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A lot of the stories of farangs and their nightmarish thai girlfriends stem from older men dating young bar girls who themselves have no formal education and are mostly from poor areas (would you turn to prostitution if you had the option of a better job?) and when the ATM (the farang) runs dry they look for a new gullible, horny farang to finance them. But, not all Thai women are like that. Sure, plenty do just care about money, but then again, you should include Vietnamese, Laotian, Khmer women and whoever else in poorer SE Asia into that category. I lived in Nam and it seemed worse there than here.

The problem is a lot of the time here, the woman may not have come from that type of background. Know some good guys 30-ish, that have all had nasty splits with girls here that cheated who all had jobs, their own money, educated etc. It's even happened to myself.

The thing is, to learn from it; trust your doubts and instincts and without getting paranoid, notice stuff that isn't on and be prepared to end it and walk away.

At the end of the day, there are plenty of girls here, many I know, that would not cheat at all and they can be found.

I think one of the biggest problems here is that many women are desperate for attention, even if they have it, they want more. Say no to meeting up with her one evening so you can play a bit of Football Manager and she will be jumping onto ThaiFriendly to flirt with another guy in no time, leading onto something further or not.

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My Thai lady took me down, help me start a business and made me richer than I have ever been in less than 2 year time.

Now she has no more debts, gets a comfortable salary that allows her to save enough money to provide for her family and even think about buying a condo.

I figure that the problem with Thai in general is not how much they get money but how they spend it.

Sorry, that was off topic.


Sorry to hear that. But if he truly understands that he made a mistake and ask for forgiveness please do give him another chance.

People can and do make mistakes.


First of all, I'm sorry to hear about your situation.

But as a western man, I had given up on western women. I would have never gotten married in America.

My Thai wife is a good woman. She is not after the money.

And the reasons we love Thai women are obvious. Yes, it comes with it's share of problems, but not near the problems we face back home.

Let's leave it at that.

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Sorry to hear that. But if he truly understands that he made a mistake and ask for forgiveness please do give him another chance.

People can and do make mistakes.

Yes people do make mistakes. I was with him for 7 years and married him 10 months before this happened. I lost everything. I will never take him back.


Because in a relationship you always pay one way or another. Better and easier to know the costs upfront. tongue.png


Your biggest mistake was moving to Thailand with your husband. Would he have moved to Italy or Greece for you?[/quot

Moving to Thailand was my dream. I loved the people and introduced him to that country. My mistake. Silly me for thinking we had more than we did.


Sorry to hear that. But if he truly understands that he made a mistake and ask for forgiveness please do give him another chance.

People can and do make mistakes.

Yes people do make mistakes. I was with him for 7 years and married him 10 months before this happened. I lost everything. I will never take him back.

Fair enough. I can understand. Once trust is broken it is hard to repair.

He will probably regret it for the rest of his life. In the meantime he will likely be numbing away the pain sitting on a barstool learning bar thai whilst paying for sex..in the company of men who all declare to each other how great their lives are.. as they get fat and old and lazy and boorish. Then when (if) the money dries up, they see that their barstool friends are nowhere to be seen and the company has gone elsewhere. Fun for a while maybe, but pretty empty. If they are lucky they will meet someone, if they havent completely forgotten how to behave in regular company.

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Jawnie, on 27 Dec 2013 - 14:33, said:

Your biggest mistake was moving to Thailand with your husband. Would he have moved to Italy or Greece for you?

It wouldn't make any difference....even if they moved to Lapland.

If you fancy another woman.....doesn't matter where you are!


Your biggest mistake was moving to Thailand with your husband. Would he have moved to Italy or Greece for you?[/quot

Moving to Thailand was my dream. I loved the people and introduced him to that country. My mistake. Silly me for thinking we had more than we did.

It wasnt silly. Keep the dream, but enjoy it alone for now, until someone much MUCH better comes along.

Jawnie, on 27 Dec 2013 - 14:33, said:

Your biggest mistake was moving to Thailand with your husband. Would he have moved to Italy or Greece for you?

It wouldn't make any difference....even if they moved to Lapland.

If you fancy another woman.....doesn't matter where you are!

Well..in truth it does actually make a difference.

Most countries all over the world, the women have more options..and, in general..more of a sense of consideration for their fellow "sisters". Most women in the world dont like being labelled as a man stealer. This stigma isnt the same in THailand. In fact, in many cases its the opposite..something to feel proud of. The average joe that goes to another country with his wife may enjoy the eye candy, but is usually given distinct "look but dont touch" vibes. There may be occasions when hes given a green light, but not often..so the temptation doesnt become a norm. In Thailand men are given much more green light signals, with women at times often actively persuing. This really doesnt happen in other countries as much as it happens here in Thailand. Sure, if a man has real integrity, he isnt going to be swayed. But its the difference of being offered a sticky bun once in a while when you know you shouldnt break your diet, or being offered it on a daily basis ..sometimes multiple times..with a cunning wink and smile saying "go on..just the one wont do any harm.."


I only loved him. He begged my forgiveness and to take him back. No way.

cheated...you have every right to be angry and vent, and TV is as good a place as any to do it. No one, woman or man, should have to go through what you are going through. But the reality is many of us go through such things and we not only survive, but move on to much better situations. I sincerely hope 2014 is a year of healing and moving on for you; it's your choice. As for the dregs on this forum who are poking ill-humor your way, just chalk it up that they probably paid too much for it last night and got the clap to boot...

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Without going into specifics, and I don't want to get deleted, < you mean you couldnt get that in your western partner > NO. Been there, done that with the western woman. No contest.

Fair enough.

It does go without saying though, that most guys that dont have a huge chip on their shoulders about certain nationalities of women (even those guilty of having chips about Thai women) are generally happy partnered up with interesting and attractive partners (of any nationality). The same can be said for women of course. These kinds of people are usually pretty well rounded individuals too, who treat people on face value (mature enough to realise that being stung by one race doesnt mean the entire race is bad..just as the OP needs to learn too).

With happy couples, the thought of risking their relationship for a fling is usually not worth it. Similarly aged couples will of course end up getting old if they remain together..however if the relationship is loving and valued and makes them happy, MOST men and women will not stray. Even if the temptation is younger, sexier, etc. They may enjoy flirtations and feeling desired, but most will leave it at that...because they have a sense of loyalty and care for their partners.

I completely agree with you Lara, when you say that a loving and happy relationship keeps many people from straying. It is very important that both the man and woman put a lot of energy into their relationship.

However, what you do not understand is, that even the most intellectually smart man, will lose his brain power after 10 beers in a GoGo bar. At that point they have forgot all about their master degree, their loving wife and children etc... The brain has then moved to a whole other place... And that goes for 99% of all men! Men are VERY weak when it comes to temptation. And there is a lot of temptation to be found for a man in Thailand.

And just one other comment... Please keep in mind that there are MANY educated Thai-women who are very hard working and very good wifes/mothers. It is far from all Thai-women that are prostitutes, which many Farang women seem to believe.

In any competition between the big and little head, the little head will usually win. The only reason we don't see divorced old fat bald men with gorgeous young women in western countries is that they can't attract them, unless rich or famous. So simple lack of opportunity means that in western countries, it's not usually the temptation of young women that causes divorce, so what is the reason? I know, but I'm not going into it here now.


"Caught up in the nightmare of being with a Thai Woman" - My wife is an absolute gem and I wouldn't degrade her by cheating on her.Your husband cheated on you - He is a scumbag and I feel for you.

Don't throw every Thai female in the mix as home wreckers because they aren't.

And yeah some guys get tossed by Thai girls, but there are plenty of Farang men that married for love and they have done the hardyards to maintain their happy relationship with their partner. Relationships are based on mutual love, trust and respect regardless of whether you marry into a different culture.

I think cheating is a global phenomenon so it's likely your husband would have eventually cheated if its in his nature, Thailand just presented him with the right opportunity.

Good luck with finding the right guy.

  • Like 1

First of all, I'm sorry to hear about your situation.

But as a western man, I had given up on western women. I would have never gotten married in America.

My Thai wife is a good woman. She is not after the money.

And the reasons we love Thai women are obvious. Yes, it comes with it's share of problems, but not near the problems we face back home.

Let's leave it at that.

First of all, I do have sympathy for the OP...and I do agree with your post. I will NEVER marry a western woman again; they basically have a license to steal by getting married. True Story: Some years ago when I was expatted to Taiwan before I moved to Thailand, I was back in the US on a biz trip and went out for drinks with a female co-worker. She had always taken an interest in me although I never responded in kind; she just wasn't my type. But she was a decent lady whom I respected as a friend. She made pointed inquiries about my romantic life in Asia and what I thought about Asian women. I responded diplomatically that US/Western women had it much better than most Asian women, and that I didn't think most US/Western women appreciated that. She responded back with these exact words, which I will never forget, "Oh yeah we do, and we play it for all it's worth." Case closed.


It's very simple,ALL Western women are taught from a very young age to denigrate their partners,they get together with friends from school to make fun of their boyfriends,dicsuss every aspect of their sex life,size of the male's member,or any imperfections with any part of him etc!

They grow up thinking that it is right to see their partner as a 2nd class citizen and it is all a game of control to them,that is exactly why NO Western women will ever come out on top of an Asian girl.Asian society is old-fashioned and girls are taught to have respect for their partner and provider,this is something that is long lost in the West

It's perfectly acceptable and even funny for a Western women to use violence on their partner or husband but woe betide any husband who uses it back,they are a monster despite the fact that many time it's the women that brings it into the relationship in the first place,what does she expect?
It's all skewed towards the female getting everything she could possibly want,while growing fat and lazy,plus treating the partner more like a dog than a human being.Women are congratulated for getting house and money from men during breakups,even for using children as a weapon and denying access,plus poisoning the children's minds against their own Father!
Is it any wonder that these same women haver a very hard time holding onto their man once they arrive in Asia,I think not!Is it any surprise that most Western woman become invisible as soon as they step off the plane to most Western men living in Asia,again no!
It's nothing to do with the men not being able to hold down a relationship or find a suitable partner in the West,it's the fact that the man has seen the light and there is no going back.Fool yourselves as much as you like all Western women reading this thread but you cannot compete as your Western upbringing has sadly left you trailing in the dust,at being a caring and compassionate partner compared to your average Asian girl!

Deny it,remove my post,do whatever you like but I guarantee you this is what 99% of guys on this forum think,as for the other 1% I feel sorry for them but there's still hope,at least they are here in Asia so it's a start!

  • Like 1

It's very simple,ALL Western women are taught from a very young age to denigrate their partners,they get together with friends from school to make fun of their boyfriends,dicsuss every aspect of their sex life,size of the male's member,or any imperfections with any part of him etc!

They grow up thinking that it is right to see their partner as a 2nd class citizen and it is all a game of control to them,that is exactly why NO Western women will ever come out on top of an Asian girl.Asian society is old-fashioned and girls are taught to have respect for their partner and provider,this is something that is long lost in the West

It's perfectly acceptable and even funny for a Western women to use violence on their partner or husband but woe betide any husband who uses it back,they are a monster despite the fact that many time it's the women that brings it into the relationship in the first place,what does she expect?

It's all skewed towards the female getting everything she could possibly want,while growing fat and lazy,plus treating the partner more like a dog than a human being.Women are congratulated for getting house and money from men during breakups,even for using children as a weapon and denying access,plus poisoning the children's minds against their own Father!

Is it any wonder that these same women haver a very hard time holding onto their man once they arrive in Asia,I think not!Is it any surprise that most Western woman become invisible as soon as they step off the plane to most Western men living in Asia,again no!

It's nothing to do with the men not being able to hold down a relationship or find a suitable partner in the West,it's the fact that the man has seen the light and there is no going back.Fool yourselves as much as you like all Western women reading this thread but you cannot compete as your Western upbringing has sadly left you trailing in the dust,at being a caring and compassionate partner compared to your average Asian girl!

Deny it,remove my post,do whatever you like but I guarantee you this is what 99% of guys on this forum think,as for the other 1% I feel sorry for them but there's still hope,at least they are here in Asia so it's a start!

True. Just look at the ads on tv. Invariably men are portrayed as bumbling buffoons, while females are always wonderful and intelligent. Grow up with that and of course you begin to think that males are inferior beings.


It's very simple,ALL Western women are taught from a very young age to denigrate their partners,they get together with friends from school to make fun of their boyfriends,dicsuss every aspect of their sex life,size of the male's member,or any imperfections with any part of him etc!

They grow up thinking that it is right to see their partner as a 2nd class citizen and it is all a game of control to them,that is exactly why NO Western women will ever come out on top of an Asian girl.Asian society is old-fashioned and girls are taught to have respect for their partner and provider,this is something that is long lost in the West

It's perfectly acceptable and even funny for a Western women to use violence on their partner or husband but woe betide any husband who uses it back,they are a monster despite the fact that many time it's the women that brings it into the relationship in the first place,what does she expect?

It's all skewed towards the female getting everything she could possibly want,while growing fat and lazy,plus treating the partner more like a dog than a human being.Women are congratulated for getting house and money from men during breakups,even for using children as a weapon and denying access,plus poisoning the children's minds against their own Father!

Is it any wonder that these same women haver a very hard time holding onto their man once they arrive in Asia,I think not!Is it any surprise that most Western woman become invisible as soon as they step off the plane to most Western men living in Asia,again no!

It's nothing to do with the men not being able to hold down a relationship or find a suitable partner in the West,it's the fact that the man has seen the light and there is no going back.Fool yourselves as much as you like all Western women reading this thread but you cannot compete as your Western upbringing has sadly left you trailing in the dust,at being a caring and compassionate partner compared to your average Asian girl!

Deny it,remove my post,do whatever you like but I guarantee you this is what 99% of guys on this forum think,as for the other 1% I feel sorry for them but there's still hope,at least they are here in Asia so it's a start!

Oh yes, those Western women are really missing out on the fine specimens of Western manhood living in Thailand cheesy.gif


It's very simple,ALL Western women are taught from a very young age to denigrate their partners,they get together with friends from school to make fun of their boyfriends,dicsuss every aspect of their sex life,size of the male's member,or any imperfections with any part of him etc!

They grow up thinking that it is right to see their partner as a 2nd class citizen and it is all a game of control to them,that is exactly why NO Western women will ever come out on top of an Asian girl.Asian society is old-fashioned and girls are taught to have respect for their partner and provider,this is something that is long lost in the West

It's perfectly acceptable and even funny for a Western women to use violence on their partner or husband but woe betide any husband who uses it back,they are a monster despite the fact that many time it's the women that brings it into the relationship in the first place,what does she expect?

It's all skewed towards the female getting everything she could possibly want,while growing fat and lazy,plus treating the partner more like a dog than a human being.Women are congratulated for getting house and money from men during breakups,even for using children as a weapon and denying access,plus poisoning the children's minds against their own Father!

Is it any wonder that these same women haver a very hard time holding onto their man once they arrive in Asia,I think not!Is it any surprise that most Western woman become invisible as soon as they step off the plane to most Western men living in Asia,again no!

It's nothing to do with the men not being able to hold down a relationship or find a suitable partner in the West,it's the fact that the man has seen the light and there is no going back.Fool yourselves as much as you like all Western women reading this thread but you cannot compete as your Western upbringing has sadly left you trailing in the dust,at being a caring and compassionate partner compared to your average Asian girl!

Deny it,remove my post,do whatever you like but I guarantee you this is what 99% of guys on this forum think,as for the other 1% I feel sorry for them but there's still hope,at least they are here in Asia so it's a start!

..jeez..that is seriously messed up. You either have had some truly shocking experiences, have watched way too many Jerry Springer shows, or are on something thats rotting your brain.

  • Like 2

It's very simple,ALL Western women are taught from a very young age to denigrate their partners,they get together with friends from school to make fun of their boyfriends,dicsuss every aspect of their sex life,size of the male's member,or any imperfections with any part of him etc!

They grow up thinking that it is right to see their partner as a 2nd class citizen and it is all a game of control to them,that is exactly why NO Western women will ever come out on top of an Asian girl.Asian society is old-fashioned and girls are taught to have respect for their partner and provider,this is something that is long lost in the West

It's perfectly acceptable and even funny for a Western women to use violence on their partner or husband but woe betide any husband who uses it back,they are a monster despite the fact that many time it's the women that brings it into the relationship in the first place,what does she expect?

It's all skewed towards the female getting everything she could possibly want,while growing fat and lazy,plus treating the partner more like a dog than a human being.Women are congratulated for getting house and money from men during breakups,even for using children as a weapon and denying access,plus poisoning the children's minds against their own Father!

Is it any wonder that these same women haver a very hard time holding onto their man once they arrive in Asia,I think not!Is it any surprise that most Western woman become invisible as soon as they step off the plane to most Western men living in Asia,again no!

It's nothing to do with the men not being able to hold down a relationship or find a suitable partner in the West,it's the fact that the man has seen the light and there is no going back.Fool yourselves as much as you like all Western women reading this thread but you cannot compete as your Western upbringing has sadly left you trailing in the dust,at being a caring and compassionate partner compared to your average Asian girl!

Deny it,remove my post,do whatever you like but I guarantee you this is what 99% of guys on this forum think,as for the other 1% I feel sorry for them but there's still hope,at least they are here in Asia so it's a start!

Its a brave or foolish man that would post the above on a public forum, such outpourings might normally be subject to the privilege of Doctor Patient confidentiality.


All this talk about western men coming to Thailand for beautiful Thai women, but having spent nearly 15 years in Thailand I can't recall that many times I've seen a western man with a beautiful Thai woman.

I'm not saying there aren't any western men who have met and married beautiful Thai women, of course there are, but its a rare event.

Something wrong with your eyesight, GuestHouse ?

I can see many lovely Thai ladies with less lovely farang.

All of my Thai g/f I considered beautiful. And my Thai wife is beautiful, for sure.

Don't forget: Beauty is in the eye of the beholder...

Nah......beauty is in the eye of the beerholder!!


It's very simple,ALL Western women are taught from a very young age to denigrate their partners,they get together with friends from school to make fun of their boyfriends,dicsuss every aspect of their sex life,size of the male's member,or any imperfections with any part of him etc!

They grow up thinking that it is right to see their partner as a 2nd class citizen and it is all a game of control to them,that is exactly why NO Western women will ever come out on top of an Asian girl.Asian society is old-fashioned and girls are taught to have respect for their partner and provider,this is something that is long lost in the West

It's perfectly acceptable and even funny for a Western women to use violence on their partner or husband but woe betide any husband who uses it back,they are a monster despite the fact that many time it's the women that brings it into the relationship in the first place,what does she expect?

It's all skewed towards the female getting everything she could possibly want,while growing fat and lazy,plus treating the partner more like a dog than a human being.Women are congratulated for getting house and money from men during breakups,even for using children as a weapon and denying access,plus poisoning the children's minds against their own Father!

Is it any wonder that these same women haver a very hard time holding onto their man once they arrive in Asia,I think not!Is it any surprise that most Western woman become invisible as soon as they step off the plane to most Western men living in Asia,again no!

It's nothing to do with the men not being able to hold down a relationship or find a suitable partner in the West,it's the fact that the man has seen the light and there is no going back.Fool yourselves as much as you like all Western women reading this thread but you cannot compete as your Western upbringing has sadly left you trailing in the dust,at being a caring and compassionate partner compared to your average Asian girl!

Deny it,remove my post,do whatever you like but I guarantee you this is what 99% of guys on this forum think,as for the other 1% I feel sorry for them but there's still hope,at least they are here in Asia so it's a start!

Its a brave or foolish man that would post the above on a public forum, such outpourings might normally be subject to the privilege of Doctor Patient confidentiality.

Well take it as brave then my friend,as I'm certainly not foolish enough to want to ever put up with the debilitating exercise of dealing with a Farang partner or wife,who would?
  • Like 1

Only this afternoon I had a Thai woman telling me she'd like a 'Farang' husband, she went on to extoll the virtues of 'Farang' men - I cautioned her that a significant proportion of foreign men coming to Thailand have serious women issues.

Hardened Spanker has provided us with explicit details of what his women issues are. There are a few others in this thread who are not that far removed from his outlook.

I feel sorry for any woman, Thai or otherwise who gets hooked up with guys holding the opinions such as those of HS.

There's a reason why these guys are in Thailand, HS has told us why - but I don't think he really understands what it is he has told us.

It's quite obviously been a long,long time since you were "in the game" as far as Farang women go anyway,probably around the time that your avatar was the latest thing in film!whistling.gif

It's not the same case with me,I can still get 20-something girls back at home and certainly wouldn't pay to take some ageing 30-odd year old bargirl back to mine for a session of the Horizontal Mambo,you would have no choice.Maybe I've been too brutally honest in what I've said but who cares,it's just an anonymous forum that everyone gets banned from sooner or later anyway and comes back as fresh and as pure as the driven snow,so it's really no biggy,is it?

Marriages are failing more and more in the Western world,to what do you attribute this,global warming?Maybe time to get your balding pate out of the sand and start to smell the coffee?

I choose to live in Asia and I choose Asian women as they're far more attractive,feminine and compassionate than any Farang female I've ever met,I think you might find I'm not alone in my manner of thinking!

  • Like 2

Your biggest mistake was moving to Thailand with your husband. Would he have moved to Italy or Greece for you?[/quot

Moving to Thailand was my dream. I loved the people and introduced him to that country. My mistake. Silly me for thinking we had more than we did.

It wasnt silly. Keep the dream, but enjoy it alone for now, until someone much MUCH better comes along.

This happened a year ago and he still gives me hell because I left him. I have moved on with a wonderful man. They say things happen for a reason.


Only this afternoon I had a Thai woman telling me she'd like a 'Farang' husband, she went on to extoll the virtues of 'Farang' men - I cautioned her that a significant proportion of foreign men coming to Thailand have serious women issues.

Hardened Spanker has provided us with explicit details of what his women issues are. There are a few others in this thread who are not that far removed from his outlook.

I feel sorry for any woman, Thai or otherwise who gets hooked up with guys holding the opinions such as those of HS.

There's a reason why these guys are in Thailand, HS has told us why - but I don't think he really understands what it is he has told us.

If i could give you more 'likes', i would.


It's very simple,ALL Western women are taught from a very young age to denigrate their partners,they get together with friends from school to make fun of their boyfriends,dicsuss every aspect of their sex life,size of the male's member,or any imperfections with any part of him etc!

They grow up thinking that it is right to see their partner as a 2nd class citizen and it is all a game of control to them,that is exactly why NO Western women will ever come out on top of an Asian girl.Asian society is old-fashioned and girls are taught to have respect for their partner and provider,this is something that is long lost in the West

It's perfectly acceptable and even funny for a Western women to use violence on their partner or husband but woe betide any husband who uses it back,they are a monster despite the fact that many time it's the women that brings it into the relationship in the first place,what does she expect?

It's all skewed towards the female getting everything she could possibly want,while growing fat and lazy,plus treating the partner more like a dog than a human being.Women are congratulated for getting house and money from men during breakups,even for using children as a weapon and denying access,plus poisoning the children's minds against their own Father!

Is it any wonder that these same women haver a very hard time holding onto their man once they arrive in Asia,I think not!Is it any surprise that most Western woman become invisible as soon as they step off the plane to most Western men living in Asia,again no!

It's nothing to do with the men not being able to hold down a relationship or find a suitable partner in the West,it's the fact that the man has seen the light and there is no going back.Fool yourselves as much as you like all Western women reading this thread but you cannot compete as your Western upbringing has sadly left you trailing in the dust,at being a caring and compassionate partner compared to your average Asian girl!

Deny it,remove my post,do whatever you like but I guarantee you this is what 99% of guys on this forum think,as for the other 1% I feel sorry for them but there's still hope,at least they are here in Asia so it's a start!

..jeez..that is seriously messed up. You either have had some truly shocking experiences, have watched way too many Jerry Springer shows, or are on something thats rotting your brain.

Ah yes,denial,it's a wonderful thing isn't it?

Aren't you the one with the Farang boyfriend who has told you,without exception,that he is not at all interested in Thai or Asian women?

I feel a bit sorry for your naivety and know I shouldn't laugh but come on,the oldest chestnut on the chestnut tree?


I'm betting that when you're not around he likes Thai and Asian girls mak mak!Of course if you give him the third degree under a halogen lamp he will deny it till the cows come home!

Why?He has to of course!whistling.gif

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