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Bangkok: Taxi driver beaten unconscious by anti-govt protesters


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Disgraceful attack on a man trying to earn a living but its a sign of the sheer contempt that the hi so protesters show for the rest of the Thai Population. The government must stand firm against this thuggery and intimidation.

How many shop and hotel workers lost their living because of the reds at Central?

Sheer contempt by the reds for their fellow working class gang.

Difference was, the reds were paid to be there and if they say Hi So, the media is immediately on their side.

Please tell me how thaksin, with his billions and overseas education, and yingluck, with her millions worth of watches, handbags, etc, Chalerm with his pink Bentley, and the rest of their gang, are not the Elite?

Not wrong.

The whole thing is ripe for Orwellian quotes.

“The creatures outside looked from pig to man, and from man to pig, and from pig to man again; but already it was impossible to say which was which.”

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Something I wonder about as the country slowly descends into mob rule, will farangs become targets for their rage? I keep hearing that many Thais hate us and only put up with us because we spend money. I don't know how true this is or even what percentage hate us if it is true but something to think about perhaps.

I walked among the crowd at Metropolitan police headquarters a few weeks ago, I could hear people say "farang this & farang that..."

While I was not concerned as it felt like a harmless gathering, it was in stark contrast to what I experienced in the same location in 2010 when the UDD was there.

As a street photographer, I don't think I would venture anywhere near the "mad mob" at this point in time.

Wise move.

where the reds welcomed 'us'- this thing does not- best to stay clear.

The reds had a cause that they rightly or wrongly believed would win international attention.

These peoople have only passion- and no idea about anything.

It used to be called 'jaquerie'l

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Something I wonder about as the country slowly descends into mob rule, will farangs become targets for their rage? I keep hearing that many Thais hate us and only put up with us because we spend money. I don't know how true this is or even what percentage hate us if it is true but something to think about perhaps.

I walked among the crowd at Metropolitan police headquarters a few weeks ago, I could hear people say "farang this & farang that..."

While I was not concerned as it felt like a harmless gathering, it was in stark contrast to what I experienced in the same location in 2010 when the UDD was there.

As a street photographer, I don't think I would venture anywhere near the "mad mob" at this point in time.

Wise move.

where the reds welcomed 'us'- this thing does not- best to stay clear.

The reds had a cause that they rightly or wrongly believed would win international attention.

These peoople have only passion- and no idea about anything.

It used to be called 'jaquerie'l

I hope you are wrong and suspect that you are right.

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where the reds welcomed 'us'- this thing does not- best to stay clear.

The reds had a cause that they rightly or wrongly believed would win international attention.

These peoople have only passion- and no idea about anything.

It used to be called 'jaquerie'l

The reds welcomed foreigners only if foreigners supported them. That's how it works. When I walked out to support the current protest I got hugged and Thais showed me quite a lot of respect, especially older generation.

Let's not spread any 'romantic' ideas about reds. Thugs are thugs, not matter what colour. And stop whinging about people livelihood being endangered. More than 100,000 Thais lost their jobs as a result of red mob actions. Some of you need to be continually reminded what happened three years ago.


Critics and opponents inside and outside Thailand often express the suspicion that the socially progressive platform and the organization as an independent NGO are only feigned to actually pursue the agenda of Thaksin and his entourage. The American freelance commentator Philip J. Cunningham even drew parallels of UDD's personalism, xenophobia, anti-gay sentiments and militance with Italian Fascism.[54]

The red shirt movement also publicly displays close and regular relations [55] with Cambodian prime minister Hun Sen, severely criticized for his political history (former Khmer Rouge captain, leader of the violent 1997 clashes in Cambodia) and accused by several NGOs, including Human Rights Watch,[56] of antidemocratic, corrupted and nepotic practices spread over his record-long mandate.

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Something I wonder about as the country slowly descends into mob rule, will farangs become targets for their rage? I keep hearing that many Thais hate us and only put up with us because we spend money. I don't know how true this is or even what percentage hate us if it is true but something to think about perhaps.

I walked among the crowd at Metropolitan police headquarters a few weeks ago, I could hear people say "farang this & farang that..."

While I was not concerned as it felt like a harmless gathering, it was in stark contrast to what I experienced in the same location in 2010 when the UDD was there.

As a street photographer, I don't think I would venture anywhere near the "mad mob" at this point in time.

Wise move.

where the reds welcomed 'us'- this thing does not- best to stay clear.

The reds had a cause that they rightly or wrongly believed would win international attention.

These peoople have only passion- and no idea about anything.

It used to be called 'jaquerie'l

I hope you are wrong and suspect that you are right.

Get out now Farang. While u still can. It's gonna be a bloodbath.

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Whatever high moral ground these protesters thought they could take is gone. The police and or army need to end the protests now. This whole thing is going to get out of hand and there is going to be lots of blood in the streets. I know and work with many people who go to the protests, blow their whistles and post pics to Facebook. I think they have no idea they are being used and many innocent and naive people are going to get hurt.

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Anything is possible if it gets to mob rule.

Something I wonder about as the country slowly descends into mob rule, will farangs become targets for their rage? I keep hearing that many Thais hate us and only put up with us because we spend money. I don't know how true this is or even what percentage hate us if it is true but something to think about perhaps.

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nickynomates, on 26 Dec 2013 - 18:08, said:

Anything is possible if it gets to mob rule.

ChoakMyDee, on 26 Dec 2013 - 13:57, said:

Something I wonder about as the country slowly descends into mob rule, will farangs become targets for their rage? I keep hearing that many Thais hate us and only put up with us because we spend money. I don't know how true this is or even what percentage hate us if it is true but something to think about perhaps.

No chance. The Army will step in when necessary.

The Army is the only stability Thailand retains. Sounds strange, but they'll restore order and all will be quiet for another year or two.

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You couldn't be more wrong. People who support the protest have clear idea why they do that. Thaksin is simply not wanted in Thailand. The current government miscalculated greatly. The amnesty bill galvanized Thais across the board. Thais will not allow Thaksin and his cronies to turn Thailand into another Cambodia. Innocent people will die, innocent people will get hurt but only because of Thaksin and his cronies attempts to privatise the whole country the way Hun Sen did it in Cambodia.

The root and the cause of all instability in Thailand is Thaksin. As simple as that. Suthep is just a pawn in the bigger game. Kind of Jatuporn or Nattawut but on the different side. If ever is going to be stability in Thailand, Thaksin needs to back off for good.

And still there are some who are completely ignorant to the reality of what is happening. Shouldn't you be out blowing your whistle with the rest of the brain-washed ?

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People who support the protest have clear idea why they do that. Thaksin is simply not wanted in Thailand. The current government miscalculated greatly. The amnesty bill galvanized Thais across the board. Thais will not allow Thaksin and his cronies to turn Thailand into another Cambodia. Innocent people will die, innocent people will get hurt but only because of Thaksin and his cronies attempts to privatise the whole country the way Hun Sen did it in Cambodia.

The root and the cause of all instability in Thailand is Thaksin. As simple as that. Suthep is just a pawn in the bigger game. Kind of Jatuporn or Nattawut but on the different side. If ever is going to be stability in Thailand, Thaksin needs to back off for good.

But it is not enough for the protesters just to protest against everything that is going wrong. A discourse would be needed to think about what the future of Thailand could be like. If Suthep was clearer on his plan if he came to power, people could actually make their minds up about it. Which steps of reform does his council want to enforce?

If Thai people would be willing to protest against corruption and abuse of power without becoming exploited my parties for their purposes, things may chance faster. Political parties in Thailand are so polarized and debate about practical matters is needed; not just about how bad the other party is. If parties knew, once they get into power, that scandals and corruption will surely be punished in the next election, maybe they would actually start reform. If not, a new party would be elected

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Something I wonder about as the country slowly descends into mob rule, will farangs become targets for their rage? I keep hearing that many Thais hate us and only put up with us because we spend money. I don't know how true this is or even what percentage hate us if it is true but something to think about perhaps.

When the mob rules in any country all bets are off - hysteria can spread like wildfire through a crowd. Looks like Suthep will get what he wants once he's lit the touchpaper for the fire to rage in Bangkok.

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The poor guy went into a coma and died ......

All those in the clip smashing up his car whilst hes bleeding out are cowardly filth, this was not a flash point zone nor a riot or anything but supposed protesters peacefully blockading a road, yes right ... this guy was trying to work and basically got killed for driving a F###### taxi.

Dont even dare to try and justify it,

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Something I wonder about as the country slowly descends into mob rule, will farangs become targets for their rage? I keep hearing that many Thais hate us and only put up with us because we spend money. I don't know how true this is or even what percentage hate us if it is true but something to think about perhaps.

Fairly weak attempt at trolling.

I hear many Thais love us. Especially 'long time'!

I asked a legitimate question because it is honestly something that is on my mind. Not trolling at all.

'You keep hearing Thais hate us' but you have no first hand evidence of it, do you? Otherwise you wouldn't have asked the question.

Do you stay locked in your hotel room/condo everyday? Or do you get out amongst them?

I certainly do and have done for 11 years and I've never had an issue with a Thai because I'm western.

you haven't been that far then, do you understand the language?

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The protesters were lucky I wasn't in the front row of the traffic jam. I would have pushed down on the gas and drove right through it with 180, I'm serious.

Yes, because that would really have helped the situation wouldn't it. Just what this conflict needs, more blood, more deaths, more violence and rage. Bravo on such an insightful contribution.

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