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Are head lice common in Thailand?


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....of course all pharmacies in BKK sell a cream containing Lindan as well as Shampoo....also someone was saying head lice are not dangerous in terms of transfering infections etc. but body lice are....sorry folks but it is the other way round.....and to have lice is not a question of bad hygene actually they prefer washed hair over dirty hair.....

Edited by OKF
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if these thai people would wash there hair more often like falangs do. it would solve half the problem. but their to damm lazy to do it, whats up with that? every 3 days come on. they say not dirty.bs,, seating walking ard and there hair is not dirty.. pure lazyness period.

anyway, I train dogs, and to kill flea's use listerine, it will kill lice too. leave it on for like 5 mins, do this 3 days in a row. after u let it soak, rinse and shampoo ur hair. dont be lazy..

and blow dry ur hair too on hot setting, lice dont like the heat, you have to kill the eggs, listering will do this,, better than mayo,vinagar,up to you.

and after this treatment,, like the other guy said, use hot water to wash ur bedding,clothes whatever u have, and mix in a bottle of listerine,, HOT WATER!!!

Sorry but please is any need to be generally offensive. I stay in the village often and find all the relatives and friends to be very clean and definitely not lazy. So poor they cant afford expensive shampoos yes, but as has been said clean hair is even more attractive to the nits. I remember as a child in the UK getting nits at school it is no big issue, I dont know why people are getting so worked up about it.

I have spent many a pleasant afternoon, beer at hand helping to de-louse my nieces and nephews it is quite a social thing. Whilst I dont recommend that people in the west get their kids infected, from what I have seen this personal grooming helps create strong family bonds.

Anyway live and let live, stop with the stereotyping that all Thais are lazy, you try getting out into the countryside and producing the food that goes on your table and see how lazy you feel at the end of each day.

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I, understand that, but I was surprised because I live in the heart of poor Isaan, in a village where poverty can be noticed everywhere....but after six years being here never encountered a scene as you describe it. " They will sit and groom each other like a troup of chimpanzees, picking head lice out from each other's hair."

Yes, my kids, in Greece, got head lice when they were at school and I know Thai school kids get them also, That's why schools insist on short hair for school kids.

But to that extend......never heard of it.

WHAT ??? living for 6 years in Isaan and you've never seen that ?? You must be blind mate..... coffee1.gif

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Perhaps you should teach your family some basic hygine principles Simon. I have chidren at school, family, never had these type of parasite infections in my family.

If you have children at school , you will sooner or later and it has nothing to do with basic hygiene ( note spelling ) principles.

In schools all over the world is has been a problem for a very long time.

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Its a Old wives tale that nits or head lice prefer clean hair. Just said to make kids and their mums think they are not dirty. My two bots just had head lice and passed to my wife too. Two doses of medication a week spart will clear them up or off do to say. I didn't get them as I think I have hair that's short. Now as gor the poster who said he has never seen any medication in any drug stores he needs glasses its in all of them. Called Hair Cream Hexin Lice Killer..

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No matter what treatment used, the lice will be back in “no time” if not all kids in school and the homes do it at the same day. Lice are a common problem even in countries one would not expect it; it’s not a health or social problem. The best may be a national “de-lice day”, as they try to do in some countries.

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Perhaps you should teach your family some basic hygine principles Simon. I have chidren at school, family, never had these type of parasite infections in my family.

Not due to dirty hair. just contact with the vermin or the eggs. Cleanest kid in the world could be playing in school with his buddies and get them. Even come home and pass it on, before he gets scratching.

In the Philippines, this was a daily ritual. You will notice that if they are plucking white hair that the procedure is a swift tug. For lice, the two thumbnails click together and the beasties are finished off with a thumbnail on the table. You will hear a muffled sound of surprise each event. Eggs are slid off the hair (no tugging).

My wife loves to pull white hairs out of my head...no eggs or vermin just yet. I find it soothing.

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All Thai children get fleas and or lice from time to time.

It's normal. If Thai family members groom one another in your presence. it is a sign that you are accepted.

When you are in a long term relationship don't be surprised (or offended) if your girl picks at your blackheads or nits.um

Don't cringe if she picks her nose and scratches her bum in public. Note her friends will laugh when she does it.

She will also laugh when you fart or burp, and be disappointed when you don't.

And for any smart ass reading "This advice stands true, be they Hi-So or Lo-So Thai

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I think it must be difficult to control them in kids when they are exposed to so many other kids at school each day, even if you are super clean at home. Short hair, the lice comb and the grooming ritual may be the best way. - I wonder if the're tasty fried with a bit of garlic butter ?

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With five school age kids in the UK these chaps were a constant problem.

Simple shampooing results in clean lice.

Tea Tree oil (a couple of drops in the shampoo) will kill the adults (or make them drop off) but not affect the eggs, so regular treatment required.

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They are common all over the world the US has between 5 and 12 million cases a year - head rests in buses, taxis, shared pillows, cold washing clothes, daily shampooing et al are just some of the reasons in Asia.

You may have oily hair which is a good thing, a simple inexpensive home remedy is full fat mayonaise - apply liberally and use a shower cap and leave on over night, Vaseline is another but a bugger to remove.

Adults here have itchy scalps caused by dandruff and often confuse the two - another home remedy is pure vinegar used for a couple of days full strength and left on for 15 minutes and washed. If you smell like a dill pickle lessen the soak time the next day.

Thank you, Sir. I agree 100%

Psalm 41:1-3

(1) Blessed is he who considers the poor;

The LORD will deliver him in time of trouble.

(2) The LORD will preserve him and keep him alive,

And he will be blessed on the earth;

You will not deliver him to the will of his enemies.

(3) The LORD will strengthen him on his bed of illness;

You will sustain him on his sickbed

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YES , Head lice are common in Thailand .

Particularly country people , do not change their bedding regularly , have clean sheets and pillow cases .

People seem to be unaware that there is a very good anti lice shampoo , which if used as directed , will rid them of Lice .

Of course at the same time they must have clean bedding and pillows .

My wife and I never have head lice , grandchildren pick them up at Kindergarten . Sometimes my wife or I will grab bedding from her son and wife ,

also from father and mother , and wash it all thoroughly .

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They aren't grooming out head lice they are plucking out the grey hairs lol! Can't believe how many of you didn't know that. Where are you living? Jet black asian hair is prone to coarse grey hairs. Their coarseness gets itchy and causes the person to scratch their scalp. A friend will then comb through and pluck the grey hairs out before they grow longer.

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In a word, yes, it is common. Nothing unnatural about family and friends grooming one another. It's rather endearing. How many people do you know back home that know ach other that well?

Mee how Mai? Have lice yes?

You may not get it if you shampoo 2x a day vigorously. Children simply do not wash as thoroughly. Just my guess.

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They aren't grooming out head lice they are plucking out the grey hairs lol!

See my previous posts - they are grooming for head-lice and white hairs. When they find each louse, they excitedly show it to each other.... including me


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YES , Head lice are common in Thailand .

Particularly country people , do not change their bedding regularly , have clean sheets and pillow cases .

People seem to be unaware that there is a very good anti lice shampoo , which if used as directed , will rid them of Lice .

Of course at the same time they must have clean bedding and pillows .

My wife and I never have head lice , grandchildren pick them up at Kindergarten . Sometimes my wife or I will grab bedding from her son and wife ,

also from father and mother , and wash it all thoroughly .

Head lice that end up in the bedding doesn't survive, head lice doesn't jump from person to bedding to person. Feel free to wash bedding as much as you like but that wont make a difference in terms of head lice and how they spread; when they fall of your head they die.

"Shampoo" can - I say CAN because many strains of head lice have developed resistens against known remedies - get rid of living lice but not the eggs.

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See my previous posts - they are grooming for head-lice and white hairs. When they find each louse, they excitedly show it to each other.... including me


Hey Simon43 ... I understand that you aren't looking for an answer and have just raised a discussion point.

And ... you have taught me something ... I've never seen the 'grooming of Adults for Head Lice', but will keep an open mind about that now ... thumbsup.gif

P.S. ... bugger you Mr Simon ... just reading and thinking about your Thread ... I've just started scratching my head ... w00t.gif

Edited by David48
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P.S. ... bugger you Mr Simon ... just reading and thinking about your Thread ... I've just started scratching my head ... w00t.gif

Wait until you have to spend an afternoon combing your offsprings hair...


Hopefully, that is still a few years ahead of me just yet.

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