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I really want to know why western men get caught up with the nightmare of being with a Thai woman. When are they going to learn it's all about the money. I read so often about men committing suicide and it is unbelievable. I moved to Phuket with my husband after buying a restaurant. Within 3 months he was cheating with a Thai woman. Go figure.
I think its dangerous for a western wife to live in Thailand with her husband. I would almost guarantee he will wander, in most cases secretly. You can't compete with the looks of a Thai, unless you are very attractive and slim.

But, I agree its all about the money,as long as the money flows it will be OK.

Sent from my GT-I9300 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

..i know its hard for some guys to comprehend..but there are TONS of happy farang couples in THailand. To say that a farang woman cannot compete with the looks of a Thai demonstrates only your blind-sightedness and reflects only what you could not obtain prior to being here. Most farang women feel no need to "compete" (with any woman of any nationality) because they are in happy relationships. This is what you call normal.

In all honestly, its likey that most of the guys here couldnt get the same Thai lady they have with them here, if she was in the west..because she would be with something more matching.

In any case, call me cynical, but i imagine the OP is just a bored trawling male.

Well, I do agree that there are many happy Farang couples here in Thailand - BUT not many were the husband does not stray from time to time or has not been with a Thai-woman at some point. Same goes for the married Farang-men coming here on business. Very very few, do not find time to spend a couple of hours with a beautiful Thai-girl, when the wife is at lunch with her expat-friends.

I find western women very naive, when it comes to believing that their men do not stray from time to time here. They all think their man is perfect and the only one that does not go with Thai-women. Guess why the sex-industry is so huge here...

Just my opinion based on the many expat men I know and business men coming here... (sorry guys for revealing the truth - hope your farang-wifes do not read this...)

And btw... Only very few western women can compete to thai-women, when it comes to looks. And unfortunately most men do like good looking sexy women.

Western women are known for their beauty all around the world. There is no competition.

Are you married to a western woman in Thailand? Is this your motive? :-)

Sent from my GT-I9300 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app


to shayne123 "western women are known for their beauty around the world".....................really?I come from the UK and have lived in OZ many years...........and i have to disagree!

Yes, really. Even in Asia more western looking women are seen as beautiful. England is not the only western part of the world although Kate Beginsale in English and men drool over her.

well i guess we can agree to disagree? you stick to your beautiful western ladies and leave me to my beautiful asian ladies OK!

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Without going into specifics, and I don't want to get deleted, < you mean you couldnt get that in your western partner > NO. Been there, done that with the western woman. No contest.

Fair enough.

It does go without saying though, that most guys that dont have a huge chip on their shoulders about certain nationalities of women (even those guilty of having chips about Thai women) are generally happy partnered up with interesting and attractive partners (of any nationality). The same can be said for women of course. These kinds of people are usually pretty well rounded individuals too, who treat people on face value (mature enough to realise that being stung by one race doesnt mean the entire race is bad..just as the OP needs to learn too).

With happy couples, the thought of risking their relationship for a fling is usually not worth it. Similarly aged couples will of course end up getting old if they remain together..however if the relationship is loving and valued and makes them happy, MOST men and women will not stray. Even if the temptation is younger, sexier, etc. They may enjoy flirtations and feeling desired, but most will leave it at that...because they have a sense of loyalty and care for their partners.

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Get a boat boy and give him a taste of his own medicine.

and for proving what?

that women can also buy sex?

unless OP is young and pretty, it will cost her just as much, i presume.

would the cheating husband care? probably not, especially if he wasnt getting much anyway at home, after all, he wondered around for a reason.

Without going into specifics, and I don't want to get deleted, < you mean you couldnt get that in your western partner > NO. Been there, done that with the western woman. No contest.

Fair enough.

It does go without saying though, that most guys that dont have a huge chip on their shoulders about certain nationalities of women (even those guilty of having chips about Thai women) are generally happy partnered up with interesting and attractive partners (of any nationality). The same can be said for women of course. These kinds of people are usually pretty well rounded individuals too, who treat people on face value (mature enough to realise that being stung by one race doesnt mean the entire race is bad..just as the OP needs to learn too).

With happy couples, the thought of risking their relationship for a fling is usually not worth it. Similarly aged couples will of course end up getting old if they remain together..however if the relationship is loving and valued and makes them happy, MOST men and women will not stray. Even if the temptation is younger, sexier, etc. They may enjoy flirtations and feeling desired, but most will leave it at that...because they have a sense of loyalty and care for their partners.

I completely agree with you Lara, when you say that a loving and happy relationship keeps many people from straying. It is very important that both the man and woman put a lot of energy into their relationship.

However, what you do not understand is, that even the most intellectually smart man, will lose his brain power after 10 beers in a GoGo bar. At that point they have forgot all about their master degree, their loving wife and children etc... The brain has then moved to a whole other place... And that goes for 99% of all men! Men are VERY weak when it comes to temptation. And there is a lot of temptation to be found for a man in Thailand.

And just one other comment... Please keep in mind that there are MANY educated Thai-women who are very hard working and very good wifes/mothers. It is far from all Thai-women that are prostitutes, which many Farang women seem to believe.

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<There are millions of western women who are more beautiful than the average Thai woman>

Though jest surely? 555555555555555555

Millions of western men don't visit Thailand for the ugly women.

They certainly seem to in all the sex tourist areas. wai2.gif

And you are intimately familiar with all the sex tourist areas in Thailand???????????

I like beer.


Get a boat boy and give him a taste of his own medicine.

and for proving what?

that women can also buy sex?

unless OP is young and pretty, it will cost her just as much, i presume.

would the cheating husband care? probably not, especially if he wasnt getting much anyway at home, after all, he wondered around for a reason.

People used to have a sense of humour on here.


I feel a bit sorry for you khunpa..as you havent seen solidarity much i guess.

If you want to talk about the base factor..well, I have a farang female friends that are just stunning..but with personalities to match also. Some men like the whole package including mental stimulation too and wont give up that for a frolick with an everyday girl. Granted, some of my friends guys just arent interested or attracted to Asian women..so maybe that helps..but honestly, even if a guy has a penchant for blondes and is living in Scandinavia, if he has any worth he isnt off bagging girls behind his partners back.

Personally I met my farang partner here in Thailand, after he had messed about for many years with girls here. He is no longer interested in the women here (not from me asking that, from observation). If i was ever to feel threatened by anything, it would be from another farang woman, not a Thai. But, just as he has faith in me to have enough respect for him not to go off with guys who are interested in me, i have to have faith in him too.


Please do not feel sorry for me, Lara... I have a very good life here with a Thai-woman that I truly love and will love forever. Unlike what you might think, I have a very hardworking partner, that financially can take care of herself and who is a fantastic partner, lover, mother and my best friend. Mentally, she has as much brain as any western woman I have known and with only a 2 year age gap between us, we also both have a lot of life experience to benefit from. I did not plan to meet a Thai - I simply just happened to fall in love with a Thai.

Personally, I have as your partner also had my share of Asian women (and western women) - and I do also no longer feel the urge to explore more when it comes to that. I have simply had enough of it. I just want a family and actually prefer staying home with my partner. The thing that I am most sick of here, is actually the visible sex-industry and the prejudices against Farang/Thai couples.

But that does not change the fact, that I see MANY western married men here having some fun time on the side, with the Thai-women here. I do not see this as a good place for an expat family to move, simply because of the many temptations the man will constantly face. And most men can simply just not handle the temptations here after a few drinks.

I am no expert in relationships, but in my opinion many western women are becoming more and more like men and are losing their feminine side. They simply just lose it, once they got a guy and feel confident that the relationship will be everlasting no matter what. They suddenly no longer care about their looks, their size and their husband just becomes a guy who is around to feed the family.

I see many western women not understanding, that especially here in Thailand they need to be something special for their husband, if they do not want have him fall for the many temptations here. But at the same time, I also see many western men here, totally losing their brain once they find out that they can easily be with a Thai-woman if they want.

I think it is many times also due to the man working and the woman staying at home. He goes out for a business dinner followed by a few drinks and she is sitting at home... They end up living totally different lives here and many times she gets bored, which she lets go out on the husband. So an upset western woman is replaced with a smiling Thai-girl, who does not whine about the maid, cook, school etc. It does not take much to mess up a relationship here.


Im sorry for your issues with your ex and thai women

I do suggest bot to try seek the Answer you are looking for and if you find it, im not sure you would Like the truth

Good you moved

Happy new year


I wonder what vows that you took when you got married that says do not have sex with other people. Sex with others isn't cheating.


I wonder what vows that you took when you got married that says do not have sex with other people. Sex with others isn't cheating.

This has to be the joke of the year post, right!

Yes...in general..the entire world..from continent to continent...considers that when you are in a commited relationship (marraige or otherwise)..then sex with someone else is breaking the agreement you made together..thus cheating.

p.s. Surely you dont need someone to write down how you should behave in a decent manner towards your partner..right?



My ex cheated on me with a Chilean salsa instructor, then a fellow American physician. So I'm not sure who I am supposed to blame: Latinos? Salsa instructors? Doctors? Americans? To paraphrase the OP, why do so many women get caught up in the nightmare of dating underpaid salsa instructors?

People cheat. it is part of the human condition. No, not everyone does, but the facts are that a majority of people will cheat on their partner at least some time on their lives. You can blame Thai women for Western men cheating, you cam blame the Western man, you can blame society, you can blame whomever you want. Or, you can move forward with the relationships that matter with you and deal with the situation instead of just looking to lay blame.

Bonobo, hard life, and infidelity and cheating will get worse in years to come, the teenagers of years ago , who during the flower power era, who then accepted infidelity are now parents themselves and due to their ways rightly of wrongly have led the present generation into the arms of "................ Answer on a post card please !


The OP is going through a high stress period of grief.

The five stages of grief are:

1. Denial and Isolation

2. Anger

3. Bargaining

4. Depression

5. Acceptance

She seems to be at about stage 2 at the moment.

I wish her luck reaching stage 5 ASAP.

I think you are correct with that statement and why would she not. Op if you are reading this trust me when I tell you it is a ruff road on your feelings but you will heal and be stronger. I went though a breakup a while back and it hurts when you are still in love.

Best of luck to you,sounds like your husband made a mistake, but once a cheater will do it again just move on with your life.Be happy life to short best of luck to you


It is like ordering food. Just walk down any street lol. Maybe you should open you eyes and read if you want to comment. I said all the men committing suicide not me. I have never been happier. Just wanted an insight from losers like you.

Ok, here's some insight. If you want to understand why people like your husband treat Thai women like food from a menu, then just go out and about in your little tourist ghetto island paradise and have a look what's on that menu. Then go and have a look at yourself. Maybe then you can figure it out.

Another suggestion, if you are genuinely looking for insight, try forming full sentences that actually contain the meaning you are trying to articulate.

You might also want to have a look on a map, engage your brain (that might require a change of meds) and realise that Phuket is a very small part of the country you happen to find yourself in, and that it is just possible that not every single woman in the country is on any menu, and that not every single foreign man in the country is a cheating scumbag like your ex husband.

When I said "it's not like ordering food" I meant that my situation is nothing at all like that of your cheating husband, and I found your comment "If you're happy with Thai" extremely patronising and borderline racist.

And "all the men committing suicide" I feel, after our little 'conversation' that I understand their mindset a little more now, so thank you for that.

Please continue to be as happy as you are, I'm sure you deserve nothing less.

Maybe your husband decided he wanted steak every night,instead of hamburger and who can blame him reading the above?whistling.gif


After five minutes here I don't like the op.

Imagine being married to her.

Sounds harsh but she just knocked every thai woman,therefore that includes my wife and our relationship,and my daughters who are half thai.

She did say all farang/thai relationships,not some but all.

I don't pity you at all.

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It was the other way around he lasted 3 minutes with me. Yep to you 35 is most likely old

He lasted doing what for three minutes with you?

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The single biggest problem in communication is the illusion that it has taken place. — George Bernard Shaw



... Thai women are predominently beautiful, younger than their years, extremely attractive in demenour. There are very few western women in normal daily life that are in the same league as a Thai woman. They are totally different in so many ways, ways that a western woman couldnt comprehend, so dont waste your time and energy trying....

Very well said,


I feel very sad if western women see this thread due to immature and bitter people taking their anger out on them.

Western woman, if you read this, you are beautiful, strong, intelligent, driven and make wonderful wives and mothers. Many of you are above many younger Thai women and they will never measure up to your beauty and mind. Your beauty is loved and admired in most parts of the world! so don't ever sell yourself short. You are stunning! Even Thailand admires your true beauty.

Steaks are not easy to get and you are definitely hard to get, you have quality. And most western men marry and fall in love with you.

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Happily married over 5yrs with a beautiful 3yr old daughter and $ isn't, and never was, a factor. Compared to my previous relationship with an English girl my current one is a breeze but thanks to the OP for the wise words :-)

Sent from my GT-I9300 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app


I think you are misreading me. Read yesterday that another farang commited suicide over a Thai. I have read about this a lot and have friends who have come home bankrupt. To all of you who have met the woman of your dreams great good luck with it. To all you that have been left heartbroken and broke you have my sympathy.

You will always be misread here. People will reply what they want to vent, regardless of relevance, and every now and then there will be some kind of Orwellian interjection by the forum police, that's just how it is here.

Sadly yes, most people are stupid albeit with good intent and good people kill themselves here on a regular basis. A western man or woman who enters into a 'serious' relationship with a Thai has already given up, they just don't know it yet.

I've been in Thailand 12 years and never really had a bad experience with a Thai woman, but I have never really considered dating one.

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