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Chalerm flees meeting after taunting protesters


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Mr. Chalerm′s current whereabouts is unknown.

Well I can gaurantee it won't be in the deep south of Thailand.

Today a small convoy of about eight vehicles together with police cars with lights and sirens sped down the 219 from the direction of Buriram airport towards Buri Ram. There was a police presence at various road junctions en route. The police were in dress uniform.

I wonder is that was Chalerm et. al.?

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No one stands around to be shot at from a mob except a fool.

Funny thing is it's the 'mob' that is getting attacked by the government's militants. And it was a protestor who got shot yesterday too. The only gun used outside the club yesterday was the policeman's who got beaten up. So your post is an EPIC FAIL !

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"The protesters have acted too much like gangsters," Mr. Chalerm said, "If they are still acting like gangster by storming Army Club and Police Club, I would like them to storm their own properties".

What ???

Nothing like a cool head to lead the masses. What a sad and sorry excuse for a man this guy is. If he's still worried, maybe he should try moving his office to Chaing Mai or preferably Dubai. I have no time for Suthep either but this man is a prize ass...smile.png

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If it is possible that Chalerm can actually read through an alcoholic haze I am listing one useful tome below for both his perusal and education.

Hopefully he and no doubt his spawn will find it of use, there are some amazing parallels to the behavior patter of the Chalem Yubamrung clan described in detail in this particular tome.


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"The protesters have acted too much like gangsters," Mr. Chalerm said, "If they are still acting like gangster by storming Army Club and Police Club, I would like them to storm their own properties".

What ???

History shows that he and his family know very well the behavior of gangsters.

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The BangkokPost just had a newsflash saying one of the protesters outside the ArmyClub was shot at and hit in the leg. The perpetrator arrested by protest guards, 'allegedly' beaten up a bit when trying to flee the scene and sent to Rajavithi Hospital.

how's that for taunting protesters?

And if you bothered to wait for a bit before posting your sensational report you would have read that it was a policeman who was taking photographs of the protesters. A "guard" later demanded to search the policeman who refused. The guard then told his "colleagues" to beat the policeman up. He fired a shot in self defence and was then severely beaten up and ended up in hospital.

How's that for taunting protesters?

Are we still talking about the same incident, or did you make up a new one?

I'm referring to this with latest updated from 06:16 today:

"The suspect gunman was caught by irate protesters, who beat him and grabbed his gun. Shortly after a PDRC leader took to a truck equipped with loudspeakers and announced that the suspect gunman was a police officer from Suthisan Police Station."


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Chalerm is always trouble and no help at all.

PCAD threatened to break into the venue and "capture" Ms. Yingluck and her Cabinet members. The protest leaders also demanded the government dissolve CMPO within 24 hours. Is equally stupid.

I can't believe the cabinet can't find somewhere they can get to somehow that the army can't defend.

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The BangkokPost just had a newsflash saying one of the protesters outside the ArmyClub was shot at and hit in the leg. The perpetrator arrested by protest guards, 'allegedly' beaten up a bit when trying to flee the scene and sent to Rajavithi Hospital.

how's that for taunting protesters?

And if you bothered to wait for a bit before posting your sensational report you would have read that it was a policeman who was taking photographs of the protesters. A "guard" later demanded to search the policeman who refused. The guard then told his "colleagues" to beat the policeman up. He fired a shot in self defence and was then severely beaten up and ended up in hospital.

How's that for taunting protesters?

Still hanging out with clueless red shirts I see. Well they have taught you denial real good. I read the article in the Bangkok Post. Admittedly a news paper but at least one with some credibility. Haven't a clue what you are talking about.facepalm.gif

Well it actually isn't that hard to find . You know a policeman is involved, you know the Army Club is the setting. Now with just the minutest stretch of the grey matter you could have googled those facts and see what came up. Narrow it down to articles from the aforesaid newspaper and voila!

However, to make it easy for the hard of thinking, google this "thailand policeman beaten army club" and follow your nose, though it is more difficult now as there are 2 or 3 articles about the incident.................

But you "haven't a clue what I'm talking about". I can assure you, the feeling is mutual and reciprocal.

Indeed I don't think you have a clue about what you are talking.

We were discussing this

"The sound of a gunshot was heard near a flyover opposite the Army venue after PDRC protesters lined up in eight rows and stepped towards the club, after guards cut a chain locking the club gate.

The suspect gunman was caught by irate protesters, who beat him and grabbed his gun. Shortly after a PDRC leader took to a truck equipped with loudspeakers and announced that the suspect gunman was a police officer from Suthisan Police Station."


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With all these threats of kidnap etc against the PM I think it's time for the government to get extremely heavy handed on these clowns. Water canons with water coloured with potassium permganate so protesters and their leaders can be arrested more or less any time within the next few months as they will be easily identified by their purple stained skin would be a good start. If they weren't actually involved in any crimes then they would have been witness as they were obviously attending. Protest leaders and their families should all be whisked away by army special units and imprisoned somewhere out of reach and without any rights. Sounds harsh? Well the Suthep and his protesters are attempting to kidnap legitimately elected officials (doesn't matter whether you like it or not - that's a fact) and have made threats to their families and children, they are also denying people their basic rights (to vote, to go to work, to let their children go to schools unmolested etc) so why not deny these traitors and terrosrists their rights and see how they feel about it?

Really Weird Idea, what have you been dreaming. Sounds Harsh, too bloody right it sounds Harsh, suppose bash and crash are alright in your Utopia, but how does Imprisoning Children and Mums and Grannies going to bring about Peace, what about their extended familys on both sides, just all sitting down and chanting, you keep reaming as that would be a Nightmare for Thailand. Heil Peace.

So fascism and tyranny from Suthep and his cohorts is acceptable? Of course what I'm suggesting is total b#llox but the point I'm making is it's okay for Suthep and his terrorists to cripple the country unhindered but if it goes the other way, it's nazi tacts. BTW this was not nazi stuff but equally abhorent apartheid tactics. Thailand is already in nightmare conditions - well, trhe normal folk of thailand anyway, for Suthep it's a wet dream

Fascism & tyranny. LOL. So WHO declared the SOE? WHO says more than 5 people can't meet? WHO has been trying to shutdown peaceful protesting? WHO has been trying to win amnesty for the convicted criminal who's been running the country - UNELECTED by ANYONE? There's been some fascism & tyranny alright, but you're a little confused about WHO the would-be dictator is and WHO's been the victim of the tyranny...

Nightmare conditions. Get a grip.

One question. Who decided that Thai people should not have the right to cast their votes?

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With all these threats of kidnap etc against the PM I think it's time for the government to get extremely heavy handed on these clowns. Water canons with water coloured with potassium permganate so protesters and their leaders can be arrested more or less any time within the next few months as they will be easily identified by their purple stained skin would be a good start. If they weren't actually involved in any crimes then they would have been witness as they were obviously attending. Protest leaders and their families should all be whisked away by army special units and imprisoned somewhere out of reach and without any rights. Sounds harsh? Well the Suthep and his protesters are attempting to kidnap legitimately elected officials (doesn't matter whether you like it or not - that's a fact) and have made threats to their families and children, they are also denying people their basic rights (to vote, to go to work, to let their children go to schools unmolested etc) so why not deny these traitors and terrosrists their rights and see how they feel about it?

Sieg heil mein furore

I really enjoy winding nupmties like you up. Nice attempt at German (I think that's supposed to be German or was your use of "furore" as opposed to "fuhrer" a failed attempt at humour or even irony?)

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The amusing aspect of this story is that it is written with the sole intent of ridiculing Chalerm, and gullible readers have accepted it as the gospel truth. Chalerm did not "flee".

His presence provoked the protestors into a violent response. He could have remained and the security officials present were would could have successfully defended him by using live fire on the protestors as they attempted to attack him. Instead, it was recommended that he leave so that there would be no confrontation. There was no fleeing. The article expresses disappointment that he did not go out the front door and confront the protestors. What point would it have served? People would have been injured or killed. There was no "taunting". Chalerm gave another warning.

It can be criticized as another empty gesture, and not overly bright. However, considering the option of injury or death, his departure was the appropriate move and the police were wise to get him out of there.

We are getting to the point where the protestors are going to push it and blunder into a full out confrontation. They are being set up through incremental steps, being shown to be unreasonable and out of control. When Chalerm does respond, and he will at some point because of his personality, there will be dead people. I suppose then, some people will be happy.

1. "...ridiculing chalerm....."

So g'kid, please share some specific details of anything chalerm has done, over several decades, that have solidly contributed to the development of Thailand?

2. "Chalerm did not "flee"."

Where you there g'kid? How can you write a categorical comment 'did not flee'.

Always the same with you, you attempt to make it look like you know the categocic / factual details of everything. In reality that's not possible.

3. .....it was recommended that he leave....." Another factual statement by g'kid. I say again, how do you know this is true, where you there, did you hear every comment?

4. Having a serious drunk in charge, is that appropriate?

It isn't necessary for anyone to ridicule Chalerm. What's the point?

He already does it much better than anyone else ever could.

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This country is sick. People seem to enjoy this game-play of the rebel Suthep and his hooligans, which are a minority that destroy the country. It's pure anarchy, as the police and army just stand by and watch Thailand go down the drain.

You may not agree with Yingluck, but she's chosen by a majority. And politicians should prove their skills by talking, negotiating, compromising and finding win-win solutions. It's NOT their task to build up barricades and polarise problems whereby victims my fall. Mr.Suthep is now already the first criminal of the country, responsible for more than 10 deaths and over 500 injured people.

Thailand STOP this stupidity, choose better leaders, fight corruption, but go for the democratic process and VOTE, VOTE, VOTE, VOTE

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Soon / very soon in Suthep's front yard ...attachicon.gifSuthep's yard sale....jpg

Then you know little about some big powers who stand behind him. You'll have to consult the locals. I sense your social realm here is narrow?

This will be in PTP members' yards. I think Chalerm's will be made of stone from all the enemies he has.

Al least you & his two sons are 3 people in the nation who respect him.

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"....PCAD threatened to break into the venue and "capture" Ms. Yingluck and her Cabinet members."

Wait... what???

How is this article titled Charlem flees meeting rather than mob threatens to kidnap Prime Minister, and how does it make it to my newsletter in it's current state. Unbelievable.


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This country is sick. People seem to enjoy this game-play of the rebel Suthep and his hooligans, which are a minority that destroy the country. It's pure anarchy, as the police and army just stand by and watch Thailand go down the drain.

You may not agree with Yingluck, but she's chosen by a majority. And politicians should prove their skills by talking, negotiating, compromising and finding win-win solutions. It's NOT their task to build up barricades and polarise problems whereby victims my fall. Mr.Suthep is now already the first criminal of the country, responsible for more than 10 deaths and over 500 injured people.

Thailand STOP this stupidity, choose better leaders, fight corruption, but go for the democratic process and VOTE, VOTE, VOTE, VOTE

banned & got a new ID huh?

You selectively cut out the violence of one side.

..and forget often that the votes are based on bribery, intimidation, coercion. Another selective red shirt supporter.

Who is responsible for the ten deaths? Suthep is on the street like a man, not a coward firing arms at protesters.

You take the facts and paste them to the other side. Don't apply as a propaganda artist in N Korea...if you fail to be convincing they will...

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alwyn post # 139

One question. Who decided that Thai people should not have the right to cast their votes?

That issue was decide some time back by the man in Dubai as he is or was under the impression the next election would be a cakewalk.

Thus his whitewashing, the manipulation of the legal system , the manipulation of the judiciary and the constitution would have made him (Thaksin) the ultimate political power (Dictator) in Thailand along with the establishment of a new ruling political Shinwatra family dynasty (Dictatorship)

Just as a reminder of Thaksins take on democracy for you is in my signature, however I will also post part of Thaksins the comment so as your myopic vision does not miss Thaksins comment. if you click n the link you will find the full article.

Constitution Day, Thaksin said that as long as the country could progress and the people were happy, he was not concerned about the means used. "Democracy is a good and beautiful thing, but it's not the ultimate goal as far as administering the country is concerned," he said. "Democracy is just a tool, not our goal. The goal is to give people a good lifestyle, happiness and national progress." In a comment to counter calls for constitutional amend- ments that would support the sputtering checks-and-balances mechanism, the prime minister hinted that he would block the campaign to amend the charter,


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Mr. Chalerm′s current whereabouts is unknown.

Well I can gaurantee it won't be in the deep south of Thailand.

Today a small convoy of about eight vehicles together with police cars with lights and sirens sped down the 219 from the direction of Buriram airport towards Buri Ram. There was a police presence at various road junctions en route. The police were in dress uniform.

I wonder is that was Chalerm et. al.?

You know your doing something wrong you have to be hidden and protected by that many police!

Tony Abbott can walk Sydney harbor on a weekend morning with 2 security personnel standing 10 metres away from him. And he is the PM. Chalerm is the Labour Minister!

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Mr. Chalerm′s current whereabouts is unknown.

Well I can gaurantee it won't be in the deep south of Thailand.

Today a small convoy of about eight vehicles together with police cars with lights and sirens sped down the 219 from the direction of Buriram airport towards Buri Ram. There was a police presence at various road junctions en route. The police were in dress uniform.

I wonder is that was Chalerm et. al.?

You know your doing something wrong you have to be hidden and protected by that many police!

Tony Abbott can walk Sydney harbor on a weekend morning with 2 security personnel standing 10 metres away from him. And he is the PM. Chalerm is the Labour Minister!

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You know your doing something wrong you have to be hidden and protected by that many police!

Tony Abbott can walk Sydney harbor on a weekend morning with 2 security personnel standing 10 metres away from him. And he is the PM. Chalerm is the Labour Minister!

Most ridiculous comparison to date and you felt the need to post it three times....rolleyes.gif

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While this incident has comic elements, a man was shot outside and his shooter hospitalised.

Even worse, the head of the govt body responsible for keeping a volatile situation from erupting decided to 'taunt' the protesters.

That sort of thing always goes down well in Thailand I've found, always seen as being a bit of a laugh.

<deleted>, how can this unstable loon be given so much authority, he's a walking disaster.

Who do you suppose is in charge of the PTP, and the government, on the ground? Yingluck?

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Mr. Chalerm′s current whereabouts is unknown.

Well I can gaurantee it won't be in the deep south of Thailand.

Today a small convoy of about eight vehicles together with police cars with lights and sirens sped down the 219 from the direction of Buriram airport towards Buri Ram. There was a police presence at various road junctions en route. The police were in dress uniform.

I wonder is that was Chalerm et. al.?

That could just be Newin going home. Why would this have to relate to Chalerm?

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