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Red Shirt leader Jatuporn announces campaign to keep "Bangkok open"


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Really the UDD/Red Shirts should just keep quiet, if they do come out, it will inevitably play into the oppositions hands as no doubt there will be clashes, deaths and inevitably it will lead to a Coup.

At the moment, they unbelievably in the eyes of many around the world sort of have the moral high ground. Without people knowing all the history, on the face of it, it seems that their democratically elected Government is trying to be overthrown by some loony talking about People's Councils.

What "on the face of it"? That is precisely what is happening.

You cannot propose the ousting of an "illegitimate" democratically elected government and replacing it with something far, far worse.

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Here comes the civil war that most red supporters have been craving. Then here comes the army to make sure it doesn't happen. Jatuporrn needs locked up for the safety of Thai people. I though Suthep was a loose cannon, but this guy? I knew jatuporn would not be able to resist a war.

The guy is out on bail with conditions not to incite any public confrontation and here he is publicly leading an army intent on murder and destruction. Well, we will see how it pans out this time, if anything can bring 10 million anti- government protesters to BKK, this can.

He might be on bail but Comrade Suthep has not even turned himself in. He too might go on bail but are you really that naive that he will stop once on bail.

Their is no different between Jautporn and Suthep. They both should be prosecuted.

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Really the UDD/Red Shirts should just keep quiet, if they do come out, it will inevitably play into the oppositions hands as no doubt there will be clashes, deaths and inevitably it will lead to a Coup.

At the moment, they unbelievably in the eyes of many around the world sort of have the moral high ground. Without people knowing all the history, on the face of it, it seems that their democratically elected Government is trying to be overthrown by some loony talking about People's Councils.

What "on the face of it"? That is precisely what is happening.

You cannot propose the ousting of an "illegitimate" democratically elected government and replacing it with something far, far worse.

I know thats whats happening, but really TS and the party only have themselves to blame. Although i dont think for Suthep or his backers that this is about corruption/amnesty, those issues were what made it easy to rally support. In a normal country their lack of performance would see them fall quickly in the next election. Sadly in Thailand there is no other political party who offer a viable alternative for people.

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Last time the reds came to Bangkok they got their bums handed to them at Rajamangala and quickly surrendered and left the next morning. Guess they will being more artillery this time. Bang Bang Bangkok

What a rubbish post. They left the next morning because they didn't wanted to get put in an escalation. After all they won the election.

Your red shirt honey must have gave you a bad time cheesy.gif

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Last time the reds came to Bangkok they got their bums handed to them at Rajamangala and quickly surrendered and left the next morning. Guess they will being more artillery this time. Bang Bang Bangkok

What a rubbish post. They left the next morning because they didn't wanted to get put in an escalation. After all they won the election.

Your red shirt honey must have gave you a bad time cheesy.gif

And now they are going to escalate, just to make sure Bangkok is really brought to a standstill. Easiest solution would be to put up a non-Thaksin crony for PM election. Oh, I forgot, the party lacks such a qualified candidate.whistling.gif

Edited by zaphodbeeblebrox
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I'm sort of curious (as a 6 month lurker here) just why so many ppl on TV are so anti-red ????

I can't for the life of me see why either side is beneficial to a falangs advantage so why are you lot so polarised to a side of politics that you have no say in legally ?

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I wonder where the red shirts are going to hold 500,000 people and NOT bring Bangkok to a stand still?

Well the yellow shirts had 5.8 million a couple of weeks ago, and driving around BKK you could hardly notice them.

Thank you Sir!! You made my day.clap2.gif

So another 500.000 would only be small change!!

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Until now Suthep and the Dems have been playing their dirty game alone and very easily, with no resistance whatsoever.

The other player (the majority of the people) hoped for the best and hoped that Suthep would come back to his senses.

Now let's see what the game will look like with two players :rolleyes:

Sent from my HTC One using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

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From reading all these posts, I have come to the sad realization that despite the dreadful events of the past few months, the brazen assaults on democracy and rule of law, the majority of posters here at ThaiVisa have learned nothing. I find it strange that so many of us come from a continent that was devastated by the evils of fascism years ago, yet we do not shudder when we see it reemerging among the so-called "educated" classes of our new adopted home. A reasonable person would be excused for expecting people who come from developed nations, complete with their sterling (relatively) educational systems, to support the democratization of a developing country. It is sad that so many here fail to understand not only the situation in Thailand, but the basic concept of democracy. Democrats don't cheer for coups. Real people of discernment do not buy into disproved myths that one party's vote buying can sway an election in a country of over 60 million people.

For all our education and heritage, the posters here do not seem any wiser than the mobs in the street or the rural poor they so despise.

Oh god, please spare us that holier then thou attitude.

People against the Shinawatras don't despise the rural poor, we despise the corrupt people who pretend to help the rural poor.

There is a first time for everything!!whistling.gif

First time I ever agreed with something Mr Gerry posted, and I even gave him a "like"!!

So maybe there is hope??

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This is what happens when one side of the political divide decides not to play by the rules. Thank Suthep for any violence

The rules that were broken were by Yingkuck's administration.

That's what caused this mess

Sent from my Nexus 4 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

And all this mess just to try to withewash a convicted criminal.

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Look what happened the last time the red shirts came to town.

Yes 2 of them were shot dead. The time before that about 80 of them were.

Yes, 2 were shot dead ... along with a student that was shot by them.

Oh come on whybother - Any police announcement that they have caught the killer of the student and it was a red shirt? If so I must have missed it. Or are you deliberately misleading the forum, (Not to use ThaiVisa.com to post any material which is knowingly or can be reasonably construed as false, etc.)

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To understand what he is saying you must understand the Thai's. The red shirts will only come to the BKK streets if there is a coup in favour of Suthep or if Suthep's actions starts a civil war. What Jatuporn is doing is to send a message to the army - don't try a coup and assist the government to maintain/regain order, if you don't we will. What the red shirts will do is to seek conflict in cities/towns outside of BKK where they will show what will happen in BKK if they are ignored.

Sutheps main problem is if locks down BKK he will lose the support of many people in BKK and will have to rely on southerners for protest numbers. The cost of this will be staggering and his paymasters may have to change tactics. Another problem is that normal people who's livelyhood is taken away by Suthep's protests may start to take action on their own. I am expecting more and more attacks on the protesters by fustrated people (food vendors, taxi's etc).

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From reading all these posts, I have come to the sad realization that despite the dreadful events of the past few months, the brazen assaults on democracy and rule of law, the majority of posters here at ThaiVisa have learned nothing. I find it strange that so many of us come from a continent that was devastated by the evils of fascism years ago, yet we do not shudder when we see it reemerging among the so-called "educated" classes of our new adopted home. A reasonable person would be excused for expecting people who come from developed nations, complete with their sterling (relatively) educational systems, to support the democratization of a developing country. It is sad that so many here fail to understand not only the situation in Thailand, but the basic concept of democracy. Democrats don't cheer for coups. Real people of discernment do not buy into disproved myths that one party's vote buying can sway an election in a country of over 60 million people.

For all our education and heritage, the posters here do not seem any wiser than the mobs in the street or the rural poor they so despise.

Try to visualize a Thaksin cheerleader as a crocodile shedding tears as he comes to his melodramatic 'sad realization' and do, do keep a straight face. Then stand him up next to Jatuporn and double over.

Edited by SheungWan
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He said that red-shirt followers in the provinces had been told to hold mini rallies in their respective provinces from this coming Sunday onward before descending on Bangkok for the counter-demonstration.

I suppose they might as well come to Bangkok, they haven't been paid for their rice, so they have to make some money from the paymaster.

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Not all of the reds have to "come to town" from the north and the east - don't forget there are well over a million plus red supporters and sympathisers living in Bkk currently wearing civilian colors. All the motivated ones have to do is to slip on their red colours, and they are "here" in the middle of bkk ...

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This is what happens when one side of the political divide decides not to play by the rules. Thank Suthep for any violence

Jatuporn himself (among many others) set the precedent for this in 2010. They didn't follow the rules then and they got what they wanted. WHat's good for the goose is... well you know the rest.

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