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Thai hatred


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Getting back on topic, I believe the original question was on the order of "if you hate Thais why are you still here?" In my particular case I can't say that I hate Thais; however, I am certain that I am frustrated and very disappointed with Thailand and her people. In a strange way I feel as though I have been dupped, but I have no one to blame but myself. You see...before coming to Thailand my only exposure to Thai people was primarily my former wife who I met in Taipei in 1989. After our marriage I sponsored her for immigration to the US. Once back in the US, in an effort to find Thai friends for my wife we befriended several of the Thai students at a major university who had been sent by the Thai government to study for their PHD's. Over a period of 15 years we entertained the students in our home in large groups at least 6 times per year, and over time I came to love and appreciate the Thai people. Each year a new group of students was being sent to the university, so we were constantly developing new and endearing relationships. By 2010 I was so anxious to retire to Thailand and begin living my dream in what I thought would be a magical place. After settling in Isaan I quickly discovered that my relationships with the PHD Thai students back in the US had given me a very narrow and skewed view into the character, personality and culture of the Thais.

I am an obsessive-compulsive type personality and I only function well when I can control my environment. Things for me have to be organized and well defined, and I am accustomed to associating myself only with people who think fast and whose word is their bond. So...you guessed it...Thailand is NOT THE PLACE for someone like me! I knew I was in trouble after the first few months, but I thought that over time I could adapt. As a matter of fact, I was soooooo confident that I could transition within a year that I paid cash for a new car and house, transferred most of my assets here and for the most part burned my bridges back in the US. It would be very difficult for me to uproot and take my family back to the States at this point; plus, I could never talk my wife into leaving Thailand.

After nearly 4 years it has become a daily struggle to refrain from being critical, cynical, frustrated and disappointed, and it just doesn't seem to get any better. I have one farang friend and zero Thai friends, and nearly every encounter I have with a Thai winds up being a very exasperating experience for me. As a result I have learned to practice "avoidance behavior" and simply keep myself isolated from the locals and limit the number of times per week when I have to go into town for shopping or other personal business. I'm trying my best at this very moment to keep from "Thai bashing", so I'm going to wrap this thing up before I get in too deep. However, I think that most of you will be able to relate to those things to which I am referring without my having to be specific.

In closing, for me the Thais and Thailand have turned out to be my worst nightmare. I don't expect the Thais to change just to accommodate me, but asking me to accept their mentality is not going to happen either. I can't seem to find a balance and I fear that I may never awake from this bad dream. To coin a phrase from back home..."I'm stuck between a rock and a hard place!"

I feel for you there.

"Disappointed" is a very good way to describe the feeling.

Sadly, you chose to house yourself in one of the more "foreigner free" areas of the country.

I think you would find Chiang Mai a vastly different experience, where you could choose exclusively to mix with fellow Americans (insert western nationality of choice) if you so wished. You should try it for a couple of weeks.

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Reality check please.

Is the above post so screwed up that it is almost unintelligible?

First there are 7 lines of garbage and then like 25 lines of quoted stuff with no identification of who wrote what?

Some one should delete the post and give the guy some help in basic Thai Visa posting.

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I know what you mean. Why I remember reading a thread about a guy who accused all Thais of having no shame or morals because they overcharged him 5 baht on a cup of coffee. Imagine confusing a 5 baht overcharge with shame and morals and worse applying his judgement to all Thai people because of his experience.

I don't know what to say.

I don't know what makes Farang so bitter. Especially over 5 baht.

It's not the amount, it's the principle.

When living in Thailand, not just passing through, it's gets tiresome constantly being overcharged for being a farang.

It's not the amount it's the principle eh? What an incredible line of malarkey. When you rob a bank the difference between a felony and a misdemeanor is the amount.

When you go to war it is the amount of men killed that determines the winner of the battle not the principle of the thing.

When you fall in love with a girl it is the amount of men before you which makes her a good catch or a last resort. It is not the fact you were not the first one. It is the fact that you were not 10,001 that makes a difference.

When you get a speeding ticket it is the amount over the limit not the principle that you were speeding. 5 over and you get a warning 55 over and you go to jail.

When you get stopped with booze on your breath it is not the fact that you drank and drove but how much you drank. 1 drink is OK 20 and you are going to jail.

When I went to confession the priest asked me what were my sins. I said, I had sex. He said how many times? I said 4 times a day for the ten years I lived in Pattaya. That was ten years ago and I'm still saying Hail Mary's every day. biggrin.png

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As a matter of fact, I was soooooo confident that I could transition within a year that I paid cash for a new car and house, transferred most of my assets here and for the most part burned my bridges back in the US. It would be very difficult for me to uproot and take my family back to the States at this point; plus, I could never talk my wife into leaving Thailand.

Critical mistake.

If all your assets were still back home, the odds of your persuading her to go back with you would be much better.

I'd say head back broke and alone, at least you have a chance of improving things then even if you have to start over from scratch.

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A post in which the quoted content had been altered by added wording has been removed:

30) Do not modify someone else's post in your quoted reply, either with font or color changes, added emoticons, or altered wording.

Posts with messed up quotes have been removed.

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Wow, this is hilarious.

After telling all that the thread is not aimed at anyone in particular, and certainly not aimed at all, and urging people not to take it personally, don't take it like it's aimed at you.

Almost half have acted and responded as though I started the thread with them in mind.

Now another half will wrongly think they are the half I just mentioned.

On another note guys, being a newbie on tv does not make one a newbie in Thailand, there is life beyond tv.

Sent from my iPad using Thaivisa Connect Thailand

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clap2.gif no its no clear at all!

bravo you turned the usual hot topic (that come back quite often) into a farcical one( look at your post #22)

and by the way as i said, its the SUM of the daily small rant from everyone (about the bad news, the scams, murders, stupidity etc etc the list is so long) that give this overwhelming feeling of hate... when its just a tiny rant from different members.

Well I am not going to deny what you say. It is certainly true.

I was just wondering what would be on that list if it was restricted to Things that only happen in Thailand.

Or another list where people posted the good experiences they had with a Thai.

I know for my self I have a list that is not good of the experiences I have had with my Thai wife. But it is far outweighed by the list of good things.

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clap2.gif no its no clear at all!

bravo you turned the usual hot topic (that come back quite often) into a farcical one( look at your post #22)

and by the way as i said, its the SUM of the daily small rant from everyone (about the bad news, the scams, murders, stupidity etc etc the list is so long) that give this overwhelming feeling of hate... when its just a tiny rant from different members.

Well I am not going to deny what you say. It is certainly true.

I was just wondering what would be on that list if it was restricted to Things that only happen in Thailand.

Or another list where people posted the good experiences they had with a Thai.

I know for my self I have a list that is not good of the experiences I have had with my Thai wife. But it is far outweighed by the list of good things.

"Or another list where people posted the good experiences they had with a Thai."

Well i remember that one or two months ago, a thai apologist tv member did open a thread about the positive things here. His aims was to counter balance all the nasty topic we read everyday. Well it was a total flop...

The topic did attract only few replies. So maybe tv member are only interested in ventilating or maybe they are all mad, who knows?!

But what i found absolutely fabulous, its we do share our experience, our knowledge, good or bad. Someone failure will be someone else success. And we can all be very grateful to TV.

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Sitting in the kitchen of my Pattaya home this morning and waiting for the temperature to rise a bit (boy was it cold this morning at 5.0am when I first set out on my bike ride around lake mabrachan and returned frozen to the warmth of the kitchen for a couple of toast and a quick look at Thai Visa until the sun came out and made the ride comfortable)

First post I read was by "fittobethaied" 179

At first reading the post (its always good to reread a post a couple of times)

I considered firstly what a well written and put together post it was, devoid of malice, bitterness or chagrin and realised that to a degree it almost mirrors my experience of Thailand, with a difference .

Now I realise that the poster is being genuine in his attempt to make some sense of a situation where the reasons for being in Thailand in the first place were/are possibly that you/we had either dissatisfaction or baggage in the place that you/we came from or that you/we came on a a similar idea that Thailand would be unique in that it differs in some massive way from any other place that we would want to escape from.

Well as you and I and possibly thousands of other EX Pats have found out Thailand isn't the Utopia or even the place that we expected and therein ls the problem.

Maybe we were under some kind of influence?

With me it was the love of my wife and to be perfectly honest if I was not married to her I personally would not wish to stay in Thailand at all!

This of course doesn't mean that I do not like Thailand because I certainly do like it. I love the Thai people who generally are an honest, open, hard working and happy people.

They constantly amaze me with their ability to smile even under the most horrendous circumstances, I think that the Westerners could learn a lot from the Thai people when occasionally falling into the trap of self pity as many on this forum seem to do so efficiently.

When I married my wife and we discussed where we wanted to live, I suggested that we would possibly be better off in her home village near her Mum and Dad, mistakenly thinking that she would welcome this chance to be near her family.

Not a bit of it and she explained that I would never be able to settle in such a quiet community and I would either like most Ex pats up there either become an alcoholic, butterfly or go mad with boredom!

In the event we settled in Pattaya where in her opinion there would be Western people I could meet and make friends with.

After a few visits up to her home village I completely understood that she was 100% right, in my case anyway.

Now after living in Pattaya for the last couple of years I must say that I am completely disillusioned with the place and feel that maybe going mad or becoming an Alcoholic in a remote and rural Issan village would be preferable to being here in Pattaya, constantly having in your face the very worst of most of the low quality Ex pats who infests the bars and whore houses here.

I have seen normal Ex pats come here, marry and within a short time become corrupted (Obsessed bars, sex and drink) as do the Thai workers from Issan who service the needs of these people (in one way or another) and keep pattaya afloat.

Back on topic, the point that I am trying to get across is that it is not Thailand or any other Country that Ex pats find themselves seriously fed up in that is the problem.

The problem lays firmly within ourselves and we are either too tired,too skint or depressed to change the situation.

The escape for me was to take up Cycling (another obsession) and thus take the mental pressure off and replace it with the physical exhaustion that takes all mental stress away to the extent that one says "F++K it!

In other words if for one reason or another you cannot change the circumstances you are enduring then change the day to day itinerary.

Like i say biking every other day changed the situation for me, it wasn't a cure but it made me feel better especially after a life time of being an achiever, the trips around the lake gave me a sense of satisfaction and took the edge of my self inflicted stress!

I realise that I have gone a bit in this post, felt like I could have said a lot more as well, like I said most of the rants about Thailand on TV are in my opinion self in inflicted problems and with a little self motivation, circumstance could be changed for the better

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Sitting in the kitchen of my Pattaya home this morning and waiting for the temperature to rise a bit (boy was it cold this morning at 5.0am when I first set out on my bike ride around lake mabrachan and returned frozen to the warmth of the kitchen for a couple of toast and a quick look at Thai Visa until the sun came out and made the ride comfortable)

First post I read was by "fittobethaied" 179

At first reading the post (its always good to reread a post a couple of times)

I considered firstly what a well written and put together post it was, devoid of malice, bitterness or chagrin and realised that to a degree it almost mirrors my experience of Thailand, with a difference .

Now I realise that the poster is being genuine in his attempt to make some sense of a situation where the reasons for being in Thailand in the first place were/are possibly that you/we had either dissatisfaction or baggage in the place that you/we came from or that you/we came on a a similar idea that Thailand would be unique in that it differs in some massive way from any other place that we would want to escape from.

Well as you and I and possibly thousands of other EX Pats have found out Thailand isn't the Utopia or even the place that we expected and therein ls the problem.

Maybe we were under some kind of influence?

With me it was the love of my wife and to be perfectly honest if I was not married to her I personally would not wish to stay in Thailand at all!

This of course doesn't mean that I do not like Thailand because I certainly do like it. I love the Thai people who generally are an honest, open, hard working and happy people.

They constantly amaze me with their ability to smile even under the most horrendous circumstances, I think that the Westerners could learn a lot from the Thai people when occasionally falling into the trap of self pity as many on this forum seem to do so efficiently.

When I married my wife and we discussed where we wanted to live, I suggested that we would possibly be better off in her home village near her Mum and Dad, mistakenly thinking that she would welcome this chance to be near her family.

Not a bit of it and she explained that I would never be able to settle in such a quiet community and I would either like most Ex pats up there either become an alcoholic, butterfly or go mad with boredom!

In the event we settled in Pattaya where in her opinion there would be Western people I could meet and make friends with.

After a few visits up to her home village I completely understood that she was 100% right, in my case anyway.

Now after living in Pattaya for the last couple of years I must say that I am completely disillusioned with the place and feel that maybe going mad or becoming an Alcoholic in a remote and rural Issan village would be preferable to being here in Pattaya, constantly having in your face the very worst of most of the low quality Ex pats who infests the bars and whore houses here.

I have seen normal Ex pats come here, marry and within a short time become corrupted (Obsessed bars, sex and drink) as do the Thai workers from Issan who service the needs of these people (in one way or another) and keep pattaya afloat.

Back on topic, the point that I am trying to get across is that it is not Thailand or any other Country that Ex pats find themselves seriously fed up in that is the problem.

The problem lays firmly within ourselves and we are either too tired,too skint or depressed to change the situation.

The escape for me was to take up Cycling (another obsession) and thus take the mental pressure off and replace it with the physical exhaustion that takes all mental stress away to the extent that one says "F++K it!

In other words if for one reason or another you cannot change the circumstances you are enduring then change the day to day itinerary.

Like i say biking every other day changed the situation for me, it wasn't a cure but it made me feel better especially after a life time of being an achiever, the trips around the lake gave me a sense of satisfaction and took the edge of my self inflicted stress!

I realise that I have gone a bit in this post, felt like I could have said a lot more as well, like I said most of the rants about Thailand on TV are in my opinion self in inflicted problems and with a little self motivation, circumstance could be changed for the better

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Nice post, and yes exercise will go a long way to curing/staving off incipient depression.

But sounds to me if you can afford to, you should try another place to live, perhaps Hua Hin or even Chiang Mai. Both offer a lot of options for expat company at a bit lower incidence of outright insanity, and the quality of the Thais in the area is exponentially better.

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I think writing it thais instead of Thais is disrespectful. Remember, when you pout a finger, three more point back a you.

You make a good point. When I first started writing on line 25 years ago (CompuServe) I typed everything in caps at was easier than upper and lower case. It was only a few lines till someone informed me that it was shouting and impolite, so I changed. There are posters here who don't capitalize countries and even after being told this is impolite they continue to do so. It makes me think they are low class slugs. I find typing in all lower case is just as offensive as typing in all upper case.

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clap2.gif no its no clear at all!

bravo you turned the usual hot topic (that come back quite often) into a farcical one( look at your post #22)

and by the way as i said, its the SUM of the daily small rant from everyone (about the bad news, the scams, murders, stupidity etc etc the list is so long) that give this overwhelming feeling of hate... when its just a tiny rant from different members.

Well I am not going to deny what you say. It is certainly true.

I was just wondering what would be on that list if it was restricted to Things that only happen in Thailand.

Or another list where people posted the good experiences they had with a Thai.

I know for my self I have a list that is not good of the experiences I have had with my Thai wife. But it is far outweighed by the list of good things.

"Or another list where people posted the good experiences they had with a Thai."

Well i remember that one or two months ago, a thai apologist tv member did open a thread about the positive things here. His aims was to counter balance all the nasty topic we read everyday. Well it was a total flop...

The topic did attract only few replies. So maybe tv member are only interested in ventilating or maybe they are all mad, who knows?!

But what i found absolutely fabulous, its we do share our experience, our knowledge, good or bad. Someone failure will be someone else success. And we can all be very grateful to TV.

Well there is some truth in what you say. But you are cherry picking topics. I started one a few months back about the Thai's spending the time with you when you were hospitalized whether you needed them or not. On one specific item I got a tremendous positive response.

The fact of the matter is that most Thai bashers are sitting at their machine most of the day looking for an opportunity to bash where as apologists have other things to do with their Thai friends.

It is not exactly a secret here on Thai Visa that a lot of the posters get there information from various bars. Or the fact that some of the supposedly ripped off farangs are just plain lonely old men who have had it happen to them before yet continue to carry on the practice because they don't feel lonely while it is happening to them. I personally know one old fellow from the UK who has lost two houses. Yet he remains here in Thailand looking for Mrs. right. Every time he thinks he is on to one she turns out to be 40 years younger. We don't hear that part of the story.

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Nice post, and yes exercise will go a long way to curing/staving off incipient depression.

But sounds to me if you can afford to, you should try another place to live, perhaps Hua Hin or even Chiang Mai. Both offer a lot of options for expat company at a bit lower incidence of outright insanity, and the quality of the Thais in the area is exponentially better.

Yes wym we are working on it , house up for sale ETC

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as you say - thais are individuals. so it goes that thaivsa posters are individuals. so you are employing an obvious double standard to a question which is subjective to all individuals.

if i asked the question: why do so many thais hate foreigners. then you would answer with your original comment that 'all thais are individuals'. so can you see the total hypocricy of your question?

Edited by jonesthebaker
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I think writing it thais instead of Thais is disrespectful. Remember, when you pout a finger, three more point back a you.

You make a good point. When I first started writing on line 25 years ago (CompuServe) I typed everything in caps at was easier than upper and lower case. It was only a few lines till someone informed me that it was shouting and impolite, so I changed. There are posters here who don't capitalize countries and even after being told this is impolite they continue to do so. It makes me think they are low class slugs. I find typing in all lower case is just as offensive as typing in all upper case.

Don't be completely clueless.

When I use a keyboard, I type properly, when I use an android tablet, no keyboard and one handed, so no capitals.

Not everyone uses the same input equipment. Caps on tabs is hard work.

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I think writing it thais instead of Thais is disrespectful. Remember, when you pout a finger, three more point back a you.

You make a good point. When I first started writing on line 25 years ago (CompuServe) I typed everything in caps at was easier than upper and lower case. It was only a few lines till someone informed me that it was shouting and impolite, so I changed. There are posters here who don't capitalize countries and even after being told this is impolite they continue to do so. It makes me think they are low class slugs. I find typing in all lower case is just as offensive as typing in all upper case.

Don't be completely clueless.

When I use a keyboard, I type properly, when I use an android tablet, no keyboard and one handed, so no capitals.

Not everyone uses the same input equipment. Caps on tabs is hard work.

Ya right. My tablet instructions. Hope this helps.

In Alphabetic mode, you see keys from A through Z in lowercase. You also see a Shift key for producing capital letters, and a Delete key, which works to backspace and erase.


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I know what you mean. Why I remember reading a thread about a guy who accused all Thais of having no shame or morals because they overcharged him 5 baht on a cup of coffee. Imagine confusing a 5 baht overcharge with shame and morals and worse applying his judgement to all Thai people because of his experience.

I don't know what to say.

I don't know what makes Farang so bitter. Especially over 5 baht.

It's not the amount, it's the principle.

When living in Thailand, not just passing through, it's gets tiresome constantly being overcharged for being a farang.

It's not the amount it's the principle eh? What an incredible line of malarkey. When you rob a bank the difference between a felony and a misdemeanor is the amount.

When you go to war it is the amount of men killed that determines the winner of the battle not the principle of the thing.

When you fall in love with a girl it is the amount of men before you which makes her a good catch or a last resort. It is not the fact you were not the first one. It is the fact that you were not 10,001 that makes a difference.

When you get a speeding ticket it is the amount over the limit not the principle that you were speeding. 5 over and you get a warning 55 over and you go to jail.

When you get stopped with booze on your breath it is not the fact that you drank and drove but how much you drank. 1 drink is OK 20 and you are going to jail.

When I went to confession the priest asked me what were my sins. I said, I had sex. He said how many times? I said 4 times a day for the ten years I lived in Pattaya. That was ten years ago and I'm still saying Hail Mary's every day. biggrin.png.pagespeed.ce.XhpYJIv77v.png alt=biggrin.png pagespeed_url_hash=14303579 width=20 height=20>

The subtle reference to the OP himself in the initial quote above: priceless. The retort to thaibeachlovers: a thousand baht per word.

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(Thailand is a third world country, most Thai ladies behave accordingly. If you think anything different you are fooling yourself, for them farangs are there for topping up their family income, you are an ATM, how dare you speak) Above is a quote from another thread, (another stated if you want love get a dog as you will not get it from a thai). These comments in brackets are not uncommon, and certainly prove my point as to people's negative feelings in no uncertain terms. I have seen my share of shady characters in Thailand however it's disappointing to see the majority get judged by the minority, even if the minority is out in force and large in number. Sent from my iPad using Thaivisa Connect Thailand

For perspective ...

The first quote the OP was too lazy to render is ...

Thailand is a third world country, most Thai ladies behave accordingly. If you think anything different you are fooling yourself, for them farangs are there for topping up their family income, you are an ATM, how dare you speak

... a new member with 8 posts.

As for ... "if you want love get a dog as you will not get it from a thai" ... I couldn't find it.

Maybe the OP, who used this as a focal point of his OP might be kind enough the render the original quote ... rolleyes.gif

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(Thailand is a third world country, most Thai ladies behave accordingly. If you think anything different you are fooling yourself, for them farangs are there for topping up their family income, you are an ATM, how dare you speak) Above is a quote from another thread, (another stated if you want love get a dog as you will not get it from a thai). These comments in brackets are not uncommon, and certainly prove my point as to people's negative feelings in no uncertain terms. I have seen my share of shady characters in Thailand however it's disappointing to see the majority get judged by the minority, even if the minority is out in force and large in number. Sent from my iPad using Thaivisa Connect Thailand

For perspective ...

The first quote the OP was too lazy to render is ...

Thailand is a third world country, most Thai ladies behave accordingly. If you think anything different you are fooling yourself, for them farangs are there for topping up their family income, you are an ATM, how dare you speak

... a new member with 8 posts.

As for ... "if you want love get a dog as you will not get it from a thai" ... I couldn't find it.

Maybe the OP, who used this as a focal point of his OP might be kind enough the render the original quote ... rolleyes.gif

Separately, Lock your girlfriend and your dog in the car boot, and see which one is happier to see you afterwards


I come home steaming up the soi, the bang kaew wants to lick my balls, the mrs wants to kick them.

Toss a sausage to the dog, he goes into overdrive, the mrs goes into bersek mode, please explain.

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Imagine if Thais had flocked to the UK, say, or France, for vacations and as a retirement home. And every time they went out the British or French would say the word "Chinky" to each other, so that the Thais would hear that word "Chinky" all day long. And imagine if when a Thai bought something that 50% of the time the white person would charge them double the going rate or otherwise try to cheat them. And imagine if when a Thai person complained they would often get shouted at and abused as the white people considered entitled to abuse Thai people, seeing them as beneath whites. And imagine if sometimes if a Thai person got a little too upperty that the white people would all attack at once, seeing it as an opportunity to give a Thai person a beating and send them to hospital. Granted, not all white people would do these things, but a sizeable proportion.

Then, is it possible that Thais would just start disliking the locals, maybe not mixing with them at all unless necessary and may even post online about their experience and express negative feelings towards the locals?

Yeah, think about it like that and what surprises me is how little hate and negativity there actually is about Thais, because the above is for many exactly what they experience from many Thais every single day.

Unlike 'Chinky', 'Farang' is not a racist term - as discussed several times before on this forum, it is simply a word which evolved from how Arab merchants called 'Franks' to refer to White Europeans. I don't understand what is so insulting about this.

I also must ask, have you actually been beaten, or did you get that impression from the news articles posted on this website. Because there really aren't that many people complaining about all the issues you seem to be having. You are also free to emigrate away, you know.

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Imagine if Thais had flocked to the UK, say, or France, for vacations and as a retirement home. And every time they went out the British or French would say the word "Chinky" to each other, so that the Thais would hear that word "Chinky" all day long. And imagine if when a Thai bought something that 50% of the time the white person would charge them double the going rate or otherwise try to cheat them. And imagine if when a Thai person complained they would often get shouted at and abused as the white people considered entitled to abuse Thai people, seeing them as beneath whites. And imagine if sometimes if a Thai person got a little too upperty that the white people would all attack at once, seeing it as an opportunity to give a Thai person a beating and send them to hospital. Granted, not all white people would do these things, but a sizeable proportion.

Then, is it possible that Thais would just start disliking the locals, maybe not mixing with them at all unless necessary and may even post online about their experience and express negative feelings towards the locals?

Yeah, think about it like that and what surprises me is how little hate and negativity there actually is about Thais, because the above is for many exactly what they experience from many Thais every single day.

Unlike 'Chinky', 'Farang' is not a racist term - as discussed several times before on this forum, it is simply a word which evolved from how Arab merchants called 'Franks' to refer to White Europeans. I don't understand what is so insulting about this.

I also must ask, have you actually been beaten, or did you get that impression from the news articles posted on this website. Because there really aren't that many people complaining about all the issues you seem to be having. You are also free to emigrate away, you know.

And 'Chinky' is just a word that evolved from shortening 'Chinese', hard to see how anyone could really object.

Brit, Aussie, Frenchy, Paki, Abo, Nip, all same, same.

By your reasoning, changing 'Negro' a little bit, should also be OK.

Edited by FiftyTwo
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