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Hansum Man - Too Much


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I need to see his picture to be able to comment on this,555.

I'll be seeing him in a couple of days.

I'm sure he'd reply that he'd swap his photo for your number ... rolleyes.gif.pagespeed.ce.hZ59UWKk-s.gif alt=rolleyes.gif pagespeed_url_hash=2070704717 width=20 height=20>

He's a Cheeky little Steggle he is.

555, that is alright, I'll give him my evil twin number.

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So if:

3 people having sex is a threesome

2 people having sex is a twosome

Then what exactly do they mean when they say handsome man?

Threesome = 3

Sandwich = 2

Handsome = ? …Perhaps hand some (money)? facepalm.gif

When I build my house an older man selling souvenirs at the beach walked by every day. One day he stopped, pointed at the house and asked me in the little farang-language he could speak: »Sowy...! How much?«

It’s polite Thai to ask that question, so I can say how much and make face…!

I politely told him the price in Thai, he was thinking hard for a moment, then he put his hand to my shoulder and said: »Oh, you very handsum man…!« biggrin.png

Think Thais believe “satang” (money, rich) in farang is pronounced: “handsum”…! thumbsup.gif

Hmm, that may be why the young hardworking girls where I live, always looks for “handsum man” – I believe they are dreaming about “the knight on the white horse”; or at least in the white Lamborghini – after some time (years) however they begin looking for a “boyfriend”; perhaps they learned the farang-meaning of “handsum”? whistling.gif

When one of the young gorgeous looking girls finally one day proudly presents me for her “boyfriend”, I often quietly think: »A pretty woman like her, should have done better…!« sad.png

I wai and shake hands with the fellow – and when she ads the comment: »He’s a good man…!« then I know she now improved her English: Satang (money, rich) = Good man…! wink.png

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You make me laugh. I have a friend, 30 years old 6.2' on the skinny model side. Loves to drink, eat spicy Thai seafood.

Every day in Thailand, waitresses in Irish pubs and bar girls come up to him and try to give him there phone number.

Saying "no money, no money" call me you take me. This is no BS, story. I was the fat older buddy sitting/walking beside

him when this stuff was happening. This is not a story of a friend of a friend. I also experienced the tap on the shoulder and

a girl ask me would your friend be interested in going out with my friend while we were in Bangkok. She drove me back to our

hotel in her Mercedes (dropped me off) Took him back to her place. It was a one night thing as we were off to Phuket the next day.

She offered to fly him back to Thailand from Canada any time. He of course did not bother to get her number. So can you be too

good looking, HELL NO. For him it was very much " Honey, no Money" I went to Thailand with him three times, and it was the

same every trip. Many may doubt but this is a 100% true story. coffee1.gif

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You make me laugh. I have a friend, 30 years old 6.2' on the skinny model side. Loves to drink, eat spicy Thai seafood.

Every day in Thailand, waitresses in Irish pubs and bar girls come up to him and try to give him there phone number.

Saying "no money, no money" call me you take me. This is no BS, story. I was the fat older buddy sitting/walking beside

him when this stuff was happening. This is not a story of a friend of a friend. I also experienced the tap on the shoulder and

a girl ask me would your friend be interested in going out with my friend while we were in Bangkok. She drove me back to our

hotel in her Mercedes (dropped me off) Took him back to her place. It was a one night thing as we were off to Phuket the next day.

She offered to fly him back to Thailand from Canada any time. He of course did not bother to get her number. So can you be too

good looking, HELL NO. For him it was very much " Honey, no Money" I went to Thailand with him three times, and it was the

same every trip. Many may doubt but this is a 100% true story. coffee1.gif

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You make me laugh. I have a friend, 30 years old 6.2' on the skinny model side. Loves to drink, eat spicy Thai seafood.

Every day in Thailand, waitresses in Irish pubs and bar girls come up to him and try to give him there phone number.

Saying "no money, no money" call me you take me. This is no BS, story. I was the fat older buddy sitting/walking beside

him when this stuff was happening. This is not a story of a friend of a friend. I also experienced the tap on the shoulder and

a girl ask me would your friend be interested in going out with my friend while we were in Bangkok. She drove me back to our

hotel in her Mercedes (dropped me off) Took him back to her place. It was a one night thing as we were off to Phuket the next day.

She offered to fly him back to Thailand from Canada any time. He of course did not bother to get her number. So can you be too

good looking, HELL NO. For him it was very much " Honey, no Money" I went to Thailand with him three times, and it was the

same every trip. Many may doubt but this is a 100% true story. coffee1.gif

So this super-stud friend of yours never even bothered to throw you some crumbs? No sloppy-seconds? Some friend!

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You make me laugh. I have a friend, 30 years old 6.2' on the skinny model side. Loves to drink, eat spicy Thai seafood.

Every day in Thailand, waitresses in Irish pubs and bar girls come up to him and try to give him there phone number.

Saying "no money, no money" call me you take me. This is no BS, story. I was the fat older buddy sitting/walking beside

him when this stuff was happening. This is not a story of a friend of a friend. I also experienced the tap on the shoulder and

a girl ask me would your friend be interested in going out with my friend while we were in Bangkok. She drove me back to our

hotel in her Mercedes (dropped me off) Took him back to her place. It was a one night thing as we were off to Phuket the next day.

She offered to fly him back to Thailand from Canada any time. He of course did not bother to get her number. So can you be too

good looking, HELL NO. For him it was very much " Honey, no Money" I went to Thailand with him three times, and it was the

same every trip. Many may doubt but this is a 100% true story. coffee1.gif

I agree............rolleyes.gif ...................coffee1.gif

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You make me laugh. I have a friend, 30 years old 6.2' on the skinny model side. Loves to drink, eat spicy Thai seafood.

Every day in Thailand, waitresses in Irish pubs and bar girls come up to him and try to give him there phone number.

Saying "no money, no money" call me you take me. This is no BS, story. I was the fat older buddy sitting/walking beside

him when this stuff was happening. This is not a story of a friend of a friend. I also experienced the tap on the shoulder and

a girl ask me would your friend be interested in going out with my friend while we were in Bangkok. She drove me back to our

hotel in her Mercedes (dropped me off) Took him back to her place. It was a one night thing as we were off to Phuket the next day.

She offered to fly him back to Thailand from Canada any time. He of course did not bother to get her number. So can you be too

good looking, HELL NO. For him it was very much " Honey, no Money" I went to Thailand with him three times, and it was the

same every trip. Many may doubt but this is a 100% true story. coffee1.gif

Ha, ha, ha – good story. biggrin.png
I know a gorgeous looking Thai girl – or lady, as she is in her late 20’ies or around 30 – owner of a fashion shop and of course dressing well, but also sexy. She may carefully pick a handsome your farang tourist in a disco – and he has to be both extremely handsome and lucky at the same time – and they will end up in his hotel room. whistling.gifShe always leave early in the morning and make sure he’s awake; and just before departing the room she will slash five 1000-baht notes on the bed – as she told me: »He shall not believe he bought me; no way, I am buying him…!« cheesy.gif
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David48 – are you trying to tell me I'm not handsum? sad.png


I am sure you are very handsome man ... thumbsup.gif

I have heard good reports about you!

Oh, thank you so much, David48…! wai.gif
So this has already been reported to you? whistling.gif
I began to worry, because the other day on the way to a live music venue – I had heard about a new from Jamaica imported reggae band I wished to check out – I had to pass a bar area. Two young good looking girls jumped out in the narrow street right in front of me and blocked my way, the one said: »We go with you?«
Before I could think about something to say other than an impolite “no way”, the other girl added: »We love you…!«
»Oh, no – you love my money,« now I was able to make a instantly reply.
»No, no,« the first girl answered: »we love your dance last night at Black Moon Party – we go with you for free…!«
Suddenly three more girls came out from the bar – ups, all five wanted to go with me – for free…!
However one of the three extra ladies was, in my humble opinion, past last selling date, so to be polite and no-one loose face, I had to say something like five was too many – hello, I’m supposed to be an elderly gentleman – and send the latest arrivals back to where they belonged.
Still confused about what to say to the first two girls, who quickly had begun a conversation and already told their names and age, Om 19 and Lek 20, I wished to make a move to the music venue down the road. Then one said: »Wait, we pay bar fines our self and go with you…!«
The girls didn’t say it, so I am glad David48 is sure I’m (still) a “very handsome man”…! tongue.png
But what does one do in such a situation? w00t.gif
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Let me clarify it for the OP, bar girls don't go with young guys for two reasons, fuc_k too long and no money. Bar girls like older guys because fuc_k quickly and have more money. So mr OP, get your head out of your ass and wise up, it has nothing to do with your looks. If you survive to an older age in Thailand, you too may reap the rewards of age. Good luck.

Seriously wrong.

1. Shag too long? What do you think all those old boys are queuing up for at the pharmacy if not those little blue pills?

It is my direct experience that I take a LOT longer now that I'm older than I did in my youth.

Viagra and Cialis, which I only take for multi-provider marathon sessions, rarely bother these days since K11 closed down, makes me last MUCH longer, sometimes to the point where I really want to wack it with a stick "down boy down"!

Now as to whether this is a good thing or not from the POV of your bedmate depends on her as an individual, more or less independently (again in my experience) of the extent your relationship with her is a transactional one. Those that enjoy themselves in bed are happy if you take a long time, while those performing just to please you (whatever their motives) will be checking their watch, wishing you were quicker.

Of course pro's in the game for a long time will tend to get jaded, and have learned to simulate in either direction - enthusiasm if they want to make you feel like a big man, or hiding their pleasure if showing it causes them shame.

My ideal is a relative noobie who's never had the big O, and you're the first to put her over the top, out of control shaking and screaming, overcome with shock and wonder after it's over.

Rare but can be found - IF you're doing it right.

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A friend told me his personality wins every time. And he's butt-ugly enough to stop the Pamplona bull rush in its tracks.

I know someone just like that.

He has a model girlfriend less than half his age and he is not loaded.

First Rule when dating the fairer (good looking) sex ... never tell a pretty girl she's pretty ... every man tells her that.

Make her laugh ... and you're away.

Worked with my wife.

She saw my todger and we were away.

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I know a gorgeous looking Thai girl – or lady, as she is in her late 20’ies or around 30 – owner of a fashion shop and of course dressing well, but also sexy. She may carefully pick a handsome your farang tourist in a disco – and he has to be both extremely handsome and lucky at the same time – and they will end up in his hotel room. whistling.gifShe always leave early in the morning and make sure he’s awake; and just before departing the room she will slash five 1000-baht notes on the bed – as she told me: »He shall not believe he bought me; no way, I am buying him…!« cheesy.gif

Hmmm. A "gorgeous" Thai girl paying 5,000 bt for sex? Either this lady is beyond butt-ugly, or she's the stupidest Thai girl alive. Or else she's married to an old fart and is spending his money! Otherwise, just not believable.

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I know a gorgeous looking Thai girl – or lady, as she is in her late 20’ies or around 30 – owner of a fashion shop and of course dressing well, but also sexy. She may carefully pick a handsome your farang tourist in a disco – and he has to be both extremely handsome and lucky at the same time – and they will end up in his hotel room. whistling.gifShe always leave early in the morning and make sure he’s awake; and just before departing the room she will slash five 1000-baht notes on the bed – as she told me: »He shall not believe he bought me; no way, I am buying him…!« cheesy.gif

Hmmm. A "gorgeous" Thai girl paying 5,000 bt for sex? Either this lady is beyond butt-ugly, or she's the stupidest Thai girl alive. Or else she's married to an old fart and is spending his money! Otherwise, just not believable.

Kinda girl I want...one that pisses money

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I know a gorgeous looking Thai girl – or lady, as she is in her late 20’ies or around 30 – owner of a fashion shop and of course dressing well, but also sexy. She may carefully pick a handsome your farang tourist in a disco – and he has to be both extremely handsome and lucky at the same time – and they will end up in his hotel room. whistling.gifShe always leave early in the morning and make sure he’s awake; and just before departing the room she will slash five 1000-baht notes on the bed – as she told me: »He shall not believe he bought me; no way, I am buying him…!« cheesy.gif

Hmmm. A "gorgeous" Thai girl paying 5,000 bt for sex? Either this lady is beyond butt-ugly, or she's the stupidest Thai girl alive. Or else she's married to an old fart and is spending his money! Otherwise, just not believable.

Kinda girl I want...one that pisses money

Don't we all. But it defies logic, don't you think? Any below average girl--nevermind "gorgeous"--can find free sex with an above average guy. Can you imagine a Thai girl throwing around 5K to some random guy? Not unless she's much older and the dude is a pro.

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lots of delusional members on this post. The first 5 posts anyway

Hey ... I resemble that!

I'm the OP.

It's all a bit of fun ... sometimes this place can be a little too serious to be enjoyable.

When I hear a good story from a mate, or remember on from my early days ... I like to share.

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I know a gorgeous looking Thai girl – or lady, as she is in her late 20’ies or around 30 – owner of a fashion shop and of course dressing well, but also sexy. She may carefully pick a handsome your farang tourist in a disco – and he has to be both extremely handsome and lucky at the same time – and they will end up in his hotel room. whistling.gifShe always leave early in the morning and make sure he’s awake; and just before departing the room she will slash five 1000-baht notes on the bed – as she told me: »He shall not believe he bought me; no way, I am buying him…!« cheesy.gif

Hmmm. A "gorgeous" Thai girl paying 5,000 bt for sex? Either this lady is beyond butt-ugly, or she's the stupidest Thai girl alive. Or else she's married to an old fart and is spending his money! Otherwise, just not believable.

Kinda girl I want...one that pisses money

Don't we all. But it defies logic, don't you think? Any below average girl--nevermind "gorgeous"--can find free sex with an above average guy. Can you imagine a Thai girl throwing around 5K to some random guy? Not unless she's much older and the dude is a pro.

Thats why brothels exist.

However, there are a few male gigolos about offering their European lineage and good young looks for a fee.

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  • 10 months later...

Tell the girl, the 'handsomeness' does actually not count. what is more important is :

A) you 've got money

cool.png you 've got money

C) you are NOT a Kee niaow

P.S. i don't know how to make B and a double point look like B and a double point, instead of

makin it look like a yellowhead with sunglasses . . but this maybe has to do with my not being

hansumm enough

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The goal for bargirls seems to be 'find a foreigner that will go home and send you money'. So yeah, guys that can meet attractive women outside the bar are not the mark. Guys that look like they know their way around and/or can speak Thai would be a waste of time for them too.

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I was handsome, a long time ago. But..

What I find now is that the older I get the more I can get away with.

I call everyone "Love", no-one seems to care, even the sexy bar-girl with big tits.

I'm not a "threat" any more.

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