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OK, I use bing. Don't ask my why. I guess I told them once I don't want the results to be filtered to be G-rated, which I don't.

But the results they do give are totally over the top. Yes I search for pictures a lot, often to find stuff to post on thaivisa. Now I can understand (and expect) for results to be porno if you search for anything remotely sexual. But I am getting the most outrageously over the top results on pretty much any search without any sexual content whatsover. Not just vanilla stuff, I mean sicko city.

I know I could just turn on filters. Don't want to do that. Wish I could tell them, if I search for sechuan peppers I don't wish to see albino Bolivian bestiality. What made you think I did? Yes, I get it. They think I do. Perhaps I clicked on something a year ago that I shouldn't have. Really they should give you a numbered scale of perviness so they don't assume the worse about you for EVERY search!

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How is it possible to end up on a porn site, whilst searching for photos of baht buses?

With JT, anything is possible smile.png

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"I don't want to know why you can't. I want to know how you can!"


How is it possible to end up on a porn site, whilst searching for photos of baht buses?

Never said you could.

When searching images I get porno stuff and worse in the RESULTS PAGE for most any search words.


Move on why you still can, because soon tth police will knock on your door, as the governments internet censurer has informed them that someone was looking for bestial porn.

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I wonder how many members have just started using bing after reading JT's OP?

Indeed with Bing this would never happen, actually it would already be remarkable if you get any search results at al .

By the way, did you know that Google adapts the relevance of its search results to your surf history whistling.gif

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Sad to say, I can actually relate to this. I use Google search and the other day I searched for UK Daily Mail, got access, then every time I tried to refresh the page a website came up offering sex toys. <deleted>. Ok not such a big issue whilst at home, but potentially very embarrassing if out in public like a coffee shop etc.

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Ironic I posted a couple of days ago in the internet forum.

Been reading up on the dark/ deep net through TOR and .onion sites.

That apparantly makes your searches completley vetted !


I read a couple of years ago that 90% of the internet traffic is prono.

So with 9:1 the chance is good that when you search for "sechuan peppers" you mean something perverse. And if the search engine doesn't recognize it, it tries to offer the closest match.

A couple of years I figured out that caviar isn't food and golden shower isn't the bathroom of a sheik....I was very surprised by what I saw.....


A Google search for "albino Bolivian bestiality" brings this thread as hit No1.

A Bing search for "albino Bolivian bestiality" brings up a page saying I'm not allowed to search for it in my region.

VPNing to the UK and re-trying the Bing search nets this thread as No2.

You know I had to try that.

In Australia, ThaiVisa has been demoted to the 6th preference ... w00t.gif

The 5th result was ... s 1 s - Jesus Believes in Evolution

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No 1 or Firefox a minute ago. Internet will most likely be overloaded with searches once everybody wakes up thanks to JT!


The NSA's servers are lighting up as we speak smile.png

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"I don't want to know why you can't. I want to know how you can!"


Sad to say, I can actually relate to this. I use Google search and the other day I searched for UK Daily Mail, got access, then every time I tried to refresh the page a website came up offering sex toys. <deleted>. Ok not such a big issue whilst at home, but potentially very embarrassing if out in public like a coffee shop etc.

It thinks you were searching for "Daily Male"

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Try using www.dogpile.com. I've used it for the last 18 years and it is really very good.

I'll try the switch. Anything but google. They've become rather evil.

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"OK, I use bing. Don't ask my why. I guess I told them once I don't want the results to be filtered to be G-rated, which I don't."

Yes I know what you mean I had my results G-rated for some time but found the comments from Kanye West and P-Diddy particularly grimey.

If you're looking for a kind of middle ground solution to your problem, search for "blue waffle" that should do the trick.


thanks for the tip, google's results are too clean for me tongue.png

just did a dirty search on bing and i got the following

"Your country or region requires a strict Bing SafeSearch setting, which filters out results that might return adult content. To learn more about SafeSearch requirements in your country or region, see How Bing delivers search results."

how come you get to have all the fun? clap2.gif


Sad to say, I can actually relate to this. I use Google search and the other day I searched for UK Daily Mail, got access, then every time I tried to refresh the page a website came up offering sex toys. <deleted>. Ok not such a big issue whilst at home, but potentially very embarrassing if out in public like a coffee shop etc.

It thinks you were searching for "Daily Male"

I think you will find the Daily Mail has a popup which sends to an AliSearch Webpage and adds the tab to your fixed tabs.

I got the same one when I went to Daily mail a few days ago. I do not think it was google.

I must have led a sheltered life. I did not realise there were such things, smile.png


Yes, very embarrassing if my wife or daughter happen to stumble across some of that stuff.

As for "bing" it is a total waste of space, have you had a look at their attempts to Translate? It serves up utter rubbish and I don't seem to be able to get a message to the people who run it, to even offer to help them with their translations. my 13 yo daughter can do a much better job than anyone at "bing."


Shocked and disappointed.

Just used Bing for the first time and tried searching for 'sechuan peppers'.

Result........................Pictures of 'sechuan peppers'

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Shocked and disappointed.

Just used Bing for the first time and tried searching for 'sechuan peppers'.

Result........................Pictures of 'sechuan peppers'

Like I said, Bing thinks they have "learned" something about me. I was looking to make them unlearn what they think. Well, at least tweak the levels.

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