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Four injured in attack at Makkawan intersection

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Four injured in attack at Makkawan intersection
The Nation

BANGKOK: -- Four were injured when they were attacked with explosives believed to be giant firecrackers at the rally site of People's Army to Overthrow the Thaksin Regime at Makkawan intersection near the front of United Nations' office in Bangkok and the Army's headquarters Sunday.

The firecrackers were hurled at a group of security guards at the rally site at 2:35 pm, injuring four of them.

The injured were rushed to the Ramathibodi Hospital.

Assoc Prof Doctor Surasak Leela-udomlipi, the director of the hospital, said at 3:45 pm that the injured men were believed to be about 18 to 24 years old.

Three of them were slightly injured and were discharged after treatment.

He said the man, who appears to be around 24 years old, was injured at his right eye and was admitted to the hospital. Doctors could not establish what caused the injuries, he added.

-- The Nation 2013-12-29

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5 injured in explosion at anti-govt rally site
By Digital Content


BANGKOK, Dec 29--- Five men were wounded, one of them severely injured, in an explosion at an anti-government protest site near Makkhawan Bridge this afternoon.

The incident occurred at the rally site of the People's Army to Overthrow the Thaksin Regime where an explosive device exploded at security guards’ tents.

Currently, four of the injured were sent to Ramathibodi Hospital for medical care while one other with minor injuries received first aid treatment at the rally site.

Pol Col Napon Kladkhemphet of Nang Lerng police station said that police officers have been investigating and have not determined yet whether the explosive device was a large firecracker or a ping pong bomb.

A witness said that assailants were two men on motorcycle travelling from Makkhawan intersection and the explosion was heard before they sped away to Jor Por Ror intersection. (MCOT online news)

-- TNA 2013-12-29

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The red Shinawatras are just itching for a fight. These attacks are just to try to provoke a violent response from the protestors. Hopefully the violence won't escalate.

I'd avoid crowded places during the New Year's countdown.

And why on earth would they do that? (itch for a fight) Please explain to me, how the Shins are going to gain politically from someone thowing firecrackers at the protestors?

Judging by your post, it is having exactly the opposite effect!coffee1.gif

I guess you are aware of there are quite a few ultranationalist groups out there? More Thai than Thailand itself!! (according to themselves), and in situations like the present, they crep out of the woodwork and try to create more chaos!w00t.gif

I don't know who was behind the attack, but my guess is as good as yours!

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A strategy of attacks on the protest movement has been mounting in recent days - including the cowardly clandestine, and fatal, gunfire attack in the middle of the night two days ago while people were sleeping. Such indiscriminate actions are clearly meant to intimidate and instill fear. And although these tactics have unfortunately proven effective in the past, it is unlikely that they will this time. There is also little hope in expecting the police to do anything about them, as it has become - for many - nothing more than an institution of empty reassurances and a mouthpiece for the administration's talking points, such as they are.

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The red Shinawatras are just itching for a fight.

The same reds who havnt held a single protest in BKK for over a month to avoid conflict?

There`s only one group itching for a fight and it`s obvious to all who it is. (the ones out rioting, murdering policemen and threatening to shut down the capital city.)

On the plus side your last comment confirms beyond doubt you are simply a troll.

Your reply here is clearly as stupid as they come.

Please provide proof of your crazy allegations. Until we see proof, we will have to accept the most likely answer, and that is that the reds who are frightened to fight man to man because of being outnumbered, have obviously resorted to terrorist acts to frighten away protesters.

That will not happen, because for every 10 they frighten off, 100 will join the fight.

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Its all starting to sound like 2006/2007 again, Hopefully the year doesn't end the same......

Monday, Jan. 01, 2007: New Year's Eve got off to an unexpected bang in the Thai capital, Bangkok, when a series of bombs detonated across town, killing at least three people and injuring dozens, including several foreign tourists. The explosions—no one so far has claimed responsibility.......

Read more: A Violent New Year's Eve in Bangkok - TIME http://content.time.com/time/world/article/0,8599,1573283,00.html#ixzz2ors2ElR1

Six bombs were exploded nearly simultaneously across downtown Bangkok on New Years Eve as revelers began to turnout for dinner and the evening’s festivities.

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The red Shinawatras are just itching for a fight.

The same reds who havnt held a single protest in BKK for over a month to avoid conflict?

There`s only one group itching for a fight and it`s obvious to all who it is. (the ones out rioting, murdering policemen and threatening to shut down the capital city.)

On the plus side your last comment confirms beyond doubt you are simply a troll.

So you are saying you know who killed the police man?

Can you please share this with us and the police

You think you know who shit the police ... but you have no proof

Some say it was a shooter from a roof top .. but whom was it ... and whom ask him to go up there an shot? .... I think the shooter was behind the grassy knoll :)

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Thaksin is getting restless.

It's funny to see both sides go back and forth. What I like to watch for are the illusions. I see your post blames Thaksin, yet how do you know it's not the other side trying to get a sympathy vote and hurling them at their own people? Just a thought.

I am so confused who is right and who is wrong.....but that's the illusion isn't it. In fact until I came here I never thought about governments creating illusion or side shows. Now, since I have been here in Thailand, I have really started paying attention to my own government and their charades and as we all know the USA a very good at. Most people don't know that the Pentagon is just a front for American intelligence, the real intelligence comes from Hollywood.cheesy.gifw00t.gifcheesy.gifblink.png

It's funny to see both sides go back and forth. What I like to watch for are the illusions. I see your post blames Thaksin, yet how do you know it's not the other side trying to get a sympathy vote and hurling them at their own people? Just a thought.

That my friend is classified as pure Guerrilla warfare, it's happened many times before in history. Take out your own and a few law enforcers and let the blame rest on the opposition. As I say Classic

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Thaksin is getting restless.

It's funny to see both sides go back and forth. What I like to watch for are the illusions. I see your post blames Thaksin, yet how do you know it's not the other side trying to get a sympathy vote and hurling them at their own people? Just a thought.

I am so confused who is right and who is wrong.....but that's the illusion isn't it. In fact until I came here I never thought about governments creating illusion or side shows. Now, since I have been here in Thailand, I have really started paying attention to my own government and their charades and as we all know the USA a very good at. Most people don't know that the Pentagon is just a front for American intelligence, the real intelligence comes from Hollywood.cheesy.gifw00t.gifcheesy.gifblink.png

It's funny to see both sides go back and forth. What I like to watch for are the illusions. I see your post blames Thaksin, yet how do you know it's not the other side trying to get a sympathy vote and hurling them at their own people? Just a thought.

That my friend is classified as pure Guerrilla warfare, it's happened many times before in history. Take out your own and a few law enforcers and let the blame rest on the opposition. As I say Classic

yet how do you know it's not the other side trying to get a sympathy vote and hurling them at their own people? Just a thought.

Because that is a highly unlikely scenario that seems to be the only one acceptable to the red supporters on here.

How much sympathy would they get and how helpful would it be? Don't you think it would be counter-productive and scare away many protesters? Do you really think that they are so stupid?

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The red Shinawatras are just itching for a fight.

The same reds who havnt held a single protest in BKK for over a month to avoid conflict?

There`s only one group itching for a fight and it`s obvious to all who it is. (the ones out rioting, murdering policemen and threatening to shut down the capital city.)

On the plus side your last comment confirms beyond doubt you are simply a troll.

Your reply here is clearly as stupid as they come.

Please provide proof of your crazy allegations. Until we see proof, we will have to accept the most likely answer, and that is that the reds who are frightened to fight man to man because of being outnumbered, have obviously resorted to terrorist acts to frighten away protesters.

That will not happen, because for every 10 they frighten off, 100 will join the fight.

The reds are not outnumbered. I swear I am not taking sides here, but you are logically incorrect. There are more reds than yellows. This is no small matter. They will not let Suthep undermine the government, even if it is corrupt as all get out, and we all know it is corrupt. People are being killed, and that is also no small matter.

I hold that this is a matter of grief, in all ways. Neither side is talking to the other, but they are shouting, and now they are shooting.

Thais deserve better than this. I respect your opinion, but I disagree with it.



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whistling.gif January will be a violent month in Thailand.

I predict the Army will have to step in with a Coup just to restore order.

But the country is so divided, neither side will simply stop.

The only solution is a 2 year moratorium on ANY political activity ..... a "cooling off period".

Nothing else will stop this tit-for-tat nonsense.

Both sides have already gone beyond the possibility of "rational discussion" to settle their differences.

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Thats the true face of the Shin-clan Syndicate, violence, provocation, fear, craven attacks...And everybody who really think, they want make politics for the people must be blind of both ears...rolleyes.gif They have only one goal, full power, like Hitler (because hes so popular by some posters here). And they act in some affairs like Hitler. I dont say, that I trust Suthep 100%, but his wrong doings now 30 years ago, and I believe a mankind can change. The PDRC dont have full power, and the next PM will be decide by his Majesty the King. The bureaucrats can manage the Government and its time enough for discussion and an overhaul of the Contitiution. Thats a big chance for Thailand for unity and to save the 40% of Taxpayers money that lost by corruption, maybe its more...This Goverment talks a lot, but it is so incompetent, that it hurts. Its only a Hollywood show and Yinluck a candidate for an Oscar...When Suthep can stop the insanity, he is the right man, coming to the right time.

Wish you all a good start in the new year, without violence...wai2.gif

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The red Shinawatras are just itching for a fight.

The same reds who havnt held a single protest in BKK for over a month to avoid conflict?

There`s only one group itching for a fight and it`s obvious to all who it is. (the ones out rioting, murdering policemen and threatening to shut down the capital city.)

On the plus side your last comment confirms beyond doubt you are simply a troll.

Your reply here is clearly as stupid as they come.

Please provide proof of your crazy allegations. Until we see proof, we will have to accept the most likely answer, and that is that the reds who are frightened to fight man to man because of being outnumbered, have obviously resorted to terrorist acts to frighten away protesters.

That will not happen, because for every 10 they frighten off, 100 will join the fight.

Third username in a couple of days??coffee1.gif

But the nonsense remains the same!!bah.gif

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whistling.gif January will be a violent month in Thailand.

I predict the Army will have to step in with a Coup just to restore order.

But the country is so divided, neither side will simply stop.

The only solution is a 2 year moratorium on ANY political activity ..... a "cooling off period".

Nothing else will stop this tit-for-tat nonsense.

Both sides have already gone beyond the possibility of "rational discussion" to settle their differences.

I think you are right. And they can't see this pattern emerging: just a couple of years ago the same chaos was taking place in Bkk. Then there was a cooling period...then it started again. Now they are out of control again and it's going to be ended by force once again. Then the next cooling period will start and lord knows how long that one will last.

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I am do not like Thaksin or the Pheu Thai and I also do not like Suthep or the Democrats......but enough is enough......Suthep claims that he is going to paralyse bangkok after the New Year is a wake up call for all Bangkokians to not allow terrorists or corrupted groups like the Pheu Thai, Democrats, Red Shirts,Yellow Shirts or PRDC gangsters to take Bangkok Hostage. THis all causing problems for Bangkokians, The Thai Economy etc. All Bangkokians should stand up and do wahtever they can to prevent anymore of this nonsense. Suthep is trying to make Bangkok another Southern State that is plagued with problems and constant violence. He can bloody damm hell take all his terrorist actions to Samui......I would like to see what his own fellow Southerners there will do to him if he dares disrupts the local economy there for too long.

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And why on earth would they do that? (itch for a fight) Please explain to me, how the Shins are going to gain politically from someone thowing firecrackers at the protestors?

The Shinawatra's have a lot to gain if they can discourage the protesters from continuing the protests, or creating a situation where the police will forcefully crack down, so the elections can happen on the 2nd of February. Remember the 180 days after which the bill will be sent back to the lowerhouse are ticking.

No government on that day means a bill that will be invalidated.

Edited by PeterSmiles
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I am do not like Thaksin or the Pheu Thai and I also do not like Suthep or the Democrats......but enough is enough......Suthep claims that he is going to paralyse bangkok after the New Year is a wake up call for all Bangkokians to not allow terrorists or corrupted groups like the Pheu Thai, Democrats, Red Shirts,Yellow Shirts or PRDC gangsters to take Bangkok Hostage. THis all causing problems for Bangkokians, The Thai Economy etc. All Bangkokians should stand up and do wahtever they can to prevent anymore of this nonsense. Suthep is trying to make Bangkok another Southern State that is plagued with problems and constant violence. He can bloody damm hell take all his terrorist actions to Samui......I would like to see what his own fellow Southerners there will do to him if he dares disrupts the local economy there for too long.

Well it certainly does sound like you like Thaksin seeing as your rant never mentioned him, or that his government are actually the ones who are totally responsible for all of this. I think you are just anti-suthep to the point you have become insanely mad that you have posted this in a thread that is nothing to do with your rant.

Try this thread.


Or try to talk about the subject at hand.

But my opinion is this.

I hope they grind BKK to a halt, I also hope that they managed to occupy every government building and all the PTP and yingluck's homes and tear them apart and burn them to the ground. I also hope they block all the airports and refuse to move. I hope Suthep starts to a get a lot more aggressive. I really do.

If the army won't come out, then you need to force them out, because this government are standing firm until then. The military will not support this government. They all need throwing into prison to do some serious time. I think they should put Yingluck in prison until Thaksin is ready to come home and take her place. This would be a great move, because he won't, he will let her rot, because he is Thaksin.

Edited by QuiteIntelligent
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The red Shinawatras are just itching for a fight. These attacks are just to try to provoke a violent response from the protestors. Hopefully the violence won't escalate.

I'd avoid crowded places during the New Year's countdown.

The red Shinawatras are just itching for a fight.

And for over two months now you have been itching to say so.

Must have been so hard for you proving yourself wrong every day for so long,commiserations and better luck next time .

Typical Red shirts thugs . I guess you love them

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