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Theres a Snake in me Kitchen what am I gonna do


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BLOOD CURDLING SCREAMS from the kitchen, I jump up head to the kitchen, my housekeeper is on a chair, my mother in law in a corner and my groundsman heading to get a machete, I says whats happening they point and say SNAKE (I think Lunch) then I see a teeny tiny baby snake hardly a mouthful so my groundskeeper/handyman brings a big machete and I decide to take over and save the little fella, get him out the house and over the back of the wall to the ricefields. Now I have to think what to have for lunch

I am not sure of the species first look was banded Krait but I don't think it is one

Anyone know for sure.


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In hindsight, it wasnt posionous. But having a very curious toddler + a young girl and a neighbor with a small kid as well, i got a long bamboo pole with forks on the end at the ready. I dont go looking for trouble, but you do have to draw the line somewhere so that you keep the family out of harms way.

"Second best time to plant a tree is today" sent from note2 TV app

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I'm not one for killing stuff and have kept snakes as a kid so I'm always up for throwing it back over the ricefields if one comes in this is the first one in our new house and I realized I need to get equipped cos if it was a Cobra or Krait then would need to be very careful

So where can I buy Snake tongs from anyone know

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Actually Golden Tree Snake is a possibility, especially if its a bit more green rather than yellow in real life.

Normally they have a black mark down the sides of the head / underside of head plain colour which you can't really see in the picture.

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Venom Toxicity: Rear fanged venomous snake – but the venom is not very dangerous to humans at all. Just the same, don’t let it bite down on you more than a second or two before you remove it. Don’t give this snake a chance to inject a lot of venom and you’ll likely be just fine if no allergies to it. There have been no confirmed cases of medically significant envenomation with Golden Tree Snakes.
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For heaven's sake, just capture the snake and return it to the "wild." Poor creature was probably thoroughly traumatized by all the attention because it took a wrong turn to find food. This is the Tropics, you know!

Doesn't feel like it. 13C in my garden this morning!!

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For heaven's sake, just capture the snake and return it to the "wild." Poor creature was probably thoroughly traumatized by all the attention because it took a wrong turn to find food. This is the Tropics, you know!

actually these guys are attracted to houses because they are gecko, tokay eaters, after awhile you can get used to them as they have no interest in humans and just looking for food, the stripes are very distinctive in the young ones but fade to a more even color as they mature. Beautifal animals.

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As they are cold-blooded, snakes will seek warmth. Here is Chiang Mai right now it is quite cold, so it's advisable to keep the doors/screens closed to avoid these uninvited house visitors coming in.

Though not in all cases (read: use caution), non-poisonous snakes tend to move away quickly while the poisonous ones move slower and/or stand their ground.

We don't kill snakes here as well. Glad to hear more folks are coming to realize they are, in the natural scheme of things, a benefit and not a burden.

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Sorry, you all are wrong...it's a "Paradise Tree Snake" Family :

Species: Chrysopelea paradisi

Very similar to the Golden Tree Snake and not dangerous.

The Paradise Tree Snake is considered by some to be rare, however in Singapore it is commonly encountered in a variety of habitats including mangrove, secondary forest, and parks and gardens. This is a back-fanged colubrid with weak venom sufficiently powerful to immobilize its small prey, which comprises mainly tree-dwelling lizards. The species is active by day.

The species ranges from parts of Burma and Southern Thailand through Peninsular Malaysia and Singapore to Indonesia (Borneo, Sumatra, Java, Sulawesi) and parts of the Philippines.

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Golden tree snake, thanks for saving its life, thats your good deed

for today, don't know why so many people want to kill snakes as

soon as they see them,not only snakes but it seems anything

that moves has to be eradicated with extreme prejudice .

The only things I kill are Rats,mice,cockroaches and mosquitoes,

everything else just leave it alone to get on with its life.

regards Worgeordie

Why not kill the snake if you are going to kill it's food.

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And found a second baby this moring inside an extension cord this time now that we identified it as a Golden tree snake just let it go on its merry way in the garden

We might have a batch of hatchlings close by, 2 snakes in 2 days

Edited by DiamondKing
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For heaven's sake, just capture the snake and return it to the "wild." Poor creature was probably thoroughly traumatized by all the attention because it took a wrong turn to find food. This is the Tropics, you know!

Well if you read my post THAT IS EXACTLY WHAT I DID :)

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