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EC appoints a panel to look into Yingluck's election campaign


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They were warned by a member of the senate just 2 days into this public funded election campaign. Did they listen? They never listen, they just do as they please.

Did YL ever bother her arse to go up there to inspect government projects during the all the time she was in office?...... Did she hell...

Did she mention the elections while visiting her supporters?... Yes she did.

Is she campaigning?... You bet your ass she is campaigning.

Will the EC disqualify her?..... will they hell.


Because they are just being seen to be doing something because complaints have been officially lodged. But they will find her trip as totally acceptable and not connected to campaigning.

Same as they have allowed the PTP to throw even more debt money at their voters through the rice scam to assure their vote.

Thaksin has got to this commission, they need to be replaced.

You see if I am wrong.... time will tell. But they clearly show more signs of being bought than of being neutral.

Oh so accurate. How would they dare take on PTP and the Shins ?

Anyway if they actually found against her it would simply be ignored a la the Constitutional Court.

To be honest I feel she is guilty but it is so trivial that it just represents the opposition who ever they turn out to be to be trivial. They should be building a campaign built on reform for the country. This is just a waste of time. and makes them look like school kids shouting at each other you did no I didn't you did no I didn't and on and on it goes.coffee1.gif

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Many of those people have come from outside Bangkok. It is a message to the red shirts that there actions and the actions of their masters is no longer tolerable it has gotten out of hand.

It is a shame that the PTP's red shirts can not understand the implications of


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Another nail in the coffin me thinks. Giving the Constitutional Court another knot with which to tie a perfectly constructed bow that can't be misconstrued as bias...

The ensuing decries by PTP - as is to be expected when they eventually get disbanded and barred - as to the legitimacy of the Court.

But the world keeps on spinning..

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Dear moderators,

This poster should be removed from Thai Visa for this objectionable post and several others. He is now attacking the good faith of the Electoral Commission. He has posted several other comments that are clearly designed to annoy Thai Visa members. See rules 4 and 15.


They were warned by a member of the senate just 2 days into this public funded election campaign. Did they listen? They never listen, they just do as they please.

Did YL ever bother her arse to go up there to inspect government projects during the all the time she was in office?...... Did she hell...

Did she mention the elections while visiting her supporters?... Yes she did.

Is she campaigning?... You bet your ass she is campaigning.

Will the EC disqualify her?..... will they hell.


Because they are just being seen to be doing something because complaints have been officially lodged. But they will find her trip as totally acceptable and not connected to campaigning.

Same as they have allowed the PTP to throw even more debt money at their voters through the rice scam to assure their vote.

Thaksin has got to this commission, they need to be replaced.

You see if I am wrong.... time will tell. But they clearly show more signs of being bought than of being neutral.

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Am I the only one who's tired of these parties running to the courts to try to quash the other? There's no debating of issues or offering of alternative solutions and differing visions. Instead, each party tries to upend the other with legal attacks. I'm not condoning corruption, but it does sometimes seem like the parties (and especially the Dems) have run out of ideas and are intent on achieving (or holding on to) power through court edicts rather than by persuading the electorate of their platform. And then there is the mob in the street doing it's thing....

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They were warned by a member of the senate just 2 days into this public funded election campaign. Did they listen? They never listen, they just do as they please.

Did YL ever bother her arse to go up there to inspect government projects during the all the time she was in office?...... Did she hell...

Did she mention the elections while visiting her supporters?... Yes she did.

Is she campaigning?... You bet your ass she is campaigning.

Will the EC disqualify her?..... will they hell.


Because they are just being seen to be doing something because complaints have been officially lodged. But they will find her trip as totally acceptable and not connected to campaigning.

Same as they have allowed the PTP to throw even more debt money at their voters through the rice scam to assure their vote.

Thaksin has got to this commission, they need to be replaced.

You see if I am wrong.... time will tell. But they clearly show more signs of being bought than of being neutral.

Your post is just a rant, full of hot air and signifying nothing.

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If you ask me she was simply getting out of town during all the protests and a tour of the north (and her base) was a way to avoid being in Bangkok. Childish attempt by the opposition to file complaints. Every politician in office uses the position to his/her advantage when meeting the constituents. Every time Obama goes on a fund raising speech tour it costs the taxpayers $190,000 per hour plus just to fly him to his destination. Tax payers would be better off just giving him the money and making him stay home. The politicians on both sides are nothing but political hacks. Like one poster said, no one offers solutions to Thailand's problems or programs to stem the corruption and just offer more rhetoric. Democrats was to boycott elections they can't win. They would be better off participating and investigating corruption where they find it and exposing it. Maybe that would convince the people of their sincerity.

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If you ask me she was simply getting out of town during all the protests and a tour of the north (and her base) was a way to avoid being in Bangkok. Childish attempt by the opposition to file complaints. Every politician in office uses the position to his/her advantage when meeting the constituents. Every time Obama goes on a fund raising speech tour it costs the taxpayers $190,000 per hour plus just to fly him to his destination. Tax payers would be better off just giving him the money and making him stay home. The politicians on both sides are nothing but political hacks. Like one poster said, no one offers solutions to Thailand's problems or programs to stem the corruption and just offer more rhetoric. Democrats was to boycott elections they can't win. They would be better off participating and investigating corruption where they find it and exposing it. Maybe that would convince the people of their sincerity.

Umm.. I sincerely home you're not comparing apples with oranges here because your opening few sentences are certainly leaning in that direction...

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Dear moderators,

This poster should be removed from Thai Visa for this objectionable post and several others. He is now attacking the good faith of the Electoral Commission. He has posted several other comments that are clearly designed to annoy Thai Visa members. See rules 4 and 15.

Excommunication was a favourite tool of the dogmatists. It is no longer fashionable, well,not for minor sins anyway.

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If you ask me she was simply getting out of town during all the protests and a tour of the north (and her base) was a way to avoid being in Bangkok. Childish attempt by the opposition to file complaints. Every politician in office uses the position to his/her advantage when meeting the constituents. Every time Obama goes on a fund raising speech tour it costs the taxpayers $190,000 per hour plus just to fly him to his destination. Tax payers would be better off just giving him the money and making him stay home. The politicians on both sides are nothing but political hacks. Like one poster said, no one offers solutions to Thailand's problems or programs to stem the corruption and just offer more rhetoric. Democrats was to boycott elections they can't win. They would be better off participating and investigating corruption where they find it and exposing it. Maybe that would convince the people of their sincerity.

the big difference is Obama doesn't have an election in just over 4 weeks so the point of your whole post is wasted

and the other point made above although valid about using the courts against each other is actually a product of the faulty system were the sitting government openly tells lies and transparency and accountability doesn't exist again a product of the faulty system - the system eventually implodes and you have exactly the turmoil going on right now - if you don't have rules and stiff penalties in place it will continue - basically we have a country that is un-policed and a government that is just as un-policed, stiff laws and penalties need to be applied to all and bodies created to investigate and convict governments that break the rules/laws - the opposition should not have to do it the system should be self governing - instead we have stupid rules making MP"s immune from prosecution and when they are eventually prosecuted they should be banned for life not just 5 years and put in prison

look back 15 years and you have the same recycle of convicted corrupt MP's taking office again and again - it is simply crazy

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she has only registered as a candidate on Monday morning. Her tour of north east finished on sunday.

she will still be using state funds and property, as a caretaker pm.

democrats, you still have a chance to run for election till friday evening, otherwise stop obstructing other from caring legitimate and useful work

Her tour was useful for what? Please explain.

The way I see it. She was campaigning while using state funds and privileges. Clearly a violation of election laws but the Shins believe that all tax money is for them to use freely so you can't really blame Yingluck I guess.

Another honest mistake.

Useful to keep her out of BKK. Which is where she should be and in charge.

I doubt she paid for the chopper herself on her flying, fleeting visit.

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If you ask me she was simply getting out of town during all the protests and a tour of the north (and her base) was a way to avoid being in Bangkok. Childish attempt by the opposition to file complaints. Every politician in office uses the position to his/her advantage when meeting the constituents. Every time Obama goes on a fund raising speech tour it costs the taxpayers $190,000 per hour plus just to fly him to his destination. Tax payers would be better off just giving him the money and making him stay home. The politicians on both sides are nothing but political hacks. Like one poster said, no one offers solutions to Thailand's problems or programs to stem the corruption and just offer more rhetoric. Democrats was to boycott elections they can't win. They would be better off participating and investigating corruption where they find it and exposing it. Maybe that would convince the people of their sincerity.

the big difference is Obama doesn't have an election in just over 4 weeks so the point of your whole post is wasted

and the other point made above although valid about using the courts against each other is actually a product of the faulty system were the sitting government openly tells lies and transparency and accountability doesn't exist again a product of the faulty system - the system eventually implodes and you have exactly the turmoil going on right now - if you don't have rules and stiff penalties in place it will continue - basically we have a country that is un-policed and a government that is just as un-policed, stiff laws and penalties need to be applied to all and bodies created to investigate and convict governments that break the rules/laws - the opposition should not have to do it the system should be self governing - instead we have stupid rules making MP"s immune from prosecution and when they are eventually prosecuted they should be banned for life not just 5 years and put in prison

look back 15 years and you have the same recycle of convicted corrupt MP's taking office again and again - it is simply crazy

Have used up my daily quota of 'likes' (why are they limited?) but you are spot-on.

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Many of those people have come from outside Bangkok. It is a message to the red shirts that there actions and the actions of their masters is no longer tolerable it has gotten out of hand.

It is a shame that the PTP's red shirts can not understand the implications of


If this is many of the MOST coming from outside Bangkok, then it is way too little. The numbers i gave the MOST is a million protesters... The country has 66 millions citizens.

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They were warned by a member of the senate just 2 days into this public funded election campaign. Did they listen? They never listen, they just do as they please.

Did YL ever bother her arse to go up there to inspect government projects during the all the time she was in office?...... Did she hell...

Did she mention the elections while visiting her supporters?... Yes she did.

Is she campaigning?... You bet your ass she is campaigning.

Will the EC disqualify her?..... will they hell.


Because they are just being seen to be doing something because complaints have been officially lodged. But they will find her trip as totally acceptable and not connected to campaigning.

Same as they have allowed the PTP to throw even more debt money at their voters through the rice scam to assure their vote.

Thaksin has got to this commission, they need to be replaced.

You see if I am wrong.... time will tell. But they clearly show more signs of being bought than of being neutral.

Oh so accurate. How would they dare take on PTP and the Shins ?

Anyway if they actually found against her it would simply be ignored a la the Constitutional Court.

a la passport reissue.

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If you ask me she was simply getting out of town during all the protests and a tour of the north (and her base) was a way to avoid being in Bangkok. Childish attempt by the opposition to file complaints. Every politician in office uses the position to his/her advantage when meeting the constituents. Every time Obama goes on a fund raising speech tour it costs the taxpayers $190,000 per hour plus just to fly him to his destination. Tax payers would be better off just giving him the money and making him stay home. The politicians on both sides are nothing but political hacks. Like one poster said, no one offers solutions to Thailand's problems or programs to stem the corruption and just offer more rhetoric. Democrats was to boycott elections they can't win. They would be better off participating and investigating corruption where they find it and exposing it. Maybe that would convince the people of their sincerity.

I offered a solution to corruption although it was quite a while ago and before any one else says it, quite extreme.

Make corruption or theft of state funds = treason = death penalty

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Many of those people have come from outside Bangkok. It is a message to the red shirts that there actions and the actions of their masters is no longer tolerable it has gotten out of hand.

It is a shame that the PTP's red shirts can not understand the implications of


Agree! How many Bangkokians originating from the North, North East, just look at the numbers of cars going up North from Bangkok, on the big hollydays.

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If you ask me she was simply getting out of town during all the protests and a tour of the north (and her base) was a way to avoid being in Bangkok. Childish attempt by the opposition to file complaints. Every politician in office uses the position to his/her advantage when meeting the constituents. Every time Obama goes on a fund raising speech tour it costs the taxpayers $190,000 per hour plus just to fly him to his destination. Tax payers would be better off just giving him the money and making him stay home. The politicians on both sides are nothing but political hacks. Like one poster said, no one offers solutions to Thailand's problems or programs to stem the corruption and just offer more rhetoric. Democrats was to boycott elections they can't win. They would be better off participating and investigating corruption where they find it and exposing it. Maybe that would convince the people of their sincerity.

She wasn´t capable doing her job as a PM and she is sure not capable the job as a Caretaker.

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The use of some facilities by a government leader is not unusual. Considering the circumstances, she should be traveling in a secure fashion. Former PM Abhisit has special police protection, and quite rightly so. There are a lot of butters out and about. It is not unusual and is common in other countries. Obama traveled in his secure bus and on Air Force 1 during the US elections and his VP had access to similar support. PM's up for election in Australia, Canada UK etc. all benefit from some government support, although the campaigns pay for tour buses and accommodation etc. for non PMO personnel.

As much as people in tvf hate the PM, her death or injury would provoke civil war.

Edited by geriatrickid
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Dear moderators,

This poster should be removed from Thai Visa for this objectionable post and several others. He is now attacking the good faith of the Electoral Commission. He has posted several other comments that are clearly designed to annoy Thai Visa members. See rules 4 and 15.


They were warned by a member of the senate just 2 days into this public funded election campaign. Did they listen? They never listen, they just do as they please.

Did YL ever bother her arse to go up there to inspect government projects during the all the time she was in office?...... Did she hell...

Did she mention the elections while visiting her supporters?... Yes she did.

Is she campaigning?... You bet your ass she is campaigning.

Will the EC disqualify her?..... will they hell.


Because they are just being seen to be doing something because complaints have been officially lodged. But they will find her trip as totally acceptable and not connected to campaigning.

Same as they have allowed the PTP to throw even more debt money at their voters through the rice scam to assure their vote.

Thaksin has got to this commission, they need to be replaced.

You see if I am wrong.... time will tell. But they clearly show more signs of being bought than of being neutral.

I am a TV member, Nibbles 48 is not annoying me.

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I offered a solution to corruption although it was quite a while ago and before any one else says it, quite extreme.

Make corruption or theft of state funds = treason = death penalty

Laudable notion and one shared by some of the Redshirt activists, particularly those that skew to the left.

Aside from the moral and legal implications which render such a proposal dead at origin, capital punishment is not popular with many people, so I don't think it is viable.

In any case, Thailand cannot afford a genocide that might see millions executed.

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Boo Hoo, sounds like sour grapes to me. Nothing any incumbent wouldn't do around the world.

Mix official business with a little campaigning. coffee1.gif

You've checked on that have you? I don't think it would be tolerated where I come from but then again you wouldn't have an unelected person as PM.

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They were warned by a member of the senate just 2 days into this public funded election campaign. Did they listen? They never listen, they just do as they please.

Did YL ever bother her arse to go up there to inspect government projects during the all the time she was in office?...... Did she hell...

Did she mention the elections while visiting her supporters?... Yes she did.

Is she campaigning?... You bet your ass she is campaigning.

Will the EC disqualify her?..... will they hell.


Because they are just being seen to be doing something because complaints have been officially lodged. But they will find her trip as totally acceptable and not connected to campaigning.

Same as they have allowed the PTP to throw even more debt money at their voters through the rice scam to assure their vote.

Thaksin has got to this commission, they need to be replaced.

You see if I am wrong.... time will tell. But they clearly show more signs of being bought than of being neutral.

Oh so accurate. How would they dare take on PTP and the Shins ?

Anyway if they actually found against her it would simply be ignored a la the Constitutional Court.

It wouldn't be ignored by the CC, but regardless of how they decided, there is a long line of family waiting in the wings.

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Dear moderators,

This poster should be removed from Thai Visa for this objectionable post and several others. He is now attacking the good faith of the Electoral Commission. He has posted several other comments that are clearly designed to annoy Thai Visa members. See rules 4 and 15.


They were warned by a member of the senate just 2 days into this public funded election campaign. Did they listen? They never listen, they just do as they please.

Did YL ever bother her arse to go up there to inspect government projects during the all the time she was in office?...... Did she hell...

Did she mention the elections while visiting her supporters?... Yes she did.

Is she campaigning?... You bet your ass she is campaigning.

Will the EC disqualify her?..... will they hell.


Because they are just being seen to be doing something because complaints have been officially lodged. But they will find her trip as totally acceptable and not connected to campaigning.

Same as they have allowed the PTP to throw even more debt money at their voters through the rice scam to assure their vote.

Thaksin has got to this commission, they need to be replaced.

You see if I am wrong.... time will tell. But they clearly show more signs of being bought than of being neutral.

I am a TV member, Nibbles 48 is not annoying me.

I have been a member of the ThaiVisa Forum for over 10 years and Nibbles48 doesn't annoy me either.

I find it much more annoying when someone goes running to the headmaster complaining that one of the kids said something naughty that annoyed him...!! At a higher level that's referred to as "ratting" on someone...!!

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At face value and also with a longer and deeper look it certainly seems as if Yingluck is being ''somewhat creative'' with her comments and actions in this period that might lead to a general election. One can but suppose that as the Thaksin clan already view Thailand as its own theifdom fiefdom and personal piggy bank Yingluck presumes she is above the law, and like other material the Thaksin clan always floats on top of the water..whistling.gif

Too hot in the forum tilac and offends your sensitive naturepassifier.gif.pagespeed.ce.4LsapYv4zC.gi? I suggest you go to play with the kindergarten kids.xcrying.gif.pagespeed.ic.kNStNocrvS.webp

Tilacs griping puts me in mind of the well known troll Calgary1zgarz5.gif.pagespeed.ce.GJfs_tQOQ-.gif

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