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Yingluck promises reform council


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So 'Ms Original' has now stooped to the depths of saying she will assemble a 'people's council'... I thought she said it was illegal and outrageous to set one up.

It's one thing to blast one of Suthep's wishes, and other thing to go on and steal it for your own.

I would rather have a 'people's council' set up by Suthep and Co any day if the alternative was one set up by this bunch of corrupt retards.

Try reading carefully. The reform council will discuss ways of reforming the "social, economic and political dimensions". It is not a replacement for democratic government but a way forward for Thailand. Definitely not a clone of Sutheps nebulous "peoples council".

Your point is not valid, she didn't confirm or even mention that democracy will be a fixed tenant of the reforms.

OK you disagree with me, but please make sense with your reasoning.

No need, my point is obvious.

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PTP tend to do what they say they are going do and most likely will carry out reforms as they will not have any opposition with probably around 90 per cent of the vote. That will blow out what is left of the Dems for the forseeable future.

The Dems, well they dont actually do anything,all of them have already resigned from the government on the pretext of getting everything that has been given and now they don't want to contest the election, pathetic!

tell us just one thing that they said they would do and carried it out.. to its fullness.... people like you make me laugh... check in the mirror and see if your tongue is brown... and let your wife do her own postings... wai.gif

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PTP tend to do what they say they are going do and most likely will carry out reforms as they will not have any opposition with probably around 90 per cent of the vote. That will blow out what is left of the Dems for the forseeable future.

The Dems, well they dont actually do anything,all of them have already resigned from the government on the pretext of getting everything that has been given and now they don't want to contest the election, pathetic!


PTP do what they say !!!!!! Brilliant. Really made me laugh out loud.

They've really stopped corruption thumbsup.gif

Yeah, Thaksin thinks and PT does. Why change a winning formula!

The only reforms they'd ever carry out would be to whitewash their crooked boss and create some sort of supreme PM role for him, whilst dismantling any checks and balance and suppressing any criticism.

Glad I amused you and that you already know the PTP plans in advance, you are likely to get a big surprise provided Suthep does not get his wish and and the whole rotten thing turns to violence so he can bring in his military friends and associated backers, 2006 all over again, is that what you want?

Or do you think the "peoples council" of unelected elites is preferable?

One thing is 100 percent certain, you won't see a democratically elected government comprising of the Democrats!

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PTP tend to do what they say they are going do and most likely will carry out reforms as they will not have any opposition with probably around 90 per cent of the vote. That will blow out what is left of the Dems for the forseeable future.

The Dems, well they dont actually do anything,all of them have already resigned from the government on the pretext of getting everything that has been given and now they don't want to contest the election, pathetic!

tell us just one thing that they said they would do and carried it out.. to its fullness.... people like you make me laugh... check in the mirror and see if your tongue is brown... and let your wife do her own postings... wai.gif

Do you really feel it is necessary to be so down right rude and vulgar insulting my wife and I?

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"Caretaker Prime Minister Yingluck Shinawatra announced on TV on Saturday that the next government would set up a people's council to reform politics after the February 2 election."

By what authority does the darling of Issan have to commit the next government to set up any council? But if her party does will win office I think it would be more acceptable to the Thai people that she commit to stregthening the checks and balances to facilitate a more democratic administration that follows the rule of law. Rather than some ambiguous statement that could be interepted as meaning they will reform politics to gain amnesty for her brother.

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The PM and family seem to be pushing for an election to set the stage for some massive trade's between coharts, cronies, amd other corrupt officials prior to any symblance of making a show of reform to the political system. The opposition does not seem sure which way to jump as they seem to be awaiting something firm from the PM. Past records indicate the latter will not happen until/unless PT is in the drivers seat.

The PM will spend her time traveling into the PT stongholds and make a token appearance in Bangkok for horse travdng, pleading, threatening, cry time, etc, then 'get out of Dodge' again. The potential bug a boo is some decision handed down by any one of several legal entities which could get everyones undivided attention, off the fence and their <deleted>. while showing the way to cleaning up the system as it stands and the way the corrpt want it to stay.

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I disagree with people who say Thailand will never change. Change is the only constant in our lives. Yes, this has been going on for thirty years, long before the TS clan came to town, but there may be a light at the end of this tunnel. All things considered, both sides have valid points and neither is communicating with the other. What happens will be... something in the middle, and that is good. They are finally talking to each other...even if the conversation is a form of email using the Thai news media as a message box.

I will wait and see. I have hope that there is always a middle ground where opponents can compromise.

Here in glorious TV, where all of our opinions shape the destiny of Thailand (please laughingly vomit here with me) anyone who agrees the protestors have valid arguments is labeled a yellow shirt apologist, and anyone who says the other side has valid points is labeled a red shirt apologist.

Both viewpoints are fallacious black and white thinking. A fallacy: a set of conclusions based on assumptions that are empirically biased and incorrect.

Nonsense, rubbish, and intractable paper tiger hegemony! Get over it. Thailand will do what Thailand has always done -- they will find a Thai bandage, suture or cure. It is up to them.

I am just standing on the sidelines hoping they stop killing each other.


Edited by FangFerang
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Wasn't the Tony Blair fiasco supposed to be something leading up to some sort of reforms ?

Where did that go, never heard anything more about it.

If PT (without Yingluck) had got together with the Dems and Suthep to talk about reforms and were really serious about changing things for the better then we would not be seeing the protests we see now.

Had that happened a process for change would already be underway but unfortunately there is no will for real change to help prevent corruption, make the justice system fair to all, get the police serving everyone, improve electoral law and revamp the education system on the part of PT and their paymaster.

Those out on the streets now are not there for love of Suthep or hate of Thaksin they are there because they can see the abuse of the system that has been taking place and want to see it changed for the better.

They know that whichever way they vote there is no guarantee that any change will take place and see coming out on the street as the only way they can have any influence as ordinary people on bringing about the needed change.

That Suthep happens to be the one who has got up and led from the front is only coincidental they would have followed any strong leader who came out and gave them a chance to have their voices heard.

That Suthep gets up and walks with the peoples, sits down on the ground and eats noodles with them and leads them from the front, not sitting in luxury overseas or ranting from a stage in the background like the red leaders is also something that appeals to the people and makes them feel he is one of them.

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PTP tend to do what they say they are going do and most likely will carry out reforms as they will not have any opposition with probably around 90 per cent of the vote. That will blow out what is left of the Dems for the forseeable future.

The Dems, well they dont actually do anything,all of them have already resigned from the government on the pretext of getting everything that has been given and now they don't want to contest the election, pathetic!

555 Pheua Thai tend to do what Thaksin says, ie implement the rice mortgage scheme- massive losses.

Pheua Thai carry out reforms!!!!! They are Thaksin's servants, no more no less.

The minimum wage , 300 baht, was a good idea though.

Yingluck never had much credibility from the beginning, but people gave her the benefit of doubt when she first promised,' reconciliation, not revenge' , however the amnesty bill exposed that lie.

She should give up now.

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Wasn't the Tony Blair fiasco supposed to be something leading up to some sort of reforms ?

Where did that go, never heard anything more about it.

If PT (without Yingluck) had got together with the Dems and Suthep to talk about reforms and were really serious about changing things for the better then we would not be seeing the protests we see now.

Had that happened a process for change would already be underway but unfortunately there is no will for real change to help prevent corruption, make the justice system fair to all, get the police serving everyone, improve electoral law and revamp the education system on the part of PT and their paymaster.

Those out on the streets now are not there for love of Suthep or hate of Thaksin they are there because they can see the abuse of the system that has been taking place and want to see it changed for the better.

They know that whichever way they vote there is no guarantee that any change will take place and see coming out on the street as the only way they can have any influence as ordinary people on bringing about the needed change.

That Suthep happens to be the one who has got up and led from the front is only coincidental they would have followed any strong leader who came out and gave them a chance to have their voices heard.

That Suthep gets up and itwalks with the peoples, sits down on the ground and eats noodles wh them and leads them from the front, not sitting in luxury overseas or ranting from a stage in the background like the red leaders is also something that appeals to the people and makes them feel he is one of them.

If PT (without Yingluck) had got together with the Dems and Suthep to talk about reforms and were really serious about changing things for the better then we would not be seeing the protests we see now

Why should a government that has been voted into power get together with the dems and suthep, who want a none democratic council to take over?

the rest of what you say is from the point of view of the minority.

walks with the peoples, sits down on the ground and eats noodles wh them.

please give it a rest!coffee1.gif

Would the government of your democratic country (NZ) allow some (idiot) minority to bring them down? and ignore the people that voted them in?

don't bother coming with the bought votes argument, it's getting boring. (both sides pay people to go to the polls).

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Wasn't the Tony Blair fiasco supposed to be something leading up to some sort of reforms ?

Where did that go, never heard anything more about it.

If PT (without Yingluck) had got together with the Dems and Suthep to talk about reforms and were really serious about changing things for the better then we would not be seeing the protests we see now.

Had that happened a process for change would already be underway but unfortunately there is no will for real change to help prevent corruption, make the justice system fair to all, get the police serving everyone, improve electoral law and revamp the education system on the part of PT and their paymaster.

Those out on the streets now are not there for love of Suthep or hate of Thaksin they are there because they can see the abuse of the system that has been taking place and want to see it changed for the better.

They know that whichever way they vote there is no guarantee that any change will take place and see coming out on the street as the only way they can have any influence as ordinary people on bringing about the needed change.

That Suthep happens to be the one who has got up and led from the front is only coincidental they would have followed any strong leader who came out and gave them a chance to have their voices heard.

That Suthep gets up and itwalks with the peoples, sits down on the ground and eats noodles wh them and leads them from the front, not sitting in luxury overseas or ranting from a stage in the background like the red leaders is also something that appeals to the people and makes them feel he is one of them.

If PT (without Yingluck) had got together with the Dems and Suthep to talk about reforms and were really serious about changing things for the better then we would not be seeing the protests we see now

Why should a government that has been voted into power get together with the dems and suthep, who want a none democratic council to take over?

the rest of what you say is from the point of view of the minority.

walks with the peoples, sits down on the ground and eats noodles wh them.

please give it a rest!coffee1.gif

Would the government of your democratic country (NZ) allow some (idiot) minority to bring them down? and ignore the people that voted them in?

don't bother coming with the bought votes argument, it's getting boring. (both sides pay people to go to the polls).

Does NZ have a PM who is described as his/her clone by a fugitive brother?

Do they have a sheep mortgage scheme resulting in massive losses with foreign countries now doubting the quality of NZ lamb?

Has the NZ government tried to pass a law forgiving 25,000 corruption cases over the last 7 years?

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An open letter.
Dear YL,
never meet you in person.
With this distance I like to ask you:
Why you go and make politics?
I feel you really do not like it.
With all this power-hungry old men around you.
You have so much money already.
You must not have fears of existence with all that money you have.
Why you not enjoy live?
Family, travelling, shopping, lying on the beach, etc.
Guess the prime minister job is the most difficult job ever.
Working 20 hours every day, sit for hours in Parliament, meetings,
appointments, solve problems, talking, reading, many information, papers,
people are screaming at you, be public all the time and to make good decisions for all people in the country, etc.
This life with this great responsibility, it is difficult to live.
Too much stress!
Never life the dream of you brother.
Live your own dream!
A purely hypothetical question:
What would happen in Thailand now, if you would resign?
Edited by tomacht8
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I enjoy watching both sides becoming desperate. The one side has the votes and is 'staunchly supporting democracy'. The other side is hemorraging protestoers like an apartheid rally.

What ultra maroons!

The problem is that 'meet the new boss, same as the old boss'.



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Wasn't the Tony Blair fiasco supposed to be something leading up to some sort of reforms ?

Where did that go, never heard anything more about it.

If PT (without Yingluck) had got together with the Dems and Suthep to talk about reforms and were really serious about changing things for the better then we would not be seeing the protests we see now.

Had that happened a process for change would already be underway but unfortunately there is no will for real change to help prevent corruption, make the justice system fair to all, get the police serving everyone, improve electoral law and revamp the education system on the part of PT and their paymaster.

Those out on the streets now are not there for love of Suthep or hate of Thaksin they are there because they can see the abuse of the system that has been taking place and want to see it changed for the better.

They know that whichever way they vote there is no guarantee that any change will take place and see coming out on the street as the only way they can have any influence as ordinary people on bringing about the needed change.

That Suthep happens to be the one who has got up and led from the front is only coincidental they would have followed any strong leader who came out and gave them a chance to have their voices heard.

That Suthep gets up and itwalks with the peoples, sits down on the ground and eats noodles wh them and leads them from the front, not sitting in luxury overseas or ranting from a stage in the background like the red leaders is also something that appeals to the people and makes them feel he is one of them.

If PT (without Yingluck) had got together with the Dems and Suthep to talk about reforms and were really serious about changing things for the better then we would not be seeing the protests we see now

Why should a government that has been voted into power get together with the dems and suthep, who want a none democratic council to take over?

the rest of what you say is from the point of view of the minority.

walks with the peoples, sits down on the ground and eats noodles wh them.

please give it a rest!coffee1.gif

Would the government of your democratic country (NZ) allow some (idiot) minority to bring them down? and ignore the people that voted them in?

don't bother coming with the bought votes argument, it's getting boring. (both sides pay people to go to the polls).

Does NZ have a PM who is described as his/her clone by a fugitive brother?

Do they have a sheep mortgage scheme resulting in massive losses with foreign countries now doubting the quality of NZ lamb?

Has the NZ government tried to pass a law forgiving 25,000 corruption cases over the last 7 years?

If they did they would still have to be voted out of office, Not through anarchy.

If you want to win votes do something for the poor.

And don't try to take their vote from them claiming they are too stupid to vote.

Edited by lostinsurin
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This woman through ignorance ,arrogance and shear megalomania has managed to negotiate herself into a corner and all can see the true signs of panic in regard to the utter nonsense that she spouts. She has little or no credibility left with anyone with more than a handful of braincells.

Her political behavior is and has been a disgrace to this country and the quicker we can get rid of her and all the fruit of the poisoned tree the better for the future of this country.

Then get out collecting votescoffee1.gif

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PTP tend to do what they say they are going do and most likely will carry out reforms as they will not have any opposition with probably around 90 per cent of the vote. That will blow out what is left of the Dems for the forseeable future.

The Dems, well they dont actually do anything,all of them have already resigned from the government on the pretext of getting everything that has been given and now they don't want to contest the election, pathetic!

You are VERY wrong. The Dems do not have everything they asked for and wanted as the Shin's are still here trying to grip on to power - this is all Suthep really wants, for them to leave the country alone...

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This woman through ignorance ,arrogance and shear megalomania has managed to negotiate herself into a corner and all can see the true signs of panic in regard to the utter nonsense that she spouts. She has little or no credibility left with anyone with more than a handful of braincells.

Her political behavior is and has been a disgrace to this country and the quicker we can get rid of her and all the fruit of the poisoned tree the better for the future of this country.

Best post all day, absolutely spot on !

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This woman through ignorance ,arrogance and shear megalomania has managed to negotiate herself into a corner and all can see the true signs of panic in regard to the utter nonsense that she spouts. She has little or no credibility left with anyone with more than a handful of braincells.

Her political behavior is and has been a disgrace to this country and the quicker we can get rid of her and all the fruit of the poisoned tree the better for the future of this country.

But you will see at the election date....a combination of not too many braincells and a bucket full of cash and everything will be OK for the Shin clan, again

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PTP tend to do what they say they are going do and most likely will carry out reforms as they will not have any opposition with probably around 90 per cent of the vote. That will blow out what is left of the Dems for the forseeable future.

The Dems, well they dont actually do anything,all of them have already resigned from the government on the pretext of getting everything that has been given and now they don't want to contest the election, pathetic!

You are VERY wrong. The Dems do not have everything they asked for and wanted as the Shin's are still here trying to grip on to power - this is all Suthep really wants, for them to leave the country alone...

Votes dude votes.coffee1.gif

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This woman through ignorance ,arrogance and shear megalomania has managed to negotiate herself into a corner and all can see the true signs of panic in regard to the utter nonsense that she spouts. She has little or no credibility left with anyone with more than a handful of braincells.

Her political behavior is and has been a disgrace to this country and the quicker we can get rid of her and all the fruit of the poisoned tree the better for the future of this country.

But you will see at the election date....a combination of not too many braincells and a bucket full of cash and everything will be OK for the Shin clan, again

And what do votes get?coffee1.gif you will get it in the end. You need votes No votes no power.wai2.gif

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So 'Ms Original' has now stooped to the depths of saying she will assemble a 'people's council'... I thought she said it was illegal and outrageous to set one up.

It's one thing to blast one of Suthep's wishes, and other thing to go on and steal it for your own.

I would rather have a 'people's council' set up by Suthep and Co any day if the alternative was one set up by this bunch of corrupt retards.

Try reading carefully. The reform council will discuss ways of reforming the "social, economic and political dimensions". It is not a replacement for democratic government but a way forward for Thailand. Definitely not a clone of Sutheps nebulous "peoples council".

Well she seems to be pretty sure of her self about winning the next election. I believe she will win it.

But I would like to know why she is so afraid of reform on the election process. To me that is a must if the people are to get there wants. As it is the election is just another way to get money for taking 5 minutes to vote. They are completely clueless as to what the difference of opinion is between the candidates and how it will affect them in the coming years..

Besides who with a IQ higher than an Eskimo's igloo temperature is going to believe the PTP government will take any thing serious that does not benefit them.

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This woman through ignorance ,arrogance and shear megalomania has managed to negotiate herself into a corner and all can see the true signs of panic in regard to the utter nonsense that she spouts. She has little or no credibility left with anyone with more than a handful of braincells.

Her political behavior is and has been a disgrace to this country and the quicker we can get rid of her and all the fruit of the poisoned tree the better for the future of this country.

Well I agree with you on her painting herself into a corner mostly through sheer ignorance helped by her brother's advice.

Thaksin is the poisoned tree and when he goes the house of cards he has built will come tumbling down.

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Wasn't the Tony Blair fiasco supposed to be something leading up to some sort of reforms ?

Where did that go, never heard anything more about it.

If PT (without Yingluck) had got together with the Dems and Suthep to talk about reforms and were really serious about changing things for the better then we would not be seeing the protests we see now.

Had that happened a process for change would already be underway but unfortunately there is no will for real change to help prevent corruption, make the justice system fair to all, get the police serving everyone, improve electoral law and revamp the education system on the part of PT and their paymaster.

Those out on the streets now are not there for love of Suthep or hate of Thaksin they are there because they can see the abuse of the system that has been taking place and want to see it changed for the better.

They know that whichever way they vote there is no guarantee that any change will take place and see coming out on the street as the only way they can have any influence as ordinary people on bringing about the needed change.

That Suthep happens to be the one who has got up and led from the front is only coincidental they would have followed any strong leader who came out and gave them a chance to have their voices heard.

That Suthep gets up and itwalks with the peoples, sits down on the ground and eats noodles wh them and leads them from the front, not sitting in luxury overseas or ranting from a stage in the background like the red leaders is also something that appeals to the people and makes them feel he is one of them.

If PT (without Yingluck) had got together with the Dems and Suthep to talk about reforms and were really serious about changing things for the better then we would not be seeing the protests we see now

Why should a government that has been voted into power get together with the dems and suthep, who want a none democratic council to take over?

the rest of what you say is from the point of view of the minority.

walks with the peoples, sits down on the ground and eats noodles wh them.

please give it a rest!coffee1.gif

Would the government of your democratic country (NZ) allow some (idiot) minority to bring them down? and ignore the people that voted them in?

don't bother coming with the bought votes argument, it's getting boring. (both sides pay people to go to the polls).

Does NZ have a PM who is described as his/her clone by a fugitive brother?

Do they have a sheep mortgage scheme resulting in massive losses with foreign countries now doubting the quality of NZ lamb?

Has the NZ government tried to pass a law forgiving 25,000 corruption cases over the last 7 years?

If they did they would still have to be voted out of office, Not through anarchy.

If you want to win votes do something for the poor.

And don't try to take their vote from them claiming they are too stupid to vote.

If the gov. did in NZ, and if they rejected a decision by the highest court in the land, they would be arrested, tried, and put in jail for years.The fugitive leader would also have been extradited, jailed, tried for his other crimes, put before the World Court for human rights abuses and be spending the rest of his life in prison.

The Ombudsman and Government Auditors would also point out the illegality of certain schemes. Here, it won't happen.

Also, the NZ, UK, USA, etc police would have stopped the yellows at the airport and the reds in central BKK so none of what is destroying this country would have happened.

Finally, what sort of country elects a leader like this?


That is the difference.

Edited by Soi Sauce
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