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Suthep announces election must be blocked


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Worst part of all of this is that the democrats actually HAD a shot of winning any future election due to the failings of the current government and it's populist programs. Mr. Suthep realizing he would not be the new leader of Thailand, mostly due to enemies in his own party decided to "resign" and begin what he calls a supposed reform program which hopefully would somehow get him named supreme leader. Well, it seems all he's accomplished is to shoot not only himself in the foot but most members of his former party. I guess the biggest question is, is there anyone in Thai politics capable of not only getting the support of all Thai's as well as clean up decades of political corruption? I think not.

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The activities you have been alluding to takes the form of intimidation, physically preventing others from exercising their right to vote. The effect of their action is to make people fear or taking up courage to go to the polling stations to cast their vote. THAT is terrorism.

I have no problem with Civil Disobedience UNTIL it impinges upon the rights of other people. There is a very clear line between that. Preventing others from exercising their right to vote is a violation of that voters rights to vote.

How can that be difficult to understand. I thought you guys were the intelligent ones?

Civil disobedience and terrorism are not the same thing.

All I said was "it's not terrorism".

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Daddy what happens in an election?

Well son people get the chance to vote and elect the people they think will do the best job for us and for our country, it's called democracy and everyone in Thailand has the right to vote for whomever they choose without fear or prejudice.

Well daddy who did you vote for?

I didn't vote son but I sure stopped a lot of others doing it because a man with a whistle told me to! 1507049.GIF

Daddy I thought you said----- aw never mind!


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EC is full on BS mode now.

It will 'negotiate' with protestors for the release of the ballot papers.

EC: "Can I have the ballots?", Protestors: "No", EC: "See, there's nothing we can do, they said no!"

It will appoint security guards to protect the safety of voters, notice not keep the polls open, but ensure the safety:

EC: "close the polling station... for erm voters safety, and make sure we don't have any repeat of angry voters climbing gates to vote"

Edited by BlueNoseCodger
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Hey Gemini81,

I tell you what... I'll go to your country and prevent YOU from being able to cast YOUR vote... then we'll see if you think that is a form of terrorism.

And keep in mind, BOTH SIDES have obstructed the democratic process in this election to a point where there is no possibility of a legitimate election being carried out. That's not a political stance supporting either side, it's a FACT under the rules that govern elections in the country. There is NO PATH to a legitimate seated government as a result of this election due to the illegal actions of BOTH SIDES!

I wish all of you would quit trying to argue that one side or the other in this situation is RIGHT. They are NOT! They are both as WRONG as it is possible to be and I can't believe that people are so stupid that they can actually get on this forum and try to make the case that one side or the other is RIGHT.

I don't know if it is ignorance, arrogance, or just plain old stupidity, but it is definately pathetic.

Lots of balls behind a keyboard, like chalerm behind a podium or thaksin abroad. Not like Suthep taking to the streets.


You want to talk to me about having a lot of balls behind the keyboard?? cheesy.gifcheesy.gifcheesy.gif Oh, my friend, I haven't even gotten started yet...

I live in Thailand, I'm married to a Thai, and I expect to live here for a long time.

Further, I work on education and social justice issues across the Asia Pacific region. So you might say that I know a little bit about what the hell I'm talking about when it comes to the historical root social causes that have created the current situation in Thailand. You have already illustrated that you don't have a clue.

Other than sitting around in your mom's basement surfing porn and fantasizing about making a trip to Pattaya, what qualifications do you have that would qualify you as being even slightly informed, let alone any kind of expert, on this issue in particular or Thailand in general?

Stay tunes TVF Readers, this is where we find out whether Gemini has the sense to quit talking smack about things he knows nothing about...

I wager he doesn't...wai2.gif

My posts on current events on here since 2008 suggest otherwise. Thanks for honking your own horn though. How do my posts suggest being ill-informed, or just a way for you to pretend you are the expert authority and wind people up, with the likes of a few others? How does social injustice make you the inside authority here? Sounds like a bragger.

I just contribute my thoughts, but have never gone on to brag, such as yourself.

Edited by gemini81
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Terrorism is defined as the use of violence and intimidation in the pursuit of political aims.

Sounds like the DSI and CMPO to me...

Play the terrorism card if you like, but the current government came to power under the same cloud and employs these principles on a daily basis.

There was a thai language news article my wife was reading last night which interviewed one of the farmers and he claimed he was being intimidated by local government officals to back down over the failure to pay the rice farmers and vote PTP in the election... borderline terrorism indeed.

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Hey Gemini81,

I tell you what... I'll go to your country and prevent YOU from being able to cast YOUR vote... then we'll see if you think that is a form of terrorism.

And keep in mind, BOTH SIDES have obstructed the democratic process in this election to a point where there is no possibility of a legitimate election being carried out. That's not a political stance supporting either side, it's a FACT under the rules that govern elections in the country. There is NO PATH to a legitimate seated government as a result of this election due to the illegal actions of BOTH SIDES!

I wish all of you would quit trying to argue that one side or the other in this situation is RIGHT. They are NOT! They are both as WRONG as it is possible to be and I can't believe that people are so stupid that they can actually get on this forum and try to make the case that one side or the other is RIGHT.

I don't know if it is ignorance, arrogance, or just plain old stupidity, but it is definately pathetic.

Lots of balls behind a keyboard, like chalerm behind a podium or thaksin abroad. Not like Suthep taking to the streets.


You want to talk to me about having a lot of balls behind the keyboard?? cheesy.gifcheesy.gifcheesy.gif Oh, my friend, I haven't even gotten started yet...

I live in Thailand, I'm married to a Thai, and I expect to live here for a long time.

Further, I work on education and social justice issues across the Asia Pacific region. So you might say that I know a little bit about what the hell I'm talking about when it comes to the historical root social causes that have created the current situation in Thailand. You have already illustrated that you don't have a clue.

Other than sitting around in your mom's basement surfing porn and fantasizing about making a trip to Pattaya, what qualifications do you have that would qualify you as being even slightly informed, let alone any kind of expert, on this issue in particular or Thailand in general?

Stay tunes TVF Readers, this is where we find out whether Gemini has the sense to quit talking smack about things he knows nothing about...

I wager he doesn't...wai2.gif

My posts on current events on here since 2008 suggest otherwise. Thanks for honking your own horn though. How do my posts suggest being ill-informed, or just a way for you to pretend you are the expert authority and wind people up, with the likes of a few others? How does social injustice make you the inside authority here? Sounds like a bragger.

I just contribute my thoughts, but have never gone on to brag, such as yourself.

I would like to know how you think this situation can be resolved ( other than the usual one liners about expel evil Thaksin regime etc etc etc)....from your perspective, what is the way forward for Thailand?

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Hey Gemini81,

I tell you what... I'll go to your country and prevent YOU from being able to cast YOUR vote... then we'll see if you think that is a form of terrorism.

And keep in mind, BOTH SIDES have obstructed the democratic process in this election to a point where there is no possibility of a legitimate election being carried out. That's not a political stance supporting either side, it's a FACT under the rules that govern elections in the country. There is NO PATH to a legitimate seated government as a result of this election due to the illegal actions of BOTH SIDES!

I wish all of you would quit trying to argue that one side or the other in this situation is RIGHT. They are NOT! They are both as WRONG as it is possible to be and I can't believe that people are so stupid that they can actually get on this forum and try to make the case that one side or the other is RIGHT.

I don't know if it is ignorance, arrogance, or just plain old stupidity, but it is definately pathetic.

Lots of balls behind a keyboard, like chalerm behind a podium or thaksin abroad. Not like Suthep taking to the streets.


You want to talk to me about having a lot of balls behind the keyboard?? cheesy.gifcheesy.gifcheesy.gif Oh, my friend, I haven't even gotten started yet...

I live in Thailand, I'm married to a Thai, and I expect to live here for a long time.

Further, I work on education and social justice issues across the Asia Pacific region. So you might say that I know a little bit about what the hell I'm talking about when it comes to the historical root social causes that have created the current situation in Thailand. You have already illustrated that you don't have a clue.

Other than sitting around in your mom's basement surfing porn and fantasizing about making a trip to Pattaya, what qualifications do you have that would qualify you as being even slightly informed, let alone any kind of expert, on this issue in particular or Thailand in general?

Stay tunes TVF Readers, this is where we find out whether Gemini has the sense to quit talking smack about things he knows nothing about...

I wager he doesn't...wai2.gif

My posts on current events on here since 2008 suggest otherwise. Thanks for honking your own horn though. How do my posts suggest being ill-informed, or just a way for you to pretend you are the expert authority and wind people up, with the likes of a few others? How does social injustice make you the inside authority here? Sounds like a bragger.

I just contribute my thoughts, but have never gone on to brag, such as yourself.

I would like to know how you think this situation can be resolved ( other than the usual one liners about expel evil Thaksin regime etc etc etc)....from your perspective, what is the way forward for Thailand?

There is no doubt a new constitution must be drafted up. There is much talk about power re-distributed with more given to provincial ministers etc. (long story) if the democrats get into office. The process here, as experts have pointed out, lead to disaster with a mix of ____ and democracy at the same time. You can fill in that blank. Such countries have the highest rates of coups reoccurring time & again. The other problem is the people select the party not the PM directly. It is true that without PTP, it will be a smoother road to development; however a few high up's have their backing, creating turmoil of family members who disagee amongst themselves. Wish I could discuss it more openly....one day, maybe?

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Hey Gemini81,

I tell you what... I'll go to your country and prevent YOU from being able to cast YOUR vote... then we'll see if you think that is a form of terrorism.

And keep in mind, BOTH SIDES have obstructed the democratic process in this election to a point where there is no possibility of a legitimate election being carried out. That's not a political stance supporting either side, it's a FACT under the rules that govern elections in the country. There is NO PATH to a legitimate seated government as a result of this election due to the illegal actions of BOTH SIDES!

I wish all of you would quit trying to argue that one side or the other in this situation is RIGHT. They are NOT! They are both as WRONG as it is possible to be and I can't believe that people are so stupid that they can actually get on this forum and try to make the case that one side or the other is RIGHT.

I don't know if it is ignorance, arrogance, or just plain old stupidity, but it is definately pathetic.

Lots of balls behind a keyboard, like chalerm behind a podium or thaksin abroad. Not like Suthep taking to the streets.


You want to talk to me about having a lot of balls behind the keyboard?? cheesy.gifcheesy.gifcheesy.gif Oh, my friend, I haven't even gotten started yet...

I live in Thailand, I'm married to a Thai, and I expect to live here for a long time.

Further, I work on education and social justice issues across the Asia Pacific region. So you might say that I know a little bit about what the hell I'm talking about when it comes to the historical root social causes that have created the current situation in Thailand. You have already illustrated that you don't have a clue.

Other than sitting around in your mom's basement surfing porn and fantasizing about making a trip to Pattaya, what qualifications do you have that would qualify you as being even slightly informed, let alone any kind of expert, on this issue in particular or Thailand in general?

Stay tunes TVF Readers, this is where we find out whether Gemini has the sense to quit talking smack about things he knows nothing about...

I wager he doesn't...wai2.gif

My posts on current events on here since 2008 suggest otherwise. Thanks for honking your own horn though. How do my posts suggest being ill-informed, or just a way for you to pretend you are the expert authority and wind people up, with the likes of a few others? How does social injustice make you the inside authority here? Sounds like a bragger.

I just contribute my thoughts, but have never gone on to brag, such as yourself.

Well, let's start with your most recent "contribution" that started this...

You said that blocking peoples right to vote wasn't terrorism...

You said that terrorism involves physical violence... (when actually it could be anything that causes "terror" including the threat of / or potential for violence)

I responded saying asking if you would feel that way if it was YOUR right to vote that was being taken away from you...

Your response did not address any position I had taken or any question put to you... instead you said that I had "Lots of balls behind a keyboard, like chalerm behind a podium or thaksin abroad. Not like Suthep taking to the streets." So, exactly what informed "thought" were you contributing with that comment?

In response to my comments, you compared me to two corrput politicians and I'm still not sure what the Suthep comment is about... are you praising him because he has "the balls to take it to the streets"?

You have made my point for me Gemini... Just because you have posted since 2008 doesn't mean you have an informed opinion.

And if you do have an informed opinion, I suggest you work a little harder at expressing it so you do actually contribute to the discussion.

Good day to you.

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Hard to believe there are still Suthep supporters on this forum, amazing!


As Grouco Marx would have put it, "There ain't no Sanity Clause". I sometimes wonder if the tiny handful of pro-Suthep trolls are just advertisers trying to keep the traffic on their ads up. I mean, no one could seriously believe some of the guff they come out with.

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I would like to know how you think this situation can be resolved ( other than the usual one liners about expel evil Thaksin regime etc etc etc)....from your perspective, what is the way forward for Thailand?

There is no doubt a new constitution must be drafted up. There is much talk about power re-distributed with more given to provincial ministers etc. (long story) if the democrats get into office. The process here, as experts have pointed out, lead to disaster with a mix of ____ and democracy at the same time. You can fill in that blank. Such countries have the highest rates of coups reoccurring time & again. The other problem is the people select the party not the PM directly. It is true that without PTP, it will be a smoother road to development; however a few high up's have their backing, creating turmoil of family members who disagee amongst themselves. Wish I could discuss it more openly....one day, maybe?

Of course a new constitution or an amended one can only be put into effect when the drafters have an electoral mandate. Nowhere does it state this can be done without it (for obvious reasons).

So the million dollar question I have and would like an answer to, is why does the biggest opposition party (which are probably supporting and financing the protestors) not run for office on a reform agenda ?

If a sufficient number of the Thai electorate equally believes reforms are needed, they will reflect that in their voting and suddenly the biggest opposition party could form a government, possibly find a number of coalition parties that commit to reform and execute it.

If somehow that sufficient number cannot be found, than that would be will of the Thai electorate and would be perfectly democratic as well.

Trying to pass reform without consulting the electorate is undemocratic and illegal.

Edited by sjaak327
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Hard to believe there are still Suthep supporters on this forum, amazing!


As Grouco Marx would have put it, "There ain't no Sanity Clause". I sometimes wonder if the tiny handful of pro-Suthep trolls are just advertisers trying to keep the traffic on their ads up. I mean, no one could seriously believe some of the guff they come out with.

Yes, I agree. However, in fairness I think Gemini does make a valid point about regional representation in this highly federalized system. It's one of Thailand's biggest problems. Impossible to resolve though if people decline to participate in the election and other mechanisms for change

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Hard to believe there are still Suthep supporters on this forum, amazing!


As Grouco Marx would have put it, "There ain't no Sanity Clause". I sometimes wonder if the tiny handful of pro-Suthep trolls are just advertisers trying to keep the traffic on their ads up. I mean, no one could seriously believe some of the guff they come out with.

Well UK Foreign Secretary William Hague has just released strong statement urging Thais to uphold democracy.

Add that to USA on Monday, Human Rights Watch, UN, EU and Suthep is pretty much going it alone here with his elites.

I too find id hard to believe that westerners could support Suthep and try and justify it in writing. Every post though just shows the shallowness of the argument. 2010 Thaksinistas, man in Dubai ref. etc. It also shows they have dreadfully poor understanding of Thai 20th Century politics and structures.

Other than not realising reform actually started with Thaksin last decade or realising times change and the Thails have had enough of their elite elders and betters, they are pretty much on the ball :)

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The activities you have been alluding to takes the form of intimidation, physically preventing others from exercising their right to vote. The effect of their action is to make people fear or taking up courage to go to the polling stations to cast their vote. THAT is terrorism.

I have no problem with Civil Disobedience UNTIL it impinges upon the rights of other people. There is a very clear line between that. Preventing others from exercising their right to vote is a violation of that voters rights to vote.

How can that be difficult to understand. I thought you guys were the intelligent ones?

Civil disobedience and terrorism are not the same thing.

All I said was "it's not terrorism".

I didn't see a deliberate campaign to harm people trying to vote or to make them fear they would be harmed. Obviously they are being obstructive and for sure there have been some unacceptable incidents when tempers flared etc, but labelling it 'terrorism' is out of all proportion. The rice farmers obstructing highway intersections aren't terrorists either.

On the other hand, throwing grenades at crowds is fairly clearly terrorism. Assassinating their leaders in broad daylight also seems to fit the bill.

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Hmm. Voting for more of this.


Democracy under threat here.

Absolutely. Democracy under threat. You forgot to include in your propaganda material that her brother is the biggest human rights abuser in modern Thai history. We could expect more of the same if her governmenbt succeeds in bringing him back. Extra judicial killings, death squads,assassinations of human rights activists and independent journalists etc...etc...Halmark of Shinawatra&Chalerm Co.

By the way, you're wasting your time here with posting photos. Foreigners in Thailand know who Shinawatras are. Cute outfits and fake smiles fool no one. Only you perhaps.

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Civil disobedience and terrorism are not the same thing.

Agreed and as long as they sit in front of a polling station it is civil disobedience.

The moment they SHUT DOWN the station and ACTIVELY keep people from moving in (as in grabbing them, holding them, threatening them) as seen in some videos, it turns into something else!

Sure, that's assault among other things and I imagine they have probably broken the electoral law in a few places as well. It's still not terrorism. But if they start throwing grenades into crowds I'll happily change my mind.

Not long, my friend ...not long!

Let's say ...Sunday, shall we?!

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The government should just relocate to an Island like Samui or somewhere... think of the things... that "would" go right... if he and the other protesters were there, and well they wouldnt have to go far to get each other... and being in an island environment... well they would probably do more drinking then fighting... so make love not war thinking would be promoted... then if all else fails... just drop a few bombs on the place and then rebuild... hehe hope no thai read this, they may take up the idea...

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if I was home and I was prevented from voting by a political group I would class that as an act of terrorism

Corruption is not limited to money - power is also a corrupting influence. I do not know the solutions to the Thai problem or the world problem but fundamentally certain things are the cause of these problems

1) (seemingly) good people become bad people once given power

2) People strong enough to become leaders seldom have enough humility to become good leaders

3) The natural instinct of all leaders is to protect their own - the people who voted for them - rather than looking after all the people

Of course there are exceptions to these rules - people like Mandela and Ghandi but as invevitably as night follows day - the people who take over from them lack the qualities that made them great and are quickly corrupted.

The problem is mankind itself is (in the main), and probably always has been, greedy, predatory and self-serving - valuing what they have rather than what they can give. There will never be enough Mandelas and Ghandis and even these great men got where they were because of particularly bad regimes. In a setlled country they probably would never have been elected and indeed without the cause to fight, would probably never had made themselves available to elect.

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This power hungry scoundrel is getting more and more out of control.

scoundrel is the perfect word for him....

And what adjective would you choose to describe his adversary?

Snow White or Robin Hood?


I would describe Sutheps adversary as "40 million Thai people who want to vote".

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When are you people i Bangkok going to wake up to simple facts;

1. suthep lies worse then Yingluck ever could.

2. suthep wants a ditatorship with himas the dictator of Thailand.

3. suthep does not want no corruption - this is not what he is after. - the only thing on his mind is how mony more people can I get killed before the military comes out.

Evidence of this or is this simply an opinion peice?

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I would like to know how you think this situation can be resolved ( other than the usual one liners about expel evil Thaksin regime etc etc etc)....from your perspective, what is the way forward for Thailand?

There is no doubt a new constitution must be drafted up. There is much talk about power re-distributed with more given to provincial ministers etc. (long story) if the democrats get into office. The process here, as experts have pointed out, lead to disaster with a mix of ____ and democracy at the same time. You can fill in that blank. Such countries have the highest rates of coups reoccurring time & again. The other problem is the people select the party not the PM directly. It is true that without PTP, it will be a smoother road to development; however a few high up's have their backing, creating turmoil of family members who disagee amongst themselves. Wish I could discuss it more openly....one day, maybe?

Of course a new constitution or an amended one can only be put into effect when the drafters have an electoral mandate. Nowhere does it state this can be done without it (for obvious reasons).

So the million dollar question I have and would like an answer to, is why does the biggest opposition party (which are probably supporting and financing the protestors) not run for office on a reform agenda ?

If a sufficient number of the Thai electorate equally believes reforms are needed, they will reflect that in their voting and suddenly the biggest opposition party could form a government, possibly find a number of coalition parties that commit to reform and execute it.

If somehow that sufficient number cannot be found, than that would be will of the Thai electorate and would be perfectly democratic as well.

Trying to pass reform without consulting the electorate is undemocratic and illegal.

I admire yours and rjcampbe attempt to actually engage in a conversation with one of the most vile, evilspirited and misinformed dorks on the forum...but he really has noting to say! (...or is what I mean: I wish, he would just shut up?!...hmmmmm...).

In other words: don't feed the troll!

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