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Experiences with Thai wifes,


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My Chinese Thai wife has a PhD, Honors, Bachelors, speaks 15 languages, juggles and runs her own designer fashion lable. I met her in Super Pussy, Patpong and we have 3 beautiful kids and life is just perfect beyond belief. The good ones are out there if you know where to look.

That explains it, I've been looking at Sugars a go go.

They all hang out at Super Pussy? facepalm.gif

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I am so sad about some of your opinion. Talking behind wife back. I would rather talk to her face to face what the problems are and try to compromise and work it out. If you are not happy, then you should move on.
my wife always complains about me talking behind her back,mind you she is in a wheelchair..
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Tough. It's tough. You know the same thing could be said for some farang relationships. A lot must be good.10 years and 2 kids. I say well done. Perhaps it's lost the mojo? If this stops it's tough to continue. Don't be hard on yourself ป. Just move on. Tell her what yu think.

Sent from my iPhone using Thaivisa Connect Thailand

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My Chinese Thai wife has a PhD, Honors, Bachelors, speaks 15 languages, juggles and runs her own designer fashion lable. I met her in Super Pussy, Patpong and we have 3 beautiful kids and life is just perfect beyond belief. The good ones are out there if you know where to look.

Got it! Super Pussy is the place to find PhD students and all this time I have been looking at Nana. Silly me, but good to know she perfected her oral skills and learned 15 languages.

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give her some project to get involved in and be responsible for... redecorating the house? planning a holiday? something that will benefit the whole family and she can take pride in, and take it from there...

Reproduction usually fills their spare time nicely.

I swear by it.

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give her some project to get involved in and be responsible for... redecorating the house? planning a holiday? something that will benefit the whole family and she can take pride in, and take it from there...

Reproduction usually fills their spare time nicely.

I swear by it.

Some even make a living out of it.

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  • 4 months later...

Thai women only want your money , all these naive men saying Thai women are wonderful are simply paying for these women to have an easy life at their expense. Of course the Thai women will be happy , the alternative for them is 12 hours at a factory cutting heads off chickens.

They are simple third world women from a feudal country. They are very very very lucky to have met YOU.

Edited by parmo2
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almost all marriages go thorough this after 10 years or so. Most women are simply after someone who loves them they can care for and have some security. Sure it gets a bit boring and yes being single can be fun but for me nothing makes up for 30+ years of bering with love of my life and our 2 children. It happened with my first wife after around 10 years and basically usually sex thing diminishes and man sees especially here os much temptation he's still a man while most woman are simply (not all) so made. Its mostly about sex and my wife is 30 years younger but I'm grateful as i got older and older while still active am not so much in need as when i was much younger and that this coincided with my wife getting more interested in family security and rest. Sure even at my advanced age i sometimes dream of temptations around me but pleasure i get from my family and I could never ever betray my wife like that means i make do with what i get and to be honest am very grateful she can still put up with a balding ugly very old pretty fat man while she's still very slim and attractive and mud more attractive than most 20-30 years younger than her in west.

During our 30+ years it has been very close and at times I even got het to agree I could have am mia noi if I really needed it so much but i never did saying 3 times a night is fine dear ( a big joke of course I've never managed anything like that).

I guess if you can provide for her for rest of her life and kids until they grow up in a reasonable style then maybe you should split. If not then your simply a low class low type of person.

Its veery unlikely you'll find more contentment long term but also best to be totally honest and tell her how you feel and also find out how she feels. Marriage is really really wonderful but is very hard but i do feel sorry for friends who while they have constant fun going form post to post have nothing to really I've for except their own hedonism

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sorry to hear that mate my this wife is best thing that happened to me At start sex was brilliant she was careful with money was a great housekeeper and is/was a great cook in kitchen, a great housekeeper, fantastic money manager, a whore in bed. Absolute heaven then around 10 years on she said I did not seem to be getting as much as i needed in bedroom department so she arranged a younger cousin to be my mia noi who if anything was hotter than used ever been. The cousin had a child who got on great with out children and had be3en badly let down by a forang and only want a bit of security and enjoyed bedroom. Only taboo was no 3 domes etc but not my scene anyway. Both now run a small business although they dont need to but wanted to help and kids are mostly grown up. The kids never knew what was going on and i hope they dont. So now 30 years on both my wife and mia noi have asked do i need a younger wife since irt would also help them with business and house etc.

Perfect absolute bliss. I did used to drink a lot but not so id get silly drunk and she never minded apart from at start saying it was not good for me and made bedroom stuff less dramatic but she actually appreciated that side as her interest in it went down a bit.

Ps: I forgot to mention my wife comes form a seriously rich this family (not this chinese) who gave her when we married many hundreds of millions of baht of property, land cars and shares in a few factories even though I said no need and even told me if nay of my family in UK were n need just ask. She also before she met me was a virgin had a first class degree from Cambridge university in UK and a masters from Yale.

Only thing that annoys me is she ova that revolting fish sauce stuff that stinks like hell but is careful to eat it in one of our guest houses or at a friends when I'm not around. She also likes shoes and handbags but I live with that and pink.

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sorry to hear that mate my this wife is best thing that happened to me At start sex was brilliant she was careful with money was a great housekeeper and is/was a great cook in kitchen, a great housekeeper, fantastic money manager, a whore in bed. Absolute heaven then around 10 years on she said I did not seem to be getting as much as i needed in bedroom department so she arranged a younger cousin to be my mia noi who if anything was hotter than used ever been. The cousin had a child who got on great with out children and had be3en badly let down by a forang and only want a bit of security and enjoyed bedroom. Only taboo was no 3 domes etc but not my scene anyway. Both now run a small business although they dont need to but wanted to help and kids are mostly grown up. The kids never knew what was going on and i hope they dont. So now 30 years on both my wife and mia noi have asked do i need a younger wife since irt would also help them with business and house etc.

Perfect absolute bliss. I did used to drink a lot but not so id get silly drunk and she never minded apart from at start saying it was not good for me and made bedroom stuff less dramatic but she actually appreciated that side as her interest in it went down a bit.

Ps: I forgot to mention my wife comes form a seriously rich this family (not this chinese) who gave her when we married many hundreds of millions of baht of property, land cars and shares in a few factories even though I said no need and even told me if nay of my family in UK were n need just ask. She also before she met me was a virgin had a first class degree from Cambridge university in UK and a masters from Yale.

Only thing that annoys me is she ova that revolting fish sauce stuff that stinks like hell but is careful to eat it in one of our guest houses or at a friends when I'm not around. She also likes shoes and handbags but I live with that and pink.

wheres the icon for tongue in cheek when you need it?

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Thai women only want your money , all these naive men saying Thai women are wonderful are simply paying for these women to have an easy life at their expense. Of course the Thai women will be happy , the alternative for them is 12 hours at a factory cutting heads off chickens.

They are simple third world women from a feudal country. They are very very very lucky to have met YOU.

so she dumped you eh?

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Me and my Thai wife have been together for 9 years, she is all I would ever hope for in a wife, doing all she possibly can for me and our family, she makes all of my dress shirts, she has been my personal barber for almost 5 years, she is a great cook, she also learned to make all my favorite Mexican food, she work just like a man, mixing, pouring and finishes cement, she not only keeps the house clean but does most of the yard-work.

I do not know if I miss-read your post, when you stated she wants to live an "urban Village life" if you think a wife in the village has an easier life you are sadly mistaken, as village life involves lot of shared work with the family, friends and neighbors, We recently rebuilt our Sala, and all the people that worked on it no one would accept any money, but when they need help my wife in turn will help them.

Maybe you failed to communicate with her your displeasure of what you views as her failure as a wife, and that if she fails to improve, you would no longer want to be with her and if she failed to improve you could leave the union in the knowledge that you did give her a chance to improve!

I know that I was very lucky to have met my current wife in my lifetime, as she has made my life a happier one, I thank the lord for the day I met her!


Not a single word of a LoViNg wife. @ least she makes cement........................lol.

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I have already said women from feudal third world countries like Thailand make good wives because they have a strong incentive , a shortcut from penury.

If you are rich she will be a very willing partner, but it is amazing to think there are western men who think these women like them for reasons other than financial , they need to get real and wake up. You are just a meal ticket for them and their grasping families .

Try telling Thai women your money has run out , then you will find out how much they really like you

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I have already said women from feudal third world countries like Thailand make good wives because they have a strong incentive , a shortcut from penury.

If you are rich she will be a very willing partner, but it is amazing to think there are western men who think these women like them for reasons other than financial , they need to get real and wake up. You are just a meal ticket for them and their grasping families .

Try telling Thai women your money has run out , then you will find out how much they really like you

so she dumped you I see.

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I have already said women from feudal third world countries like Thailand make good wives because they have a strong incentive , a shortcut from penury.

If you are rich she will be a very willing partner, but it is amazing to think there are western men who think these women like them for reasons other than financial , they need to get real and wake up. You are just a meal ticket for them and their grasping families .

Try telling Thai women your money has run out , then you will find out how much they really like you

Its no wonder many wives come from Isan, esarn, essan however u say it..............lol.

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To think that people can change other people is immature.....that's why most do that kind of mistake when are very young. I did...in my first marriage 40 years ago. After divorcing her, took me a lot of time to find a woman close what I have in mind to be my perfect match...and always was just not close enough. Getting older I learn that I was probably not the perfect match for a lot of women... and I cannot ask too much...I had to change my priorities to accept other people's personalities and finally be happy with my choice.....in Thailand.

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Still amazes me that so many blokes seem to think it's only Thai women that are after our money. I've had enough wive's and girlfriend's to know it doesn't matter which country you are in....women cost a lot of dosh. Get over it, keep paying and be happy with what you've got. If you're not just find another one and try again....practice makes perfect...LOL.

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I have already said women from feudal third world countries like Thailand make good wives because they have a strong incentive , a shortcut from penury.

If you are rich she will be a very willing partner, but it is amazing to think there are western men who think these women like them for reasons other than financial , they need to get real and wake up. You are just a meal ticket for them and their grasping families .

Try telling Thai women your money has run out , then you will find out how much they really like you

So your a bit short of cash ,well there are some cheap Thai bars you could go to to find a woman ,but i reckon with your attitude they wont hang around long . As for decent Thai women ,they wouldnt even look at a loser like you twice.

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Another thing..you have been on this journey with her for 10 years..bloody awesome mate. Don't give up..you have more to lose than you will ever gain through cooperation and love.

Crack on old mate.....help her see your view.

You have done a great job to get her to this point and I'm sure your kids will love your strength. Keep working to succeed.

All the best brother.

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