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pensioner Brits Thai wife used him as an ATM


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Its easy to bash the bird.

But we don't know the full story. He could of been a right tosser to be with.

Alcoholic. With a meat cleaver.chashing a 50 yr old.

Give me strength

Sent from my GT-I9305 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

this is my thought. motive of poor girls is easily understood. whats in it for the men is what puzzles me. what do they think a girl wants marrying a man 20 years older than her.

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Well....even guys in their sixties have desires and feelings....only human....no need to bash him i would say....right is still right and wrong is still wrong.......but its ok to judge....as will.....with upcoming posts from others.....be happy it aint you !


Evil can come in all shapes and forms.

It appears to be a case of taking advantage of the vulnerable, the lonely and the desperate.

This woman has cost him almost £90000, perhaps his life savings and all he got out of it was a year in prison. What a terrible fate for a 71 year old.

I fully realise that this guy is a mug, living a false dream of hopes, but nevertheless this is still very sad and nasty.

I am a staunch believer in natural justice and I hope this woman gets her just desserts.

he got what he deserved. no excuse to threaten a woman (or man) with violence.

domestic violence is totally unacceptable.

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I don't feel sorry for him at all. No one held a gun to his head and made him spend all of that money or take the woman to his country.

The meat cleaver is totally separate and a choice he made. If someone brandished a meat cleaver at me he'd be dead so in a way he got off lucky.

I will never get married, never build a house for a woman, and never lavish gifts on a woman. The biggest gift I ever gave a woman in Thailand was a new scooter and I was leaving the country and expected nothing in return. It was a gift for her being an awesome girlfriend for a few months.

The guy is nuts and got what he deserved.

My thoughts exactly.

Some guys have Thailand pretty much figured out, others just think they do!

So what have u figured out related to thailand ?

Rest my case!

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Its easy to bash the bird.

But we don't know the full story. He could of been a right tosser to be with.

Alcoholic. With a meat cleaver.chashing a 50 yr old.

Give me strength

Sent from my GT-I9305 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

You are right and often women are blamed.

A girl raped = What was she doing? What was she wearing? Stupid b#tch etc

A woman cheats = they are all the same, lying cheating wh@res (but for men = slap on the back. No worries its normal, its "Thai culture").

...etc etc.

Anyway, still feel sorry for him. No one at 71 should go through that kind of thing. But no one ever seems to learn and the story will repeat itself!

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Its easy to bash the bird.

But we don't know the full story. He could of been a right tosser to be with.

Alcoholic. With a meat cleaver.chashing a 50 yr old.

Give me strength

Sent from my GT-I9305 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

You are right and often women are blamed.

A girl raped = What was she doing? What was she wearing? Stupid b#tch etc

A woman cheats = they are all the same, lying cheating wh@res (but for men = slap on the back. No worries its normal, its "Thai culture").

...etc etc.

Anyway, still feel sorry for him. No one at 71 should go through that kind of thing. But no one ever seems to learn and the story will repeat itself!

he was a brit of course hes a tosser

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Yes, these old goats are moving ATM. Is this new for some-one here? Surprised.

No money, No honey guys.

What do you think, in England a 50 years old woman would like to take a 71 years old man ???

For what?

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Nothing new here. Alcoholic marriages end up like this all the time. Age difference, ethnicity, and country mean nothing.

He would have helped himself immensely by going through treatment and stopping drinking years ago, *before* he went to prison.

Sad tale, but common.

Edited by mesquite
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And the fact she's working in the kitchen of a Thai restaurant should show she hasn't exactly struck it rich with her "scamming".

He's a raging alki, got violent with knives, and she had been giving him nookie even after they divorced, all count very much in her favour AFAIC

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Nothing new. Wonder if he read anything before on TV. All those old blokes who think a young wife will take them for how handsome they are, should read TV first, if they are not able to realise by them self that money are all thats matter.

Sent from my iPhone using Thaivisa Connect Thailand

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Happens to many, can't say that I feel sorry for them. If you turn 50+than you know that there is no time left to recover from a financial disaster. Control of the finances is the most important think. It should not go out of your focus even the brains drops a meter. This has nothing to do if the wife is Thai, it's normal that the wife would also help the family, I can't understand how it can go out of control that much. Hope at least she did a good job to him.

Sent from my iPad using Thaivisa Connect Thailand

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Far too often, deluded men take a young Thai wife to their home country and then find they are left with little or nothing. They keep pouring money down the toilet and cannot see they are flushing it away.

In his case he knew she was cheating on him and that he was sharing her when she came at weekends for sex. Yet he still tried to buy her affections. That does make him a fool or desperate.

£90,000 could have bought him an awful lot of 'happiness' here in Thailand and with much younger, possibly sexier women. To blow that on a 50 year old? What a waste!!

Let it be a warning to others.

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I never fail to be amazed at the guys who come over here for a holiday ,meet a girl in a bar think she loves him ,gives her money ,marries her and think it will be happy ever after .

Looking at it another way ,you go to a lap dancing club or some such place in a town near you ,some younger woman says she loves you after a few weeks and wants to marry you ,after you lavish money on her ,do you really think she is serious? now i know some guys do marry a girl from a bar and have a good life with her ,but i bet its the ones who do not give her loads and loads of money,just to keep her.

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Whilst we sit here and read of this man's complete foolishness which has ended up with him a lot poorer and in prison, it is almost impossible for us to grasp the depth of many lonely men's desperation for not only sex but female recognition. Add to this the fog of alcohol, the inexperience with pathological liars and the onset of dementia and the ridiculous decisions he and many, many others have made become easier to understand.

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Well....even guys in their sixties have desires and feelings....only human....no need to bash him i would say....right is still right and wrong is still wrong.......but its ok to judge....as will.....with upcoming posts from others.....be happy it aint you !


Evil can come in all shapes and forms.

It appears to be a case of taking advantage of the vulnerable, the lonely and the desperate.

This woman has cost him almost £90000, perhaps his life savings and all he got out of it was a year in prison. What a terrible fate for a 71 year old.

I fully realise that this guy is a mug, living a false dream of hopes, but nevertheless this is still very sad and nasty.

I am a staunch believer in natural justice and I hope this woman gets her just desserts.

Why do I have the feeling that this isn't the first time this self confessed alcoholic had attacked his wife?

The woman was gainfully employed, and not lying about. After he left her, he was the one sending her gifts.

I am willing to bet that after every big fight he would try to make up to her by giving her money.

The man's a fool. He was a big boy and gave away his money. He has to take responsibility for his decisions and not try to play the kindly old grampa routine to gain sympathy. He can ponder that while he's in prison.

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Whilst we sit here and read of this man's complete foolishness which has ended up with him a lot poorer and in prison, it is almost impossible for us to grasp the depth of many lonely men's desperation for not only sex but female recognition. Add to this the fog of alcohol, the inexperience with pathological liars and the onset of dementia and the ridiculous decisions he and many, many others have made become easier to understand.

Be fair, you don't know if he had onset dementia. Nor do you know if the woman was a pathological liar. Is it really so difficult to accept that he was a drunk and a jerk?

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I'll wager he never did any research about the potential pitfalls of having a much younger Thai bride. The internet is full of similar tales.

It always boils down to ego in these cases.

When will these silly old fools realise that these much younger women are only with them for the money because their youth, virility and looks departed a long time ago, all that remains is the ego as they start to believe the lies and myths coupled with the firm belief she is 'different' from the rest....Advice from well meaning friends is usually refuted off hand often with hostility and anger.

I'm sure this thread will get plenty of angry "I'm 105 and my wife is 24 and she loves me for my looks" type of replies

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It is possible that the majority of men in such relationships are fools.

It is also possible (for some) to structure such a relationship in an intelligent manner, effectively protecting your long-term security from your potentially predatory bedmate.

However in that case then it's the man who gets attacked for being predatory, taking advantage of "poor naive innocent" young women.

Is it possible for people to accept a middle ground where both sides are treating each other fairly and getting as good value as they give?

Or is the fact that such couples are challenging the whole "love is the only valid basis for long-term relationships" myth cause mainstream society to attack them, so they can't win no matter how fairly things are set up for both partners?

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Whilst we sit here and read of this man's complete foolishness which has ended up with him a lot poorer and in prison, it is almost impossible for us to grasp the depth of many lonely men's desperation for not only sex but female recognition. Add to this the fog of alcohol, the inexperience with pathological liars and the onset of dementia and the ridiculous decisions he and many, many others have made become easier to understand.

Be fair, you don't know if he had onset dementia. Nor do you know if the woman was a pathological liar. Is it really so difficult to accept that he was a drunk and a jerk?

True but most 71-year-old heavy drinkers have impaired their mental faculties so I would say, yes, the onset of dementia.

My sources tell me that Bang-orn is a pathological liar. thumbsup.gif

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