

See the solutions? I have a brain and can think. How many other responses have any ideas or solutions? It's more just rants against the guy. Twits.

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I tried to watch it with compassion for the guy but it was difficult. I've been lower than that before and the last thing I would have wanted to do was make a bloody video telling the world.

Get off your fat ass and get a job as an English teacher. If you can't get a job in Bangkok, you won't be able to get a job anywhere.

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Unless he has chronic depression...

You say that as if that's a rare problem for the long term unemployed. coffee1.gif

He probably is depressed now due to his inability to help himself, but that's not the same as chronic depression, which he didn't suffer from.


I agree with one of the posters above about why it's not such a big deal that he has to wash his hair with bar soap. So what? It's not like he has to make himself look sharp for work. And as far as not being able to afford a razor, check out his older videos. He's got a lot of facial hair then too. And finally, Unless he's recently lost 10 kilos, I don't believe that all he's eaten for the last month is rice, green papaya and soy sauce. You can't see his whole body in the video, but from his upper torso you can see he extremely overweight.

There are people in this world who are deserving of a hand up or even a hand out. In my opinion this guy is not one of them. He needs to quit feeling sorry for himself, get off of youtube, and go find a job.

He is hooked on recognition on YouTube. He does not seem to have discipline on himself and I assume that his three children are not much different from him either. He must have spent too much time online and that why the electric bills are skyrocketing high. Thailand is not USA where people in his situation get welfare, Medicaid and public assistance and they still blame anyone and anything else but themselves. Under his circumstance, it is a mistake to stay in Thailand with his appearance, there will be hard to find any job unless he clean himself to look presentable. He needs to get out of the house and turn off the laptop.


I really feel sorry for the guy. The power metre thing gets me, over 1yr for the power comp to fix it due to the floods and then sends him a bill for $3000 for estimated power usage that he never had and he paid it.

God fearing or not he should have done his brother over permanently and cut him up for meat.

He helped friends over the past but they had no time to help him, typical that has happened to me in the past. But I am a great believer in Karma, if he has done good merit it will come back. "Reap what you sow"

Some of you guys that have given him some shit, I pray to Buddha it happens to you lot.

Try and keep your chin up mate something good is around the corner. If I had his address I would send a food parcel to him on the bus, or his local bus station.

He does not look like or sound like a bum.

I live in Khon Kaen but back in New Zealand with my wife for Christmass/NY back late Feb.

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I do feel for this guy, and I can understand how he gets into this situation. it just snowballs. if he didn't have kids, i would offer up tons of advice; however, since he has kids, i will be more reserved. i don't have kids, but i have a feeling they change everything. there is no quick fix, so just try to stay positive, take only the positive remarks to heart, and try to move forward, for your kids. anyhow, good luck.


I do feel for this guy, and I can understand how he gets into this situation. it just snowballs. if he didn't have kids, i would offer up tons of advice; however, since he has kids, i will be more reserved. i don't have kids, but i have a feeling they change everything. there is no quick fix, so just try to stay positive, take only the positive remarks to heart, and try to move forward, for your kids. anyhow, good luck.

An emphatic response from a person who has no kids but understands that if no kids..... My compliments. Hats off !


I'm surprised by the lack of "suppress the disgrace" answers in this thread, only one or two and of the mild variety only.

Where is the familiar accusation of the subject being a scammer, wanting to deprieve Thailand, ASEAN and the world at large of couple tens dollars in meals and sundries?

Where is the fortifiying macho tale of the aging forumite that has worked all his life and his grandfather's too, to accumulate financial security and canned bacon to be shared with next of kin only (subject to further evaluation) ?

Where is the condescending smartass suggesting a trip to the local temple where an headshave and cold meal isn't refused to anyone ?

It's true what they say, Thailand isn't the same anymore!


I have never heard so many stories (nor support of them) of lack of planning in my life.

First, you don't move from your home country, take on a family, sever ties, and then wait until you're skint to try to develop a plan.

Next, guys who move to Thailand without a secure financial status are welcome to do so, but should be ready to face the consequences. Many move for the women or a woman, leaving their health insurance and public assistance availability behind. Then they get surprised at surprises, and actually have very few skills at managing money.

Many are completely wiped out by a Thai woman.

Then they wait until they are skint or their health is too bad to jump back to safety.

They move permanently without a solid nest egg in their home country to get them back and settled. That nest egg never comes to Thailand.

I am really surprised by the defenders of this guy. Sure I feel sorry for him, but he has only himself you blame. We all make choices and we get the consequences of our choices, good or bad.

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In this video, it's obvious just how obese he is, his tats, his beard, and also his delusions of grandeur come to the front. That's not a fit for Thailand if he wants a job. It's a fit maybe for a retired guy with plenty of money who wants to hang around the bars.

This guy is a loser who was probably a loser in his home country and that probably drove him to Thailand with even more delusions.

Now his problems are everyone else's fault.

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Well.....if i would be in the position to help the guy....i would do.

Seems like most posters till now on this thread are the 1s he is, rightfully??venting at, actually seeking support from. Well done for all the perfect planners in life who have never experienced "black snow" themself. Sad bunch of people you. For those 1s, to judge is better than try to help, especially when ur in the position to. I am far from a thailover but the thai way of dealing with the needy, on a personal way, is alot better than the judgemental western way.

Wouldn't have been my own personal way of looking for help, was in a far worse circumstances than he is for most of my life and if I were to judge my life today by the standards he sets as being a "successful life" then I think he would consider me as still being where he is now. But me...I think I have a life beyond my wildest dreams....all I did was change my priorities.

He says he believes in a "God"......he also says that he takes care of his family first.....then himself..... and finally God. My belief is that he has them in the wrong order. Make sure your relationship with "your" God comes first, then your family and after that everybody else. If you try to follow that path you will discover that you yourself have been truly looked after already. Take care of your spiritual wellbeing above all else and all the rest will follow......not the other way round.


I stand corrected, must have been a cluster of emphatic posts that have fooled myself into believing that big balls TV man had lost his sharpness.

Keep the pity coming, if you are a believer your postings will be your credentials to a heaven, try it out.


On the recession thing!

[self-centered, alchool-smelling spin deleted]

(ETA: Theres no part 3 smile.png)



I think the first thing he should do is shave that unbelievable amount of hair from his face.

You will find that many 'Plus size' men will have a beard.

It does tend to hid the multiple chins.

I'm not having a go at the guy, I carry a spare tyre also ... just the one.



Considering that he has a Thai Wife and kids ... what is surprising is that he hasn't thought of moving in with them.

He's mentioned all the other reasons why 'he' can't go back to the States, but no mention of the extended Thai Family.

Sure, it would be

  • a major PIA lifestyle wise,
  • huge lose of face for all concerned,
  • relocating to another area
  • yanking the kids out of school
  • living with the outlaws
  • cramped living conditions

Sure, I know, I'll get the chorus of 'I'd rather die then do that', but ...

But ... when you are faced with diminishing options ... or none at all according to the guy in the video, it's a survival phase that maybe he the family has to do.

BTW ... did I miss it, or did he mention that the wife works?

I'm making the assumption that his wife is Thai.

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What did the guy do as a job?

I disagree with comments of selling laptop for food I'd rather stab my balls with a dinner fork than sell my laptop. Best thing for him to do would be to pull that video down and stick another one up promoting himself a little better since a quick google shows this video straight to potential employers.

I reckon of the 000's of TV members there must be a few that could help out, not necessarily financial but with work.

I hope he stuck the heid in his brother.


Well.....if i would be in the position to help the guy....i would do.

Seems like most posters till now on this thread are the 1s he is, rightfully??venting at, actually seeking support from. Well done for all the perfect planners in life who have never experienced "black snow" themself. Sad bunch of people you. For those 1s, to judge is better than try to help, especially when ur in the position to. I am far from a thailover but the thai way of dealing with the needy, on a personal way, is alot better than the judgemental western way.

Wouldn't have been my own personal way of looking for help, was in a far worse circumstances than he is for most of my life and if I were to judge my life today by the standards he sets as being a "successful life" then I think he would consider me as still being where he is now. But me...I think I have a life beyond my wildest dreams....all I did was change my priorities.

He says he believes in a "God"......he also says that he takes care of his family first.....then himself..... and finally God. My belief is that he has them in the wrong order. Make sure your relationship with "your" God comes first, then your family and after that everybody else. If you try to follow that path you will discover that you yourself have been truly looked after already. Take care of your spiritual wellbeing above all else and all the rest will follow......not the other way round.

Interesting point of view.


Haven't got to the end yet but am already tired of listening to him whine about getting an electricity bill after 13 months, and he had not made any provision to pay for it.

Did he really expect to get 13 months electricity for free?

When my meter blew up, yes they came and connected me without a meter, replaced it after 2 months, and I got billed (estimated) for those 2 months based on prior consumption.

Then he lets a stranger into his home.

And excused her behaviour because he vowed 'to be strong'........

Then says he is not pitying himself as he whines.

Yes people are greedy, it is called self preservation!

But now he says.....

Today is the 1st day of the rest of my life.

Oh well Judd, good luck.


In this video, it's obvious just how obese he is, his tats, his beard, and also his delusions of grandeur come to the front. That's not a fit for Thailand if he wants a job. It's a fit maybe for a retired guy with plenty of money who wants to hang around the bars.

This guy is a loser who was probably a loser in his home country and that probably drove him to Thailand with even more delusions.

Now his problems are everyone else's fault.

So did his brother bang his wife? Or was it a mistake?


Yes, he is a huge and utter failure. This is substantiated by not only his past, but his lack of planning for the immediate future. He needs to buck up, slim down, get a grip and get a job. Maybe return to US, I don't know. Obviously, he is overwhelmed.

Typical reaction from the I've got mine brigade by and large.

Moving to Thailand witbout a nest egg or at least a way back, marraige, kids (!!). But this is the typical life of an average flunkie the world over. His whole life can be summed up as a serious of bad choices.

This is the face of humanity. Not some lonely turd on a barstool in Chaing Mai sipping Sang Som and fondling chubby overthehill bar "girls".

I at least commend him on having a life. Most of you have none. You have no love, no life, no hobbies, no cool journeys, no friends, no passion. Your social life is this board.

The vast majority of you are not any better planners, you just made it to your soft *old* pension years and had a bit of dosh after divorcing the cow back home and taking whatever pittance left and moved to "paradise" to "live the dream". Armed with a pension that you have gone to the ballot box to deny your younger countrymen, you scurry off here and become one of the newer baht multi millionaires. You didn't plan anything, you saved a bit of money and were greatly bouyed all your life by a largely strong and upward economy.

Your health is a shambles, you eat crap, are grossly overweight. Great plan! You can't speak Thai, but know everything about Thailand. You are lonely and alone and all the not so pretty dusky gogo-moms from Khon Kaen don't change that. Go enjoy your burger and beer, pat yourself on the back what a genius you are as well as self made man. But most importantly, for what compassion a generosity you have aquired throughout your life.

You need not applaud his folly, but you can step around him instead of stepping over him - or on him.

To all the have's - most happiest of Christmas, you have obviously learned nothing from this nations religion or your own.

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I agree starry eyed love besotted pre-expats should DEFINITELY view that video.

And what will they see? Fat guy with no money or education gets skinny good looking girl in Thailand.

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Yes, he is a huge and utter failure. This is substantiated by not only his past, but his lack of planning for the immediate future. He needs to buck up, slim down, get a grip and get a job. Maybe return to US, I don't know. Obviously, he is overwhelmed.

Typical reaction from the I've got mine brigade by and large.

Moving to Thailand witbout a nest egg or at least a way back, marraige, kids (!!). But this is the typical life of an average flunkie the world over. His whole life can be summed up as a serious of bad choices.

This is the face of humanity. Not some lonely turd on a barstool in Chaing Mai sipping Sang Som and fondling chubby overthehill bar "girls".

I at least commend him on having a life. Most of you have none. You have no love, no life, no hobbies, no cool journeys, no friends, no passion. Your social life is this board.

The vast majority of you are not any better planners, you just made it to your soft *old* pension years and had a bit of dosh after divorcing the cow back home and taking whatever pittance left and moved to "paradise" to "live the dream". Armed with a pension that you have gone to the ballot box to deny your younger countrymen, you scurry off here and become one of the newer baht multi millionaires. You didn't plan anything, you saved a bit of money and were greatly bouyed all your life by a largely strong and upward economy.

Your health is a shambles, you eat crap, are grossly overweight. Great plan! You can't speak Thai, but know everything about Thailand. You are lonely and alone and all the not so pretty dusky gogo-moms from Khon Kaen don't change that. Go enjoy your burger and beer, pat yourself on the back what a genius you are as well as self made man. But most importantly, for what compassion a generosity you have aquired throughout your life.

You need not applaud his folly, but you can step around him instead of stepping over him - or on him.

To all the have's - most happiest of Christmas, you have obviously learned nothing from this nations religion or your own.

We have to consider his age, which looks younger then the typical expat, and also his desire to do right by his family before we make the call. Does not appear to be a drunk or whore monger either from what I can see.

In fact, I think these things put him a notch ahead of many of the other expats I have met over here.

Would rather have a beard or facial hair, then balding or wearing a rug as well, but that's just me.


We have to consider his age, which looks younger then the typical expat, and also his desire to do right by his family before we make the call. Does not appear to be a drunk or whore monger either from what I can see.

In fact, I think these things put him a notch ahead of many of the other expats I have met over here.

Would rather have a beard or facial hair, then balding or wearing a rug as well, but that's just me.

Why do we have to consider his age?


What annoys me is how some of the "I'm alright Jack, pull up the ladder" brigade think that, because they've had one or more periods of adversity in the past and emerged intact, it means that they've somehow endured some sort of rite of passage that entitles them to dump on a guy who's made the error of making a video about it.

Is he a pillock for not planning well enough to have more than 100,000 to fall back on ? Yeah he is but there are loads of expats here who are one medical emergency or police bribe away from a financial abyss

Is he grossly overweight? Sure he is but loads of expats are heifers. Yes i suppose many of them aren't looking for work but hey, neither was this guy before he lost his job.

Yeah he's a berk for making a video ranting at the world but that doesn't mean he's undeserving of some basic human sympathy.


Is he a pillock for not planning well enough to have more than 100,000 to fall back on ? Yeah he is but there are loads of expats here who are one medical emergency or police bribe away from a financial abyss

Every foreigner in Thailand can face either of these problems, no matter how wealthy they are.

Medical insurance says no (or you bought insurance from the guy in CM who gives you a receipt and pockets the premium).

Police plant some drugs, underage girl, bogus car accident, etc. and the same.

It comes from living in a third world country, but no excuse for not keeping the price of a plane ticket back.


Is he a pillock for not planning well enough to have more than 100,000 to fall back on ? Yeah he is but there are loads of expats here who are one medical emergency or police bribe away from a financial abyss

Every foreigner in Thailand can face either of these problems, no matter how wealthy they are.

Medical insurance says no (or you bought insurance from the guy in CM who gives you a receipt and pockets the premium).

Police plant some drugs, underage girl, bogus car accident, etc. and the same.

It comes from living in a third world country, but no excuse for not keeping the price of a plane ticket back.

Where you been fitty? Holiday?

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