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We were awoken to the Co2 alarm going off at 0500 this morning, the house was sealed up last evening because of the dip in temperature. I removed the batteries and the can of gas and turned on the fans and opened everything, much to my surprise 30 minutes later the alarm went off again, not sure why that would happen ?

Back home they advise us to change the batteries when we change our clocks - I forgot to do the smoke alarms and the CO detectors in the fall -so please check & change your batteries.


1. The battery is out

2. The replacement battery is also out

3. The detector is failing (CO detectors behaves like this when they get old)

Do you have a gas heater or something...?


If someone has an agency to sell CO2 detectors, you should get in touch with a certain Russian "Ship of Fools" in Antarctica who, apart from the very annoyed crew - are all AGW Believers, great oppty for a quick sale to a bunch of ratbags on a mission.

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I think there a lot of curious people as to why you own a co2 alarm?

Care to enlighten us thumbsup.gif

As a warning to the imminent end of the Earth as we know it due to Climate Change. Be nice to be able to brew a cuppa or grab a beer and watch all unfold before my very eyes..


Sorry for the late reply - it was a gas leak from a propane tank. We cook with electric but my MIL still loves to use an industrial wok hooked up to a large propane tank, it was a new tank delivered just before Xmas. I did the boiling hot water test on the side of the tank and it was 3/4 gone and she'd only used it 2 or 3 times. The base unit which I believe is cast iron was so hot and I could see a tiny flame still flickering. I twisted the valve and it finally shut off and will be replaced.

Household safety

There are many different sensors that can be purchased to detect hazardous gases around the house. Carbon monoxide is a very dangerous gas that robs the lungs of oxygen, killing hundreds of people worldwide each year. It is an odorless, colorless gas, making it impossible for humans to detect it. Carbon monoxide detectors can be purchased for around US$2060. Handheld flammable gas detectors can be used to trace leaks from natural gas lines, propane tanks, butane tanks, or any other combustible gas. These sensors can be purchased for US$35100.


Our units are dual smoke alarm/CO detectors, it's what we used at home and they are 5 times the price at HomePro. It wasn't life threatening as the rest of the house is well ventilated and the corner where the wok is/was located was a few metres away from where we installed the alarm.

I'm glad we have them and it was a reminder to change the batteries as well.


A safer option would be to place all gas tanks outside of your residents. Did you really spend 2 grand on a sensor? isnt there something cheaper?


A safer option would be to place all gas tanks outside of your residents. Did you really spend 2 grand on a sensor? isnt there something cheaper?

The post messed up they cost $20 TO $60


Thats why I do not like LPG for cooking and if you must have LPG better to have the bottle out side with a hose through the wall. Still not 100% fail safe but better. Stick with electric is a good idea. If your wiring is to a high spec anyway.

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I do hope your gas bottles are not indoors.

Another feature you can get is a timer valve which ensures it cannot be left open too long.

Fortunately my 'Thai cooking point' is outside.

You seem to be very clued up and cautious.

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