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Foreign numb nuts on stage


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Why such widespread assumption that anyone with a farang face isn't Thai?

Anyone who qualifies can become Thai; it's not a race, it's citizenship.

You wouldn't look at an Asian-race person at a protest in Australia, Europe, or U.S. and assume they were tourists,

Why so here?

Because you have missed a key point, there are large numbers of TV finest who profess to be or believeThaier than thai who cant stand the fact that certain farangs have qualified and got either PR or citizenship ie these people have something got something they havent, and as you may or many not have noticed on TV certain people try and give themselves some sort of "status" in Thailand eg. The "residents" look down on the "tourists" and are of the opinion that the tourists are somewhat of a lower "status" than themselves in Thailand, and when you say to some "residents" they are mearly long term tourists they start frothing at the mouth..biggrin.png

Edited by Soutpeel
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Guests should shut up, yes. But I don't consider myself a guest here, I'm a paying customer to Thailand's services. I bought the original visa, every year I buy extensions and need to show $$$ on the account to prove I can pay my way forward. As a customer I reserve the right to bitch and moan about the service tongue.png Ok granted, 1900b doesn't give you more than a few lines on TV.

Now give me a free lifetime residency and I'll be a good guest, lips sealed.

Maybe so. But I dare you to check into the Hyatt, then prance around in the lobby with a sign saying the Hyatt management sucks. Or the Sofitel. Or Disneyland.

In fact, I'll go you one better. Go out and buy 50 shares of Disney stock, and a yearly pass and exercise your rights as a both a stockholder and a paying guest by walking around Disneyland with a sign that says Disney management sucks.

Time how long before they show you the gate. Let us know.

Edited by impulse
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@OP: Whether you agree with what they are doing or not is it not better to actually be part of what THEY believe in rather than being the mighty keyboard warrior dissing those that actually get off their sofa?

Yes, yes, by all means, let's applaud those who actually have the balls to get up and really support fascist anti-democracy on a stage, blowing whistles, in person, rather than just doing it on Thaivisa like so many of the right-wing racist numbnuts here...that's so, so noble.

So its no good to be either.. or are you taking the pee.

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Guests should shut up, yes. But I don't consider myself a guest here, I'm a paying customer to Thailand's services. I bought the original visa, every year I buy extensions and need to show $$$ on the account to prove I can pay my way forward. As a customer I reserve the right to bitch and moan about the service tongue.png Ok granted, 1900b doesn't give you more than a few lines on TV.

Now give me a free lifetime residency and I'll be a good guest, lips sealed.

Maybe so. But I dare you to check into the Hyatt, then prance around in the lobby with a sign saying the Hyatt management sucks. Or the Sofitel. Or Disneyland.

In fact, I'll go you one better. Go out and buy 50 shares of Disney stock, and a yearly pass and exercise your rights as a both a stockholder and a paying guest by walking around Disneyland with a sign that says Disney management sucks.

Time how long before they show you the gate. Let us know.

You disrespecting anything Thai even if it derived from foreign land is unacceptable, why some moron would inject his "words of wisdom" which could result in him being expelled by the country literally kicked out by force should be wiser to the letter.

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Saw one on stage today at Asoke during a heated speech from the Thai mob leader...defintely not a backpacker, older guy, well dressed.

Whats the story ?

Tosspot extraordinaire....

. . . or perhaps a long-term expat businessman with Thai wife and mixed kids who understands that his taxes (for example) and contributions to the country are being mismanaged and feels the need to do something about it in what is now "his" adopted country and place of residence.

of which he has no rights nor say in you mean ?

or the one where he has no more tenure than 12 months at a time....


edited to correct a spellin mistook before some numbnutts picks on me.

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Saw one on stage today at Asoke during a heated speech from the Thai mob leader...defintely not a backpacker, older guy, well dressed.

Whats the story ?

Tosspot extraordinaire....

. . . or perhaps a long-term expat businessman with Thai wife and mixed kids who understands that his taxes (for example) and contributions to the country are being mismanaged and feels the need to do something about it in what is now "his" adopted country and place of residence.

of which he has no rights nor say in you mean ?

or the one where he has no more tenure than 12 months at a time....


edited to correct a spellin mistook before some numbnutts picks on me.

Yup, those things also.

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This is accurate. Mark (Abhisit) was born on August 3, 1964 (age 49), Newcastle Upon Tyne England whilst his Mother and Father were doctors working there. He has British and Thai passports. Korn was born in London. You miss the point, the poster queried what are the chances of becoming a Thai citizen. The point is that there are plenty of former foreigners who now are now officially Thai. I was making the point that Thailand has for many hundreds of years granted Thai citizenship just as long as you change your name to a Thai sounding name.

What day of the week was that? whistling.gif

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Saw one on stage today at Asoke during a heated speech from the Thai mob leader...defintely not a backpacker, older guy, well dressed.

Whats the story ?

Tosspot extraordinaire....

. . . or perhaps a long-term expat businessman with Thai wife and mixed kids who understands that his taxes (for example) and contributions to the country are being mismanaged and feels the need to do something about it in what is now "his" adopted country and place of residence.

of which he has no rights nor say in you mean ?

or the one where he has no more tenure than 12 months at a time....


edited to correct a spellin mistook before some numbnutts picks on me.

Maybe have a look around on the Drummond site there are some storys and pics there of suthep togheter with some dodgy farang developers on koh samui.

Many foreigners apparently invested their retirement nest egg with these guys and lost all their money ,maybe its one of them standing next to suthep on stage.

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"Citizens can vote. Same as all the other countries. If you have denounced your home country and now posses a Thai passport, you can vote. "

This is incorrect. I have a Resident visa for Australia and a British passport, I have been there for many years and I am on the electoral role and have always voted in federal, state and council elections.

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How many farangs as opposed to foreigners have been granted Thai citizenship over the last 10 yrs?,


You do know a farang and foreigner are the same thing dont you ?....or are you trying to creat another "class" of "foreigners", to differentiate yourself from those smelly foreigners from China/India or god forbid Russia or even worse the TOURISTS ?

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I am still at a loss to understand if there is specifically a law barring a tourist from attending a protest.

Does it really exist?

Since the stated goal of the protesters is to overthrow the existing government, I suspect they'd deport you for trying to overthrow the government. Probably don't need a specific law for protesting foreigners.

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Putting aside the validity of whatever these "tourists" had to say was worth listening to or not...

I think it's very myopic for Thais to completely discredit and reject any opinions from people born outside of Thailand.

Short sighted, very immature, and often beyond logic.

Plenty of people have moved here and made Thailand their home, we contribute, and all of this affects us too.

Permanent residents should be allowed to vote + all the other trimmings, especially those with wives and children.

It reeks of xenophobia and "ooh this is Thailand, suck it" isn't an answer worth dignifying with a response.

Point well taken with the exception of voting rights. I don't believe permanent residents in North America are allowed to vote unless they become citizens, I'm referring to the USA and Canada. I don't know about Europe. Having a Thai wife and children doesn't give you the right to vote on political issues although you are right to say this political unrest affects us all.

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They were probable naïve backpackers that would do anything to caught a cool photo to upload to there Facebook account, thinking they were superstars and with a naïve attitude from there own country, thinking they were safe lol seen this kind of attitude from people I know holidaying in the land of smiles

They are giving 500 baht a day to travel from Chonburi,so maybe silly farang are on more

Is this true or a joke? If the rich are paying to have a protest, the western and Thai media should have a field day with this. Its a major, major scoop in the story.

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How many farangs as opposed to foreigners have been granted Thai citizenship over the last 10 yrs?,


You do know a farang and foreigner are the same thing dont you ?....or are you trying to creat another "class" of "foreigners", to differentiate yourself from those smelly foreigners from China/India or god forbid Russia or even worse the TOURISTS ?

An Indian friend of mine got his.citizenship. I doubt he sees himself as a farang.

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Is this true or a joke? If the rich are paying to have a protest, the western and Thai media should have a field day with this. Its a major, major scoop in the story.

You really are new here aren't you?

Everyone knows that money is what drives everything in Thai politics, there's no way poor people would/could take time off much less travel unless they were paid.

Nobody bothers with anything to do with "public service" unless it's lining their own pocket, the whole thing is just a grab for the levers of power so one elite or the other can keep doubling their fortunes.

And nobody expects any different, that's just the way it is and the "common people" accept it and wouldn't dream of trying to change anything, people here know their place.

Works the same in our own so-called democracies back home too, any idealism gets beaten out of you long before you reach any position where you could make a difference.

They're just slicker at giving it a facade, difference here is the yellows don't even want to bother stooping to pretending they care about the poor.

And media? The foreign press doesn't bother digging and the local outlets are all one one side or the other (mostly the other).

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How many farangs as opposed to foreigners have been granted Thai citizenship over the last 10 yrs?,


You do know a farang and foreigner are the same thing dont you ?....or are you trying to creat another "class" of "foreigners", to differentiate yourself from those smelly foreigners from China/India or god forbid Russia or even worse the TOURISTS ?

Most Thai's including my wife do not consider people from China/India to be farang, so get off your high horse by saying I'm trying to differentiate on the grounds that YOU may consider these nationalities to be smelly. That's in your head "mate" not mine.

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Simply stated. We, the visitors, living in Thailand at the grace of the Thai government, have no say what so ever. Getting involved is just about as smart as trying to break up a fight between husband and wife in a bar. All you can expect is a well deserved bottle of beer to the noggin.

We have got a say,we have mouths,it's called solidatity.Deported,big deal.But what would a "man"that lets a woman get slapped around and does nothing know.

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