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Where do you meet these super hot, well educated, middle class Thai/Chinese Hi-So girls?


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What exactly does this "class" classify?

Character, wealth, education ???

For example, if an "Underclass" wins a couple of million GBP's would he automatically become a "Upper middle class"?

If not, why?

Because he will buy the wrong curtains and have serviettes and not napkins....

biggrin.png Wow! Such a simple thing I did not know!

So "Class" is about curtains, serviettes and napkins....

Such mundane things...


Well..those things are quite mundane, but not actually simple.

Wealth is normally surrounded by wealth, and if you have good etiquette its considered vulgar to talk about money.

However, people still like to segregate in some way. So..details such as how you conduct yourself, and etiquette/social graces etc, is homed in on. That way you can sift through who is gauche and who isnt.

Those with old money for example are generally more subtle about how they expose it. Usually with clothing that is well tailored but not obviously branded, or at least not garishly so. Whereas someone with new money usually wishes to display that in more obvious ways. Those without money or new money are impressed by overt displays of wealth, whereas those with old money (or sorry to use this word because it sounds awful but "better breeding") find it crass. Those with new money or without money will likely not recognise the subtlies of those who have "breeding", wherease those with "breeding" notice others who obviously have good breeding, in their actions..even simple things such as how one eats, talks, and gesticulates. Its a club that you cannot buy into, but if you know how to conduct yourself in the "right way", you are already a part of it...moneyed or not.

Edited by LaraC
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What exactly does this "class" classify?

Character, wealth, education ???

For example, if an "Underclass" wins a couple of million GBP's would he automatically become a "Upper middle class"?

If not, why?

Because he will buy the wrong curtains and have serviettes and not napkins....

biggrin.png Wow! Such a simple thing I did not know!

So "Class" is about curtains, serviettes and napkins....

Such mundane things...


Well..those things are quite mundane, but not actually simple.

Wealth is normally surrounded by wealth, and if you have good etiquette its considered vulgar to talk about money.

However, people still like to segregate in some way. So..details such as how you conduct yourself, and etiquette/social graces etc, is homed in on. That way you can sift through who is gauche and who isnt.

Those with old money for example are generally more subtle about how they expose it. Usually with clothing that is well tailored but not obviously branded, or at least not garishly so. Whereas someone with new money usually wishes to display that in more obvious ways. Those without money or new money are impressed by overt displays of wealth, whereas those with old money (or sorry to use this word because it sounds awful but "better breeding") find it crass. Those with new money or without money will likely not recognise the subtlies of those who have "breeding", wherease those with "breeding" notice others who obviously have good breeding, in their actions..even simple things such as how one eats, talks, and gesticulates. Its a club that you cannot buy into, but if you know how to conduct yourself in the "right way", you are already a part of it...moneyed or not.

Yes – to say it simple:

“Money is something you have, not something you talk about.”


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So many replies already but...

Thais talk themselves up. Make everything sound bigger and better than it really is ... and many farang are desperate to believe the stories themselves because they like the idea of it.

Many of these topics that start off about "upper middle class" gf end up exposing details and it turns out her parents own a mini mart or a hair salon or her parents are teachers and her brother needs a loan... but they all have an uncle who is in the navy or the police and they have power wink wink which the farang is very excited to tell you about...

this no different from all the BS exaggeration and face that goes on every day when you interact with Thais.

Another thing many farang on this forum do is which is annoying is mention how they have a bunch of businesses... which is usually something like "i bought the wifey some tshirts that she sells in a market" and "look at this hole in the backyard filled with fish that generates 10k baht a month minus expenses... but everyone wants to pretend that they are some mover and shaker... and then they talk about "how there is so much more opportunity in business in Thailand than the West" because apparently you can't sell t-shirts on the side walk in Berlin or wash dishes in dirty water in a bucket in the middle of London.

Could it be, that those fellows mingling with the real hi-so upper middle class ladies do not post – may not even bother to read a tread like this one? whistling.gif

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I would also like to add that, by saying you (in general, not OP) want to find this type of girl, or a girl with big breasts, or maybe a cute university student.

What you are saying is you want an object. It's not about forming a relationship with someone, but obtaining something desirable to use it and show it off, much like a new car or phone.

And much like those objects, you begin to look around for something prettier and shinier the second some of the luster fades away.

Of course we all want an attractive mate, but my setting certain objectives, you are probably setting yourself up for failure.

If it's just to bag and tag, then just go off and pay for it, less headache and heartache in the end.

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I know this is tongue in cheek, but as an honest answer:

I met my 1 ex (half Chinese/Thai) at work. She was a school teacher with an MA in TESOL. Her family was well off and educated.

My other ex was full chinese and got her MA in fashion design from Sweden. I met her through a friend at work.

I have always preferred the Chinese/Thai complexion and I want to be with a girl who is educated and does well by herself. So I was picky and those relationships lasted multiple years.

Now I am dating a Thai girl from Phayao who isn't a white princess and has a BA in tourism, because she is who I click with, Beauty is nice, but it's not the end all be all and if you adhere to a specific "spec" you're whole life you are essentially wearing blinders and will miss out on a lot of good things you might have missed otherwise.

tl;dr They're out there, and many are willing to date foreigners But holding out for a specific type of girl is foolish.

Come on guys the OP was just joking, being whimsical, shooting the breeze... whatever. Just a conversation starter on possibly a quiet day. He certainly isn't looking for any hiso Thai girl'

BlackArtmemis has the best answer. Just stay with the girl you click with. It doesn't matter her class level or background as long as you and her are happy as a couple.

As running water will find it's own level so too will most foreigners in Thailand. For the most part foreigners will find a lady that meets their own moral, educational, cleanliness, honesty and loyalty standards - give or take a bit. It helps if you live full time in Thailand.

If heavy drinking and sex are your only past times then you will meet a girl that fits the bill. If you want something more long term and meaningful then you will search for such a girl. If you're super athlete then the type of girl you want will share the same interests and not be lazy and slothful. Etc etc etc.

So forget Hiso and go for the one that sits comfortably within your moral compass and one that you click with. Your money will last longer ha ha.

Of course none of this applies if you're just a two week tourist looking to get laid and drunk as often as possible. No time for relationships in this case.

Edited by johnnycthedog
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^ "Laying down the law" in a relationship because you were the one born with a penis, just makes a guy a dick.

LaraC - in the later part of this thread you've written articulate and meaningful comments and made some great points which shows you are the educated person you claim to be. However in response to the JOKE by Thailiketoo you again show your scornful side against what was only meant to be a joke. Your reply only loses you respect by your cheap comments.

Yes some of the TV posts by males are definitely worthy of your derision but learn to pick which are the joke comments and the ones "stirring the pot" versus those which are really driven by true male chauvinism.

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What exactly does this "class" classify?

Character, wealth, education ???

For example, if an "Underclass" wins a couple of million GBP's would he automatically become a "Upper middle class"?

If not, why?

Because he will buy the wrong curtains and have serviettes and not napkins....

biggrin.png Wow! Such a simple thing I did not know!

So "Class" is about curtains, serviettes and napkins....

Such mundane things...


Well..those things are quite mundane, but not actually simple.

Wealth is normally surrounded by wealth, and if you have good etiquette its considered vulgar to talk about money.

However, people still like to segregate in some way. So..details such as how you conduct yourself, and etiquette/social graces etc, is homed in on. That way you can sift through who is gauche and who isnt.

Those with old money for example are generally more subtle about how they expose it. Usually with clothing that is well tailored but not obviously branded, or at least not garishly so. Whereas someone with new money usually wishes to display that in more obvious ways. Those without money or new money are impressed by overt displays of wealth, whereas those with old money (or sorry to use this word because it sounds awful but "better breeding") find it crass. Those with new money or without money will likely not recognise the subtlies of those who have "breeding", wherease those with "breeding" notice others who obviously have good breeding, in their actions..even simple things such as how one eats, talks, and gesticulates. Its a club that you cannot buy into, but if you know how to conduct yourself in the "right way", you are already a part of it...moneyed or not.

Jeez, I'm glad everyone's poor where I live...it would give my poor old monkey brain a headache just trying to work out 'who's who'

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Most call themselves Chinese Thai are typically 1/4-1/8th Chinese, so it is a very loosely defined criteria. Personally, I would only consider someone Chinese Thai if their parents were immigrants from China, but after that they are locals as anyone else.

I do agree with the OP that a lot of posters tend to justify and qualify their relationships. I have never been on a forum for other countries where the posters needed to do that before. "My Australian wife is a good girl and from a middle class educated family, blah blah blah"

I wonder if Thai men married to foreign women justify their relationships?

I would say much lower fractions than that - many "Thai-Chinese" I know are decedents from way back, but kept the language or at least history. My Mrs is 1/4 (her dad was 1/2, her grandmother came from mainland China before the war - she had tiny feet from when they had been bound as a child and still maintained a (not so) healthy betel nut chewing habit that stained her teeth black) - ask my Mrs, and she would just call herself Thai.

I think people tend to state the "nice girl/educated/middle-class" etc to try and pre-empt the usual BG/gold digger/trickster/cheating whore nonsense that would not apply to them. In another current thread a guy is asking about sin sot in the usual way, but states his girl holds a Ph.D and comes from a middle class back ground - this is wholly relevant to the post. So, therefore, is anyone replying to show similarities.

Many foreigners here do not frequent prostitutes and have not married from bars, and do not have 40 year age gaps, and therefore do not like to have their wives continually accused of (or inferred as) being such. This is not to take away anyone's choice to do so, good luck to them, but some of us do not liked to be tarred with the same brush that detracts from the point and is insulting to our loved ones. Imagine standing in a bar in the Glasgow and suggesting that because some do get involved with prostitutes, that their wives must also be whores - see how well that goes down!

Strange. Nearly all the thai Chinese I know are largely intermarried and pure blooded to a much greater degree than that.

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What exactly does this "class" classify?

Character, wealth, education ???

For example, if an "Underclass" wins a couple of million GBP's would he automatically become a "Upper middle class"?

If not, why?

Because he will buy the wrong curtains and have serviettes and not napkins....

biggrin.png Wow! Such a simple thing I did not know!

So "Class" is about curtains, serviettes and napkins....

Such mundane things...


Well..those things are quite mundane, but not actually simple.

Wealth is normally surrounded by wealth, and if you have good etiquette its considered vulgar to talk about money.

However, people still like to segregate in some way. So..details such as how you conduct yourself, and etiquette/social graces etc, is homed in on. That way you can sift through who is gauche and who isnt.

Those with old money for example are generally more subtle about how they expose it. Usually with clothing that is well tailored but not obviously branded, or at least not garishly so. Whereas someone with new money usually wishes to display that in more obvious ways. Those without money or new money are impressed by overt displays of wealth, whereas those with old money (or sorry to use this word because it sounds awful but "better breeding") find it crass. Those with new money or without money will likely not recognise the subtlies of those who have "breeding", wherease those with "breeding" notice others who obviously have good breeding, in their actions..even simple things such as how one eats, talks, and gesticulates. Its a club that you cannot buy into, but if you know how to conduct yourself in the "right way", you are already a part of it...moneyed or not.

I agree with you 100% and I know about it.

It was a tongue-in-cheek comment I made as today the majority in society who has more money than the others act as though they are of a "high class"

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It must be very difficult to meet and catch these well educated, super rich, super hot, half Thai/half Chinese girls. Mainly because there are not many left. 99% of them are married to the the members here in theThaiVisa forums wink.png

Edited by larsjohnsson
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Came across this on the ILO's definition of middle class in the developing world:

Now, fresh research by the International Labour Organisation (ILO) economists shows in detail what's been happening to the workforce of the global south during 25 years of globalisation: it is becoming more stratified – with the rapid growth of what they term "the developing middle class" – a group on between $4 and $13 a day. This group has grown from 600 million to 1.4 billion; if you include around 300 million on above $13 a day, that's now 41% of the workforce, and on target to be over 50% by 2017. But in world terms they're not really middle class at all. That $13 a day upper limit corresponds roughly to the poverty line in the US in 2005. So what's going on?
The ILO researchers mined data from 61 household surveys across the world to come up with these figures. In the process they adopted a rough definition of the lifestyle of the sub-$13 group. The key markers were: families had access to savings and insurance, were likely to have a TV in the home and to live in smaller households (four people). They would typically spend 2% of their income on entertainment – plus they would have better access to water, sanitation and electricity.
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Came across this on the ILO's definition of middle class in the developing world:

Now, fresh research by the International Labour Organisation (ILO) economists shows in detail what's been happening to the workforce of the global south during 25 years of globalisation: it is becoming more stratified with the rapid growth of what they term "the developing middle class" a group on between $4 and $13 a day. This group has grown from 600 million to 1.4 billion; if you include around 300 million on above $13 a day, that's now 41% of the workforce, and on target to be over 50% by 2017. But in world terms they're not really middle class at all. That $13 a day upper limit corresponds roughly to the poverty line in the US in 2005. So what's going on?

The ILO researchers mined data from 61 household surveys across the world to come up with these figures. In the process they adopted a rough definition of the lifestyle of the sub-$13 group. The key markers were: families had access to savings and insurance, were likely to have a TV in the home and to live in smaller households (four people). They would typically spend 2% of their income on entertainment plus they would have better access to water, sanitation and electricity.


Complete <deleted> of course.

Middle-class is an English term, if the family can't fit in the American definition (income) or the British definition (education and employment) then they aren't middle class.

Access to insurance and savings and a TV in the home, have you ever heard such rot ..............

That would make everyone in the western world middle-class.

In the UK my pet dog had insurance, lived in a house with a TV, are they suggesting my Labrador was middle-class?

Edited by FiftyTwo
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Came across this on the ILO's definition of middle class in the developing world:

Now, fresh research by the International Labour Organisation (ILO) economists shows in detail what's been happening to the workforce of the global south during 25 years of globalisation: it is becoming more stratified with the rapid growth of what they term "the developing middle class" a group on between $4 and $13 a day. This group has grown from 600 million to 1.4 billion; if you include around 300 million on above $13 a day, that's now 41% of the workforce, and on target to be over 50% by 2017. But in world terms they're not really middle class at all. That $13 a day upper limit corresponds roughly to the poverty line in the US in 2005. So what's going on?

The ILO researchers mined data from 61 household surveys across the world to come up with these figures. In the process they adopted a rough definition of the lifestyle of the sub-$13 group. The key markers were: families had access to savings and insurance, were likely to have a TV in the home and to live in smaller households (four people). They would typically spend 2% of their income on entertainment plus they would have better access to water, sanitation and electricity.


Complete <deleted> of course.

Middle-class is an English term, if the family can't fit in the American definition (income) or the British definition (education and employment) then they aren't middle class.

Access to insurance and savings and a TV in the home, have you ever heard such rot ..............

That would make everyone in the western world middle-class.

In the UK my pet dog had insurance, lived in a house with a TV, are they suggesting my Labrador was middle-class?

The title of the ILO survey published 23rd January last year (2013) is:

Rise of middle-class jobs in the developing world could spur growth


That makes me presume your UK-dog after all were not really “middle class”.smile.png

Edit: 13 $ a day equals around 400 baht/day – perhaps little too low for defining Thai middle class?

Edited by khunPer
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Exactly. Hiso is a bizarre creation the simplest definition of which to me would be wannabe snob.

Agree. Hiso to me is a term that makes me cringe. I too equate it to wannabe snob or Nouveau Riche.

If you have real class, you dont actually care about class..for you have no need nor desire to prove anything. For people with real class (or real hiso- whatever that may actually be..for i believe the term hi-society is for those craving Liberace style‎ overt status. ..the type that require obvious brand names to show their worth for example!), this type of "scene" is showy, pretentious and downright grotesque.

I don't believe the OP is referring to the real upper class, true hiso. I think he is trying to make a statement about farang who date non bar girls who have an education. I think the percent is much higher than he thinks.... Believe it or not there are many professionals working in Thailand who date professionals same as them. Also, most of these teachers date younger non bar working girls as they don't have money. Also, some people are able to separate a lady used for a nights fun and a lady you take home for keeps. But I guess If you only sit at a bar all day I guess your entire life revolves around the company you keep. Nothing wrong with that as you both have something in common, live and let live.

Sent from my iPhone using ThaiVisa app

Ok..a job in a bank etc, does not make someone "hi-so". Prancing about with daddy's money, worrying about the state of your nails and hair, and making sure you attend the right parties in the right clothes is "hi-so". Think Paris Hilton (if anyone needs clarification here, Paris Hilton is merely rich, and has about as much class as a versace dress. If you still dont get what i mean, then never mind).

There are LOTS of professional thai/farang couples. Usually similar professional standing/backgrounds and who match well both in terms of physicallity, education, and age. Just that Derick the retired plumber with his "hi-so" 20th generation chinese thai gf who is 20+ years younger works management at the 7/11 is much more common an occurance...

Dude, what's with the avatar?

Is that you in the photo in your G-string?

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Exactly. Hiso is a bizarre creation the simplest definition of which to me would be wannabe snob.

Agree. Hiso to me is a term that makes me cringe. I too equate it to wannabe snob or Nouveau Riche.

If you have real class, you dont actually care about class..for you have no need nor desire to prove anything. For people with real class (or real hiso- whatever that may actually be..for i believe the term hi-society is for those craving Liberace style‎ overt status. ..the type that require obvious brand names to show their worth for example!), this type of "scene" is showy, pretentious and downright grotesque.

I don't believe the OP is referring to the real upper class, true hiso. I think he is trying to make a statement about farang who date non bar girls who have an education. I think the percent is much higher than he thinks.... Believe it or not there are many professionals working in Thailand who date professionals same as them. Also, most of these teachers date younger non bar working girls as they don't have money. Also, some people are able to separate a lady used for a nights fun and a lady you take home for keeps. But I guess If you only sit at a bar all day I guess your entire life revolves around the company you keep. Nothing wrong with that as you both have something in common, live and let live.

Sent from my iPhone using ThaiVisa app

Ok..a job in a bank etc, does not make someone "hi-so". Prancing about with daddy's money, worrying about the state of your nails and hair, and making sure you attend the right parties in the right clothes is "hi-so". Think Paris Hilton (if anyone needs clarification here, Paris Hilton is merely rich, and has about as much class as a versace dress. If you still dont get what i mean, then never mind).

There are LOTS of professional thai/farang couples. Usually similar professional standing/backgrounds and who match well both in terms of physicallity, education, and age. Just that Derick the retired plumber with his "hi-so" 20th generation chinese thai gf who is 20+ years younger works management at the 7/11 is much more common an occurance...

Dude, what's with the avatar?

Is that you in the photo in your G-string, or someone you wish to be?

Edited by Boxclever
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Dude, what's with the avatar?

Is that you in the photo in your G-string, or someone you wish to be?

More like someone id wish to do. :P

But i have a bf, so its look and dont touch.

How is this relevant to the thread?

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Really! Sounds like a lot of trouble to me. Malls, fashion, skin-whitening cream, eventually extensive dermatology and face lifts.

I married a Lamphun farm-girl within 8 years of my own age. She is beautiful, funny, smart, understands customer-service and how to deal with people in general. She understands what wrinkles are and that they come with age.

<deleted> do you want a T/C Hi-So complication? Well, best of luck. Your first sexual encounter will be after handing 'Mom' 20 baht of gold (or more). But whatever trips your trigger! LOL. Enjoy!

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Only way go where they go. Thonglor. And look for ones that carry 1 million baht Birkin bags lol

Sent from my iPhone using Thaivisa Connect Thailand

You can pick up a Birkin for a mere 30k baht you know. ..but thats the bargain basement ones of course ^^

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Dude, what's with the avatar?

Is that you in the photo in your G-string, or someone you wish to be?

More like someone id wish to do. tongue.png

But i have a bf, so its look and dont touch.

How is this relevant to the thread?

You're a bloke arn't you?

C'mon admit it.

One glance through your content and it's quite clear.

Not out of the closet yet? laugh.png

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People mix up hi-so/middle class with 'not a working girl' I think. The Chinese/Thai or Chinese/Indonesian, etc always seem to have the businesses and the money and influence so I think people lump them in with hi-so all the time

What is this rubbish about not being able to marry Chinese girls a few pages back? I spent many years in Hong Kong and there are loads of Chinese from all over married with farang, just go back to the UK and look as well and that includes places like Singapore and even Malaysia as well as China itself

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