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Chalerm warns of intensified action against protesters, financiers


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I agree, *IF* a coup happens it is not going to be a bloodless one this time around... there will be blood during and after the coup.

Lets hope it doesnt get to that point... but if it does get bloody, i can see Charlem stood there with his usual vile and posion coming out of his mouth right up until the point the lights go out. I just chuckled to myself... i imagined him stood there bellowing "Do you know who i am?!?!?!!" just as the soldiers surround him and with a smile say "Yes, thats why we are here (Bang)"

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Chalerm is back in the spotlight, and he knows how to kick ass in Thailand. Charlerm will get this festering boil pushed up to its head fast. Chalerm is a genuine Thai leader.

"Chalerm will get this festering boil pushed up to its head fast."

Yes, just like the head on this beer. post-9891-0-72735800-1390481353_thumb.jp

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Chalerm now demonstrates a real knack for irony. He's tackling corruption ! He knows what it looks like, so one assumes he's the man that can spot it. As people are now pooling over his six pillars of a moral society, they are finding a hidden clause of relief. Gatherings of more than five people are banned - unless they are in service of the campaign ! So it seems there is a right to free expression after all. It means people can still celebrate the Pheu Thai campaign slogan excitedly unveiled by Chalerm two days ago " Returning Happiness to Bangkokians ". But be careful. Too much mirth may be interpreted by the state as public panic. We don't want any of that. It will be hard. How will the people be able to restrain their joy after reading Chalerm's six pillars of a moral society and knowing that Bangkokians will soon be experiencing unrestrained euphoria in just ten days? The people on the streets - the ones with the cheering and whistles ? Don't fool yourself.They may be in Bangkok, but they're not happy. Trust me. Not really.

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Will this be like any of the other 60/90 day 'Campaigns' from Chalerm?

Hes promised us so much in the past, and failed to deliver on every single one of them... with his track record they will still be protesting in 2015 smile.png

Edited by MunterHunter
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Suthep's support waning, Yingluck's government on its last legs, Thaksin running out of ideas, Chalerm on the booze again, army not interested in being responsible for running the country again, police not really knowing what to do, Abhisit and Dems as far away as ever from gaining power ...

... great soap opera. Who writes this stuff???

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If this all does end in a bloody Coup, i hope this clown is the first to get a bullet... he is the most vile person in Thai politics (with the possible exception of the desert coward)

Agreed, and I do like the "Desert Coward" description.

I'm no fan of care-taking MoL Pol. Captain Chalerm, but to wish a bullet on him?

Still hoping that if we get a coup it will be a bloodless one like on the 19th of September 2006. The chances to a coup may grow, but the chances of a bloodless one seem to diminish only. Latest is Ms. Thida again with her warning of 'others' trying to create a situation leading to a coup and continuing with

""The current situation is like (we) are waiting for a coup as the army has clearly stated that they will intervene if any violence occurs," said the UDD leader."

Of course no violence will be forcoming by those loveble, peaceful anti-anti-government protesters.

BTW who remembers that the caretaker government led by Pheu Thai undemocratically tried to push through an blanket amnesty bill, one which would absolve all about 2010 and eight more years around it?

I'm sorry rubl, couldn't let this post pass without pointing out a couple of discrepencies.

Of course no violence will be forcoming by those loveble, peaceful anti-anti-government protesters.

If you're referring to the UDD I can only presume you were not trying to be sarcastic (your normal default mode when referring to anything or anyone Thaksin related) or indeed have not read any newspapers or watched any TV (other than bluesky) recently. If you had you might have had to admit that elements of the anti-government protesters have been less than peaceful.

I would imagine that nobody recalls the "caretaker government led by Pheu Thai undemocratically tried to push through an blanket amnesty bill" as the bill was rejected by the senate on November 11th. Parliament was not dissolved until 9th December which is when the PTP government became a caretaker government.

On the plus side I'm glad you don't approve of the idea of shooting Chalerm.

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How did Chalerm get so much power?

Try to google Chalerm Yubamrung!

Very interesting read, not only about Chalerm but about Thai politics in general.

And you will understand that Chalerm is not only a drunken clown, but a very powerful and dangerous man.

Without being ruthless and street-wise, you don't survive 30 years in Thai politics!whistling.gif

And no, I am not trying to nominate him for Nobels Peaceprize, but getting a little tired of the "ear-medicine"

comment in every second post. So take a couple of minutes out of your busy schedule, and read about the man, you are commenting on!

If nothing else, he is an interesting character!coffee1.gif

And what makes todays situation even more delicate is, that Chalerm (amongst others) was behind Sutheps

ban from politics in 1995 because of corruption!!

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Delighted to hear he's taking action against the financiers and I hope he names them. I have already closed my two accounts with one bank that I do know is a major contributor. Wasn't much but my choice to show my disagreement with their policy. But the reference to Sondhi's warning is a bit noxious.

cheesy.gifcheesy.gifcheesy.gif i bet bank is shaking in its boots loosing such a valid customer cheesy.gifcheesy.gifcheesy.gif

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He said the caretaker government will not block the media in their news coverage but may take action against the BlueSky channel which he said has distorted facts.

Then he'll head over to the red shirts "People's TV" to shut it down.

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Mr Chalerm said protest leader Suthep Thaugsuban should be careful and listen to a warning by political firebrand and Yellow Shirt leader Sondhi Limthongkul who was almost killed during his political protests against the previous government.

Spoken like a true gangster.

A Gangster is exactly what he is...he doesn't give a sh1t that you know it. Be afraid of this man ..be very afraid

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Delighted to hear he's taking action against the financiers and I hope he names them. I have already closed my two accounts with one bank that I do know is a major contributor. Wasn't much but my choice to show my disagreement with their policy. But the reference to Sondhi's warning is a bit noxious.

Exactly...lets all out the financiers. if Thaksin funded 2010 ..who is financing this. Come on yellows you are really quiet on this topic. Let there faces be known to the masses and if they run businesses then the individual has a choice to stop buying there product or services. Leo beer sales have fallen dramatically because of their undoubted support of this charade (no its not just the heiress it the whole family). Bangkok Bank was under attack by reds in 2010..so theres another.

AS for noxious comments against Sondhi..who cares. Another propped up by the amart..sentenced to over 20 years of jail and still talking his <deleted> on ASTV

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Chalerm is back in the spotlight, and he knows how to kick ass in Thailand. Charlerm will get this festering boil pushed up to its head fast. Chalerm is a genuine Thai leader.

Are you being serious, or just taking a mickey? So hard to tell.

Chalerm is there to take the heat and he just dont care. He will ask you to disperse....your expected lifespan will shorten if you keep resisting. Just whats needed to end this farce. Not violence just the thought of it amongst the geriatric clappers

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"In his capacity as director of the Centre for Maintaining Peace and Order, Mr Chalerm said supporters of the protests will have their assets confiscated if they are found guilty by the National Counter Corruption Commission."

What exactly does this mean ...if found guilty of what?? Of supporting the protests?

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Is Chalerm now starting to do his job?

Yes...next thing he will be sending in the bulldozers and having to turn the sites into parks like he had to do when he tore down part of Sukemvite.

I think you will find it was Chuwit who did that

yes, but why dwell on fact?

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How did Chalerm get so much power?

Back when he was a young Police Lieutenant in the Crime Suppression Division he went around to all of the casinos on his beat and said words to the effect of "... and if any other facker tells you to pay them you tell them to come and see me, 'cause from now on you're paying me" ... and pay him they did.

You've got to admit, the man has got balls of solid brass. Somehow he didn't get killed after that stunt (which probably means a few other people did instead) and somehow he made enough cash to not only take early retirement from the Royal Thai Police as a mere Captain, but also to enter mainstream politics with a bang.

When he graduated to mainstream politics he assumed the role of enforcer / muscle straight away and it is often joked about in the business / lobbyist circles that if all else fails, go and see Chalerm. He'll take 50 percent or more but you'll get the project whatever the ministry.

I was having a conversation about Chalerm the other day with a very close friend of mine who is old enough to be my father and has been a lobbyist in Bangkok for the past 30 years.

He remembers encountering Chalerm at a small private meeting in a hotel at the time when Chalerm had just entered politics. Apparently, he hasn't mellowed with age; he was just as thuggish back then and "carried and air of primal violence in whatever he did or said".

Edited by Trembly
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Is Chalerm now starting to do his job?

no, his usual tactic, stall while he sets up. its a threatning gesture. he mentioned the near death of the previous yellow shirt. And AGAIN, he hides behind a NOBLE slogan. any dog can see this, i use the term dog because dogs are loyal to their masters and often die protecting them. Chalerm thinks hes a tiger or lion ... or some noble animal to hide behind, which tend to eat all the humans in the cage with them.

desperate times calls for desperate slogans.

how about someone get a google street view camera that can be rented out to hikers and plop it right where you need security, Instantly something occurs, millions can scrutinize within seconds. just saying.

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Has this got anything to do with us ? Apart from the falling Baht and the entertainment value, which are positive, i think not.

Are our own politicians so squeaky clean ? For good reasons they have to hide their corruption.Here nobody is really bothered about it,its all in the open. Where i live in Isaan i have found both the police, the immigration and the Ampoehr to be friendly and correct and as far as i am concerned i have never in the 8 years that i have lived here been asked for a bribe. Having power causes corruption and i think many of us, were we to be in power, would get sticky fingers,it causes a feeling of entitlement i think.

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