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Border Run Phuket to KL


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I have got to do a border run this week from Phuket to KL. I have never flown out of Phuket Airport. How much time before the flight takes off should I arrive at the airport and is there free parking at the airport for a scooter.

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allow 90 minutes, motorcycle parking on the left just before the airport entrance road. You'll see scooters in there.

Location has changed, since they are building in that area the motorbike parking is now inside the airport area (simply take the car entrance).

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do a run up to Ranong, if all u need is stamp in and out,

look at this facebook page for ride share


Just take into account that if entering visa exempt and you're not from one of the G7 countries you will only get 15 days entry overland, whereas entering via air from KL you'll get 30 days.

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Did anyone bother an look at the facebook page?

my post has NOTHING to do with the mini van services, but is a group on facebook that is an alternative to using the dangerous thai mini van services.

judging by the response , its working well.

so sharing a ride to Ranong even with car rental by 4 people will cost u about 800 baht


Booking a flight for sunday on air asia an coming back same day is over 7,000++ baht

Booking for next sat would still be 4,800++

There are other countries beside G7 members that get 90 days

If you are a citizen of Brazil, Chile, Peru, South Korea, or Argentina, you will fare even better

According to the Thailand Immigration Bureau, the number of times you can cross a land border into Thailand and be given 15, 30 or 90 days in Thailand is now unlimited.

That means, if you are an American or British citizen, for instance, and you decide to do a visa run every month while traveling around Thailand, you can do so indefinitely. Years, it now seems.

Edited by phuketrichard
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why would anyone do a stamp run ( not to get a visa) to KL???

So many options far cheaper,

even flight to hat yai and taxi to boarder would be cheaper

Why would you care how the OP spends his money? If he has the cash and makes a decision he is comfortable how can it be a bad one? Not everyone needs cheaper...

Sent from my ME172V using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

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