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Thai Army chief Prayuth refuses to rule out a military coup


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Reading yesterday in the other paper that the red elite would prefer a coup to letting Sutheps reform council prevail. And most educated souls prefer the idea of a coup to a NK style Shinawat dictatorship. It seems we have a solution. Real shame that Thaksin pushed the country again into such desperate state that a coup is neccessary, but it is what it is. A large measure of thanks to the army for being the sane heads in this mess. Education reforms and dismantling the Thaksin cult is the way forward. The red schools that only serve to propagate the cult of Thaksin must be closed immediately.

But still, the Shin clan fails to take the hint.

Prayuth is being as clear as he can. Don't ask us to protect your crooked regime, do the right thing and withdraw completely. You have already made enough to keep your whole clan in the lap of luxury for the rest of their lives.

Your time is up...!!

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When asked again if he ruled out the possibility of a coup, Prayuth said, "That door is neither open or closed. Everything depends on the situation."

Democracy, don't you just love it.

Were you just looking for something to comment on? Seems like a very direct question received a common sense answer. Maybe the answer you were looking for was ????? How would you have responded?

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In an ideal world nobody wants the military running a country but if the politicians (elected or otherwise) can't do it then what is the alternative.....anarchy?

At least in the interim it would give the country some breathing room and who knows maybe someone will emerge to give the country the leadership it so badly needs.

Maybe they could give the police a much needed kick up the backside too.

and what makes you think a country run by the military would not be anarchy?... you think the 15 million people who voted for the government will be ok with that?... and what makes you think the military will be so keen to hand back power to those elected representatives of the silly people?...

So far they have always handed back power, if YL only agreed to changes before the election we would not be in this mess. But YL and DL dont want this as it will limit their options to rape the finances of Thailand. The business people were right changes should occur before the election. Now with a coup changes can be made and then the power handed back to the people.

I even think YL would prefer this as then she can fight the changes and call them unlawful. Much better as being forced to tie your own hands behind your back. YL has things to gain by a coup too.. nothing to gain by changes that she agrees too.

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In an ideal world nobody wants the military running a country but if the politicians (elected or otherwise) can't do it then what is the alternative.....anarchy?

At least in the interim it would give the country some breathing room and who knows maybe someone will emerge to give the country the leadership it so badly needs.

Maybe they could give the police a much needed kick up the backside too.

and what makes you think a country run by the military would not be anarchy?... you think the 15 million people who voted for the government will be ok with that?... and what makes you think the military will be so keen to hand back power to those elected representatives of the silly people?...


Tends to repeat itself.

Review what happened in the exact same situation just a few short years ago.

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For those of you hoping for a coup. there could just as easily be a subsequent counter coup.

Maybe the reason why the general staff is hesitating this time is that there hasn't been much support from the core units for a coup. Keep in mind that for a long time the thai military shared a similar approach to demographics as the Syrian army, with staff officers and elite units drawn from one specific region/ethnic group. That has changed in the past few years and now northerners hold many of the nco jobs, junior ranks and some senior ranks. Remember Idi Amin was a RSM in the King's Rifles before he became ruler, Khaddaffi was a colonel and good old Chavez was non general staff officer.

Careful what you wish for as you may not like the results.

Anyway, don't count Thaksin out. He has more lives than a cat.

Maybe the general is just sensible, a coup might be a way out of this mess YL and DL got us in but its a dangerous way out.

The general like most sensible men wants an other solution, reforms before the ellection. YL and her master DL does not want this as it effectively asks them to legitimize laws that will prevent the corruption they live off. Its no good for them to be in power when they can't rape Thailand her finances for their own gain. No reason to be in power.

With laws agreed and made by her she cant break them easy or say they came about illegal so reforms are the last thing the Shin clan wants. On the other hands Suthep and other corrupt officials in the other parties know they won't have much chance to come into power and are thinking if i cant steal from Thailand then why let them so they support change even if they know it would limit them too. But as they are less likely to come to power they are less hesitant to use those changes. Kinda like if i cant steal then nobody can.

Change is good for the people.. not for the politicians but I am happy that even though its a guy like Suthep change is coming.

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Coup or no coup what's the difference? A new government, a new constitution, new elections and then back to the same thing all over again. The yellow need to find a way to help the people and thereby win elections. The red need to find new leaders without baggage.Democracy comes slowly . But this is ridiculous. Grow up Thailand!

The 2 power groups at odds can take turns raping the nation.

What's the problem.

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Coup or no coup what's the difference? A new government, a new constitution, new elections and then back to the same thing all over again. The yellow need to find a way to help the people and thereby win elections. The red need to find new leaders without baggage.Democracy comes slowly . But this is ridiculous. Grow up Thailand!

The 2 power groups at odds can take turns raping the nation.

What's the problem.

Yes, that is what is the problem, but now one of the power groups sees that it will most likely loose again (yellow / democrats) and now want changes so the other side cant rape the country (neither would they if they got in power and that is unlikely).

So they want changes before the election, actually everyone should support this except for the politicians as they loose their money. Its so simple actually this is the time the people should use to cut out the politicians. Instead the red followers don't seem to realize that its the time to act and cut the politicians out.

Without loads of money to plunder Thai politics will mellow out its a win win.

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I wonder if it was a soldier who was killed instead of a policeman and the taxi driver was a solider what he wold be saying.

"......they died so me and my pals can be powerful...and filthy rich..and influential and.....ups ...."they died defending their country" of course!!!!!

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In an ideal world nobody wants the military running a country but if the politicians (elected or otherwise) can't do it then what is the alternative.....anarchy?

At least in the interim it would give the country some breathing room and who knows maybe someone will emerge to give the country the leadership it so badly needs.

Maybe they could give the police a much needed kick up the backside too.

and what makes you think a country run by the military would not be anarchy?... you think the 15 million people who voted for the government will be ok with that?... and what makes you think the military will be so keen to hand back power to those elected representatives of the silly people?...

So far they have always handed back power, if YL only agreed to changes before the election we would not be in this mess. But YL and DL dont want this as it will limit their options to rape the finances of Thailand. The business people were right changes should occur before the election. Now with a coup changes can be made and then the power handed back to the people.

I even think YL would prefer this as then she can fight the changes and call them unlawful. Much better as being forced to tie your own hands behind your back. YL has things to gain by a coup too.. nothing to gain by changes that she agrees too.

do you remember the circumstances under which they "handed back power" last time...?

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A couple of years of relative peace, even with the finances of the country being abused, was shattered by PTP's cack-handed approach to forcing through the amnesty bill and the deception that followed with the Senate bill and the 2.2T loan bill was just the icing on the cake of corruption.

That the PTP now find themselves in this position is their own fault.

That there were no procedures that worked in punishing this abuse demonstrates that the legislation for a functioning democracy is not there yet.

Should the government be permitted to write the reforms? Hell no.

Should Suthep? Hell no

What's the option? Academics or army?

Take your pick

Sent from my Nexus 4 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

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Well if the BIB can't (wont) control the place .......... coffee1.gif.pagespeed.ce.Ymlsr09gMJ.gif alt=coffee1.gif pagespeed_url_hash=2220208811 width=32 height=24>

. . . then it's better the military does?

Simply amazing lack of logic . . . I'm sure you'd advocate the military rolling into parliament house in heir tanks in your 'home' country

When asked again if he ruled out the possibility of a coup, Prayuth said, "That door is neither open or closed. Everything depends on the situation."

Democracy, don't you just love it.

Were you just looking for something to comment on? Seems like a very direct question received a common sense answer. Maybe the answer you were looking for was ????? How would you have responded?

Seems like a good post, why do you have an issue with it? The poster is simply saying that this place wouldn't know democracy if it bit it in its ar$e, with the military deciding when it will enter the fray and seize power - a situation you seem to find as being 'common sense'.

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In an ideal world nobody wants the military running a country but if the politicians (elected or otherwise) can't do it then what is the alternative.....anarchy?

At least in the interim it would give the country some breathing room and who knows maybe someone will emerge to give the country the leadership it so badly needs.

Maybe they could give the police a much needed kick up the backside too.

and what makes you think a country run by the military would not be anarchy?... you think the 15 million people who voted for the government will be ok with that?... and what makes you think the military will be so keen to hand back power to those elected representatives of the silly people?...

So far they have always handed back power, if YL only agreed to changes before the election we would not be in this mess. But YL and DL dont want this as it will limit their options to rape the finances of Thailand. The business people were right changes should occur before the election. Now with a coup changes can be made and then the power handed back to the people.

I even think YL would prefer this as then she can fight the changes and call them unlawful. Much better as being forced to tie your own hands behind your back. YL has things to gain by a coup too.. nothing to gain by changes that she agrees too.

'So far they have always handed back power'? clap2.gifcheesy.gifclap2.gif

Brilliant. Simply brilliant.

Added to the UNELECTED military taking power you add some wonderful conspiracy theories as well. Nice work, I'm sure you're a great defender of democracy

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In an ideal world nobody wants the military running a country but if the politicians (elected or otherwise) can't do it then what is the alternative.....anarchy?

At least in the interim it would give the country some breathing room and who knows maybe someone will emerge to give the country the leadership it so badly needs.

Maybe they could give the police a much needed kick up the backside too.

and what makes you think a country run by the military would not be anarchy?... you think the 15 million people who voted for the government will be ok with that?... and what makes you think the military will be so keen to hand back power to those elected representatives of the silly people?...

So far they have always handed back power, if YL only agreed to changes before the election we would not be in this mess. But YL and DL dont want this as it will limit their options to rape the finances of Thailand. The business people were right changes should occur before the election. Now with a coup changes can be made and then the power handed back to the people.

I even think YL would prefer this as then she can fight the changes and call them unlawful. Much better as being forced to tie your own hands behind your back. YL has things to gain by a coup too.. nothing to gain by changes that she agrees too.

'So far they have always handed back power'? clap2.gifcheesy.gifclap2.gif

Brilliant. Simply brilliant.

Added to the UNELECTED military taking power you add some wonderful conspiracy theories as well. Nice work, I'm sure you're a great defender of democracy

Now tell me when did they hold onto power.. so many coups but always it returned to normal.

As for my conspiracy theories its true.. just look at how the reds always want to go back to the pre coop constitution and call the other one illigal and dont abide by it. Now if there is a coup and changes are made the same will happen. So YL does not have to abide by the changes. Now if there is no coup and she gets into committee that sets up new rules she cant go against them at a later time as she agreed to them before. Not that hard to understand. That is why for YL changes from a coup would be better so she can ignore them and go on raping the country for her brother.

But fair and honest rules agreed upon by both sides.. (even if she was pressured into the rules) she cant ignore and loose her chances to go on being dishonest. Its not that hard to see if you don't wear red glasses.

Now i never said the opposition are angels.. they just realize that if they cant steal then its better that nobody can steal.. id say use this time against the politicians to reign in their power and get an honest country.

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seems to me it's only a coup, if there is a real government. Thailand, doesn't ever seem to have had a stable one for long, so .... ;

maybe they need a house of lords, that must agree to the house of the people, and both houses must agree on the PM.

its getting little late to save the high season unfortunately .........

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Coup or no coup what's the difference? A new government, a new constitution, new elections and then back to the same thing all over again. The yellow need to find a way to help the people and thereby win elections. The red need to find new leaders without baggage.Democracy comes slowly . But this is ridiculous. Grow up Thailand!

The 2 power groups at odds can take turns raping the nation.

What's the problem.

Yes, that is what is the problem, but now one of the power groups sees that it will most likely loose again (yellow / democrats) and now want changes so the other side cant rape the country (neither would they if they got in power and that is unlikely).

I expect the raping, in one degree or another, will continue as it has for 500 years.

Now if the rapers can agree to share 50-50, then we might end this silly cycle of coup-protests-elections, etc

Eventually, though, the elites & TS, etc, will die off, or be satisfied with the billions in spoils from their plundering, & or decide to enjoy life a little.

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When asked again if he ruled out the possibility of a coup, Prayuth said, "That door is neither open or closed. Everything depends on the situation."

Democracy, don't you just love it.

"Thai" Democracy. Same same but different.

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This country has shown time and time again (for decades) that it is not ready for a democracy. All sides don't seem to understand what a real democracy involves, and what responsibiilities each and every citizen has. Thai politics is akin to squabbling children or spoilt brats who throw their toys out of their pram when they don't get their way.

Since none of these children seem to ever grow up, it needs a firm, parental hand to show them what to do and to issue a hard 'smack' when they fail to listen and toe the line.

Political colours and sides are irrelevant in this country - they are all infantile in their actions and views. There is not one single, respected politician in this country who people look up to as an honest person with the country's interests at heart.

Forget democracy - Thai history clearly shows that it doesn't work in this country.



Racist rant from a middle aged white male. 'Thais are too stupid to be allowed to run their own affairs'. I thought this attitude had gone out with the 19th century.

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The words used by Prayuth should give the Yingluck administration pause. He has been very careful to choose his words carefully, taking great care to forge a middle conciliatory path - and one that sadly is not mirrored by the politicians. Everyone deep down knows that the middle path is the only one that will at least partially satisfy everyone. No one will be completely satisfied with the outcome, whatever it is. And this country will remain divided regardless as to the actions of the military. But the situation is becoming more archaic by the day, and at some point the army may be forced to act in an effort to secure some sense of calm in the country. Prayuth is right. Everyone is Thai. And his final words in the interview was for people to pray. A healing thought as we reflect on the new year.

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The Thai armys only interest at the moment is the keep the southern unrest going!

Yes they are sacrifying a few pawns along the way, but it is a good earner for the topbrass!!coffee1.gif

So they just want the unrest in Bangkok to go away and return to business as usual.

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