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When I had it a decade or so ago it felt like the sort of hangover that would pole-axe Oliver Reed!

The rash comes after the main symptoms & is a sign that the victim is getting better. The only cure seemed to be gallons of water/salts & flavoured milk or yoghurt........if it would stay down!

On the plus-side It was a great way to lose weight (6kg in 10 days!)


Edit: If you're a diver & have a rash on your arms could you be "bent"?

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yes its about, as is Chikungunya. how bad they knock seems individually tailored.

if your an active competitive sports person you may count on being out of that loop for a year in some cases. yes its no joke but mostly not life threatening. there is something else around with similar symptoms and long term consequences, best i can make out is that something else one is a food borne vector. yes been stung more than once with each.


I just read another thread and bit says measles is here, surprising. I don't currently have any other symptoms apart from the rash, not too bad at the moment but may get worse


Am in Pattaya and had dengue haemorrhagic fever early last month. A bit of a surprise as I imagined this was only prevalent during the rainy season.

From the OP's comments I would say you are unlikely to have it. However, if you have any doubts at all, I would definitely recommend a check-up. Any delay in treatment can be serious.

My experience was:

1st day - sudden onset of a hot fever

2nd day - still feeling hot and lethargic but not as bad as 1st day, so thought I was improving.

3rd day - the fever heightened with an all over rash being evident. That drove me to go to the hospital.

4th day - doctor had me admitted on the spot.

Was in hospital for 5 days. The fever reduced by about the 3rd day but the blood count was still reducing daily until the last night. That was the danger period as, until the blood count started rising, going into 'shock' was a concern. Luckily that didn't happen and I was released the next day. Felt like death warmed up, full of aches + pains.

Luckily I was covered by my company health insurance.

I was due to travel to Cairo, for a week's work assignment, a few days after coming down with the fever, and actually travelled a week after release from hospital. That delay was advised by the doctor as for that 1st week after release I was feeling sooo tired!! Shudder to think what my situation would have been like if the fever had broken whilst I was in Cairo.

Been out for 3 weeks now and almost, but not quite, back to 'normal'.

The doctor's parting comment was: watch out for mosquitos, there are four strains of the fever and you are only resistant to one, Easier said than done!!

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Good info Dabhand.

I'm at the hospital as the rash was getting worse, just seen the doctor and he thinks its just the end of a viral infection,doesn't look like the dengue rash. I'm having a blood test while I'm here to be sure.

My hotel has lots of mosquitos which ive been bitten by so I'm paranoid


Felt at deaths door for three weeks and really weak for three months which was a pita as I am quite active and enjoy cycling 3 or 4 times a week. Rash was not very visable but confirmed by a blood test. Symptoms came on very suddenly and in just a few hours went from feeling great to sick as a dog.


We have a few mozzies flying around our BKK office and cause me irritation during the day and I noticed a few "tiger mosquitoes" at day or two ago, the ones with black and white stripes, and I believe the worse ones for carrying the fever; but my warnings and suggestions for a pest control to come in were completely ignored with a "the farang over worrying" look and I was the only one who seemed concerned.

Well, I guess we'll just have to wait until if/when someone comes down with something.


Had it in 2008.

I knew within hours as a coworker got it and explained the symptoms.

Backache, a headache at the back off the head and a fever.

Within 2hrs of waking up with this I was just exhausted.

I spent 8 days in Ram (as my insurance would cover a huge amount of the bill)

I had the rash and I had no appetite, After the 2nd day I stopped eating for 5 days until they injected me with something to make me want to eat.

Except the side effect of that drug made me feel restless, claustrophobic and paranoid... Good times.

I also had a massive enzyme count in my liver, I am sorry I forget the exact enzymes name, but I know I should have been around 60-90 count and I was above 800. So the doctors feared liver damage and I had to go on a medicine regiment until it came back down about 10 days later.

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Sounds awful. Blood test says I'm in the clear so good for me. I'm going to have a word with the hotel reception its a breeding ground for mosquito's, plant pots with water in them and a fish pond. I'm sure they will listen...


I had it over a year ago. Lost 15 kilo in 10 days. Like waking up after your worst night drinking and having been beaten by several people with clubs for the first 4 days. Just laid on the floor and sweated and drank water. Never had a rash. I am in Trat province and know of several other people that went through it.


Caught Dengue little over 10 years ago, thought I was dying, my bones were on fire and my head was ready to explode. Good news unless you have catch hemorrhagic dengue (quite rare) you don't die from it. No treatment unfortunately, you just basically tough it out in a cool dark room, and drink water. It's hell of a diet plan I seem to recall!


End of May 2008, I got it. Felt like a cement truck ran over me...........................11 times. Took care of it myself. Lots of sleep, fluids. Lost about 7 kilo in 7 days. Like Amavel said "Like waking up after your worst night drinking and having been beaten by several people with clubs for the first 4 days".

It probably won't kill you, but it hurts like hell, and you'll wish you were dead.biggrin.png

Edit: smile face added


Dengue is not nice, even the mild form I had in Delhi knocked me out for two weeks. And it 'echoes' even after 4 years I still get bouts of the same feeling for a few hours (or is that a hangover?).

No treatment other than rest, lots of fluids and paracetamol if you feel really carp sad.png

"I don't want to know why you can't. I want to know how you can!"


I have contracted dengue twice in Thailand, and make no mistake, if you have it, you`re know it.

Normally starts off as a flu symptom, then the whole body begins to ache, especially the bones, a mild purple coloured rash may appear on the body, your energy saps away and eventually it becomes difficult to stand upright or function.

There is absolutely no cure for dengue, all the doctors can do is observe the patient, make as comfortable as possible and hope for the best. If the patient does not contract a severe form and not haemorrhage within the first 5 days, than they usually recover. Complete recovery can take up to two months, perhaps longer if the person does not have a strong immune system.


I remember being hit by a spike in fever that caused sweat to gush out like I was under a shower. Got dizzy. Collapsed to the floor and could not move. I remember lying there thinking that this was it. Was so weak and out of it that I didn't really care if it was the end. Got to the hospital, got home in a couple of days but felt utterly weakened for weeks on end. It is the one thing I live in constant fear of: contracting it again.


I also just slept for like 16+ hours a day. Mostly because I was bored as hell. Only Cnn for an English channel and the Thai channels were all sound effect filled soap operas and the wifi was weak as hell. But I had no desire to look at a screen or a book...

The doctor commented that he has never seen someone sleep so much. I told him it's mostly because the dreams were the only thing keeping me entertained other than friends or my wife visiting.

I also just slept for like 16+ hours a day. Mostly because I was bored as hell. Only Cnn for an English channel and the Thai channels were all sound effect filled soap operas and the wifi was weak as hell. But I had no desire to look at a screen or a book...

The doctor commented that he has never seen someone sleep so much. I told him it's mostly because the dreams were the only thing keeping me entertained other than friends or my wife visiting.

Having to watch Thai soap TV is hell enough. Why so loud


If you do contract Dengue, make sure you get a few months of rest after you get over it. There is a post Dengue depression syndrome which is very difficult to overcome for some.


I had it a couple of years ago, had to be admitted for 4 days to hospital. had to drink so much water and eat only white foods so they could monitor for internal bleeding. Definitely something I don't want again as recovery period for me was 2 weeks, no energy at all...and as previous posts mentioned a definite way to lose weight, albeit a horrible one!!!

Hope you don't have it.


Similar symptoms as malaria - fever, joint pain, headache, but more intense.

Plus body rash, metallic taste, weakness.

Takes some time to recover and energy levels remain low for several weeks.

Treatment = IV drip, paracetamol.

Best avoided.


I got in August this year. Worst fever and headache I ever had. You'll know if you have it. I had to go see three doctors before they recognized what it was. Got admitted to hospital on Saturday after first feeling symptoms on Wednesday. I was put on an IV with saline solution. That's all they can do for it. It leaves you feeling worn out and tired for about a month. I live in Roi Et by the way.


Had it this past August here in Lam Plai Mat. Never had a rash.....bones ached all over, couldn't eat, thought I had the flu......went to the hospital and misdiagnosed as a the flu as the Dr. was young and it was a Sunday I guess.......went back Tuesday no better and they put me in right away.......4 days later all better and yes, much lighter!!

Senior Dr. told me not to worry on admittance that although there was no remedy, less than 1% of people die from Dengue........

Thanks doc!!


I had a friend who did volunteer work at 'Lanta animal welfare' in Koh Lanta island. 4 of the volunteers contracted dengue fever because the centre had container of rain water uncovered. I only hope they have fixed this up now so that no one else catches this horrid disease. She said it was hell...

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