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PM Yingluck assigns responsibilities, give authority to enforcers of emergency decree


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Rear Admiral Winai Klom-in, commander of the Navy’s Naval Special Warfare Command should be asked to produce information he has concerning foreigners' involvement and the movement of MIB. He should be arrested if he refused to cooperate.

Besides the fact you are in the wrong thread, what indicates to you that he hasn't already done this?

I think you are new to Thailand. Watch and learn.

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Rear Admiral Winai Klom-in, commander of the Navy’s Naval Special Warfare Command should be asked to produce information he has concerning foreigners' involvement and the movement of MIB. He should be arrested if he refused to cooperate.

Besides the fact you are in the wrong thread, what indicates to you that he hasn't already done this?

Not in the wrong thread. I made my comment because of item 2 and 5 of the Emergency Decree. I wrote that he should be asked not making any remark any where here that indicate he has or has not. As usual, you jump to your conclusion.

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Ah those elusive facts being ignored for profit, hard to come by here,

versus those multiple and duplicitous statements alluding to a reality

that is naught but a chimera.

She alludes to all that she is in control of the situation,

but that image is elusive, when examined inclusively,

and real culpability is hoped to be both elusive and illusory.

Edited by animatic
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Ah those elusive facts being ignored for profit, hard to come by here,

versus those multiple and duplicitous statements alluding to a reality

that is naught but a chimera.

She alludes to all that she is in control of the situation,

but that image is elusive, when examined inclusively,

and real culpability is hoped to be both elusive and illusory.

Or put it another way - what responsibilities has she assigned to herself? ............ This page deliberately left blank..........

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Have you noticed the one person not giving orders, in the hope of plausible deniability? Good luck with that dearie.

The old adage"why have a dog and bark yourself" comes to mind.

She has the absolute right to designate.

She also has the absolute responsibility to lead and to show that she is the decision maker and the person totally in charge of implementation!.

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12 Basic Rules to Enforce a Dictatorship, now in effect.

And an attempt to take control of the army"

"11. Military officials as stated in the PM's Order No: Extra 2/2014 must appoint supervisors and operation chiefs and officers to carry out operations to solve the situations of emergency. They must help Interior Ministry officials and police in prevent violence and controlling the situations to bring about peace and order urgently. All of these must be done in accordance with the PM's order."

So the Army is no longer under the 'Ministry Of Defence'.

but under former Police guy Chalerm and the Ministry Of The Interior?

I think that in democracies the Army generally comes under the elected government (e.g. in Britain it is answerable to Parliament), but of course this isn't a functioning democracy.

By the way, you say "dictatorship" but it's a funny kind of "dictator" who has to cower in secret locations for fear of being surrounded or kidnapped by "protesters", and who can't control the Army, Air Force or Navy, and even the Police don't give much help.

I'm not sure that this state of emergency will change anything, because while the PM can announce that she has "authority", in practice "authority" is not the same as real power.

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Hey guys ?

I just surveyed the points everyone has made since this translation of State of Emergency" conditions hit the media.

This forum is running about 85% OPINION to 10% FACT proving that while it's not really necessary to share one's heartfelt considered opinion with all and sundry, most people DO just that.

Facts allude most posters here in this rather entertaining and relaxed forum.

Name calling, smearing, the disguise of opinion as fact, sophistry and bald unsubstantiated assertions of those who crave their place on the pedigree bus and guard it as jealously as Bangkok matrons guard their first-born sons are still mere opinions.

Biggest surprise to date with all this frou-ferrah has been a realization that the pedigree bus to the brain-dead Yellow hi-so nirvana is not as long or as luxurious as they'd hoped.

Looking more and more like a dwindling fleet of, (ahem, cough, cough, *burp*) rather short busses.

(This is just an opinion if course but simple induction goes a long way to supporting a highly provable assertion, here)

Oops, fough-bowgh's on telly and there's me bus.

Let's have those witty tweets now shall we, eh ;-?

Sent from my iPad using ThaiVisa app

thank you for your witty opinionated and entertaining tweet ... and you may also now have another beer .... burp

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A cover her ass move, so when the shit hits the fan she can deny any responsibility. This stinks of the sulphuric stench of The Shin dictatorship.

Wow, that sounds like one lousy place to be in!!

I tell you, if it was me, with all that shit hitting the fan and sulphuric stenches all over the place, I'd want to be covering more than just my ass.

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Sorry rogerdee 123.

Fact: tweets have a limited character count, around 140, I believe. Dunno, never use 'em. So, like, I don't tweet.

Fact: you suggest, (accuse ?) me of opining here. As noted, I COUNTED the opinions and measured them against the facts.

Fact: everyone is entitled to their own opinion; no one (in spite of massive contemporary corruption of what clear thought and clear expression might entail) is entitled to their own facts.

Opinion: this is a rather light-hearted and entertaining forum is it not? But from time to time I am heartened by new facts, cleverly inductive argument and new perspectives.

Hence my aversion to the increasingly popular "tweet"; a contemporary media artifact whose use implies that brevity is the soul of wit (and by some perverse extension) clarity.

It is unmitigated arrogance to imply that a 140-character response is a contribution to anything but the above illusion.

The overwhelmingly garbled consequence of a tweeted comment is likely to be a confused, misspelled utterance with little basis in fact and which invariably leads to confusion and misinterpretation.

Would you agree with that opinion ?

Sent from my iPad using ThaiVisa app

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Hey guys ?

I just surveyed the points everyone has made since this translation of State of Emergency" conditions hit the media.

This forum is running about 85% OPINION to 10% FACT proving that while it's not really necessary to share one's heartfelt considered opinion with all and sundry, most people DO just that.

Facts allude most posters here in this rather entertaining and relaxed forum.

Name calling, smearing, the disguise of opinion as fact, sophistry and bald unsubstantiated assertions of those who crave their place on the pedigree bus and guard it as jealously as Bangkok matrons guard their first-born sons are still mere opinions.

Biggest surprise to date with all this frou-ferrah has been a realization that the pedigree bus to the brain-dead Yellow hi-so nirvana is not as long or as luxurious as they'd hoped.

Looking more and more like a dwindling fleet of, (ahem, cough, cough, *burp*) rather short busses.

(This is just an opinion if course but simple induction goes a long way to supporting a highly provable assertion, here)

Oops, fough-bowgh's on telly and there's me bus.

Let's have those witty tweets now shall we, eh ;-?

Sent from my iPad using ThaiVisa app

"Allude" doesn't mean what you think it does.

Sorry. Not a predictive text error, either.

My bad.

I need to proof read more alacritously.

Is, um, that a word ?

Sent from my iPad using ThaiVisa app

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12 Basic Rules to Enforce a Dictatorship, now in effect.

And an attempt to take control of the army"

"11. Military officials as stated in the PM's Order No: Extra 2/2014 must appoint supervisors and operation chiefs and officers to carry out operations to solve the situations of emergency. They must help Interior Ministry officials and police in prevent violence and controlling the situations to bring about peace and order urgently. All of these must be done in accordance with the PM's order."

So the Army is no longer under the 'Ministry Of Defence'.

but under former Police guy Chalerm and the Ministry Of The Interior?

Sure. The trouble with the army is they have this tendency to play rough when let loose; it's the nature of the beast. Somebody could be hurt, and the blame for that cannot possibly come back to the Minister of Defence (she hopes).

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12 Basic Rules to Enforce a Dictatorship, now in effect.

And an attempt to take control of the army"

"11. Military officials as stated in the PM's Order No: Extra 2/2014 must appoint supervisors and operation chiefs and officers to carry out operations to solve the situations of emergency. They must help Interior Ministry officials and police in prevent violence and controlling the situations to bring about peace and order urgently. All of these must be done in accordance with the PM's order."

So the Army is no longer under the 'Ministry Of Defence'.

but under former Police guy Chalerm and the Ministry Of The Interior?

I think that in democracies the Army generally comes under the elected government (e.g. in Britain it is answerable to Parliament), but of course this isn't a functioning democracy.

By the way, you say "dictatorship" but it's a funny kind of "dictator" who has to cower in secret locations for fear of being surrounded or kidnapped by "protesters", and who can't control the Army, Air Force or Navy, and even the Police don't give much help.

I'm not sure that this state of emergency will change anything, because while the PM can announce that she has "authority", in practice "authority" is not the same as real power.

She's not the dictator, only his puppet.

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Hey guys ?

I just surveyed the points everyone has made since this translation of State of Emergency" conditions hit the media.

This forum is running about 85% OPINION to 10% FACT proving that while it's not really necessary to share one's heartfelt considered opinion with all and sundry, most people DO just that.

Facts allude most posters here in this rather entertaining and relaxed forum.

Name calling, smearing, the disguise of opinion as fact, sophistry and bald unsubstantiated assertions of those who crave their place on the pedigree bus and guard it as jealously as Bangkok matrons guard their first-born sons are still mere opinions.

Biggest surprise to date with all this frou-ferrah has been a realization that the pedigree bus to the brain-dead Yellow hi-so nirvana is not as long or as luxurious as they'd hoped.

Looking more and more like a dwindling fleet of, (ahem, cough, cough, *burp*) rather short busses.

(This is just an opinion if course but simple induction goes a long way to supporting a highly provable assertion, here)

Oops, fough-bowgh's on telly and there's me bus.

Let's have those witty tweets now shall we, eh ;-?

Sent from my iPad using ThaiVisa app

"Allude" doesn't mean what you think it does.

Sorry. Not a predictive text error, either.

My bad.

I need to proof read more alacritously.

Is, um, that a word ?

Sent from my iPad using ThaiVisa app

In the spirit of jocular pedantry;

Nope, close but no Cigar or new coinage.

alacritous - quick and eager; "an alacritous response to the invitation"

fast - acting or moving or capable of acting or moving quickly; "fast film"; "on the fast track in school";

I need to be more alacritous in my proof reading.


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12 Basic Rules to Enforce a Dictatorship, now in effect.

And an attempt to take control of the army"

"11. Military officials as stated in the PM's Order No: Extra 2/2014 must appoint supervisors and operation chiefs and officers to carry out operations to solve the situations of emergency. They must help Interior Ministry officials and police in prevent violence and controlling the situations to bring about peace and order urgently. All of these must be done in accordance with the PM's order."

So the Army is no longer under the 'Ministry Of Defence'.

but under former Police guy Chalerm and the Ministry Of The Interior?

Sure. The trouble with the army is they have this tendency to play rough when let loose; it's the nature of the beast. Somebody could be hurt, and the blame for that cannot possibly come back to the Minister of Defence (she hopes).

Minster of Defense, clan member safe. Chalerm less safe, besides he's due to lose his head anyway.

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MOF explains emergency law implemented for public benefit

BANGKOK, 23 January 2014 (NNT) – Deputy Prime Minister Surapong Towichakchaikul on Wednesday explained the reasoning behind the enforcement of the Emergency Executive Decree in Bangkok, saying the law would facilitate efforts to contain the situation and prevent it from becoming violent. He added the law would also help with progress in bringing perpetrators of recent attacks against protesters to justice.

Mr. Surapong also said the US State Department had expressed concern over the situation in Thailand and vouched to support democratic processes and the use of negotiations to resolve political conflicts.

Information and Communications Technology Minister Anudit Nakhonthap said on Wednesday that people could go about their business their as usual during the enforcement of the emergency law. However, they would need to provide collaboration to officials at vehicle checkpoints. People are also asked to refrain from assembling and from engaging in political demonstrations that were in violation with the law.

"He added the law would also help with progress in bringing perpetrators of recent attacks against protesters to justice."

There would be no Emergency Decree without those pesky "Third Hand" interlopers... Think about that folks. Where is the government going from here?

Edited by Local Drunk
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"...However, they would need to provide collaboration to officials at vehicle checkpoints...."

Your papers please, Mr Quisling.

Thank you for the detailed report on your neighbours, you may go now.

Edited by animatic
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Hey guys ?

I just surveyed the points everyone has made since this translation of State of Emergency" conditions hit the media.

This forum is running about 85% OPINION to 10% FACT proving that while it's not really necessary to share one's heartfelt considered opinion with all and sundry, most people DO just that.

Facts allude most posters here in this rather entertaining and relaxed forum.

Name calling, smearing, the disguise of opinion as fact, sophistry and bald unsubstantiated assertions of those who crave their place on the pedigree bus and guard it as jealously as Bangkok matrons guard their first-born sons are still mere opinions.

Biggest surprise to date with all this frou-ferrah has been a realization that the pedigree bus to the brain-dead Yellow hi-so nirvana is not as long or as luxurious as they'd hoped.

Looking more and more like a dwindling fleet of, (ahem, cough, cough, *burp*) rather short busses.

(This is just an opinion if course but simple induction goes a long way to supporting a highly provable assertion, here)

Oops, fough-bowgh's on telly and there's me bus.

Let's have those witty tweets now shall we, eh ;-?

Sent from my iPad using ThaiVisa app

"Allude" doesn't mean what you think it does.

Sorry. Not a predictive text error, either.

My bad.

I need to proof read more alacritously.

Is, um, that a word ?

Sent from my iPad using ThaiVisa app

In the spirit of jocular pedantry;

Nope, close but no Cigar or new coinage.

alacritous - quick and eager; "an alacritous response to the invitation"

fast - acting or moving or capable of acting or moving quickly; "fast film"; "on the fast track in school";

I need to be more alacritous in my proof reading.


Yeah. Whatever. I really don't care to get into one of these silly-@$$ exchanges.

But you could hook up with the erudite "heybruce".

He appears to be looking for a friend.

And you seem like his type.

Sent from my iPad using ThaiVisa app

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