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Experiences with Thai wifes,


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i think sometimes we have to change too, in our atitudes and what we want,

a house that has children running around it being children and being happy isnt going to be tidy all the time, no matter were in this world you live, im not botherd if a few baby toys are layed about if my children are happy,

so what if my dinner isnt on the table at 6pm, my wife might be looking after the kids, so gues what ill help and make dinner,

being in a relationship in my eyes is a 2 way street, its called helping and working together,

im at work at the moment, in an office near rayong, just been talking to my wife at home near sakoew, shes been busy cleaning our pigs,over 100 of them, now shes doing the garden been and got some new plants from a freind of her mamas,

ive got every repect in the world for my wife and love her dearly, like many on here have said she just isnt my wife, mother of my children, she is my best friend,


If I was a senior welding supervisor earning good coin, I am pretty sure I would not have my "best friend" mucking out 100 pigs.

Especially when the local wage to hire someone else to do it is roughly the same as a pint in a pub back home.

Edited by Bulldozer Dawn
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i think sometimes we have to change too, in our atitudes and what we want,

a house that has children running around it being children and being happy isnt going to be tidy all the time, no matter were in this world you live, im not botherd if a few baby toys are layed about if my children are happy,

so what if my dinner isnt on the table at 6pm, my wife might be looking after the kids, so gues what ill help and make dinner,

being in a relationship in my eyes is a 2 way street, its called helping and working together,

im at work at the moment, in an office near rayong, just been talking to my wife at home near sakoew, shes been busy cleaning our pigs,over 100 of them, now shes doing the garden been and got some new plants from a freind of her mamas,

ive got every repect in the world for my wife and love her dearly, like many on here have said she just isnt my wife, mother of my children, she is my best friend,


If I was a senior welding supervisor earning good coin, I am pretty sure I would not have my "best friend" mucking out 100 pigs.

Especially when the local wage to hire someone else to do it is roughly the same as a pint in a pub back home.

YUP, It sure sounds like he has "every respect in the world" NOT.

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i think sometimes we have to change too, in our atitudes and what we want,

a house that has children running around it being children and being happy isnt going to be tidy all the time, no matter were in this world you live, im not botherd if a few baby toys are layed about if my children are happy,

so what if my dinner isnt on the table at 6pm, my wife might be looking after the kids, so gues what ill help and make dinner,

being in a relationship in my eyes is a 2 way street, its called helping and working together,

im at work at the moment, in an office near rayong, just been talking to my wife at home near sakoew, shes been busy cleaning our pigs,over 100 of them, now shes doing the garden been and got some new plants from a freind of her mamas,

ive got every repect in the world for my wife and love her dearly, like many on here have said she just isnt my wife, mother of my children, she is my best friend,


If I was a senior welding supervisor earning good coin, I am pretty sure I would not have my "best friend" mucking out 100 pigs.

Especially when the local wage to hire someone else to do it is roughly the same as a pint in a pub back home.

I wonder what the guy does wrong in your eyes. He has a wife working in their own farm to built something for the future. Cant see anything bad with it. Or you must suggest all thais are lazy, only interested in money, playing on the iphone, watching soaps, playing cards and drinking all day while they have a nanny to look after their kid. Oh...monthly allowance of 100 k, not to forget to finance it all.

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i think sometimes we have to change too, in our atitudes and what we want,

a house that has children running around it being children and being happy isnt going to be tidy all the time, no matter were in this world you live, im not botherd if a few baby toys are layed about if my children are happy,

so what if my dinner isnt on the table at 6pm, my wife might be looking after the kids, so gues what ill help and make dinner,

being in a relationship in my eyes is a 2 way street, its called helping and working together,

im at work at the moment, in an office near rayong, just been talking to my wife at home near sakoew, shes been busy cleaning our pigs,over 100 of them, now shes doing the garden been and got some new plants from a freind of her mamas,

ive got every repect in the world for my wife and love her dearly, like many on here have said she just isnt my wife, mother of my children, she is my best friend,


If I was a senior welding supervisor earning good coin, I am pretty sure I would not have my "best friend" mucking out 100 pigs.

Especially when the local wage to hire someone else to do it is roughly the same as a pint in a pub back home.

ive told her to get help in but she said she can do and will do, i do the same when im on leave,,just because we have a few bob does that mean that we have to hire in help to do everything, dont you understand that some people might get enjoyment in cleaning there pigs, mowing the lawn feeding the chickens and ducks watching there pigeons fly round,?

there is more to this life then sitting watching others do your work and thinking, WOW IVE MADE IT,,,lol

by the way its welding inspector,,,,

and if you read through all my posts over the years youll find out were i met my wife how we have worked together to build our life together in thailand,

ive been a member here for years never changed my name never came back as some one else, ive always been pigeon jake,

have a good day now,,


please read, youll find it makes good reading


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Bad experiences? Mix with the wrong crowd?

I am Thai and I am woman and I bring home as much money as my husband.

...and nope...I don't work in factory.

In a bar then?

Wow.....what a question!!!

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You need to take a minute to think about labour on your farm.

You have been here long enough to understand Thai culture.

You wife would never ask for help as both you and her would lose face.

As the man of the house you are expected to make the big decisions.

You are on an Inspector level salary in Oil and Gas and your wife mucks out 100 pigs.

TELL you wife to get some help in on the farm.

Edited by Bulldozer Dawn
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you try telling her,,,lol

honestly mate, ive tried, she does like doing it,

in thai eyes ours is a big farm, its isnt we only have 2 rai, we try and get out the gate 30 to 40 finnished pigs a month, thats good for thailand village farm,

but working the farm ourselfs as we do, you tend to get more respect, you might not understand that,

i didnt buy a new truck i bought a second hand one, i dont want to be seen as the big shot falang, i see people buy big new truck, big house, and it does course resentment,

our house is only a 3 bed bungalow, nothing special,

im just trying to fit in, im not trying to be the big shot in the village, ive never been like that, ive always earned good money but ive never been flash,

every one does things different, some have a wife who wouldnt clean pigs out, like i said before my wifes had her arm up a pigs what not, some wouldnt do that,

my wife likes nothing better then looking after our garden, she,s happy on our farm, and if she,s happy doing what she ,s doing im not going to change that,

she grows veg, when infact its cheeper to go and get them from the market but she likes it and so do i, it would be less work to go and buy veg from the market but like i say i like to grow our own and so does she,

she isnt a westernised girl see is a thai farmers daughter who likes to farm,

we like the same things as i was from farming stock in the uk, my mum still has a bingalow with 6 acs in gainsborough, she sold the big farm a couple of years ago, to buy this place, so its in me to be on the farm same as my wife,

im working near rayong/pataya at the moment, im leaving the job on friday to get my things ready for angola, and ive been staying in pattaya, nothing wrong with pattaya if its your thing, you can get whatever you want there western food ect, but it isnt for me, ive been staying there as the other falang on the job live there and i can go and have a beer with them, but i will be glad to get away,

i dont think you get what we do, thats up to you, i have many times told mac to get help in, she used to pay her mama to help with the pigs, but she just said that she can do, if she happy doing it then like i say who am i to say get help, would she be happy watching someone do our pigs,no,

would some one else take care of our pigs like we do,?

would they look for ill pigs?

would they inject the ill pigs?

there is more to it then just having some one clean, you have to be able to look for different things, they arnt just pigs its our business, how would i know that the help we got in wouldnt be bringing in infections?

we are better doing it ourselfs,,


You shouldn't tell her as that would cause her to lose face. And you.

You should have some "quiet talk" with the prominent members of her family. Tell them that she is very good at looking for ill pigs and other management tasks. And that you want to get in someone to muck out the pigs so that she has more time to keep up the great job she is doing on the management tasks.

You're welcome.

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Me and my Thai wife have been together for 9 years, she is all I would ever hope for in a wife, doing all she possibly can for me and our family, she makes all of my dress shirts, she has been my personal barber for almost 5 years, she is a great cook, she also learned to make all my favorite Mexican food, she work just like a man, mixing, pouring and finishes cement, she not only keeps the house clean but does most of the yard-work.

I do not know if I miss-read your post, when you stated she wants to live an "urban Village life" if you think a wife in the village has an easier life you are sadly mistaken, as village life involves lot of shared work with the family, friends and neighbors, We recently rebuilt our Sala, and all the people that worked on it no one would accept any money, but when they need help my wife in turn will help them.

Maybe you failed to communicate with her your displeasure of what you views as her failure as a wife, and that if she fails to improve, you would no longer want to be with her and if she failed to improve you could leave the union in the knowledge that you did give her a chance to improve!

I know that I was very lucky to have met my current wife in my lifetime, as she has made my life a happier one, I thank the lord for the day I met her!


Great sentence kikoman, if there is no copyright I will say +1 smile.png

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you try telling her,,,lol

honestly mate, ive tried, she does like doing it,

in thai eyes ours is a big farm, its isnt we only have 2 rai, we try and get out the gate 30 to 40 finnished pigs a month, thats good for thailand village farm,

but working the farm ourselfs as we do, you tend to get more respect, you might not understand that,

i didnt buy a new truck i bought a second hand one, i dont want to be seen as the big shot falang, i see people buy big new truck, big house, and it does course resentment,

our house is only a 3 bed bungalow, nothing special,

im just trying to fit in, im not trying to be the big shot in the village, ive never been like that, ive always earned good money but ive never been flash,

every one does things different, some have a wife who wouldnt clean pigs out, like i said before my wifes had her arm up a pigs what not, some wouldnt do that,

my wife likes nothing better then looking after our garden, she,s happy on our farm, and if she,s happy doing what she ,s doing im not going to change that,

she grows veg, when infact its cheeper to go and get them from the market but she likes it and so do i, it would be less work to go and buy veg from the market but like i say i like to grow our own and so does she,

she isnt a westernised girl see is a thai farmers daughter who likes to farm,

we like the same things as i was from farming stock in the uk, my mum still has a bingalow with 6 acs in gainsborough, she sold the big farm a couple of years ago, to buy this place, so its in me to be on the farm same as my wife,

im working near rayong/pataya at the moment, im leaving the job on friday to get my things ready for angola, and ive been staying in pattaya, nothing wrong with pattaya if its your thing, you can get whatever you want there western food ect, but it isnt for me, ive been staying there as the other falang on the job live there and i can go and have a beer with them, but i will be glad to get away,

i dont think you get what we do, thats up to you, i have many times told mac to get help in, she used to pay her mama to help with the pigs, but she just said that she can do, if she happy doing it then like i say who am i to say get help, would she be happy watching someone do our pigs,no,

would some one else take care of our pigs like we do,?

would they look for ill pigs?

would they inject the ill pigs?

there is more to it then just having some one clean, you have to be able to look for different things, they arnt just pigs its our business, how would i know that the help we got in wouldnt be bringing in infections?

we are better doing it ourselfs,,



Good on you and your wife. I absolutely support your approach about not being the high flying, big shot, look at me I got money, foreigner. It shows a level of insecurity IMHO and portrays a very wrong image. Trust me when I say that it does not bode well for the missus as well. She is marked.

I see foreigners build these huge mansions out in the middle of a poor community. I always wonder why they would do that? It is like a huge beacon for the "Look at me" but that brings envy and jealously and rip me off when I am not around as well. As you said you earn a ton more respect from your neighbors and friends when they see you out working away. In fact they will come help you when you need a hand. Same with hiring maids and buying a bunch of cars. I am not saying one has to live like a peasant and go without but IMHO its better to blend into the surrounding areas.

I applaud you and your wife. My wife and I do much the same. We grow our own fruits and veggies, I keep at the yard with her 78 year old Dad. My wife will never pay to have something done she can do herself. It took me awhile to see that there is a nice benefit in that. I love being outdoors so why would I pay someone to do what I like. Hell I still wash my own car and my wife cuts my hair.

So ignore these few that feel the need to pay everybody to work for them. Stay active, have fun, enjoy what you do.

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you try telling her,,,lol

honestly mate, ive tried, she does like doing it,

in thai eyes ours is a big farm, its isnt we only have 2 rai, we try and get out the gate 30 to 40 finnished pigs a month, thats good for thailand village farm,

but working the farm ourselfs as we do, you tend to get more respect, you might not understand that,

i didnt buy a new truck i bought a second hand one, i dont want to be seen as the big shot falang, i see people buy big new truck, big house, and it does course resentment,

our house is only a 3 bed bungalow, nothing special,

im just trying to fit in, im not trying to be the big shot in the village, ive never been like that, ive always earned good money but ive never been flash,

every one does things different, some have a wife who wouldnt clean pigs out, like i said before my wifes had her arm up a pigs what not, some wouldnt do that,

my wife likes nothing better then looking after our garden, she,s happy on our farm, and if she,s happy doing what she ,s doing im not going to change that,

she grows veg, when infact its cheeper to go and get them from the market but she likes it and so do i, it would be less work to go and buy veg from the market but like i say i like to grow our own and so does she,

she isnt a westernised girl see is a thai farmers daughter who likes to farm,

we like the same things as i was from farming stock in the uk, my mum still has a bingalow with 6 acs in gainsborough, she sold the big farm a couple of years ago, to buy this place, so its in me to be on the farm same as my wife,

im working near rayong/pataya at the moment, im leaving the job on friday to get my things ready for angola, and ive been staying in pattaya, nothing wrong with pattaya if its your thing, you can get whatever you want there western food ect, but it isnt for me, ive been staying there as the other falang on the job live there and i can go and have a beer with them, but i will be glad to get away,

i dont think you get what we do, thats up to you, i have many times told mac to get help in, she used to pay her mama to help with the pigs, but she just said that she can do, if she happy doing it then like i say who am i to say get help, would she be happy watching someone do our pigs,no,

would some one else take care of our pigs like we do,?

would they look for ill pigs?

would they inject the ill pigs?

there is more to it then just having some one clean, you have to be able to look for different things, they arnt just pigs its our business, how would i know that the help we got in wouldnt be bringing in infections?

we are better doing it ourselfs,,



Good on you and your wife. I absolutely support your approach about not being the high flying, big shot, look at me I got money, foreigner. It shows a level of insecurity IMHO and portrays a very wrong image. Trust me when I say that it does not bode well for the missus as well. She is marked.

I see foreigners build these huge mansions out in the middle of a poor community. I always wonder why they would do that? It is like a huge beacon for the "Look at me" but that brings envy and jealously and rip me off when I am not around as well. As you said you earn a ton more respect from your neighbors and friends when they see you out working away. In fact they will come help you when you need a hand. Same with hiring maids and buying a bunch of cars. I am not saying one has to live like a peasant and go without but IMHO its better to blend into the surrounding areas.

I applaud you and your wife. My wife and I do much the same. We grow our own fruits and veggies, I keep at the yard with her 78 year old Dad. My wife will never pay to have something done she can do herself. It took me awhile to see that there is a nice benefit in that. I love being outdoors so why would I pay someone to do what I like. Hell I still wash my own car and my wife cuts my hair.

So ignore these few that feel the need to pay everybody to work for them. Stay active, have fun, enjoy what you do.

mate ive learned over the years to nignore most of what the experts on here say,

there expert after there first holiday to pattaya,

weve been doing what we do for over 7 years now,

god if a put a pic up again of me in my shorts laying blocks they would be crying,

my old man was a builder so i can lay blocks bricks ect, i did my own plumping, i build 90% of our pig pens, its called getting your hands dirty, the thais love it when i muck in with them, when the builders were doing the house they loved it when i got my trowel and level out and started laying blocks,

we,ll just carry on being happy doing what we do,

when some of these others DO start to live here they to might see it different,


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you try telling her,,,lol

honestly mate, ive tried, she does like doing it,

in thai eyes ours is a big farm, its isnt we only have 2 rai, we try and get out the gate 30 to 40 finnished pigs a month, thats good for thailand village farm,

but working the farm ourselfs as we do, you tend to get more respect, you might not understand that,

i didnt buy a new truck i bought a second hand one, i dont want to be seen as the big shot falang, i see people buy big new truck, big house, and it does course resentment,

our house is only a 3 bed bungalow, nothing special,

im just trying to fit in, im not trying to be the big shot in the village, ive never been like that, ive always earned good money but ive never been flash,

every one does things different, some have a wife who wouldnt clean pigs out, like i said before my wifes had her arm up a pigs what not, some wouldnt do that,

my wife likes nothing better then looking after our garden, she,s happy on our farm, and if she,s happy doing what she ,s doing im not going to change that,

she grows veg, when infact its cheeper to go and get them from the market but she likes it and so do i, it would be less work to go and buy veg from the market but like i say i like to grow our own and so does she,

she isnt a westernised girl see is a thai farmers daughter who likes to farm,

we like the same things as i was from farming stock in the uk, my mum still has a bingalow with 6 acs in gainsborough, she sold the big farm a couple of years ago, to buy this place, so its in me to be on the farm same as my wife,

im working near rayong/pataya at the moment, im leaving the job on friday to get my things ready for angola, and ive been staying in pattaya, nothing wrong with pattaya if its your thing, you can get whatever you want there western food ect, but it isnt for me, ive been staying there as the other falang on the job live there and i can go and have a beer with them, but i will be glad to get away,

i dont think you get what we do, thats up to you, i have many times told mac to get help in, she used to pay her mama to help with the pigs, but she just said that she can do, if she happy doing it then like i say who am i to say get help, would she be happy watching someone do our pigs,no,

would some one else take care of our pigs like we do,?

would they look for ill pigs?

would they inject the ill pigs?

there is more to it then just having some one clean, you have to be able to look for different things, they arnt just pigs its our business, how would i know that the help we got in wouldnt be bringing in infections?

we are better doing it ourselfs,,



Good on you and your wife. I absolutely support your approach about not being the high flying, big shot, look at me I got money, foreigner. It shows a level of insecurity IMHO and portrays a very wrong image. Trust me when I say that it does not bode well for the missus as well. She is marked.

I see foreigners build these huge mansions out in the middle of a poor community. I always wonder why they would do that? It is like a huge beacon for the "Look at me" but that brings envy and jealously and rip me off when I am not around as well. As you said you earn a ton more respect from your neighbors and friends when they see you out working away. In fact they will come help you when you need a hand. Same with hiring maids and buying a bunch of cars. I am not saying one has to live like a peasant and go without but IMHO its better to blend into the surrounding areas.

I applaud you and your wife. My wife and I do much the same. We grow our own fruits and veggies, I keep at the yard with her 78 year old Dad. My wife will never pay to have something done she can do herself. It took me awhile to see that there is a nice benefit in that. I love being outdoors so why would I pay someone to do what I like. Hell I still wash my own car and my wife cuts my hair.

So ignore these few that feel the need to pay everybody to work for them. Stay active, have fun, enjoy what you do.

mate ive learned over the years to nignore most of what the experts on here say,

there expert after there first holiday to pattaya,

weve been doing what we do for over 7 years now,

god if a put a pic up again of me in my shorts laying blocks they would be crying,

my old man was a builder so i can lay blocks bricks ect, i did my own plumping, i build 90% of our pig pens, its called getting your hands dirty, the thais love it when i muck in with them, when the builders were doing the house they loved it when i got my trowel and level out and started laying blocks,

we,ll just carry on being happy doing what we do,

when some of these others DO start to live here they to might see it different,



That's pretty funny. "Experts after their first Holiday in Pattaya". I have met my fair share of those folks as well.


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Jake, how much does your wife contribute financially to your nuclear family budget and how much of her money does she give to HER family ?

I have said written MANY times already these Thai women will behave well as long as money is flowing, it is a job to them only and the alternative work is long hours for 300 baht a day.

I understand why many men succumb to these women but for me they are ultra naive , you must understand the feudal Thai culture and third world economy. To Thai women having rich farang husband is winning the lottery , a short cut out of their feudal vassal existence.

Wife works 6 days a week and earning a lot of cash but this is in pounds.

I Have to force her to send a tiny bit of cash back home to the FIL every few months.

Thai pensions suck

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been with my wife 12 years shes the same as your wife never seen her with a broom or mop never cooks, the only time she will talk to me is when she wants someting, now i just try to keep out of her way, also from issan

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been with my wife 12 years shes the same as your wife never seen her with a broom or mop never cooks, the only time she will talk to me is when she wants someting, now i just try to keep out of her way, also from issan

Out of interest....why u still together ?

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anyone qualified to say what the main differences are between chinese thai / isaan thai? I only have long term experience with the former, altho some bar girl experience with Isaan many yrs ago - isaan seem more laid back to me

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I'm not going to say how good I am or how good the girls I meet or how handsum I am or how the girls I meet have phds and speak 15 languages and how they earn a million baht a month etc etc

I'm in my 30s and am not an expat, but this is purely my opinion, so chances are I am wrong

If youve married a poor thai girl from issarn and she is half your age, and you think she loves you for your awesome personality you are deluded period. You are even more deluded if you think you are "saving" her

I've met and gone out with girls who don't work in bars,and have respextable jobs,some even business owners

But in my experience when you date them (and I'm talking medium to long term), the respectable ones never would ask you for money, never ask for support. However they expect and accept men paying for the majority of the dates. I'm talking about the ones who seem not short on money. In my experience it's about 75% male pays, and 25% she pays. I believe it's just the culture so what can you do?

However if my girlfriend in any country asked me for support or an allowance, I would end it immediately

Edited by hellohello123
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Bad experiences? Mix with the wrong crowd?

I am Thai and I am woman and I bring home as much money as my husband.

...and nope...I don't work in factory.

In a bar then?

What is wrong with you?

I cant believe someone gave you a like for that reply

Tiang is absolutely right, "Bad experiences, mix with the wrong crowd". My wife also work and makes pretty good money, and no she does not work in a bar. and yes she is a terrific girl.

Plenty of good Thai girls out there, many of you are just looking in the wrong places.

Fooling Yourself facepalm.gifrolleyes.gif

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