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Big visa problem advice needed please help!


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Pretend. Tell her you love her and you are sorry. Buy her something nice. All of this will buy you the time you need to get your head straight, then, ditch her when YOU are ready, and when she can no longer hurt your visa status.

Never too good to play with someone's feelings, especially women's who hardly drop the matter when they feel they have been cheated

There is always a way to hurt someone: I wouldn't bet on the strategy you are advising

As to the Op, really nothing to worry about, especially when she is the one to have found the company

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I have just called my internship supervisor. Explained my whole situation about my now ex-gf (They all know her in this company). The supervisor said It is up to the manager. So I assume this means I have no saying in this and it is in the hands of my ex, I know she can influence the manager easily, so that is a dead end for sure now. I said I wanted to talk with the manager, they told me he is busy the whole day in meetings. So now I guess she already contacted him and now he is ignoring me.

In addition, I have also send an E-mail to my university in my homecountry, saying I had a problem with this company and I hereby declare the internship failed. I have also gave them all the personal information of my ex to my school, saying that this person might be a grave danger to my well being while I am in Thailand at the moment. I don't know if this is helpful or not, but I hope with this, the uni will contact the Embassy in BKK about this and maybe warrant an arrest for my ex. I really hope they will confine her or at least warn her. So she knows she is exposed to national and international authorities. Am I bein paranoid or is this a sensible thing to do to protect myself?

So now the internship is not of importance to me anymore. I am only worried about any damage she can do to me. I just need to make sure she can't do anything to my Visa that I am holding right now while I am in Thailand at the moment. She treatens me to contact immigration and my home country's embassy to make my visa invalid. She said the company can prove that I never did an internship at that company and deny everything, in this way to make my ED visa Illegal. This worries me.

I'm starting to think this isn't for real.

Everyone's been telling you to take a chill pill, not much she can really do, and you've pulled the plug on your whole reason for being here and NOW escalated the conflict to the point where she and perhaps some powerful allies will have a REAL motive to do you real harm.

So before I was saying don't worry about anything, now I'm saying you should worry, and it's entirely self-inflicted.

I'd actually advise maybe you should head out of the country - but I'm getting the feeling this whole psychodrama is a troll concocted for your sick amusement. If I'm wrong I apologize, but I just can't believe anyone would be so stupid.

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This is exactly how the name "Land of Smiles" came about.

"my student visa is invalid because I am not really doing an internship".......well, get an ED visa for a year and start over above board. good luck in the LOS.


Of course you need not attend the classes once you get the visa......:D

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I don't see where the problem lies. If your internship is part of a proper study course from a recognised educational institution overseas, and the company has sponsored you for that internship, your Ed. visa should be valid in the circumstances.

The saying goes: "Hell hath no fury like a woman scorned" but in your case, I think it will be impotent fury.

Relax and enjoy your stay.

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You're here to study and you sometimes go to that company to hang-out with your friends.

Working! Who told you that? My crazy ex-gf ?

Simple as that.

If you don't have any of the following then don't worry...

Work Contract.

Work Telephone Number / Work mobile phone.

Work Business Card.

Work Desk, Computer & system login details.

That list is not all inclusive. For example...musicians cannot perform..thus no guitar..etc..etc..

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I think you are overreacting and paranoid about your situation...

If you feel so much in danger......Why you didn't move already? If you lose your internship, you can change your visa, and stay here without any problem until find a better situation...or just enjoy your shorter stay. Be sure that your GF cannot get your new address or phone info and it is all.

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To update and answer some questions.

I did not cheat on her, I would never do that. I Just don't possess such behaviour. Not even in Thailand where it is very easy for farangs. I do not want to hurt her in any way. I take all my relationships with women serious, that might be the unfortunate reason why I'm still with her, come to think of it now..

I apologize if I came off as trolling. And also apologize for not giving more detailed info on how I gotten in this situation and my relationship with her. Some things sounds unbelievable, but for those who experienced similar or could place oneself in my shoes would understand. Our relationship is very complex and not easy to express it in words, I might need to open a new tread for that. But I made this tread to inquire on advice for my potential and imminent visa and/or immigration issues.

I now am not worried anymore about her doing anything to my visa status or problems with immigration. I really appreciate the advice given, it has given me a certain peace of mind that she can't do the stuff she treatens she would do. Therefore, with all the advice assimilated in this tread, I can conclude the visa and immigration treats obsolute.

She is now in bed watching TV and ignoring me totally. When she woke up this morning, I went out to buy breakfast. We ate breakfast together, in silence. After that she did the dishes and went to bed and just watch TV. From the moment she went to sleep last night until the present moment while I'm typing this, she hasn't said a single word!

Last night all hell broke loose and she wanted to break up, wanted me to leave Thailand next month otherwise she would make problems for me, which after the fight, I opened this tread for advice. I really do want to break up with her and ''kick'' her out my apartment, so to speak. But I'm affraid it would anger her more and trigger more treats, which even if it was just bluff last night, it might be real this time. I try to talk with her but she just ignores me and watch TV and occasionally check her facebook page. Does she wants to break up or what is going on here?

I really don't understand this one, she is so different from my past girlfriends.

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You're probably still together. Silent treatment for a few days and then back to normal.

It's a sweeping generalisation but I've found with Thai girls you really need to be stress quite bluntly that it's over. I don't mean shout it in their faces, but using tact and trying to soften the blow often just creates confusion and the impression that it's a temporary break / set-back rather than a split.

Can't believe you contacted your uni and told them the internship was a failure though. That really was jumping ahead too far. I'd suggest emailing them back and saying the situation is under control- not point burning your own bridges.

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Step one. Stand up and say 'I am a gullible fool'

Step two. Go to the mirror and repeat 'I am a gullible fool' until you accept it as the truth.

At this point you are in a much better position to make reasonable decisions.

Yes she can call your company, if you have reasonably mature HR people just tell them the truth, you were a gullible fool and ended up with the wrong girl.

On the embassy front, they do not have time for you, quite frankly I doubt they will care, if you think it is only you that has a disgruntled girlfriend in Thailand I'm sure the Embassy will also point you in the direction of the two step programme above.

Good luck

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I find myself really enjoying some of the TVM's comments on this topic.

Normally I would not make a comment on the comments but

today most are quite funny!

Fear can be a great motivator at times.clap2.gif

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I think it would be a good idea for you to explain how long you've known this girl and your relationship with her.

Although you'll get some silly replies. there will be some replies of value from people with more life experience, and you'll get a better perspective of everything yourself just from writing it all down.

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She wants to give you big trouble and you still sleep next to her ???

Is she so hot ??. A lot of TV members is wiling to help you mitigate your risk of being cut off by taking you place in bed.

Any picture of the ferocious animal that is threatening to rip you .?

Don't worry too much. You can always apply to another company for your internship.

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After your last post it looks like nothing is the matter, she'll give you the silent treatment for as long as she feels like it.

Maybe you can say what set her of, possible something insignificant or something lost in translation blowing it out of proportions.

Give her a good f..k and you'll be back to normal in no time :P

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Ignore her..... She's full of shit......move on.

If she does make it a problem the company will also get in trouble and she recommended you to them. Your problem will be her problem.

Every Thai girl I separated from has said this to me in one way or another. They are jealous and desperate bless them.

She'll always take you back never forget that!!

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You talked to much to her and shared vital information. This is always a big mistake, even my closest buddies do not need to know everything about me. Today a buddy and tomorrow an archfiend. How often does that not happen?

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You do have a serious problem and that is that you worry too much. The real measure of people is not in how they handle success but in how they deal with problems both real and imagined.

If your visa and internship are all above board I doubt if there will be a problem as a result of some woman scorned. You have the upper hand and as shown in earlier posts you also have options. She on the other hand has a poor hand and I think you can call her bluff.

More importantly be positive and stop worrying. This country can destroy people who are always on the back foot.

Girlfriends are a national industry here so go out and find another one who is not so needy and malicious.

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ah,the memories.... :)

can you do a good impression of a crazy person?

the last mad,bad,and dangerous Thai GF I had,(before I met my current GF who is a total sweetheart)

threatened to throw herself off the 12th floor balcony when I finished with her,

I promptly "bulged the eyes,assumed a mad stare" picked her up and walked over to near the balcony while saying "ok,if that's what you REALLY want,I'll do it for you!"

She promptly changed her mind about threatening suicide,and all her other plans to kill/mutilate/castrate/have her family attack me went out the window(or off the balcony as it were :P )

she pronounced me "Falang Baa"...and that's when my Thai nickname got changed from Look Maa(little dog,a joke cause I'm a big lad) to MAA BAA(Mad Dog,I kinda like it,so do my friends),

just a thought,everybody seems cowed by the Thai reputation for crazy (both Men and Women),but if you can do a Lethal Weapon on them("do you REALLY wanna jump?") it is one way to stop the childish nonsense.

Of course what works for me may not for you,

think about it though,

Also be wary of massive amounts of hypocrisy in this thread as former whoor-mongers who spent more time in bars with "lady bar" than Stickman on report in the past attack you in great numbers for having the indecency to have a "lower class GF".

I sympathise with you totally Robin,

and however you get out of this present jam,hope you are laughing at it as a memory some time in the future,

Good Luck!.

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I do have and am on a ED visa for 1 year. I am really doing an internship in a Thai company which is part of my study in my university in my home country.

I was wondering wether I can protect myself, should she really try to make problems for me at immigration. If a Thai wants a farang deported or jailed or blacklisted on imigration. what would she do?

Unless you are Yinluck's gik,you'll be ok.I hear she is a bit busy at the moment.

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Man, you have a typical scumbag ex TH girlfriend with zero value.

If you have real contact with this company you may get a few questions by immigration but they will see your visa is true and valid.

You do visit this company more, show yourself them.

The TH police and immigration know well about ex girlfriends fairy tail stories, laugh about them, and don't keep so serious.

But if you are scared don't run away to Philippines like a mate before who was scared of an idiot ladyboy, just visit Lao/Malaysia and come back with normal tourist visa, then you have 30 days to organize your other ED visa if you wish.

If your scumbag recognizes you are scared you get more problem.

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I have just called my internship supervisor. Explained my whole situation about my now ex-gf (They all know her in this company). The supervisor said It is up to the manager. So I assume this means I have no saying in this and it is in the hands of my ex, I know she can influence the manager easily, so that is a dead end for sure now. I said I wanted to talk with the manager, they told me he is busy the whole day in meetings. So now I guess she already contacted him and now he is ignoring me.

In addition, I have also send an E-mail to my university in my homecountry, saying I had a problem with this company and I hereby declare the internship failed. I have also gave them all the personal information of my ex to my school, saying that this person might be a grave danger to my well being while I am in Thailand at the moment. I don't know if this is helpful or not, but I hope with this, the uni will contact the Embassy in BKK about this and maybe warrant an arrest for my ex. I really hope they will confine her or at least warn her. So she knows she is exposed to national and international authorities. Am I bein paranoid or is this a sensible thing to do to protect myself?

So now the internship is not of importance to me anymore. I am only worried about any damage she can do to me. I just need to make sure she can't do anything to my Visa that I am holding right now while I am in Thailand at the moment. She treatens me to contact immigration and my home country's embassy to make my visa invalid. She said the company can prove that I never did an internship at that company and deny everything, in this way to make my ED visa Illegal. This worries me.

Man, Man! You are a bit over with your case. ("...warrant an arrest for my ex." I guess you have seen to much hollywood movies.)

Other way you didn't kill anyone so don't be paranoid. This case is not an international conspiring.

Do you Think is this company would like to be involved in a visa fraud ? Impossible .

If your scumbag goes to immigration (I don't think it she dares) and imm. will ask this Co. they will say you have contact with them and show them immediately all the documents of your case. Sure next time they don't give anything for your scumbag's new boyfriend, that's pretty sure.

Calm down Buddy. Guess you are very young, the world doesn't work like you think.

Move, change your phone, forget this idiot and DON"T BE SO SCARED!

Hope your next topic won't be with this title: "lucky escape to Philippines from my crazy ex-GF." wink.png

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