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related to this topic...does anyone know a good dentist who also charges reasonable fees...similar to kirsty, i broke a wisdom tooth (6 months ago)...i went to get it extracted last week...i told the dentist i was concerned about it, and he told me it was an emergency and would cost 30,000 baht...yes...30.000...i had not told him that this happened 6 months ago, and i feel no discomfort...if the fellow is intent on ripping me off, i certainly don't plan to let him near my teeth...

that leaves me without a clear plan or reputable dentist...i reside in BKK, but would travel reasonable distances (e.g., Chon Buri or Hua Hin) for the procedure...any suggestions or positive recommendations? Thanks

That's very expensive!

Has the gum completely grown over it aswell??...

ALWAYS go with a Thai friend for any medical assistance in Thailand.

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I need to have 3 wisdom teeth removed. There is no way I am doing it here in Thailand. It just is not worth it to me. To come with a sports analogy, who do you want hitting a forehand winner for your health, the local tennis pro or Nadal? I guess it is up to you. I have made my choice. I don't mind getting my teeth cleaned or fillings done here, the "local pro" can handle that.


I had all four wisdom teeth removed when I was 19 years old at what was suppose to be a top-notch dental college in the U.S. After the procedure they sent me home in the care of a friend, with a handful of pills and told me to come back in a week for a check-up.

I returned to classes the next day, but as the week progressed, the pain actually got worse. When I returned for that follow-up appointment in a week, the dental students took one look, ran and got the professor who said "why didn't you come in earlier?" I had developed "dry sockets" with the top two extractions, a fairly common condition where a blood clot failed to form and the bone is exposed to the air.

Argh.... it hurts just to write about it. The treatment involved daily visits to the dentist for cleaning and packing of the wound with gauze treated with clove oil. It was very soothing for the extreme pain. Anyway, just a word of warning to go back to see the dentist if you're not feeling better 2-3 days after the extraction.


Yup! I've heard about 'dry socket' and it sounds nasty. It's more common for woman to get than men supposedly. I pray to god the surgeon is well trained. My aunt referred me to her dentists and she trusts this guy. Apparently his degree is from the states.

My Van leaves tonight at 4:00pm and I should arrive to Bangkok at 11:00pm (approximately).

I hope the surgery goes well and I'm able to travel back to Kalasin the following day. But to play it safe I may take 1 day off from work and give myself time to recover.


I need to have 3 wisdom teeth removed. There is no way I am doing it here in Thailand. It just is not worth it to me. To come with a sports analogy, who do you want hitting a forehand winner for your health, the local tennis pro or Nadal? I guess it is up to you. I have made my choice. I don't mind getting my teeth cleaned or fillings done here, the "local pro" can handle that.

Thailand has many good doctors/surgeons in every field. Just because it's in ASIA doesn't mean the quality of service is less. Do personal research before you make any judgement. A quick background check is all it takes. If a clinic is located in a back soi then maybe be aware. Clinics on main streets which are full licensed & have dot.com website are always safe to go too (being ripped off because you're foreign is a different story 555+)


Yes, I agree there are excellent medical service providers in Thailand and you don't need to take a Thai person with you every time you need medical care in Thailand -- although you must have someone help you back to your lodgings after wisdom tooth extraction.

I didn't realize that dry socket is more common with women until I just looked it up on Wikipedia. Turns out I was engaging in two behaviors that may have contributed to the problem. I was taking birth control pills and also smoking at the time of the extractions. Fortunately, I no longer need the former and have long since given up the latter.


I think you guys are missing the point.

I could walk into a clinic in Nicaragua, get a tooth pulled, and probably be fine. But the issue is one of chance.

They are much less litigious here, and the docs have pretty much free reign to say/do whatever they'd like, however ridiculous, and get away with everything. I have heard it with my own ears. For the few docs that were educated in the US, it does not matter, they turn back to Thai docs when they get here. If they didn't, they would probably get the boot. Why don't some of these quality Thai doctors go to the US for the big bucks anyway? Don't kid yourself, they aren't there because they are not up to par with them.

The docs here are decent, and it is cheap. Great for getting your teeth cleaned, or filling a cavity, not so good for any type of surgery for example. You odds of being really screwed up go through the roof, where it will virtually never happen in the US.

Surgery = western docs

Teeth cleaned = Thai docs

One man's recommendation smile.png


I think you guys are missing the point.

I could walk into a clinic in Nicaragua, get a tooth pulled, and probably be fine. But the issue is one of chance.

They are much less litigious here, and the docs have pretty much free reign to say/do whatever they'd like, however ridiculous, and get away with everything. I have heard it with my own ears. For the few docs that were educated in the US, it does not matter, they turn back to Thai docs when they get here. If they didn't, they would probably get the boot. Why don't some of these quality Thai doctors go to the US for the big bucks anyway? Don't kid yourself, they aren't there because they are not up to par with them.

The docs here are decent, and it is cheap. Great for getting your teeth cleaned, or filling a cavity, not so good for any type of surgery for example. You odds of being really screwed up go through the roof, where it will virtually never happen in the US.

Surgery = western docs

Teeth cleaned = Thai docs

One man's recommendation xsmile.png.pagespeed.ic.TZt5dYe8BC.webp

Lets hope you never suffer any kind of emergency medical/ surgical condition whilst in Thailand which requires urgent treatment.

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Agree you have the right to your opinion but it is not mine. I have three members of immediate family who were dentists (US) and never had painless treatment until treated in Thailand (and Thai treatment dates back more than 40 years - dentists here now are ages better and among the top and trained and practice all over the world). The reason they work here is that like most Thai (and most any nationality) they prefer to live in there homeland with customs they understand. Here most clinics have specialists doing one thing and that is a huge plus for the customer as they know what they are doing from having much more experience than the normal one man practice of the US and many other countries. Oh yes - I am speaking 9 hours after a 2nd molar extraction; so not just idle talk.

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Wife's cousin paid 4000 -5000 Baht for a surgery to remove badly infected impacted tooth. The doctor's name is Dr. Kanit at Bangkok Smile Dental Clinic. I dont know if he looks too good or too gentle but she praised him too much that it annoyed me!

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As mention, everyone's entitled to their own opinion. Walk around town and look at all the beautiful lady boys who've had surgery from doctors here in Thailand. And I'm sure those procedures are much more difficult than a tooth extraction. A majority of people from all over the world (including US) go to Thailand for the sole purpose of getting surgery done. My friend Debbie Sath, from Oz is a model for FMH (Google search her) who had breast implants and nose job done here two years ago. She was pleased with the quality of service and how well the surgery went.


Suspect a portion of the 4-5k cost was for infection as my 2nd molar extraction yesterday cost 2,650 at a high end hospital facility performed by Asst.Prof. Dr.Kasama Aryatawong who I can highly recommend as no pain during or after.


I can benefit from having the dentsit phone number, with 20 years recommendatio, for sure,

I had a cap pop off a back tooth a few weeks ago, and frankly, don;t understand why there hasn't been any pain, but it is over due, and so I am to have it recapped, thanks!

my 19 year old son just had all four taken out by a really great dentist in Bangkok in his office. Just local Novocain. He was in pain 3 days and better after that. The same dentist has worked on my family for nearly 20 years. Done numerous inplants for my wife and all of our cavities , root canals and whatever. He is excellent if you want his name and phone. He is down the street from the Dusit thani. Not in a hospital. Can do everything. Pretty amazing since I have used dentist in the states. They are so specialized you have to go to 3 of them to get many issues worked on.


I need a good referall,

I live by Safari World, but can get to anywhere in bkk for the right dentist,

I need a cap, yesterday, over an exposed nerve

Agree you have the right to your opinion but it is not mine. I have three members of immediate family who were dentists (US) and never had painless treatment until treated in Thailand (and Thai treatment dates back more than 40 years - dentists here now are ages better and among the top and trained and practice all over the world). The reason they work here is that like most Thai (and most any nationality) they prefer to live in there homeland with customs they understand. Here most clinics have specialists doing one thing and that is a huge plus for the customer as they know what they are doing from having much more experience than the normal one man practice of the US and many other countries. Oh yes - I am speaking 9 hours after a 2nd molar extraction; so not just idle talk.


I had my wisdom tooth removed and it was put back in stead of another tooth (that was pulled out).

It was not scary, didn't hurt, the stitches around the new position of my wisdom tooth partly dissolved and I partly pulled them out myself (I couldn't go to see a doctor after the operation I had to work abroad for 6 months).

The wisdom tooth is after 15 years still there at his new position and it's in perfect shape.

You need to have someone to drive you back home after the operation because you'll feel a bit dizzy.

I could work again the next day.

It's really nothing - no reason to be scared.

  • 5 months later...

My suggestion.

Its the Mahidol University, Faculty of Dentistry, Dental Hospital. its like supercenter of dental care in all of Thailand.

Had mine removed there last 30June2014. Best medical & dental experience I ever had. fast & cheap too!

To describe, theres a big hall with around 35+ cubicles each with dentist & assistants.

You wait a while, they call you, treat you, like a factory or production line, then off you go. Then they'll call the next patient.

For them its just an ordinary day with all different cases & procedures, that's experience like nothing else or where else to trust?

I was prepared long before I went there. watched many wisdom tooth extraction operation in youtube...

Lady dentist asked me to buy the meds first (pain relief, antibiotics, anti inflamatory), all for 70baht at the hospital.

So I asked her, can I take the meds now before we start? She said yes no prob. Thats the trick to avoid post extraction pain.

I drove myself home after the operation. And slept well that night... with 4k baht less frm my pocket.


A few years back I had a non impacted and exposed (albeit at an angle) upper wisdom tooth removed after 10+ years of dreading it.

Bit the bullet and went to Teptarin Hospital on Rama 4. 20 mins later it was out - completely painless (he applied a local) and gave me some gauze told me to rinse with salt water for a couple of days. Cost 1100 Baht with my Thai Health Card.

Getting my teeth cleaned is more painful.


which issue are you referring to that keeps coming back & how do you know that is the outcome?

Get them all pulled as soon as possible. They come out more easily the younger you are. If they do become infected

a course of antibiotics will clear that up and this must be done before the teeth are removed. Once you have this issue

it will keep coming back. Next year or the year after, etc.. etc..bah.gif


which issue are you referring to that keeps coming back & how do you know that is the outcome?

Get them all pulled as soon as possible. They come out more easily the younger you are. If they do become infected

a course of antibiotics will clear that up and this must be done before the teeth are removed. Once you have this issue

it will keep coming back. Next year or the year after, etc.. etc..bah.gif

Pretty obvious I would have thought. Once a wisdom tooth starts giving problems it's not likely to cure itself, even if you manage to relieve the problem short term.


which issue are you referring to that keeps coming back & how do you know that is the outcome?

Get them all pulled as soon as possible. They come out more easily the younger you are. If they do become infected

a course of antibiotics will clear that up and this must be done before the teeth are removed. Once you have this issue

it will keep coming back. Next year or the year after, etc.. etc..bah.gif

Pretty obvious I would have thought. Once a wisdom tooth starts giving problems it's not likely to cure itself, even if you manage to relieve the problem short term.

Mine are a bit inside the gum, I got a real terrible infection once on the overlapping gum. Dentist cleared it up. Before they told me they must be removed. Than they told me they must be removed urgently. That was 20 years ago. Last X-Ray a week ago told they are perfect.

On my mother they told her that they must be removed from since she got them. Now with almost 70 they are the few healthy teeth she has and could be used for bridges.

But everyone is different on the wisdom teeth.


Start running if they take you out in an alley and some old rogue appears with a hammer and pliers. No seriously the dentist here are better than the ones back home I had three wisdom teeth removed and no problem .


My best advice regarding anything to do with Wisdom teeth, regardless of which country you are in, is to have treatment under a General Anaesthetic in a hospital, always assuming you can afford the added cost.And stay away from watching the procedure on YouTube, whether squeamish or not. Oops! Sorry for planting that idea, but I prefer to know whats in store for me. Good luck anyway. My experience of Thai Dentists is first class, so not much to worry about and just think of all the TLC youll get afterwards. Milk it for as long as you can. - theMagician.

I had a wisdom tooth extraction awake, no probs, b ut i did choose to go to a hospital in case of any complications

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