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EC commissioner wants election to go back to square one

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EC commissioner wants election to go back to square one


BANGKOK: -- The Election Commission (EC) has rejected a government-initiative to hold talks on the election stalemate with a large number of participants invited to take part. However it would like the election to go back to square one instead.

An EC commissioner Somchai Srisuthiayakorn, who is in charge of election administration, said today that a large forum would not be useful and a possible resolution was for the caretaker prime minister to discuss the matter with the EC.

The government has invited at least 70 persons, mostly heads of government agencies, the EC, leaders of all political parties, the red-shirt United front for Democracy against Dictatorship, and the People’s Democratic Reform Committee to join.

This was useless, he said, adding that the caretaker prime minister and the EC chairman should reach a conclusion after which the opposition Democrat party joins the talks.

After that, he said, all political parties could be invited to decide on the new election date, and the government might ask the Council of State to find a legal possibility for setting a new election date.

Instead, he said he would like the election to go back to square one with renewed registration of candidates, fixing of new election date, possibly in May.

He added so far he has not yet invited by the government to join the talk but had made clear he would not join under such large forum.

Meanwhile Democrat party leader Abhisit Vejjajiva also voiced opposition to the talk saying instead of resolving problem, it would add more problems and troubles to the current political stalemate.

Source: http://englishnews.thaipbs.or.th/ec-commissioner-wants-election-go-back-square-one/?utm_source=rss&utm_medium=rss&utm_campaign=ec-commissioner-wants-election-go-back-square-one

-- Thai PBS 2014-01-14

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Useless dipshit.

The Government already asked the Council of State. The Council of State already said that postponing the whole election was not allowed under the constitution. The government offers to try and do it anyway, and he snubs them.

Am I the only one who think the EC's tactics mirror the PDRC's a bit? Demand something, then when you finally get it, ignore it and demand something else.

"The government offers to try and do it anyway" - do what?

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Zolt remarked:

Useless dipshit.

The Government already asked the Council of State. The Council of State already said that postponing the whole election was not allowed under the constitution. The government offers to try and do it anyway, and he snubs them.

Am I the only one who think the EC's tactics mirror the PDRC's a bit? Demand something, then when you finally get it, ignore it and demand something else.

Oops, when and where did the Council of State come up with this. Unlikely it would have slipped my attention.

But I'm sure, if the CoS rulez that there is no change of date, then the CoS will also explain, how the problem of too few MPs elected will be overcome. And take the blame, when the Comptroller General (sp?) will blame the government for wasting 3.8 billion Baht on a useless election...

It all comes down to Taksin ordering his sister via Skype to stay on, regardless of what will happen. Ah, and the later the election the more angry the farmers will be over the defaulting on their rice payments.

Edited by SamMunich
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Useless dipshit.

The Government already asked the Council of State. The Council of State already said that postponing the whole election was not allowed under the constitution. The government offers to try and do it anyway, and he snubs them.

Am I the only one who think the EC's tactics mirror the PDRC's a bit? Demand something, then when you finally get it, ignore it and demand something else.

You are right in your reasoning and I add that you are not alone. But many zombie vampire.gif.pagespeed.ce.503w77X5K-.gif Suthepistas and anti-Thaksinistas see "we want" as what it really matters.

That pesky detail: the Constitution should never interfere with what they want.vampire.gif.pagespeed.ce.503w77X5K-.gif

It was tried in the USA when the extreme left wing of the Democrats viewed the Constitution as a "living breathing" document. That is to say, since it's a "living breathing" document it can be dissected, changed, cancelled, mutilated, etc.. That is what this movement wants. The EC commission (apparently) wants to dodge extra work and due diligence and in doing so wants to overlook and overrule The Constitution. Very convenient.

If the EC and the mostly, unruly protesters, prevail, then there will be little chance that this country ruled by patronage, corruption, tribalism and eon old feudal hierarchy, will ever become a functioning democracy.

Dysfunctional Thailand for many years to come.

Suddenly Burma began to look a viable alternative to expats..

Edited by pisico
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Now he wants it back to square one after knowing that his secret collusion with the anti-democracy PDRC and DEM were foiled. He must find a solution for the candidates that failed to register because the Commissioners and officials closed the registration center or resigned.

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Now he wants it back to square one after knowing that his secret collusion with the anti-democracy PDRC and DEM were foiled. He must find a solution for the candidates that failed to register because the Commissioners and officials closed the registration center or resigned.

The EC must get on with the job it is charged to do.

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But I'm sure, if the CoS rulez that there is no change of date, then the CoS will also explain, how the problem of too few MPs elected will be overcome. And take the blame, when the Comptroller General (sp?) will blame the government for wasting 3.8 billion Baht on a useless election...

It all comes down to Taksin ordering his sister via Skype to stay on, regardless of what will happen. Ah, and the later the election the more angry the farmers will be over the defaulting on their rice payments.

The law is the law for good and for bad. The government can't just violate the constitution because the opposition boycotts the election.

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But I'm sure, if the CoS rulez that there is no change of date, then the CoS will also explain, how the problem of too few MPs elected will be overcome. And take the blame, when the Comptroller General (sp?) will blame the government for wasting 3.8 billion Baht on a useless election...

It all comes down to Taksin ordering his sister via Skype to stay on, regardless of what will happen. Ah, and the later the election the more angry the farmers will be over the defaulting on their rice payments.

The law is the law for good and for bad. The government can't just violate the constitution because the opposition boycotts the election.

They can not violate the constitution?????????

They have been surely trying to gang-rape it a few time for what I can remember...

Use it when it fits, ignore it when it doesn't...

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Useless dipshit.

The Government already asked the Council of State. The Council of State already said that postponing the whole election was not allowed under the constitution. The government offers to try and do it anyway, and he snubs them.

Am I the only one who think the EC's tactics mirror the PDRC's a bit? Demand something, then when you finally get it, ignore it and demand something else.

You are right in your reasoning and I add that you are not alone. But many zombie vampire.gif.pagespeed.ce.503w77X5K-.gif Suthepistas and anti-Thaksinistas see "we want" as what it really matters.

That pesky detail: the Constitution should never interfere with what they want.vampire.gif.pagespeed.ce.503w77X5K-.gif

It was tried in the USA when the extreme left wing of the Democrats viewed the Constitution as a "living breathing" document. That is to say, since it's a "living breathing" document it can be dissected, changed, cancelled, mutilated, etc.. That is what this movement wants. The EC commission (apparently) wants to dodge extra work and due diligence and in doing so wants to overlook and overrule The Constitution. Very convenient.

If the EC and the mostly, unruly protesters, prevail, then there will be little chance that this country ruled by patronage, corruption, tribalism and eon old feudal hierarchy, will ever become a functioning democracy.

Dysfunctional Thailand for many years to come.

Suddenly Burma began to look a viable alternative to expats..

Would this be the same constitution that PTP ignore whenever it suits them? The one they want to change to favor themselves? The one whose court rulings PTP reject if it doesn't suit them?

Do you really think PTP are respecters and protectors of democracy? It seems Thaksin is even trying to use something in the constitution to bully his sister from resigning. A convicted criminal fugitive, wanted on other charges. If he's so respectful of the law, why doesn't he return and fight through the courts? No he prefers it when he can make the laws up as he goes along, with no checks and balances.

There are procedures for changing the constitution - but PTP don't want to follow them, as with all procedures. The expect to just tell people what to do and be obeyed without question.

The EC, constitutional court, and appropriate experts need to find the alternatives that the constitution allows - not some crook in Dubai, or is very inexperienced unqualified globe trotting sibling, or some loony leading a mass protest that seems to have lost the plot.

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Now he wants it back to square one after knowing that his secret collusion with the anti-democracy PDRC and DEM were foiled. He must find a solution for the candidates that failed to register because the Commissioners and officials closed the registration center or resigned.

The EC must get on with the job it is charged to do.

It is. It cannot simply bow to Shin bullying and threats when it knows the election if held will be unsound.

Yingluck's answer to everything is to create a talking shop that will go nowhere, which she conveniently always bows out of, which simply buys time.

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Its very obvious why theyd say this.

First, as we get closer to February 2nd and the election itself, the momentum is such right now (although somewhat disippating to be honest) that it will only ramp up by the end of January. Its a simple calculation by the EC that benefits no one but the democratic process (which is of course their charge). More time means more time for the protests to blow out, or more time for them to take hold. Either way, the people will in effect have spoken and this will offer at least some grounds for moving forwards.

Second and most importantly. No matter what the results, one of the biggest parties in the country refuses to contest the elections. This has been a calculated gamble at the height of the protests and one that is going to backfire. They will be locked out of the North for a generation. But in allowing the option for a re-do/mulligan, the EC allows the democrats to come back on board. The only benefit here, yet again, is the democratic process. Though damage will have been done by their call for the disenfranchisement of the poor (for lets not beat around the bush here), in the name of 'electoral reform' (inevitable boundary changes re-weighing the value of their vote against the core democrat base) and a 'peoples councils' (stripping them altogether from power and influence), the damage can be managed and even a compromise power sharing agreement can be worked upon to push the country forward THROUGH elections and democracy. This benefits all people and all of Thailand. It also legitimises the electoral process itself as a means for (somewhat dysfunctional - but where isnt?) dispute resolution.

So its a very simple request: PTP allow the democrats a second chance to re-evaluate the change in tempers (and it is a change away from the bangkok protests by the looks of things). The democrats for ther pat will be put uder extreme (internal) pressure to reconsider their position. Of course, they will be punished this time around for sure, but this does not lock them out of power indefinitely (by democratic means or pure political chicanery). Thus minimising the fall out (and allowing them to make the case that they stood purely for electoral reform and not an opportunist power grab (which will of course envelop them should the 'coup' finally happen). Should they agree though, the wind will be pulled out of the sails of the protest movement completely. Peoples minds will turn to the election itself.

However should PTP agree on principal to this under condition that the democrats agree to contest the election and the democrats still refuse then honestly, there is no reason on earth to delay the election and the actual democratic will of the people. Every party is free to implode all it liked. The whigs no longer exist. The SDP is long gone from the UK (some might say?). If a parliamentary party choses to self-destruct to hold the elctorate hostage, this should be absolutely condemned. But it should be the duty of the electoral commission to mediate and attempt to get as many names on that ballot as possible. It is therefore only right that they should at least try to return one of the biggest parties off the streets and back into the ballot box. So no need for the accusation that they are in the pockets of the PDRC, they are doing a difficult job in rather trying circumstances to achieve two goals: Electoral credibility and governmental legitimacy. No democrats in the next parliament just means a year or two of unstable goevrnment and the whole thing repeating again, wasting tax payers money and eroding the faith of the people in the democratic process. Bringing the deomcrats on board AND power sharing is about the only genuine prospect of a stable government in thailand.

Edited by inutil
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Both sides want to selectively enforce the rules. They just can't play on the same playground together. Both sides want the Constitution modified to support their view. Both sides want the Constitution rewritten to weaken their opponents.

That is politik essentiale.

I find all available information, including takes from the international community, most TV posters, and Thai news agencies so grossly incomplete that I could not make an informed ajudication of this situation if I was clairvoyant. I have read the available history, including both sides' current and past leaders, and it reads like some mad geneticist had teamed up with television writers to combine The Three Stooges, the Chicago gangsters, Elmer Fudd and Charles Manson into some hsyterically wild genetically manipulated sit-com to unleash on the world in 3D (live, without using a theater).

Too sad to be funny. Thai people deserve better than this.

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Not sure how this EC commissioner got his job as he is clearly an incompetent buffoon. The EC failed to provide/ ensure the candidate

registration venues were safe and accessible. Even after there were difficulties on the first day he did nothing. Now he wants to delay the

election even though it is constitutionally mandated that the election take place within 90 days from the dissolution of government.

Also while he wants to delay the election he cannot explain how this will help the situation as Suthep does not want an election.

Will not participate in any election and things will just drag things on even longer. Fire this guy, get a royal decree to re-open candidate

registration, and continue with the election. If the military steps in they step in. The process has to run its course. coffee1.gif

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The EC are doing their job, they are taking in all sides and issuing their concerns and solutions, trouble is it doesnt suit thaksin or the ptp/reds and they hate the fact that the EC are not doing their bidding but remaining independant. Must really hurt to know you cant buy everyone in Thailand.

The EC's job is to run the election and not to dictate to the government. You can look at their mandate if you want to. Unfortunately the EC is controlled by the traditional elite and will do anything their paymasters tell them to do. Corruption in Thailand is not the sole domain of TS.

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Both sides want to selectively enforce the rules. They just can't play on the same playground together. Both sides want the Constitution modified to support their view. Both sides want the Constitution rewritten to weaken their opponents.

That is politik essentiale.

I find all available information, including takes from the international community, most TV posters, and Thai news agencies so grossly incomplete that I could not make an informed ajudication of this situation if I was clairvoyant. I have read the available history, including both sides' current and past leaders, and it reads like some mad geneticist had teamed up with television writers to combine The Three Stooges, the Chicago gangsters, Elmer Fudd and Charles Manson into some hsyterically wild genetically manipulated sit-com to unleash on the world in 3D (live, without using a theater).

Too sad to be funny. Thai people deserve better than this.

Of course. Real politik. But you do this through a mandate and you win an election to garner popular legitimacy for your move. Nothing is inviolable. If 66% of people in the legislature will it, even the almighty US constitution can be changed. But real politik isnt the issue that is at hand here. The EC's job is to bring forward a legitimate government through transparent and democratic processes. As a scholar of thai law, im sure you know your relevant thai constitutional articles. That they propose a means to offer the voting populace a better alternative (and a more legitimate alternative - regardless of what we think of the parties themselves) is exactly what they should be doing as advisers in the process. The democrats have a means to return without too much blowback, whilst PTP have a means to justificably cleaim the election as valid and the genuine will of the thai people. The decision by the democrats to boycott this election will have been fought over. The times have changed. A fait accompli from a month ago serves no one.

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My Thai wife had her first comments on TV today and sadly many Thais are now starting to blame other countries for supporting Taskin, but they have only one way to voice their anger and that is on Farlangs who come to Thailand

I would politely say many of you guys should calm down if you oppose what the Thais who are protesting want

they may just turn on you

What do they want,

The Yellow Leader head a new Government No No No

You have it all wrong in you little Farlang minds is her reaction

We thais are scared that Thaskins sister will push Taskin's free to come back to Thaiand after the 180 days

Give us an election Yes we want, yes our Vote must be counted

But after the 180 days

this is what Yingluck has been told to do, hang on for dear life, so I can return and take over again

A May election, I thing you will find thousands of protestors will go home including my Thai wife and her friends

Taskins days are over

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The EC are doing their job, they are taking in all sides and issuing their concerns and solutions, trouble is it doesnt suit thaksin or the ptp/reds and they hate the fact that the EC are not doing their bidding but remaining independant. Must really hurt to know you cant buy everyone in Thailand.

The the EC has the best job in the nation, it can do no wrong because it can't do anything, and no one expects it to do anything. Suthep has made it known that he wants no elections for 12-18 months while his little Gestapo committee works out a pro forma to dictate who can vote and who can be nominated. How can anyone think he would otherwise allow the election to go back to square one with renewed registration of candidates, fixing of new election date.

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This serves no one and will destroy thailands booming tourism economy. In conjunction with their deflating rice yield economy, it would be nothing short of massive stupidlty on their part. Also, lets also be clear. Thai people are not solely the people who support the protest. In case "your wife" isnt aware, there are plenty of people IN THAILAND who oppose the actions of Suthep. So lets not jump to radical conclusions about what 'the thai people' want. It seems they want several things. Things, i might add which transcend the current political lines because there seems to be little in the way of a center ground (where the majority of people actually live).

So 'your wife' might want to add to her calculations the population of thai people who oppose the actions in one city, by one aspect of the electorate (potential or otherwise), in the name of one issue (the Shinawatra influence in Thailand), the population supporting Yingluk as well as (and lets be fair, the majority) who simply want a solution to a gridlocked political criss held hostage by people on both side of the political spectrum - the moderate centerists who have yet to be listened to).

Corruption must be tackled. Rules must be enforced. Government waste must be controlled. People must be held accountable for extra judicial killings in 2003. Absolutely. But people must also look to making thailand a powerhouse in ASEAN and in South East Asia. The invisible hand must do its work within thailand and schools and communities must not be left to fend for themsleves (and ALLOWED to fnd for themselves) because they are outside the boundaries of government funding. Your wife is Thai. Thai people dont only suffer from the 'influence' of the Shinawatras. She should think 'thai' and the interests of ALL thai people. Not just the people she agrees with in an echo chamber of opinion she frequents. This is the DEMOCRATIC process at its core and its why it should be nurtured. Peaceful demonstration is a part of this process, but its usurpation destroys any chance of it to have any positive affect for change in the interests of all Thai people no matter their political persuasion.

(ETA: too patronising? Sorry, but i live in the center ground and believe you must win the argument no matter if that argument is framed on articulate prose or (as is sadly the case in this day and age: stupid (on message) soundbites repeated ad infinitum in the media)).

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Useless dipshit.

The Government already asked the Council of State. The Council of State already said that postponing the whole election was not allowed under the constitution. The government offers to try and do it anyway, and he snubs them.

Am I the only one who think the EC's tactics mirror the PDRC's a bit? Demand something, then when you finally get it, ignore it and demand something else.


May I add (maybe I didn't read) - but WHY would he say, meeting all this people is no point, HE needs to meet with teh PM first and THEN, meeting all the others WOULD make sense.

Sorry, shall I think of something here ??

Am I the only one who think the EC's tactics mirror the PDRC's a bit?

After that article? Not at all, now it's at at least 2

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The EC has several times stated ways within the present constitution that an election can be postponed.

One of those is 'if all parties agree'

Not much point in asking anyone else if PT are not going to agree.

As well as that, at one time, the EC gave a list of 6 ways under the constitution that the election could be postponed for 30 days.

One of those was 'if there is civil disturbance' that is what we have now.

The EC are the experts on election law and they are saying it can be done.

Besides, big brother himself postponed an election.

If he could do it why not his clone ?

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This serves no one and will destroy thailands booming tourism economy. In conjunction with their deflating rice yield economy, it would be nothing short of massive stupidlty on their part. Also, lets also be clear. Thai people are not solely the people who support the protest. In case "your wife" isnt aware, there are plenty of people IN THAILAND who oppose the actions of Suthep. So lets not jump to radical conclusions about what 'the thai people' want. It seems they want several things. Things, i might add which transcend the current political lines because there seems to be little in the way of a center ground (where the majority of people actually live).

So 'your wife' might want to add to her calculations the population of thai people who oppose the actions in one city, by one aspect of the electorate (potential or otherwise), in the name of one issue (the Shinawatra influence in Thailand), the population supporting Yingluk as well as (and lets be fair, the majority) who simply want a solution to a gridlocked political criss held hostage by people on both side of the political spectrum - the moderate centerists who have yet to be listened to).

Corruption must be tackled. Rules must be enforced. Government waste must be controlled. People must be held accountable for extra judicial killings in 2003. Absolutely. But people must also look to making thailand a powerhouse in ASEAN and in South East Asia. The invisible hand must do its work within thailand and schools and communities must not be left to fend for themsleves (and ALLOWED to fnd for themselves) because they are outside the boundaries of government funding. Your wife is Thai. Thai people dont only suffer from the 'influence' of the Shinawatras. She should think 'thai' and the interests of ALL thai people. Not just the people she agrees with in an echo chamber of opinion she frequents. This is the DEMOCRATIC process at its core and its why it should be nurtured. Peaceful demonstration is a part of this process, but its usurpation destroys any chance of it to have any positive affect for change in the interests of all Thai people no matter their political persuasion.

(ETA: too patronising? Sorry, but i live in the center ground and believe you must win the argument no matter if that argument is framed on articulate prose or (as is sadly the case in this day and age: stupid (on message) soundbites repeated ad infinitum in the media)).

Thai wife says you sound like a politician, just babble on about nothing

But i the end she is Thai so has every right to her opinion and vote

you do not

She wants Taksins influence and control gone, and then FAIR election

IF PTP wins with out Taksin then so be it

she has a good home, a good job, her own car and a family

so her concern is for her fellow Thais not her self

PS we live in Issan

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...and as i say, its going to be in PTPs interest. They will absolutely romp home in any election carried out right now. No matter what, they stood for the continuation of the democratic process. Though the people against them will be still against them, in a choice between rice subsidies (and possible future payment versus no future payment) and disenfranchisement, the north will keep voting PTP and send them easily back into governmment. Moderates and swing voters will also be turned off by the democrats attempting to hold the electoral process hostage. PTP will romp home comfortably. And if theyre smart, they will use the opportunity to IMMEDIATELY re-organise the democratic process ON THEIR TERMS while they have the majority say, through a degree of tit for tat power sharing with the dems. This will help the dems confer legitimacy as a party of moderation in the north and restore trust (and help them maybe win an election one day), and at the same time will legitimise the election and allow genuine governance by PTP for the next four years (and maybe help them push through reform of the senate). You bet your ass that democrat grass roots representatives realise theyre now playing a longer game because of their stupid actions last month and will be more than willing to take the poison chalice sooner rather than later if it means they arent locked out permanently from a massive voting block. These issues will certainly be top of the agenda now or soon enough. Politicians arent idiots as far as their constituents (and career) are concerned, at least.

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Useless dipshit.

The Government already asked the Council of State. The Council of State already said that postponing the whole election was not allowed under the constitution. The government offers to try and do it anyway, and he snubs them.

Am I the only one who think the EC's tactics mirror the PDRC's a bit? Demand something, then when you finally get it, ignore it and demand something else.

You are right in your reasoning and I add that you are not alone. But many zombie vampire.gif.pagespeed.ce.503w77X5K-.gif Suthepistas and anti-Thaksinistas see "we want" as what it really matters.

That pesky detail: the Constitution should never interfere with what they want.vampire.gif.pagespeed.ce.503w77X5K-.gif

It was tried in the USA when the extreme left wing of the Democrats viewed the Constitution as a "living breathing" document. That is to say, since it's a "living breathing" document it can be dissected, changed, cancelled, mutilated, etc.. That is what this movement wants. The EC commission (apparently) wants to dodge extra work and due diligence and in doing so wants to overlook and overrule The Constitution. Very convenient.

If the EC and the mostly, unruly protesters, prevail, then there will be little chance that this country ruled by patronage, corruption, tribalism and eon old feudal hierarchy, will ever become a functioning democracy.

Dysfunctional Thailand for many years to come.

Suddenly Burma began to look a viable alternative to expats..

reading this and comments like this really makes me think there is a diod reason for euthanasia. And... The prevention if voting rights for many.

If this is how bloody minded you are about achieving democracy there really is no hope for your thought processes... And that goes for people like you. Nothing is black and whitee

Sent from my RM-892_apac_laos_thailand_219 using Tapatalk

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This serves no one and will destroy thailands booming tourism economy. In conjunction with their deflating rice yield economy, it would be nothing short of massive stupidlty on their part. Also, lets also be clear. Thai people are not solely the people who support the protest. In case "your wife" isnt aware, there are plenty of people IN THAILAND who oppose the actions of Suthep. So lets not jump to radical conclusions about what 'the thai people' want. It seems they want several things. Things, i might add which transcend the current political lines because there seems to be little in the way of a center ground (where the majority of people actually live).

So 'your wife' might want to add to her calculations the population of thai people who oppose the actions in one city, by one aspect of the electorate (potential or otherwise), in the name of one issue (the Shinawatra influence in Thailand), the population supporting Yingluk as well as (and lets be fair, the majority) who simply want a solution to a gridlocked political criss held hostage by people on both side of the political spectrum - the moderate centerists who have yet to be listened to).

Corruption must be tackled. Rules must be enforced. Government waste must be controlled. People must be held accountable for extra judicial killings in 2003. Absolutely. But people must also look to making thailand a powerhouse in ASEAN and in South East Asia. The invisible hand must do its work within thailand and schools and communities must not be left to fend for themsleves (and ALLOWED to fnd for themselves) because they are outside the boundaries of government funding. Your wife is Thai. Thai people dont only suffer from the 'influence' of the Shinawatras. She should think 'thai' and the interests of ALL thai people. Not just the people she agrees with in an echo chamber of opinion she frequents. This is the DEMOCRATIC process at its core and its why it should be nurtured. Peaceful demonstration is a part of this process, but its usurpation destroys any chance of it to have any positive affect for change in the interests of all Thai people no matter their political persuasion.

(ETA: too patronising? Sorry, but i live in the center ground and believe you must win the argument no matter if that argument is framed on articulate prose or (as is sadly the case in this day and age: stupid (on message) soundbites repeated ad infinitum in the media)).

Thai wife says you sound like a politician, just babble on about nothing

But i the end she is Thai so has every right to her opinion and vote

you do not

She wants Taksins influence and control gone, and then FAIR election

IF PTP wins with out Taksin then so be it

she has a good home, a good job, her own car and a family

so her concern is for her fellow Thais not her self

PS we live in Issan

You should have just said your wife was a troll then, and we could have all not wasted our time. Then again, thank "your wife" for the free bump of a moderate and rational opinion in among the shit flinging :)

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Useless dipshit.

The Government already asked the Council of State. The Council of State already said that postponing the whole election was not allowed under the constitution. The government offers to try and do it anyway, and he snubs them.

Am I the only one who think the EC's tactics mirror the PDRC's a bit? Demand something, then when you finally get it, ignore it and demand something else.

What would you prefer Sir ?

To have an election now that will be moot as there are not 95% of PMs to vote on and thereby waste tax payer's money of 5.5 bill. bht. ?

(That's what election will cost, btw.)

Or save the 5.5 bil. of the government's/Taxpayer's money, have reform before election and then have an election that will be accepted via the rules of the Constitution, Domestically and Internationally as well ?

Think good and hard on this one Mr. Zolt.

Sure seems like a no brainier to me.

Then again who am I but some guy who does his research and knows the law kap wai.gif

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