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Russian repays cross dresser’s hotel-room surprise with broken nose

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A cross dressing ladyboy and a Russian wearing a cape in a short time room in Pattaya...it just doesn't get any better than that.

The ladyboy is not cross-dressing but dressing appropriate to her gender identity. Get it?

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Is that a cape he's wearing? Is that the new fashion statement from Vladivostok? coffee1.gif

Russkies need to realize this isn't Russia here where it is encouraged to violently assault sexual minorities.

He should of told him he was a man with a penis

What does he expect when he has deceived him/

I really dont see why they dont tell, i mean it must be a huge risk sometimes going with a man because you dont know how he is going to react when he finds out. If you dont have the post op surgery its a slippery slope for those lady boys.

If they don't know you, 99% of them do for precisely the reasons you set out. Of course, the onus is on the buyer to check out the goods he is buying by just confirming his purchase with a simple question. Like for me, it's something like "Are you a ladygirl?" and if it's in the affirmative then I move on. With the ladyboys, I will say something like "You're such a beautiful ladyboy," so they know they don't have to self-disclose their sexual identity.


any friend of Batman's is a friend of mine... What a helmet though, must have been his first day in Thailand or something. If the headline had read "Russian man pinches Thai man" nobody would read the article I guess.. It's not like he thumped a woman is it?

Oh and that makes it OK does it!

He should have read up on Thailand before coming and left his Russian homophobia back home!

Next time he should look at the top half, or close his eyes, and enjoy a "happy ending"

I don't understand why being pissed off about a ladyboy's lies is homophobia... It's not.

I'm straight... I don't "understand" what makes a person be transgender... or gay for that matter... but I don't discriminate against people based on their orientation. They should have the same rights as everybody else.

But, in my view, if you are a man (pre-op or post-op) and you dress like a woman and go out to places where you try to pick up, or be picked up by, straight men, by passing youself off as a woman, you deserve to get your ass kicked.

If you are honest about who you are, fine. Everybody knows what they are getting.

I think ladyboys should have to wear a "Scarlett L" on their clothes or something.

The problem isn't that they are gay, or transgender... the problem is that they intentionally decieve people about something most people are pretty deeply emotional about. So when they find out they have been decieved, especially after a few drinks, what do you expect is going to happen next?

That isn't homophobia... It's a normal, emotional reaction to having someone decieve you about a closely held personal value that is core to our being....

Not even gonna waste my time responding to all your calumnies, misinformation, and just plain ignorance. Just report it as transgenderphobic hate speech!


A cross dressing ladyboy and a Russian wearing a cape in a short time room in Pattaya...it just doesn't get any better than that.

The ladyboy is not cross-dressing but dressing appropriate to her gender identity. Get it?

a ladyboy is a transvestite - good so far? a transvestite is a cross dresser - good so far? it is thus so far impossible to change ones gender. but it is possible to assume the identity of another gender i.e. a man that dresses as a woman or a woman that dresses as a man

I really find it quite distrubing that some gay men attempt to change the terms widely acepted by all but them to something which suits their wierd disposition.


transvestite (plural transvestites)

  1. A person who sometimes wears clothes traditionally worn by and associated with the opposite sex; typically a male who cross-dresses occasionally by habit or compulsion.

any friend of Batman's is a friend of mine... What a helmet though, must have been his first day in Thailand or something. If the headline had read "Russian man pinches Thai man" nobody would read the article I guess.. It's not like he thumped a woman is it?

Oh and that makes it OK does it!

He should have read up on Thailand before coming and left his Russian homophobia back home!

Next time he should look at the top half, or close his eyes, and enjoy a "happy ending"

I don't understand why being pissed off about a ladyboy's lies is homophobia... It's not.

I'm straight... I don't "understand" what makes a person be transgender... or gay for that matter... but I don't discriminate against people based on their orientation. They should have the same rights as everybody else.

But, in my view, if you are a man (pre-op or post-op) and you dress like a woman and go out to places where you try to pick up, or be picked up by, straight men, by passing youself off as a woman, you deserve to get your ass kicked.

If you are honest about who you are, fine. Everybody knows what they are getting.

I think ladyboys should have to wear a "Scarlett L" on their clothes or something.

The problem isn't that they are gay, or transgender... the problem is that they intentionally decieve people about something most people are pretty deeply emotional about. So when they find out they have been decieved, especially after a few drinks, what do you expect is going to happen next?

That isn't homophobia... It's a normal, emotional reaction to having someone decieve you about a closely held personal value that is core to our being....

Not even gonna waste my time responding to all your calumnies, misinformation, and just plain ignorance. Just report it as transgenderphobic hate speech!

report it! you really are the epitome of despicable

  • Like 2

A cross dressing ladyboy and a Russian wearing a cape in a short time room in Pattaya...it just doesn't get any better than that.

The ladyboy is not cross-dressing but dressing appropriate to her gender identity. Get it?

Tha ladyboy/cross dresser is not a "her" it's still a man - get it?


Great, some homophobic Russian thug beats up a Thai ladyboy and now we get to hear pro-Putin, anti-gay propaganda.

Yes it was homophobic based on the report because the violent criminal Russkie reacted to seeing a male sexual organ.

Anyway, what was just posted is "no big deal" if you're not a gay person or especially a gay parent in Russia afraid of having your child stolen by the state because just being gay is NOT OK according to the government in today's Russia. Also since the new law violent attacks on gay people including gay businesses has increased. Sure, no big deal if you aren't getting beaten up or murdered.

Equating HIV with being gay is also a gross distortion of the facts, often used by anti-gay propagandists. HIV doesn't have a sexual orientation. It is a VIRUS.

The anti-gay laws in Russia were not motivated as an HIV health policy; they are political tool to have a convenient out group to SCAPEGOAT just as JEWS used to be scapegoated in Russia. It serves the political purposes of the Putin dictatorship.

This explains it:


BTW, to be clear, if the ladyboy did not disclose his genital status beforehand, that was of course definitely wrong, but violent assault is MORE wrong.

I take it from your rant and general syntax that you are actually gay. You seem well versed in playing the victim. There is nothing wrong with bieng pro Putin. it is simply a choice - a matter of opinion. As it is to be gay. I don't hate gays or am I anti gay. But i do consider it disgusiting in many ways. I think you may find that 66 million Russians were actually slaughtered at the hands of a brutal dictatorship under Lennin and Trotsky. You may want to look up what race or religion they were. You may also wish to look at who was responsible for setting up the Bolsheviks.

Are you anti family and pro gay? What is your thoughts on the UK judge that was forced to resign for promoting famiy and hetro views, as you dont say. You simply attack the message. Personnaly i think the Russians have it right. They obviously think it important t protect the people (esp the young) from being indoctrinated in to thinking that gay is normal.

Why do you compare being gay to being jewish. whatever you may choose to think the vast majority of people are against the open promotion of the gay agenda. India has recently banned gay marraige as has Australia.

Most people are tolerant and accept the fact that gay behavior has always and will always exist. But they also feel uncomfortable and even disguisted with open displays and promotion of this behavior and lifestyle.

Finally you seem to find no problem with asserting your phobia of "Russkies' yet find a phobia of gays as something very bad. If one person has a fear or contempt for a race (i.e. you with Russians) and another has a fear or contempt for a sexual preference that they may find disguisting and unnatural, then aren't they both equally bad. No probably no. i would say being phobic of a race is much worse. Im sure you agree as you are obviously very disturbed by the phobia shown to jews by the Russians.

So you obviously are a hypocrite as well as being totally ignorant of the fact that with the notable exception of Lenin (Vladimir Ulyanov), most of the leading Communists who took control of Russia in 1917-20 were Jews.

What a bizarre post. Seeming defending both anti-semitism AND homophobia. BTW, Russian is NOT a race, dear. Nor are Jews for that matter.

I'm OK with free speech, mate. Exposes where people are coming from. I do have to inform that open DISGUST of gay people and support that gay people should not legally be allowed to assert their human rights (rationalized based on DISGUST and obsession with SEX ACTS) is about as ANTI-GAY as it gets. Human beings are about a lot more than sex acts. If you're heterosexual would you appreciate your entire humanity being reduced to the SEX ACTS you might do?

BTW, India's high court did not rule about gay marriage. The ruling was related to criminalization of homosexuality in general.

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Posts getting personal removed

"Smoke me a kipper, I'll be back for breakfast!"

Arnold Judas Rimmer of Jupiter Mining Corporation Ship Red Dwarf


I don't think you can say any particular sexual act is either homosexual or heterosexual. If it is done between people of the same gender it's homosexual if it's done between people of different gender it is heterosexual. And it is DNA that defines gender.

  • Like 2

Not even gonna waste my time responding to all your calumnies, misinformation, and just plain ignorance. Just report it as transgenderphobic hate speech!

So OMGIminpattaya, you obviously think it's normal that a guy unwittingly takes a bird homw only to discover that he's paid for has a meat and two veg? And because the person reacts to the shock by punching the man pretending to be a woman, he's "transgenderphobic"? Are you "straightpersonphobic"? Probably why you're in Pattaya with all the mincers

just say out his user name out loud to get the full picture of what he represents. 'oh my god im in pattaya'. he is oviously a very mixed up guy. he never has a real argument. he simply resorts to slurs or saying that he won't waste his time responding. he has done exactly that several times on this post. he obvioulsy has the time to post so why deosnt he make his case. well, he has attempted to do so on several comments - but they' re nonsensical to the normal mind.

the obvious fact of the matter is he doesnt have any argument that would stand up. must be frustrating for him - as in OMG how can people not just see it may way and not assert their own opinion. pathetic really.

Alwyn and jonesthebaker, you could not be more homophobic if you tried, are you Muslim by any chance? do you eat with knives and forks that have touched pork?

The ignorance of some posters regards ladyboys/transgenders is shocking, i bet you all do horizontal sex with the lights off, and don't take your clothes off with the lights on either.

I am not a Muslim but i do agree with the Muslim perspective when it comes to homosexuality and family. Thing is i come from an era in which homosexuality and transexualism were very much frowned upon and in fact illegal. Just because a bunch of liberal minded usefull idiots decide to forward a very unpopular, and what most people see as immoral agenda, doesnt mean that i simply jump on board. You see i actually think for myself. You are quite typical of those that see themselfs as liberal minded and tolerant, which is totally ironic in that you label anyone that doesnt fit in with your view as homophobic.

There is a big push back, globally, to reverse the legalization of gay marraige and promotion of open homosexuality. I think i can say with confidence that i am in the majority when i state that i consider gay marraige wrong and immoral. I'm afraid that is simply a fact.

Further i do note - and anyone reading these comments can plainly see - that all of those commenting in favor of open gayness never actually make any valid argument. They all simply resort to name calling and ridicule.

Resort is had to ridicule only when reason is against us.

Thomas Jefferson

  • Like 2

If a Thai man has had breast implants done, takes a bunch of hormones, puts on a dress, and then goes to

Walking Street / Beach road pretending to be a woman who is looking for punters, bad things

are going to happen. The Thai term som nam na leaps to my mind...........

In Pattaya ladyboys are like a one group crime wave. And before OMG leaps in with his standard

defense of me being a homophobic or transgenderphobic , this is also the position of the Thai police

who are in the best position of deciding who is committing crime here. When the police want to

cut crime in Pattaya, first thing they do is round up the ladyboys on Beach Road...

  • Like 1

I'd be happy to discuss those inflammatory side issues in detail (excepting the personal attacks) but alas they are quite off topic. thumbsup.gif

obviously you wouldnt because you dont deal in facts. you and your kind are very transparent. if you were able to disprove anything i have said you would in a flash. you can't because the truth is simply the truth.

I don't agree that everyone should agree with everyone's lifestyle. I think that some people aren't going to agree, but I think that when you're mean and when you ridicule people it's a sign of your own insecurities.

PS i find that your quote inserted at the foot of your comments very revealing. this is the type of thing that people find very disturbing. salacious and inappropriate: (read it folks to see where Jingthings mind is at)

“Enjoy each miserable day”

"In life, you gotta bend. Carry vaseline."

My Dad


And to reply to one post , transgenders are not gay , they are transgenders ... Or is it maybe to hard to understand from very narrow minds .

Are they males who want to be involved with males?


And to reply to one post , transgenders are not gay , they are transgenders ... Or is it maybe to hard to understand from very narrow minds .

Are they males who want to be involved with males?

It's a bit more complicated than only about the birth gender. Have you heard the term GLBT. That stands for Gay, Lesbian, Bisexual, and Transgender. When used it indicates sexual minority groups unified by the common thread of being sexual minorities (related to gender identity, sexual orientation, or BOTH), but NOT indicating they are exactly the SAME sexual minorities.


A cross dressing ladyboy and a Russian wearing a cape in a short time room in Pattaya...it just doesn't get any better than that.

The ladyboy is not cross-dressing but dressing appropriate to her gender identity. Get it?

a ladyboy is a transvestite - good so far? a transvestite is a cross dresser - good so far? it is thus so far impossible to change ones gender. but it is possible to assume the identity of another gender i.e. a man that dresses as a woman or a woman that dresses as a man

I really find it quite distrubing that some gay men attempt to change the terms widely acepted by all but them to something which suits their wierd disposition.


transvestite (plural transvestites)

  • A person who sometimes wears clothes traditionally worn by and associated with the opposite sex; typically a male who cross-dresses occasionally by habit or compulsion.
You ignorance exposed by your own post and definition...just can't get anything thru some of you I guess. Do you see the words "sometime" and "occasionally" in your quoted definition? These terms denote that the described behavior is done on a not frequent basis and at the whim of the person so engaged. Transvestism is a recognized form of gay male expression...something that seems to be a speciality of members of the British House of Lords. In any case, as stated, it is something done occasionally and usually in a campy style. It is not a form of gender expression or identity, which is a deeply held psychological belief and a 24/7 form of sexual identity and expression that is transgenderism.

PS: It might be better if you stopped digging the hole deeper by commenting on a subject, human sexuality, of which you obviously have zero knowledge, except what you learned in the boys locker room in junior high school.

In fact, I suggest you stick to baking!

  • Like 2

A cross dressing ladyboy and a Russian wearing a cape in a short time room in Pattaya...it just doesn't get any better than that.

The ladyboy is not cross-dressing but dressing appropriate to her gender identity. Get it?

a ladyboy is a transvestite - good so far? a transvestite is a cross dresser - good so far? it is thus so far impossible to change ones gender. but it is possible to assume the identity of another gender i.e. a man that dresses as a woman or a woman that dresses as a man

I really find it quite distrubing that some gay men attempt to change the terms widely acepted by all but them to something which suits their wierd disposition.


transvestite (plural transvestites)

  1. A person who sometimes wears clothes traditionally worn by and associated with the opposite sex; typically a male who cross-dresses occasionally by habit or compulsion.

Not the sharpest tool in the box are you, Transsexual, Transvestite, Shemale, Ladyboy and Cross dresser are all different, each have their own perceptions of the person they are and can differentiate between each, you are obviously one of those sheltered beings that think anything different from yorurself is a poof!! i thought all you bigoted basterdts got shown the door in the 70"s!

Ha, never fails. what a ludicrous statement. of course including the standard ad hominem attacks.


A cross dressing ladyboy and a Russian wearing a cape in a short time room in Pattaya...it just doesn't get any better than that.

The ladyboy is not cross-dressing but dressing appropriate to her gender identity. Get it?

a ladyboy is a transvestite - good so far? a transvestite is a cross dresser - good so far? it is thus so far impossible to change ones gender. but it is possible to assume the identity of another gender i.e. a man that dresses as a woman or a woman that dresses as a man

I really find it quite distrubing that some gay men attempt to change the terms widely acepted by all but them to something which suits their wierd disposition.


transvestite (plural transvestites)

  • A person who sometimes wears clothes traditionally worn by and associated with the opposite sex; typically a male who cross-dresses occasionally by habit or compulsion.

You ignorance exposed by your own post and definition...just can't get anything thru some of you I guess. Do you see the words "sometime" and "occasionally" in your quoted definition? These terms denote that the described behavior is done on a not frequent basis and at the whim of the person so engaged. Transvestism is a recognized form of gay male expression...something that seems to be a speciality of members of the British House of Lords. In any case, as stated, it is something done occasionally and usually in a campy style. It is not a form of gender expression or identity, which is a deeply held psychological belief and a 24/7 form of sexual identity and expression that is transgenderism.

sometimes often - i could use many definitions. but i wont as i note the the guy who recommends carrying vaseline and bending over has 'liked' your comment, so i must be wrong. very predictable how he likes every comment which attempts to undermine my arguments .

ah, well ive enjoyed the debate. but i leave a little disturbed by the fact that those that seek to promote tolerance for their own preferences are the most intolerant and bigoted individuals of all.

being hetrosexual is not a big deal. its simply the norm. why do gay people have to make being gay such a life issue. i guess it could be that if their gay identity was removed then they would be without any real identity. If it is something that you simply do in the bedroom then why bang drums at every oppurtunity. No need to answer that as we all now the answer. Bye ........................ :)


a ladyboy is a transvestite - good so far? a transvestite is a cross dresser - good so far? it is thus so far impossible to change ones gender. but it is possible to assume the identity of another gender i.e. a man that dresses as a woman or a woman that dresses as a man

I really find it quite distrubing that some gay men attempt to change the terms widely acepted by all but them to something which suits their wierd disposition.


transvestite (plural transvestites)

  1. A person who sometimes wears clothes traditionally worn by and associated with the opposite sex; typically a male who cross-dresses occasionally by habit or compulsion.

Not the sharpest tool in the box are you, Transsexual, Transvestite, Shemale, Ladyboy and Cross dresser are all different, each have their own perceptions of the person they are and can differentiate between each, you are obviously one of those sheltered beings that think anything different from yorurself is a poof!! i thought all you bigoted basterdts got shown the door in the 70"s!

Ha, never fails. what a ludicrous statement. of course including the standard ad hominem attacks.

Poor attempt at back peddling , and failed miserably, entertaining in your misconception though!

  • Like 1

Great, some homophobic Russian thug beats up a Thai ladyboy and now we get to hear pro-Putin, anti-gay propaganda.

Yes it was homophobic based on the report because the violent criminal Russkie reacted to seeing a male sexual organ.

Anyway, what was just posted is "no big deal" if you're not a gay person or especially a gay parent in Russia afraid of having your child stolen by the state because just being gay is NOT OK according to the government in today's Russia. Also since the new law violent attacks on gay people including gay businesses has increased. Sure, no big deal if you aren't getting beaten up or murdered.

Equating HIV with being gay is also a gross distortion of the facts, often used by anti-gay propagandists. HIV doesn't have a sexual orientation. It is a VIRUS.

The anti-gay laws in Russia were not motivated as an HIV health policy; they are political tool to have a convenient out group to SCAPEGOAT just as JEWS used to be scapegoated in Russia. It serves the political purposes of the Putin dictatorship.

This explains it:


BTW, to be clear, if the ladyboy did not disclose his genital status beforehand, that was of course definitely wrong, but violent assault is MORE wrong.

Au contraire...I take issue with your last statement. Nobody is under any legal or moral obligation to disclose their "genital status [whatever that means]." I'll take it you mean a commercial sex-worker has some duty to disclose their sexual identity to a customer at some point in their transaction. I disagree. If the customer has any concerns or questions about the person they are planning to hire the onus is in them to ask. A voluntary disclosure could be made if the sex-worker so chose but they are under no obligation to do so. I mean, I've talked to and taken many ladygirl sex-workers in the past and not a one of them has ever informed me of their "genital status." I also never punched them in the nose when I found out.


Yes I was referring to a commercial situation. We'll just have to disagree. If a restaurant has veal on the menu and gives you pork instead without telling you, that is wrong and a deception of the customer. I never said violence was justified in reaction to such deceptions though!

  • Like 1

And to reply to one post , transgenders are not gay , they are transgenders ... Or is it maybe to hard to understand from very narrow minds .

Are they males who want to be involved with males?

It's a bit more complicated than only about the birth gender. Have you heard the term GLBT. That stands for Gay, Lesbian, Bisexual, and Transgender. When used it indicates sexual minority groups unified by the common thread of being sexual minorities (related to gender identity, sexual orientation, or BOTH), but NOT indicating they are exactly the SAME sexual minorities.

I dont think a bisexual man or woman (eg) feels any unification by this so called GBLT non real entity thingy. Most people when reading those initials think it is a sandwhich. Like a BLT. Difference being of course is that a BLT is totally unified

There is no such community.


And to reply to one post , transgenders are not gay , they are transgenders ... Or is it maybe to hard to understand from very narrow minds .

Are they males who want to be involved with males?

It's a bit more complicated than only about the birth gender. Have you heard the term GLBT. That stands for Gay, Lesbian, Bisexual, and Transgender. When used it indicates sexual minority groups unified by the common thread of being sexual minorities (related to gender identity, sexual orientation, or BOTH), but NOT indicating they are exactly the SAME sexual minorities.

I dont think a bisexual man or woman (eg) feels any unification by this so called GBLT non real entity thingy. Most people when reading those initials think it is a sandwhich. Like a BLT. Difference being of course is that a BLT is totally unified

There is no such community.

You totally ignored the point of the post which wasn't about whether there was such a "community" or not but rather that sexual minorities based on orientation and gender identity are not exactly the same thing. There are different kinds. Again you seem to want to discuss 100 off topic TANGENTS here. That's a non-starter. Cheers.


IMO, the stronger negative reaction by a man in a situation like this, the more homosexual desires he is in denial about and trying to suppress.

  • Like 2

You totally ignored the point of the post which wasn't about whether there was such a "community" or not but rather that sexual minorities based on orientation and gender identity are not exactly the same thing. There are different kinds. Again you seem to want to discuss 100 off topic TANGENTS here. That's a non-starter. Cheers.

yeah, i have been known to go off the beat and track. heh heh. i just enjoy the debating smile.png in reality i have nothing whatsoever agianst any group re. sexual orientation or preference. What i object to is the promotion of an agenda which can be against the actually best interests of those it portends to represent. In other words i becomes a political issue benefiting and used by certain groups.

anyhow i feel a bit peckish. fancy a BLT for some reason - hmmmm!


It is really hard for me to feel sorry for any LBs in Pattaya pedalling their wares around town.

All this talk about gender discrimination is laughable.

The fact is a high number of those so called LBs roaming the streets around Pattaya are nothing more than common criminals.

They get their bolt ons and hormone therapy and it is off to Pattaya to make a fortune.

I dont think it is any coincidence that many come out late at night with the express purpose of scoring a drunk farang.

Save your sympathy for someone that deserves it.

  • Like 2

yeah, i have been known to go off the beat and track. heh heh. i just enjoy the debating smile.png in reality i have nothing whatsoever agianst any group re. sexual orientation or preference. What i object to is the promotion of an agenda which can be against the actually best interests of those it portends to represent. In other words i becomes a political issue benefiting and used by certain groups.

anyhow i feel a bit peckish. fancy a BLT for some reason - hmmmm!

You have majorly messed up the text in the quote of MY writing including your thoughts in the same bag as mine. Please edit that so you only include what I have written or delete it entirely. Either one is fine but letting it stand misrepresenting my thoughts as you have done is not OK.

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