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Bar work


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Bar girls account for less than 10% of prostitutes country wide. The other (over) 90% are Thai women who are in the industry to service Thai men. Prostitution is engrained in Siamese culture, and is controlled and promoted by Thais for Thais. The girls on the beach are the lucky ones maybe, at least they have the chance of hitting the jackpot. The girl in the Thai soapy at best, might be offered a way out as a Mia Noi if she is young and beautiful, but this is rare.

The girls introduced to the Farang trade usually have family members (auntie, mother, sister) or best friend that have or who are working already. That is there way in and it is actively encouraged in their peer group or family circle. Of course for presentation purposes they are working as receptionists in a hotel or as a waitress in a restaurant. Everyone in the village knows the real score though; suspicion is rife, but know one challenges the story.... Face and all that.

So for the OP. I understand where you are coming from, but you only see a fraction of the real degradation of the poorest of women in Thai society. Add to that the abuse and sometimes rape of young girls in village life that is rarely reported, and once is reported a financial sum is arranged to satisfy the aggrieved. So the pretty girl in the bar perhaps has made her choice based on many factors; your idea of a factory hiring just down the road is simply not a reality for many of these girls.

The vast majority of farangs (or visitors, tourists, ex-pats, whatever makes you happy) only see the bargirls in the commercial areas, and this is their image of the sex trade in Thailand. When you move from these commercial areas, or even the outskirts of them, and witness the sex trade 'Thai-style' then you would have a different viewpoint on what is forced and what is a choice.

I think you got that 100% right Ian.

You guys are absolutely right. Pay a visit to any Isaan city and ask a taxi driver to take you to one of the Thai fish bowls/brothels. Then you'll see some real degredation.

By the way, for the OP, watch this: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=r69FlXIKY68 Great documentary that gives a lot of insight into the decision process of going to work in a bar, as well as the backgrounds and living conditions some of these girls come from.

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but you only see a fraction of the real degradation of the poorest of women in Thai society.

Perhaps your avatar is not really appropriate, considering your comments....


Lol... Lovely. Perhaps you should not be so judgemental. It was a great Xmas party. The girls were having a larf, and no sex or mistletoe involved, and absolutely no money changed hands. Though of course any red blooded heterosexual sexual male might have the odd thought cross his mind, or are you a priest?

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I am some what amused with the westerners who bring their home values with them and assume the girls feel the same.

Loss of dignity...

immoral girls...

Feel so sorry for the poor girl...

I wonder how many of these judges partake in the services of the girls they pity so much?.

The salvation army view is not appropriate here.

I know girls who have worked the bars and some who are doing it now.

Not as a client, but on a person to person, every day friend level.

They choose this line of work and actually enjoy it!

The work is easy, fun and exciting.

The hours are great if you like to sleep late and stay up late.

The money is far better than most work available to non university graduates can possibly earn.

They do not feel bad or guilty about it.

The're families are aware of how they earn their money and support them.

They do not want or need your sympathy.

They are doing pretty well and if they manage their money well, they look forward to a nice life with their family when they become too old for the bar life.

If your heart must bleed for someone, take that heart to a country and culture where they need bleeders.


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When it comes to money, for people that are fixated on getting more, there is never enough.

IMO most BGs are much more empowered and have a lot more dignity and control over their life than if they pursued most of the other options open to them given their background.

And it's not just a few that hit the jackpot and end up happily married overseas.

How much dignity and respect does one have in being a slave to the almighty dollar.

How much empowerment and control comes with being a slave to money.

The choice I believe is mentally damaging to them in the long run, it surely can't be denied that they suffer mentally and emotionally from the profession.

Most I believe are unaware of what they are getting into, a rosy picture is painted by friends to seduce them into it, the harsh reality kicks in once they start working, a prostitute once told my father she dates a pimp because she likes to wake up next to someone lower then herself, yet she still does it, a statement like that shows the damage done to her self confidence, not exactly empowering.

Sent from my iPad using Thaivisa Connect Thailand

Dont forget its physically damaging too. One Laos girl who was a star but was booted from Nana because she isnt thai is in a quandry. Does she go back to sex work or continue her training as a hair stylist. She isnt happy doing sex work but it more than pays her bills.

Her goal of finding a good man will just about vanish if she return to servicing men who want to do her. And she knows it. But her prospects for making good money anywhere else are just miniscule.

And remember those of you who thinks its ez work. Its not ez getting men to pay for sex. Just go to any venue a select few have no trubble getting customers. Many do ok. A lot just cant get paying customers.

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...marries men(local marriages only) so they can also take care of her but she hands over all the money she gets tp them and they spend it on their real wives.

Amazing. So she's "married" to a man that has a "real wife", but still works at a bar and gives her "husband" all her money?

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No disrespect, can I ask is anyone here married to or dating a current or former bargirl. You may have interesting insight into the matter. Sent from my iPad using Thaivisa Connect Thailand

My wife use to be a cashier in a bar beer in Phuket. The facts of her employment and circumstances were confirmed by some expats who were living in Phuket & knew her when she managed bungalow holiday rental & kitchen staff for her Western boyfriend. That arrangement ceased when he became addicted to heroin and refused to pay her out. She was offered the bar beer cashier job by a Thai friend. We have now been together for 19 years, 15 in my home country.

When this type of conversation has come up she always states the the 'working girls' or to put in bluntly in a Thai term 'f@#*girls' are always voluntary and are too lazy or dislike the low paid service/factory/farming jobs. Also says that any foreigner who believes the background sob stories are fools. In my home country, some not all, revert to prostitution when their relationship with their husband/BF ends, rather than take on minimum wage jobs.

Edited by simple1
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As foreigners we don't see half of it. The underage boys and girls working the trade. Some of the reasons are;

- Dysfunctional families. To a 15-17 year old, the lure of quick cash vs. a home where there may only be 1 parent, or where there is violence/abuse/drug addiction is an easy choice.

- Debt. The poor of Thailand carry some heavy debt and it's not because of profligate lifestyles. Thailand has minimal social services. Basic education costs money. Medication costs money. Serious illness in the family costs money. A rice farmer that loses a crop to weather doesn't necessarily get compensated. etc. etc.

- Mental illness including drug addiction

- The number of Burmese refugees in the trade has grown. When you are stateless and prevented from receiving an education, despite having been born in Thailand, this is one of the few job options.

- Successive governments have never had the desire, nor the mandate nor the funding to deal with the issue. Thai society as a whole refuses to recognize that damage it causes. It's difficult when the so-called moral pillars of society are implicated up to their eyeballs in either owning, operating or living off the avails of the activity. Have a look at who the largest property owners are and ask yourself, how could they allow brothels and the like to operate on their land, hidden behind a maze of leases and subleases. Thailand doesn't even have a reliable system of STI surveillance for sex workers. It was cut back long ago.

The prostitution trade is neither clean nor civil. It's not about consenting adults. Most of it is about poverty and a social class kept down.

I'm not a socialist nor a social do gooder. For my own sanity, I put the issue to the side long ago as I can't change a thing except govern my own behaviour only. However, I have read the reports, sat in on interviews and seen first hand. This is Thailand's dirty secret that no one wants to acknowledge or talk about. We can go on and on about corruption, but this is one of the results of a society where corruption is the norm, where the state does not want to help and where the people practice a caste system. Despite all the talk of sex trade workers going back to their villages and living the good life, it isn't the reality. They are viewed as social pariahs and while folks may be polite they are looked down upon as are their offspring. When the old bargirls are dying of their cervical cancer associated with their untreated genital warts or the older barboys are dying of HIV, no one is there to care for them except for a few caring Thais at quasi hospices or foreign funded NGOs if they are lucky.

To anyone who dismisses the issue, ask yourself where the sex trade workers go to die and then go and visit one of those places if you have the courage and stomach. It is gut wrenching and depressing. It will change how you see the issue.

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I'm sure there are many reasons why girls and guys work in bars. I think the majority enjoy it and wouldn't want a 9-5 job if you offered it on a plate.

I work on very large motor yachts. Either owned or chartered by some of the wealthiest people out there.

These yachts are not environmentally friendly, waste massive amounts of resources, plus in lots of cases are sexually and racially discriminate.

Like a lot of people who work on these boats, I always say just a couple more years and I'll be done, as I don't agree with lots of aspects within the industry. The truth is, I'm a prostitute (albeit an engineering one) to the wealthy. I could do lots of other jobs but the money and lifestyle just keep pulling me back.

I think we are all slaves to our greed in one way or another...

So deluded . not even in the same area let alone about bar girls. Did you get abused by your family or your Husband beat you, gamble or just pimp you out for money. Did your brother do the same, or did your parents sell , give you away.did some foreigner promise you the world and blatantly lie to you, we a lot of these girls have been there, so like i say not in the same area., you have free will a lot of these girls never had.

Actually, in this case, I think it may be you Thongkorn that is slightly deluded. To me, cornishcarlos has it described just right.

I am certainly not saying that the examples you gave with respect to bargirls does not or hasn't happened, it has of course. But I think today, talking about bargirls and not the rest of the sex industry, these examples happen a lot less than you may imagine. The topic is about choice, I believe a majority of these girls do the work through choice.

I think that the examples he gave were relevant to sailors, not bar girls.

As I understand it there are a lot of mariners who are severely exploited - though probably not in the ocean yachting segment of the industry; probably more in the inshore fishing industry, from what I read in the press


EDIT: Anyway, I think the thread was about flaunting our own moral opinions and judgement, but I can't really get myself worked up enough to join in.

Edited by StreetCowboy
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A lot of there girls come into the business because a friend or family member brings them to work serving drinks and later they move into selling their bodies. It is easy to make money when you are young and sweet but almost all become hardened and start to look old and the money drops and they have to move from dancer to beer bar to bj bar and then back home old and used. Most jobs your income increases with experience and age but not so with bar girls. Some get lucky and find a husband but most just get old and used. Most of these girls are always on the game no matter if in a relationship or not, can't trust them. Too many good girls out there, why get involved with a porcupine.

Sent from my iPhone using ThaiVisa app

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Good for you Kuhn Gazwa. There are certainly diamonds-in-the-rough out there of all persuasions. Seems also there are lots of posts these days that say I care so little of your opinions and what you think of me that I had to let you know how little I care about your opinions and what you think of me.

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No disrespect, can I ask is anyone here married to or dating a current or former bargirl. You may have interesting insight into the matter. Sent from my iPad using Thaivisa Connect Thailand

Yeah Kanga, I've been married to an ex GOGO girl for 5 years. Best wife I've ever had.

Her family were dirt poor, not from Isan, 2 generations born in a tin shed in a squalid soi behind a temple in Ratchaburi.

Family survived by collecting plastic, paper, glass.

Raped when 12 yo by local scum, left school and home at 13 because of emotional probs from rape, gave birth to first child at 14 to boy whose family took her in, he became meth addict.

At age 18 after years of struggle she was approached to go to work in Singapore ( 4 Floors ) Life finally improved ! After 3 years bought first house. Her 10 years of work before I met her improved the life of her whole family.

This is a true story, I have met all of the people in her story, she has photos to back her story, I have spent Songkrans with the relatives still living in the tin shed.

She had no other options. Who would employ an unmarried, uneducated mother of 2? no one. No social security in this country!

Having said all of that, my wife is a beautiful and intelligent woman, how else would she have managed to seperate so much cash from so many tight arsed farang over so many years.

Her only motivation was to care for her kids and give them a better life, which she has done.

I respect her and everything she has achieved and I'm happy to support her and the kids (we now have 4) we have a genuine and loving relationship based on honesty and earned trust.

To each his own, but to any who may choose to denigrate the people who choose to work in the sex industry, I say, who are you to talk, till you've walked in their shoes.

And to all you flaming, nit picking, holier than thou wowser types out there, this is my life and I'm happy with it so post away, your opinions mean didly to me!

Nice story, Mr. Gazwa. Rock on.

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No disrespect, can I ask is anyone here married to or dating a current or former bargirl. You may have interesting insight into the matter. Sent from my iPad using Thaivisa Connect Thailand

Yeah Kanga, I've been married to an ex GOGO girl for 5 years. Best wife I've ever had.

Her family were dirt poor, not from Isan, 2 generations born in a tin shed in a squalid soi behind a temple in Ratchaburi.

Family survived by collecting plastic, paper, glass.

Raped when 12 yo by local scum, left school and home at 13 because of emotional probs from rape, gave birth to first child at 14 to boy whose family took her in, he became meth addict.

At age 18 after years of struggle she was approached to go to work in Singapore ( 4 Floors ) Life finally improved ! After 3 years bought first house. Her 10 years of work before I met her improved the life of her whole family.

This is a true story, I have met all of the people in her story, she has photos to back her story, I have spent Songkrans with the relatives still living in the tin shed.

She had no other options. Who would employ an unmarried, uneducated mother of 2? no one. No social security in this country!

Having said all of that, my wife is a beautiful and intelligent woman, how else would she have managed to seperate so much cash from so many tight arsed farang over so many years.

Her only motivation was to care for her kids and give them a better life, which she has done.

I respect her and everything she has achieved and I'm happy to support her and the kids (we now have 4) we have a genuine and loving relationship based on honesty and earned trust.

To each his own, but to any who may choose to denigrate the people who choose to work in the sex industry, I say, who are you to talk, till you've walked in their shoes.

And to all you flaming, nit picking, holier than thou wowser types out there, this is my life and I'm happy with it so post away, your opinions mean didly to me!

Just like to say Gazwa, that is probably one of the straightest answers to this topic I have read on here (TV). Well done mate and big congrats to your wife and family for making it work.

Over the years, I have met countless (literally) girls that have been in similar situations, choosing their profession through necessity rather than want. The girls I am talking about were not on their 'professional' level when talking to me, nor were they conversations crafted for the 'saving' farang (which does happen). These comments come from knowing the girls.

Living here for as long as I have and running a bar (albeit silently) for almost 13 years of that time, has given me an insight to some of the girls plights. Some of the stories I have heard over this time make me feel very humble indeed.

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...marries men(local marriages only) so they can also take care of her but she hands over all the money she gets tp them and they spend it on their real wives.

Amazing. So she's "married" to a man that has a "real wife", but still works at a bar and gives her "husband" all her money?

the only thais that hang out with her are scumbags, if she doesnt give them what they want, they hit her, simple, no sooner has she finished with one than she is with another one, we refuse to have anything to do with them. We actually had her daughter living with us for many years but once she turned 15 she wanted to be like her mum and have no rstrictions.

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Yes I agree with Kangawallafox on that one. They can't be bothered working regular jobs. Two categories are to be distinguished though:

- The ruthless ones who are hardened and have no feelings for farangs other than (well hidden) contempt

- The ones who are waiting for a fair skinned prince charming to sweep them off their feet, redeem their face value back at the village and take them abroad (ideally Scandinavia)

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Can you imagine the problems when a guy holding the following opinions finally has an Epiphany?

"Each to his own, if I was a woman I would work seven days a week sixteen hours a day before I even contemplated the bar work. Self respect is important.

I could never sleep with a bar girl knowing she is watching the clock, knowing I'm just a dollar sign, just a customer.

I could never date a girl who sold out to that point for money, knowing she had thousands of men, trust would be difficult to as hustling becomes ingrained in them after a while.

If a man can take it fine, not for me I would rather go without then get involved with one.

You also talk about western perspective, the average thai woman is strongly against bar work and the shadow it casts on good thai woman.

No mother with any morals would want their daughter to do this."

And people wonder why people join the Pattaya flying club. Can you imagine what it is like to find out all of your beliefs are wrong? My gosh, no wonder people jump.

Where are we now #59 and no one has mentioned drugs? Bar girls are on drugs. 10 years ago 10% now 90%

They need the cash to buy the drugs.

The OP asks if anyone had a BG wife or significant other. Boy, I've had a dozen or so. The trick is finding one not on drugs.

How do you do that? Since drugs are as near as any motorcycle taxi driver, I don't know.

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Can you imagine the problems when a guy holding the following opinions finally has an Epiphany?

"Each to his own, if I was a woman I would work seven days a week sixteen hours a day before I even contemplated the bar work. Self respect is important.

I could never sleep with a bar girl knowing she is watching the clock, knowing I'm just a dollar sign, just a customer.

I could never date a girl who sold out to that point for money, knowing she had thousands of men, trust would be difficult to as hustling becomes ingrained in them after a while.

If a man can take it fine, not for me I would rather go without then get involved with one.

You also talk about western perspective, the average thai woman is strongly against bar work and the shadow it casts on good thai woman.

No mother with any morals would want their daughter to do this."

And people wonder why people join the Pattaya flying club. Can you imagine what it is like to find out all of your beliefs are wrong? My gosh, no wonder people jump.

Where are we now #59 and no one has mentioned drugs? Bar girls are on drugs. 10 years ago 10% now 90%

They need the cash to buy the drugs.

The OP asks if anyone had a BG wife or significant other. Boy, I've had a dozen or so. The trick is finding one not on drugs.

How do you do that? Since drugs are as near as any motorcycle taxi driver, I don't know.

Have to agree ! Been here 19 years now and have done and seen it all. There are a few girls that are truly looking for the right man and will stop working when they find but most after a few weeks become hooked. Lie, cheat, steal you name it and they will will do anything for money. I think years ago it may have been a little different. The hot babes now working the game are in it for the party And toys.

Sent from my iPhone using ThaiVisa app

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No disrespect, can I ask is anyone here married to or dating a current or former bargirl. You may have interesting insight into the matter. Sent from my iPad using Thaivisa Connect Thailand

Yeah Kanga, I've been married to an ex GOGO girl for 5 years. Best wife I've ever had.

Her family were dirt poor, not from Isan, 2 generations born in a tin shed in a squalid soi behind a temple in Ratchaburi.

Family survived by collecting plastic, paper, glass.

Raped when 12 yo by local scum, left school and home at 13 because of emotional probs from rape, gave birth to first child at 14 to boy whose family took her in, he became meth addict.

At age 18 after years of struggle she was approached to go to work in Singapore ( 4 Floors ) Life finally improved ! After 3 years bought first house. Her 10 years of work before I met her improved the life of her whole family.

This is a true story, I have met all of the people in her story, she has photos to back her story, I have spent Songkrans with the relatives still living in the tin shed.

She had no other options. Who would employ an unmarried, uneducated mother of 2? no one. No social security in this country!

Having said all of that, my wife is a beautiful and intelligent woman, how else would she have managed to seperate so much cash from so many tight arsed farang over so many years.

Her only motivation was to care for her kids and give them a better life, which she has done.

I respect her and everything she has achieved and I'm happy to support her and the kids (we now have 4) we have a genuine and loving relationship based on honesty and earned trust.

To each his own, but to any who may choose to denigrate the people who choose to work in the sex industry, I say, who are you to talk, till you've walked in their shoes.

And to all you flaming, nit picking, holier than thou wowser types out there, this is my life and I'm happy with it so post away, your opinions mean didly to me!

Great post, mate. Good for you.

I'll just add that one of the reasons many westerners flock to bar girls is they have a more westernized attitude. And believe it or not, often times their social skills are better than educated Thais. Yeah, I know it's ironic that they're more or less getting paid to talk to guys, but the fact remains I've had deeper conversations with bar girls than I've ever had with one of my "good" Thai girlfriends.

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Can you imagine the problems when a guy holding the following opinions finally has an Epiphany?

"Each to his own, if I was a woman I would work seven days a week sixteen hours a day before I even contemplated the bar work. Self respect is important.

I could never sleep with a bar girl knowing she is watching the clock, knowing I'm just a dollar sign, just a customer.

I could never date a girl who sold out to that point for money, knowing she had thousands of men, trust would be difficult to as hustling becomes ingrained in them after a while.

If a man can take it fine, not for me I would rather go without then get involved with one.

You also talk about western perspective, the average thai woman is strongly against bar work and the shadow it casts on good thai woman.

No mother with any morals would want their daughter to do this."

And people wonder why people join the Pattaya flying club. Can you imagine what it is like to find out all of your beliefs are wrong? My gosh, no wonder people jump.

Where are we now #59 and no one has mentioned drugs? Bar girls are on drugs. 10 years ago 10% now 90%

They need the cash to buy the drugs.

The OP asks if anyone had a BG wife or significant other. Boy, I've had a dozen or so. The trick is finding one not on drugs.

How do you do that? Since drugs are as near as any motorcycle taxi driver, I don't know.

Have to agree ! Been here 19 years now and have done and seen it all. There are a few girls that are truly looking for the right man and will stop working when they find but most after a few weeks become hooked. Lie, cheat, steal you name it and they will will do anything for money. I think years ago it may have been a little different. The hot babes now working the game are in it for the party And toys.

Sent from my iPhone using ThaiVisa app

Ah the good old days when a bar girl actually had sex because she liked it and not to buy Yabba. I miss em. Once upon a time there was a beer bar where we used to raise a glass or two. Those were the days my friends. We'd thought they'd never end.

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Sad life when you have seen more dickends than weekends

Funny, made me laugh.....although in thailand every day feels like a weekend !

What is the difference between a bar girl and a lawyer?

One is a scum sucking money grubbing POS, the other works in a bar.

Seriously though, I probably have more respect for BG's than lawyerslaugh.png

I guess you would be happy to have a prostitute as a wife

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