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Thai Army chief Prayuth refuses to rule out a military coup


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He's wavering. He's circling back around his previous comments on a coup possibility. What good would a coup do? Would they listen? At least he's got that right. After 18 coups, most Thais can figure out that military coups solve nothing. If the military launches a coup, they should just remain as the military dictatorship and stop masquerading as a democracy in Thailand.

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This country has shown time and time again (for decades) that it is not ready for a democracy. All sides don't seem to understand what a real democracy involves, and what responsibiilities each and every citizen has. Thai politics is akin to squabbling children or spoilt brats who throw their toys out of their pram when they don't get their way.

Since none of these children seem to ever grow up, it needs a firm, parental hand to show them what to do and to issue a hard 'smack' when they fail to listen and toe the line.

Political colours and sides are irrelevant in this country - they are all infantile in their actions and views. There is not one single, respected politician in this country who people look up to as an honest person with the country's interests at heart.

Forget democracy - Thai history clearly shows that it doesn't work in this country.



Racist rant from a middle aged white male. 'Thais are too stupid to be allowed to run their own affairs'. I thought this attitude had gone out with the 19th century.

But aren't they "monkeys". Although in the "Planet of the Apes", the monkeys win.

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The Thai armys only interest at the moment is the keep the southern unrest going!

Yes they are sacrifying a few pawns along the way, but it is a good earner for the topbrass!!coffee1.gif

So they just want the unrest in Bangkok to go away and return to business as usual.

OK...You're making some serious accusations against the Thai Army. Is there any way you can back up your ridiculous accusations with some credible evidence? If not, you're just polluting cyber space with your nonsensical posts.

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This country has shown time and time again (for decades) that it is not ready for a democracy. All sides don't seem to understand what a real democracy involves, and what responsibiilities each and every citizen has. Thai politics is akin to squabbling children or spoilt brats who throw their toys out of their pram when they don't get their way.

Since none of these children seem to ever grow up, it needs a firm, parental hand to show them what to do and to issue a hard 'smack' when they fail to listen and toe the line.

Political colours and sides are irrelevant in this country - they are all infantile in their actions and views. There is not one single, respected politician in this country who people look up to as an honest person with the country's interests at heart.

Forget democracy - Thai history clearly shows that it doesn't work in this country.


simon - i think you are one of the more sensible posters on this forum but i think this post misses the point or at least could be misunderstood

it's not that thailand (and its people) don't want / deserve a proper democracy but rather no sensible / capable leader has stepped forward to offer this

this leader needs to be strong but this strength should not be about how to take / hold power from the opposition

rather such a leader needs the bravery to address their own shortcomings and put the needs of thailand as a whole before the desires of themselves / their supporters

neither democracy / dictatorship has worked in the past - only democracy offers hope for a better future

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He's wavering. He's circling back around his previous comments on a coup possibility. What good would a coup do? Would they listen? At least he's got that right. After 18 coups, most Thais can figure out that military coups solve nothing. If the military launches a coup, they should just remain as the military dictatorship and stop masquerading as a democracy in Thailand.

Perhaps he's waiting for, or would prefer, a non military coup.

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Coup or no coup what's the difference? A new government, a new constitution, new elections and then back to the same thing all over again. The yellow need to find a way to help the people and thereby win elections. The red need to find new leaders without baggage.Democracy comes slowly . But this is ridiculous. Grow up Thailand!

The 2 power groups at odds can take turns raping the nation.

What's the problem.

Yes, that is what is the problem, but now one of the power groups sees that it will most likely loose again (yellow / democrats) and now want changes so the other side cant rape the country (neither would they if they got in power and that is unlikely).

I expect the raping, in one degree or another, will continue as it has for 500 years.

Now if the rapers can agree to share 50-50, then we might end this silly cycle of coup-protests-elections, etc

Eventually, though, the elites & TS, etc, will die off, or be satisfied with the billions in spoils from their plundering, & or decide to enjoy life a little.

"Eventually, though, the elites & TS, etc, will die off, ........."

You think so? Just a generation changing of the guard.

Thaksin has three children, all elites, multimillionaires. Oak Shinawatra is already vocal in his own world of Facebook politics.

Abhisit has children as do the captains of Thai industry. Chitpas Birombhakdi is a good example of the new elites of both colours. They are just the new generation waiting to take their place at the five star dining table of Thailand.

Thailand will always have elites just like every other country in the world.

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Great!..A Coup!...this will really place a lot of confidence with the rest of the world.

I and most Thais could not give a toss about what rest of world might or might not think and if it takes a Coup to stop Taksin then as far as I and a very large number of Thais are concerned then so be it. The rest of world and in particular that warmonger nation USA should shut up and go away. They only get in evolved if oil is involved and happily stand bye while genicide is done in many places.

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This country has shown time and time again (for decades) that it is not ready for a democracy. All sides don't seem to understand what a real democracy involves, and what responsibiilities each and every citizen has. Thai politics is akin to squabbling children or spoilt brats who throw their toys out of their pram when they don't get their way.

Since none of these children seem to ever grow up, it needs a firm, parental hand to show them what to do and to issue a hard 'smack' when they fail to listen and toe the line.

Political colours and sides are irrelevant in this country - they are all infantile in their actions and views. There is not one single, respected politician in this country who people look up to as an honest person with the country's interests at heart.

Forget democracy - Thai history clearly shows that it doesn't work in this country.


simon - i think you are one of the more sensible posters on this forum but i think this post misses the point or at least could be misunderstood

it's not that thailand (and its people) don't want / deserve a proper democracy but rather no sensible / capable leader has stepped forward to offer this

this leader needs to be strong but this strength should not be about how to take / hold power from the opposition

rather such a leader needs the bravery to address their own shortcomings and put the needs of thailand as a whole before the desires of themselves / their supporters

neither democracy / dictatorship has worked in the past - only democracy offers hope for a better future

I nominate Obama for the job. Failing that, how about a Clinton? Otherwise, i'm free.

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very scary story with some even scarier responses

some real psychopaths / comedians on this forum

Not quite sure about that. Waiting is always the hardest part and everybody has different coping mechanisms for dealing with the tension and stress of waiting for the bomb to land while secretly praying for an indirect hit. Just being pragmatic.

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Great!..A Coup!...this will really place a lot of confidence with the rest of the world.

I and most Thais could not give a toss about what rest of world might or might not think and if it takes a Coup to stop Taksin then as far as I and a very large number of Thais are concerned then so be it. The rest of world and in particular that warmonger nation USA should shut up and go away. They only get in evolved if oil is involved and happily stand bye while genicide is done in many places.

I wonder how many Thais give a toss about this too, but still say krap koon for sharing. coffee1.gif

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Great!..A Coup!...this will really place a lot of confidence with the rest of the world.

Should raise the value of my Sterling to the Baht, at least.

Every cloud.........

I may be wrong, but a coup may stabilize or even increase the value of the baht. It would remove uncertainty and the probability of violence would decrease. I guess we may well see......

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The Thai armys only interest at the moment is the keep the southern unrest going!

Yes they are sacrifying a few pawns along the way, but it is a good earner for the topbrass!!coffee1.gif

So they just want the unrest in Bangkok to go away and return to business as usual.

OK...You're making some serious accusations against the Thai Army. Is there any way you can back up your ridiculous accusations with some credible evidence? If not, you're just polluting cyber space with your nonsensical posts.

He never does back up what he says especially with a statement like this.

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This country has shown time and time again (for decades) that it is not ready for a democracy. All sides don't seem to understand what a real democracy involves, and what responsibiilities each and every citizen has. Thai politics is akin to squabbling children or spoilt brats who throw their toys out of their pram when they don't get their way.

Since none of these children seem to ever grow up, it needs a firm, parental hand to show them what to do and to issue a hard 'smack' when they fail to listen and toe the line.

Political colours and sides are irrelevant in this country - they are all infantile in their actions and views. There is not one single, respected politician in this country who people look up to as an honest person with the country's interests at heart.

Forget democracy - Thai history clearly shows that it doesn't work in this country.


simon - i think you are one of the more sensible posters on this forum but i think this post misses the point or at least could be misunderstood

it's not that thailand (and its people) don't want / deserve a proper democracy but rather no sensible / capable leader has stepped forward to offer this

this leader needs to be strong but this strength should not be about how to take / hold power from the opposition

rather such a leader needs the bravery to address their own shortcomings and put the needs of thailand as a whole before the desires of themselves / their supporters

neither democracy / dictatorship has worked in the past - only democracy offers hope for a better future

Your point is well taken but Thais on the whole have been tough on democracy. So it needs to be recognized it works both ways, i.e. democracy is good for Thailand too but is Thailand good to democracy or is Thailand much open to it.

Feudalism predates and precedes democracy and so much of Thailand is feudal that it's difficult for democracy to develop here, much less do well.

Add to that there isn't any possibility of nurturing a Nelson Mandela here and we see that the point you make is valid. Thailand hasn't nor will ii ever be capable of producing a Vaclav Havel, a Lech Walesa, an Aung San Suu Kyi.

Democracy can of course do a great deal for Thailand.

However Thailand's perpetual and persistent feudalism worshiped by the amarat and supported by the military will never be good to or for democracy.

I don't ever expect Thailand to be like the United States as the nature of the political systems and their respective culture are inherently and radically different. Thailand though could much more resemble the parliamentary system of the UK or, more locally, Malaysia for instance.

The Thai system of democracy is better than the anti-democracy Saudi system but the fact fails to rise even to the level of being of a cold comfort.

Edited by Publicus
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PDRC, Suthep, and the Caretaker Government all know they are at a Stale Mate without the Military inteivining.

While this may be true, I doubt it. The leaders of both factions are too pig headed to admit that they are wrong. They both consider that they are right and everyone else is wrong. What bozos! Congratulations to the Thai education system and Thai "tradition" for creating so many boneheads.

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Great!..A Coup!...this will really place a lot of confidence with the rest of the world.

Forget the rest of the world. I have been through several coups (not just in Thailand), and if governments are open to foreign business (no nationalisations), business goes on, life goes on.

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They did a pretty good job after the last one - for my money it will be better under the Army than under Suthep's Selected Council.

If democracy is going to be rejected , then let them run the country, they at least have experience....

this is not April 1st

I mean you don't really believe the Army has "experience" in running a country right? you nearly got me on that one ROFL

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Reading yesterday in the other paper that the red elite would prefer a coup to letting Sutheps reform council prevail. And most educated souls prefer the idea of a coup to a NK style Shinawat dictatorship. It seems we have a solution. Real shame that Thaksin pushed the country again into such desperate state that a coup is neccessary, but it is what it is. A large measure of thanks to the army for being the sane heads in this mess. Education reforms and dismantling the Thaksin cult is the way forward. The red schools that only serve to propagate the cult of Thaksin must be closed immediately.

I did read on one of the many news stories on Thaivisa that the General has already suggested to Yingluck to resign! So the writing could well be on the wall. I'm wondering where Yingluck's next shopping trip will be to and how soon! Dubai maybe?

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They did a pretty good job after the last one - for my money it will be better under the Army than under Suthep's Selected Council.

If democracy is going to be rejected , then let them run the country, they at least have experience....

Oh, really? Anyone else remember Chavalit Yongchaiyudh and the assorted buffoons put in by the military over the years?

The buffons are either of two parties or the military. Take your choice.

At least a coup might end Sutheps "seizure" of BKK for a while, stop the violence, restore tourist & investment confidence, & lead to reform discussions.

But with YL in "red country", how does the Army coup her?

Edited by oldthaihand99
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Thailand NEEDS an Aung San Suu Kyi, a Mandela or a Gandhi - a unifying figure that all sides can trust and listen to (and who is able to get involved in politics before someone suggests HM)

but Thailand does not have one... and THAT is Thailand's tragedy

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You have to wonder what Square face has planned long term. He really thought they could just push through Amnesty with all the other bullshit like rice scheme going on? What scenario does he see where he eventually comes home? It seems like it would require a massive civil war of epic proportions. How else will he get rid of the "elites"?

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If there is a coup I'm sure the army will not make the same mistake they made in 2006 when Sonthi handed power over to Surayud who then appointed a very disappointing Cabinet.

If it is to happen again no doubt able figures such as Khun Anand will have been approached first regarding Cabinet posts.

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In an ideal world nobody wants the military running a country but if the politicians (elected or otherwise) can't do it then what is the alternative.....anarchy?

At least in the interim it would give the country some breathing room and who knows maybe someone will emerge to give the country the leadership it so badly needs.

Maybe they could give the police a much needed kick up the backside too.

and what makes you think a country run by the military would not be anarchy?... you think the 15 million people who voted for the government will be ok with that?... and what makes you think the military will be so keen to hand back power to those elected representatives of the silly people?...

So far they have always handed back power, if YL only agreed to changes before the election we would not be in this mess. But YL and DL dont want this as it will limit their options to rape the finances of Thailand. The business people were right changes should occur before the election. Now with a coup changes can be made and then the power handed back to the people.

I even think YL would prefer this as then she can fight the changes and call them unlawful. Much better as being forced to tie your own hands behind your back. YL has things to gain by a coup too.. nothing to gain by changes that she agrees too.

I find it amazing that people still think Yingluck either has a say in what happens or that she even has the brains to think outside the box when she can't even figure out from within the box. She is 100% a puppet. She has no political skills yet alone any leadership skills.

All you can say is she has a massive propensity for lose of face!

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These event of the last eight years eventually will open up the Thai society a lot better.

By the time all these issues and problems are resolved, the Thai way of doing things or the TIT mentality will not be the first line of the first paragraph.

I disagree what it will do is further destroy the Thai society to the point where it will be like the west that so many leave to come here and westernize to what what they have left.

So you are saying that TIT mentality is a negative thing. It does not include the family values that the west is slowly breaking down. It does not include the friendly smiles. It does not include the Thai cuisine. It is just a negative thing that can only be found in Thailand and if perchance another country it would be far worse in Thailand.

How about TIT as seen through biased eyes?

I think that is the way it is being used here in Thailand. As a westerner I have no problem understanding some Thais and their desire to see the westerners go home. They may be poor but my experience is they are happy. It is only when they are told that what they have is not good enough they should have more and better material things that starts the destruction of their culture and the attitude of some Farongs go home.

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If there is a coup I'm sure the army will not make the same mistake they made in 2006 when Sonthi handed power over to Surayud who then appointed a very disappointing Cabinet.

If it is to happen again no doubt able figures such as Khun Anand will have been approached first regarding Cabinet posts.

Yeah, we need a collection of men in their late 80's early 90's to bring some new blood and ideas into the equation.

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If there is a coup I'm sure the army will not make the same mistake they made in 2006 when Sonthi handed power over to Surayud who then appointed a very disappointing Cabinet.

If it is to happen again no doubt able figures such as Khun Anand will have been approached first regarding Cabinet posts.

Yes, but he has been there done that. He didn't want to do it the last time he was involved. Now there are others. As far as I have heard, Suthep would not be the key person, but you never know.

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