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Foreign Man Found Unconscious on Beach Road


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Foreign Man Found Unconscious on Beach Road


PATTAYA – January 18, 2014 [PDN]; at 5.00 p.m. Pol. Sub. Lt. Phutthiphong Chuenchom (Investigation officer of Pattaya city police station) was notified by a bystander that she had found a foreign man on the floor who had been unconscious for many hours on the path on beach road. So he rushed to inspect at scene together with Sawang Boriboon foundation, Pattaya city.

At the incident the officers found a foreign man, aged approximately 50, who was unconscious. He wasn’t carrying any ID. The rescuers of Sawang Boriboon foundation tried to wake him up but he didn’t respond so they rushed him to Banglamung hospital.

Full story:http://www.pattayadailynews.com/en/2014/01/19/foreign-man-found-unconscious-on-beach-road/


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Are they sure he was only 8 hours unconscious or from Christmas?

I can see a Father Christmas hat in the bucket next to the bottle of waterwhistling.gif

Yes, I see the Christmas hat, but no wallet, I presume they will be doing blood tests for benzodiazepine (Rohypnol) as well as alcohol?

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"After about 8 hours the foreign man was still unconscious so she rushed to notify the police to come inspect and assist him"

8 hours, yeah she was really in a hurry!!.

bah.gifbah.gif Totally useless comment above, I have slept 6-8 hours in a beach chair after all night drinking in my younger days, left alone, I can see it easily. Most Thai's contrary to popular belief by halkf of the posters here are non-confrontational, and decent, they would have left him sleep it off and not bothered him...........and yes I have lived in Pattaya and associated with Pattaya for over 30 years so belay any comment that I don't know Pattaya.

Don't know why I wasted my time, you will pbly post some useless shi'ite like this a dozen more times this week.

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Omg that was so stupid of her to not call the Ambulance right away.. I'm afraid it's too late now.. Lack of education in Thais leads to such cases when there's time to save a person but it's wasted... In my home country this guy would be thought to be drunk and thus left on the gorund.. here in Thailand it's not ignorance, it's just stupidity..

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Rather useless remark. The guy was on the ground - not on a chair. You have to try to wake him up. If he's drunk then may be a chair is good for while. But it's also bloody cold here at nights now.. She pitied him the wrong way...

"After about 8 hours the foreign man was still unconscious so she rushed to notify the police to come inspect and assist him"

8 hours, yeah she was really in a hurry!!.

bah.gifbah.gif Totally useless comment above, I have slept 6-8 hours in a beach chair after all night drinking in my younger days, left alone, I can see it easily. Most Thai's contrary to popular belief by halkf of the posters here are non-confrontational, and decent, they would have left him sleep it off and not bothered him...........and yes I have lived in Pattaya and associated with Pattaya for over 30 years so belay any comment that I don't know Pattaya.

Don't know why I wasted my time, you will pbly post some useless shi'ite like this a dozen more times this week.

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Omg that was so stupid of her to not call the Ambulance right away.. I'm afraid it's too late now.. Lack of education in Thais leads to such cases when there's time to save a person but it's wasted... In my home country this guy would be thought to be drunk and thus left on the gorund.. here in Thailand it's not ignorance, it's just stupidity..

Where is your home country?

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Not that I want pretend to know what was wrong with this guy but like to share something that happened to me.

It was the 2nd visit to LOS around 12 years ago. I am sensitive to air-cons and one night forgot to turn the thing to confortable level which to me is about 24 Celsius. However, the cleaning lady or someone else had turned it to 18 which I failed to notice from my party state (Yes! i was drunk as a skunk or a close relative to him).

Next morning I woke up freezing and shivering. My eyes were fully plastered and took quite awhile to get them open. My throat was hurting and I felt flue symptoms developing.

I thought that best way to deal with my situation was to see a pharmacist and explain her that I needed something for the cough and ease my flue so I could sleep without coughing and feeling terrible. She gave me a knowing smile which should have made me suspicious (it certainly would nowadays) and packed quite a load of different colored pills in separate plastic bags. She warned me not to take any pills before going to bed which I found odd but since my brains were full of puss I thought nothing about.

So, back to room and down the hatch with all those marvels of medicine.

I woke up after about 35 hours of sleep... blink.png

No need to say that my room guest was more than worried. There had been attempts to wake me up to no avail. To this day I don't know what I was given but certainly it was not what I wanted. As a warning, here in LOS you might get more than you bargained for.

Maybe something similar happened to this poor fellow or someone spiked his drink and emptied the pockets? Who knows. Hope he gets to see the daylight again.

Was it really a pharmacist or a part time cashier who worked at the pharmacy?? In what language did u communicate ?

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Don't be too quick to assume the chap is or was drunk. He could be in a diabetic coma. Diabetic coma can appear very much like intoxication. If he had been drinking, alcohol lowers blood glucose levels even more and causes diabetics to lose judgement over their blood glucose levels. Plenty of people die each year in police cells having been thought drunk and incoherent, dumped in the cell to sober up when in fact, their blood glucose levels are so low their brains start to misfunction. Leaving him there for 8h might have been fatal.

Nice to see an intelligent post from a first time TV poster. Need more posts like this that are informative.

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Don't blame this young girl Guys! Anyway she made something, but I guess she was not alone at Pattaya beach all day, so do blame the others who didn't do anything for this unlucky guy. I'm sure this man had medical problem not drunk at all.

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Medical condition, over-served, mugged. Probably one of the three. In any case waiting 8 hours to get help

was probably not the best thing to do. But at least she did eventually get help, nobody else did.

I hope he has a speedy and full recovery. wink.png

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...will we ever really know......

....8 hours is a questionably or suspiciously long time to wait....

....someone unconscious and unresponsive......

....and not a scrap of anything on his person....

(.....maybe he wasn't supposed to survive....???)

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"After about 8 hours the foreign man was still unconscious so she rushed to notify the police to come inspect and assist him"

8 hours, yeah she was really in a hurry!!.

bah.gifbah.gif Totally useless comment above, I have slept 6-8 hours in a beach chair after all night drinking in my younger days, left alone, I can see it easily. Most Thai's contrary to popular belief by halkf of the posters here are non-confrontational, and decent, they would have left him sleep it off and not bothered him...........and yes I have lived in Pattaya and associated with Pattaya for over 30 years so belay any comment that I don't know Pattaya.

Don't know why I wasted my time, you will pbly post some useless shi'ite like this a dozen more times this week.

A restuarant owner on Ko Chang leaves a couple of chairs out for residents who are pissed and don't want the dangerous trip to the next beach.

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