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Red-shirt core leader Kwanchai shot


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This is a first report and first reports always get modified.

Still, it's no secret an assault rifle is far more powerful and devastating than a handgun, so this is a serious development. If the elite groupings are involved going after one of their own, broadly speaking, then none of them are safe.

And this is a bushwhacking, a targeted pickoff attempt, which begins to add an eeriness to the shadow boxing already going on.

"this is a bushwhacking, a targeted pickoff attempt," or it could have been an argument amongst "friends" and someone picked up the first gun to hand. First report with very little information, right?

That's what I noted, yes, first reports.

However, if this is based in local village politics and somebody picked up a high powered rifle because it happened to be "the first gun to hand" lying around, and some neighbor is ticked at Kwanchai because he hasn't mowed his lawn in 20 years, then the locals who would have done this had better be gone half way across the world by now, right now.

You missed my point. Neither of us know from the information available, but you were prepared to state that it was "a bushwhacking, a targeted pickoff attempt" with no supporting data, but possibly a reason.

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Whoever did this was unconcerned about road blocks.

Daylight assassinations in built-up areas almost always use motorbike-carried hitmen. Very easy to get away. Not easy to get away in a pick up truck unless you know you will be allowed to flee without hindrance.

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Interesting thoughts you have. Those are your words, not mine.

Suthep's only way out of this is by starting a civil war. I said it weeks ago, before anyone was shot. Obviously the person who shot Kwanchai and the people who authorized it know very well the events it may set in motion and that was probably the plan.

The government has nothing to gain by creating unrest. Only one group of people benefit from violence and we all know who they are.

"the person who shot Kwanchai and the people who authorized it know very well the events it may set in motion and that was probably the plan."

A statement completely without supporting data, not that that is unusual for you. He could have run over the neighbour's dog, or shagged the wrong woman, or not paid his drug debts, all just as probable as an organised hit.

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RT @RichardBarrow: Two bullets hit Kwanchai, others hit this concrete pillar (Via @Chu_SpringNews) http://t.co/aK3XxC5VMg n


IF it was a high velocity round the firing point would have had to have been a long long way away if the picture is true! Or the rounds had already passed through an obstacle.

Powerful enough to seemingly have snapped the rebar steel behind the post"?

That wouldn't leave much left of a person's body.

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A despicable act that should be condemned by all.


assassinations or attempted assassinations along with kidnapping or threats to kidnap are over stepping the mark for peaceful protests. I don't care which side is doing it or threatening to do it.

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Said it weeks ago ... Suthep needs a civil war.

If Suthep wanted a civil war, Kwanchai would be dead, not lying in hospital.

Do you dream of Suthep's demise while sleeping?

So let's get this right - they used a 'machine gun' to fire at this guy and they intentionally only hit him in the leg and arm?

This was an assassination attempt.

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Interesting thoughts you have. Those are your words, not mine.

Suthep's only way out of this is by starting a civil war. I said it weeks ago, before anyone was shot. Obviously the person who shot Kwanchai and the people who authorized it know very well the events it may set in motion and that was probably the plan.

The government has nothing to gain by creating unrest. Only one group of people benefit from violence and we all know who they are.

"the person who shot Kwanchai and the people who authorized it know very well the events it may set in motion and that was probably the plan."

A statement completely without supporting data, not that that is unusual for you. He could have run over the neighbour's dog, or shagged the wrong woman, or not paid his drug debts, all just as probable as an organised hit.

He could have run over a neighbours cat etc but its far more likely its politically motivated in the current climate.

We shall see if Thailand is a civilised country when other party leaders and high rankers come out and condemn this despicable act as any other decent country with politicians worth voting for would.

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This is a first report and first reports always get modified.

Still, it's no secret an assault rifle is far more powerful and devastating than a handgun, so this is a serious development. If the elite groupings are involved going after one of their own, broadly speaking, then none of them are safe.

And this is a bushwhacking, a targeted pickoff attempt, which begins to add an eeriness to the shadow boxing already going on.

"this is a bushwhacking, a targeted pickoff attempt," or it could have been an argument amongst "friends" and someone picked up the first gun to hand. First report with very little information, right?

That's what I noted, yes, first reports.

However, if this is based in local village politics and somebody picked up a high powered rifle because it happened to be "the first gun to hand" lying around, and some neighbor is ticked at Kwanchai because he hasn't mowed his lawn in 20 years, then the locals who would have done this had better be gone half way across the world by now, right now.

You missed my point. Neither of us know from the information available, but you were prepared to state that it was "a bushwhacking, a targeted pickoff attempt" with no supporting data, but possibly a reason.

You've already made your point, crystal clear, with your earlier pathetic comment

"Oh dear. So sad. Never mind."

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A few grenades thrown at peaceful (?) protesters, a murderattempt on a high-profile red, A few other people killed or injured along the way!

And when the dust settles sometime in the future, who are the winners of this chaotic scenario??

As usual the amart aka the real powerful elite and their high backers!

The feudal system is saved once again and it is business as usual!coffee1.gif

Conspiracy theory?? Yes! But as good as any of the other theories thrown around here!!whistling.gif

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Udon Thani-based Red Shirt leader shot
By Digital Content


UDON THANI, Jan 22 - The top Red Shirt leader in this northeastern province was shot this morning, but the injuries are not life threatening.

Hardline Red Shirt activist Kwanchai Praipana was reading a newspaper at the radio station of Khon Rak Udon group in the provincial seat when an unknown number of gunmen fired a hail of bullets at him.

He was wounded in his right arm and leg and was rushed to a nearby hospital.

His wife, Arporn Sarnkam, said Mr Kwanchai is not in critical condition as the bullets did not hit important organs.

Initial investigation found that an AK-47 assault rifle was used from about 100 metres from the station's fence.

Mr Kwanchai has played an active role in mobilising the supporters of the United Front for Democracy against Dictatorship (UDD) in the Northeast.

The Khon Rak Udon group chairman has organised several movements and forums in the region to support the Feb 2 general election in opposition to the anti-government People’s Democratic Reform Committee (PDRC)'s demand for the resignation of the caretaker government and national reform before election. (MCOT online news)

-- TNA 2014-01-22

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The RedShirt/UDD should remain unprovoked, calm and exercise restraint. Don't fall into the trap of which ever party/group who did this.

<< The RedShirt/UDD should remain unprovoked, calm and exercise restraint >>

well known for that, aren't they...............coffee1.gif

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You've already made your point, crystal clear, with your earlier pathetic comment

"Oh dear. So sad. Never mind."

That I care very little whether one of the disciples of your little tin god lives or dies was succinctly expressed. There was little pathos because I have almost none for a man I consider despicable. Shooting is too good for some people.

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This is a first report and first reports always get modified.

Still, it's no secret an assault rifle is far more powerful and devastating than a handgun, so this is a serious development. If the elite groupings are involved going after one of their own, broadly speaking, then none of them are safe.

And this is a bushwhacking, a targeted pickoff attempt, which begins to add an eeriness to the shadow boxing already going on.

"this is a bushwhacking, a targeted pickoff attempt," or it could have been an argument amongst "friends" and someone picked up the first gun to hand. First report with very little information, right?

That's what I noted, yes, first reports.

However, if this is based in local village politics and somebody picked up a high powered rifle because it happened to be "the first gun to hand" lying around, and some neighbor is ticked at Kwanchai because he hasn't mowed his lawn in 20 years, then the locals who would have done this had better be gone half way across the world by now, right now.

You missed my point. Neither of us know from the information available, but you were prepared to state that it was "a bushwhacking, a targeted pickoff attempt" with no supporting data, but possibly a reason.

My post presents a minimalist statement that characterizes the shooting as a bushwhacking and that presents a conditional, i.e., "If the elite groupings are involved".

I make no attempt to identify the shooter or his motive, nor do I attempt to associate the shooter with anyone national or local. My post is a careful and cautious statement.

You are assigning much more to my post than I state. Re-read it to see that.

Okay, then re-read it again - and again until you get it.

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Only one thing is clear here.

The people behind this know full well this will most likely cause the existing issues to escalate

Suthep tried to provoke the government to bring large scale violence to the conflict, it did not work.

They provoked the police, it did not work.

They provoked the army, it did not work.

They provoked the reds (and killed 3 of them), it did not work...

Then the bombings also did not work.

Now they might hope that by killing a red shirt leader, the red shirt group will bring the so much needed violence.

Till now it did not work either. The reds stayed very wise and peaceful and watch the unfolding events from a distance.

What next then?

Peaceful elections would not be bad smile.png

Sent from my iPhone...

So you have the absolute truth and proof that all you have written is 100% correct?

i stand in awe of you and so should every policemann soldier and civilian in Thailand.

On the other hand you could of course be completely wrong but try not to let the truth see the light of day.

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The RedShirt/UDD should remain unprovoked, calm and exercise restraint. Don't fall into the trap of which ever party/group who did this.

<< The RedShirt/UDD should remain unprovoked, calm and exercise restraint >>

well known for that, aren't they...............coffee1.gif

Your lemonjelly is stale and getting moldy.

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This is a first report and first reports always get modified.

Still, it's no secret an assault rifle is far more powerful and devastating than a handgun, so this is a serious development. If the elite groupings are involved going after one of their own, broadly speaking, then none of them are safe.

And this is a bushwhacking, a targeted pickoff attempt, which begins to add an eeriness to the shadow boxing already going on.

Interesting turn of events. shot with an assault rifle in red shirt country. Maybe there are some red shirts who disagree with him. I know there is a portion of them who want Thaksin out of politics. In the last by election in red shirt country the democrats won. Plus the traditional red shirt seat in Bangkok. Sounds like they best get there own house in order before telling others what to do.

I see in todays paper the B P you know the reputable one or as reputable as a news paper can get where the army spokesman Winthas Sunwaree was saying that there is weapons being smuggled into Bangkok. He said that both sides must talk instead of using weapons against their rivals. So far the only one weapons have been used on is the protestors.

The red shirt demonstrations have been left alone. quite a change from 2010 where you put your life in danger every time you joined them. Now you join their protest to feel safe.

There has to be some thing in that. As for the shooting in Udan Thani deplorable. Kwanchai may be a skunk but he doesn't deserve that any more than the ones in 2010 he helped start and carry on deserved it. But there are some people you just don't mess around with. they only know what they were tought violence. I hope they catch them.

edit. Spell checker not working right.

Edited by northernjohn
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I doubt anti-government protesters would go to the North East to pick out a red shirt leader.

It's more likely to be related to some business deal that hasn't worked out.

I would bet not so much on business deals going wrong, but more so on just the local thugs (he is one) sorting out their own disagreements over who's cutting out the others deals.

If people think some of the comments on here are distasteful then they would not wish to see the comments on this thug flying around among my partners network of Udon Thani friends. The local Thai's have a greater distaste of these thugs than what we do.

Edited by Roadman
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RT @RichardBarrow: Two bullets hit Kwanchai, others hit this concrete pillar (Via @Chu_SpringNews) http://t.co/aK3XxC5VMg


Must been one of those 5000 Baht hitmen that are always talke about on this forum.

Being accurate with a machine gun on full auto, and while in motion as implied by the report (being a drive-by) is difficult, at best.

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Said it weeks ago ... Suthep needs a civil war.

In case you didn't know, Kwanchai is a very outspoken Red Shirt who has made many threats, even to his own clan. I said it months ago, if Kwanchai doesn't stop criticizing the big Red leaders he might get into trouble. He is a bit a a loose canon. Trust me that Mr. Control-Freak-Thaksin doesn't like loose cannons.

My bet is that Thaksin needs the army to come out more than anybody else. He will never get back into Thailand that is fairly clear by now. The only thing he is still worried about is his ability to visit other countries. That is getting more difficult now that he is the reason this protest has become so large after Yingluck thought it was a good idea to whitewash her criminal brother. Now Thaksin is fighting for his freedom abroad. If there would be a coup he could say that Democracy killing army is trying to get rid of me. That might give him some sympathy in Uganda and Nicaragua.

Edited by Nickymaster
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