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NSA intercepts data on Thailand and neighbouring countries

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I am not pardoned, did I ever say that I was a convicted felon? Take time to read and digest. I was an un-indicted co-conspirator in the Gainesville 8 (+4). Imprisoned for refusing to testify. I was released from custody by the US Supreme Court and the jury found the Gainesville 8 (+4) not guilty in record time and members attended our reunions. All other arrests resulted in not guilty verdicts. I am also a former Federal Wildland Firefighter and a commissioned/certified New Mexico Law Enforcement officer along with being a Sgt USMC Vietnam 1966/67. Yea, if they really wanted me dead, I would have been long ago. Like I said they tried for some of us but weren't successful, guess they just figured we weren't worth the effort. After all 'Charlie' didn't get us either. I'm not stupid enough to not know what the government is capable of, more than likely know much more than you and it isn't a laughing matter.

Your adventures engaging in a conspiracy against the US government are not relevant to the NSA activity today.

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I never engaged in any conspiracy against the US gov't. I spoke truth to the power and still do. I swore allegiance to the Constitution and I have remained true to that oath. Quite to the contrary, my 'adventures' as you choose to call them are quite relevant today. Do you not think NSA or one of the other initials are not checking this site, that they do not check emails back to the states? They were the tip of the iceberg then, now that iceberg is starting to show. A precursor if you will to what has happened. Ever hear of COINTEL, do you think it was ever really stopped? What do you know, nothing. What have you ever done for your country? Don't give me your troll crap, I'm no keyboard warrior.


Yea, old news but not old. Having been a victim of tricky dick's regime I'm well aware of the extent the Corporate Police State of Amerika will go to spy on and silence it's critics. As a member of Vietnam Veterans Against the War my phone was not only tapped, but the feds paid the phone bill so they could still listen to us laugh at them, we already knew. I had constant surveillance, the feds etc. have many pics of me shooting them the finger because they weren't very good at their job. We even had airplane surveillance, we shot them the bird they waggled their wings. Feds were caught installing listening devices in our lawyers room to listen to attorney/client privileged conversation. I went to jail, Justice William O. Douglas, US Supreme Court (it was then-not now) released me. The feds tried to assassinate some of us, failed. Times change, all remains the same only now worse. The US is out of control.

You shouldn't have slept with Jane Fonda. smile.png
I was friends with one of the guys who crashed Tricky Dick's CREEP (Committee to Re-Elect the President) meeting in WA state. My friend, Ed Bost, was trying to escape capture in a rinky dink VW beetle. He was caught and did 8 years in jail.

I am glad for the clarification that Asia includes Thailand and neighbouring countries. That's real news. Some positive notes about NSA data collection: no country is left untouched and it helps US employment. And the countries that cry foul the loudest are the ones that most envy NSA's abilities compared to their own.


Yea, they kept all the emails etc. about the adventures in Bkk, Pattaya etc. Pricks opened a Valentine from my wife once when I was back in the states, they were kind enough to notify me, hope they enjoyed. I do try to send enough emails back to the states with nasty stories so they won't get too bored. There are so many 'initials' running around Thailand that I'm sure it helps the employment situation. Went to a b-day party for a cop up in Nong Khai once, all the big cops there including the chief. One American sitting with them kept hiding his face, I enjoyed tormenting him with my camera until we left, I know an 'initial' when I see one. He should have just come over and introduced himself (or his pseudonym), one cop to another, I was a cop for 10 years after I was a 'radical'.


I never engaged in any conspiracy against the US gov't. I spoke truth to the power and still do. I swore allegiance to the Constitution and I have remained true to that oath. Quite to the contrary, my 'adventures' as you choose to call them are quite relevant today. Do you not think NSA or one of the other initials are not checking this site, that they do not check emails back to the states? They were the tip of the iceberg then, now that iceberg is starting to show. A precursor if you will to what has happened. Ever hear of COINTEL, do you think it was ever really stopped? What do you know, nothing. What have you ever done for your country? Don't give me your troll crap, I'm no keyboard warrior.

The NSA would be wasting its time "checking" this website out. other agencies would not as it provides insight into the criminal element operating or hiding out in Thailand.

Information gathering has been going on since ancient times. The methods may have changed but the intent is still the same.

You say I know nothing. okie dokie, then.


I never engaged in any conspiracy against the US gov't. I spoke truth to the power and still do. I swore allegiance to the Constitution and I have remained true to that oath. Quite to the contrary, my 'adventures' as you choose to call them are quite relevant today. Do you not think NSA or one of the other initials are not checking this site, that they do not check emails back to the states? They were the tip of the iceberg then, now that iceberg is starting to show. A precursor if you will to what has happened. Ever hear of COINTEL, do you think it was ever really stopped? What do you know, nothing. What have you ever done for your country? Don't give me your troll crap, I'm no keyboard warrior.

The NSA would be wasting its time "checking" this website out. other agencies would not as it provides insight into the criminal element operating or hiding out in Thailand.

Information gathering has been going on since ancient times. The methods may have changed but the intent is still the same.

You say I know nothing. okie dokie, then.

Ahhhh GK....information gathering was more fun back in the old days when one had to

actually "go out" and gather that information. Nowadays some highly trained button

pusher/knob turner/switch flipper (they still gotta have them) sits at a monitor wearing

a set of headphones & perhaps a pair of old comfy shorts & goes....OOOOooo...Lookey

here boss...see what I found! Now back in my daze...the late 60's through the 70's...we

gatherer's took great pride in things such field craft, escape & evasion (run like hell quietly),

B & W and IR film processing, sleeping rough etc. What was done after we collected it

we had no idea and we really did hope that it all meant something in the end...whenever

that would happen.


Yea, sunshine51, I've more respect for those that tried to spy on me back in 60/70's than the little cowards that sit at a computer today. I wasn't much different, not much at all. Like many the US sent off to do their dirty deeds, I thought/hoped what I was doing was right. I learned different. One of the fbi guys that came after me was an instructor at NM Law Enforcement Academy when I went through, we got along great. Don't think he recognized me though...lol. I was going offshore fishing with some of the US Marshall's assigned to 'watch' us during the grand jury hearing in Fla., never happened because after Justice Douglas released me I 'disappeared' for a bit. Basically good guys just doing their job. gk, nothing wrong with gathering info for the right purpose and you better believe the initials are doing just that and then some here. The US has lost sight of the 'right purpose' and who's info to grab. I hope the intent wasn't the same back in WWII days, now all that speak truth to the power are the enemy and yea, you don't know nothin'. HAPPY NEW YEAR-time to get to celebrating and hope for a real change in amerika.

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