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Scrutiny by thai police


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I live upcountry, smallish village. 60 years old. Married to Thai wife 10 years. Mostly private, keep to self, live quiet life. Passport, visa all in good order.

About two months ago, policeman came to house. Polite. Sat in my living room with me and my wife. Asked for my name, telephone number, wrote these in a book. I see the names of other local falang in the book that he leaves open on the table.. Says its something about making a list of people who might help; something to do with ASEAN. Seems like a bs explanation.

A week later, when I'm not there, policeman comes again. Takes picture of my house, house next door. Tells my wife some concern about mafia.

A week later, this same policeman comes again when I'm home alone. He wants copies of my passport, visa, house registration. I have nothing to hide, so I provide copies, all in good order.

Nothing for a month. Think all is in the past.

Then, yesterday, I run into the policeman when I'm out and about. He says he's going to visit us again, next week.

My wife is upset and worried. Doesn't understand what is going on.

I'm concerned. I have done nothing illegal, nothing that should draw the attention of the police. Mostly keep to myself. But here they are, apparently looking at me. Worried they might, eg, kick me out of the country just because they think there might be a problem, when there is nothing.

The only thing that is different about me from most falang is I speak better thai than most, and I seldom leave the country, only twice in 10 years. I wonder if they think I'm politically active somehow, which I am not whatsoever.

Anyone have any experience like this? Any ideas about what I might do? Any reason to be concerned?

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I see three possibilities, none of which should be a cause for concern. In order of IMO likelihood:

1 He's hoping to get some free drinks and a little money

2 Orders have come on down from above to start doing what they're supposed to have been doing all along

3 He's a conscientious policeman just doing his job

Relax and don't worry.

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Wow that is creepy. You probably shouldn't worry about it. All your papers are in order. Still, I would not feel comfortable if I was in your situation. He's now been to your house several times. Your wife must have gleaned more information from him.

Now that you have been officially and thoroughly checked out by the coppers you should retaliate. This is job for your wife. Within her extended family there will be a police contact. Set your wife onto checking out this particular policeman. His name, badge number, which station he reports to, etc. Get all the "cop shop" gossip you can get on him. Take it from there.

Taking the above action is much less stressful than worrying about it in ignorance. If he checks out OK I suggest you befriend him. A farang living upcountry never knows when he could use help from a policeman who trusts him.

I live upcountry as well and many of the local cops know me. I can go to one of the one's I know any time for advice when I need it. It's reassuring, not worrying.

Edited by 96tehtarp
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It's common practice for the police to visit the homes of farangs who are married to Thai's to ensure the marriage (and the visa) are actually in force. Whilst I live in Chiang Mai my wife is from a small village near Sukhothai and I am well known there. A few years ago when this checking procedure was first started the police were constantly at my MIL's home asking questions about me - during my next visit to the village I stopped by and saw the police and explained that whilst I visited on a regular basis I actually lived in CM, after checking my passport/visa etc all was smiles and the problem went away.

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This has happened to me a few times as well over the last decade or so, but admittedly not as frequently as you seem to be experiencing. The reasons given each time is that they were updating their information on falangs living in the area. Possibly, with ASEAN coming in next year, there has been a new directive issued for closer control/monitoring?

Have you talked to any of the other foreigners living in the area, ie, the ones that were in his book from his first visit to confirm it is not only you under the proverbial microscope?

Personally, I wouldn't worry too much about it as long as your paperwork is in order. Without knowing where it is you are living, and how big the local police station is, if you are really stressed out about it, it may be time for a visit to that station.

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Bet you it is either a change of local boss or a directive (possibly misunderstood) from on high. It might be something like "check all the local foreigners, make sure you have all their details".

There are many examples of these insane whim-like decisions which lead to bureaucratic madness. A syphilis test for a work permit for goodness sake.

No this is what they're supposed to be doing routinely - just we've been spoiled by their having been lazy in most places. Sounds like the - perfectly rational and proper - orders have come down to start actually doing their jobs and keep track of us like they should.

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Actually all you gotta do is to tell him HOW MUCH DO I HACE TO PAY EVERY MONTH. And soon you will see he will bring his little Red Box installed in your door and comes by every day to sign and be your body for life. ( normally 1500 to 2000 Bahts per month ). Happened to me but like this and they guy just asked for this money every month and it did turned out in my favor as he was watching my back. " SO BIG MOFIA ". Pay it buddy

Sent from up to me from where it was sent

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Actually all you gotta do is to tell him HOW MUCH DO I HACE TO PAY EVERY MONTH. And soon you will see he will bring his little Red Box installed in your door and comes by every day to sign and be your body for life. ( normally 1500 to 2000 Bahts per month ). Happened to me but like this and they guy just asked for this money every month and it did turned out in my favor as he was watching my back. " SO BIG MOFIA ". Pay it buddy

Sent from up to me from where it was sent

Mate of mine did exactly this, told the police he was returning home to Australia for a couple of weeks and whilst he was away his house was stripped absolutely bare to the extent all the wiring and even the water pipes were ripped out.


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what are they keeping track of exactly? sounds very intrusive and a violation of privacy.

No right to privacy here.

The police have an obligation under the law to keep track of who we are what we're doing where we live with whom etc.

Hotels, landlords even free hosts have to register us, we have to report every 90 days.

In practice Thai incompetence gives us privacy, but it's not a right.

Talk to Thais about a western citizen's rights vis-a-vis police, identification, able to refuse questioning etc and they think that's just insane, they see government's role as keeping track of everyone happy to have Big Brother watching.

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Actually all you gotta do is to tell him HOW MUCH DO I HACE TO PAY EVERY MONTH. And soon you will see he will bring his little Red Box installed in your door and comes by every day to sign and be your body for life. ( normally 1500 to 2000 Bahts per month ). Happened to me but like this and they guy just asked for this money every month and it did turned out in my favor as he was watching my back. " SO BIG MOFIA ". Pay it buddy

Expensive! not necessary nor needed in most areas.

Mate of mine did exactly this, told the police he was returning home to Australia for a couple of weeks and whilst he was away his house was stripped absolutely bare to the extent all the wiring and even the water pipes were ripped out.


Unless you live in a condo with full-time security, your home should never be left empty. If you don't have a live-in maid,it's not expensive to have a trustworthy relative or friend-of-a-friend move in.

id tell him to kick rocks after the first visit.

Good luck with that, let us know how it works out for you.

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The OP also reminds me why one needs to have a brick wall and locked steel gate at the front entrance. It keeps snoopy people, vendors, people selling lotteries, and borrowers out. (Police included.)

A really very vicious dog helps too.

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Not only have I had a visit from police over the years but also immigration my wife is falang also they have checked our passports and visas had a glass of water and gone on ther way I did mention in a post yesterday about befriending two policemen who were constant visitors to our property it turned out they were both Liverpool supporters and wanted the shirt off my back . I managed to get my daughter to get a couple of original lfc shirts on the cheap back in the UK on gifting them with there shirts they never bothered me again except to give me the numbers should I ever have a problem if you have nothing to hide and your documents are in order then I would not worry you could on the other hand raise it with the tourist police if you have one in your area I am sure they would assist you and your wife a policeman earns 300 but a day and gets no time off and on top of that has to pay for his uniform and gun so he might be looking after some tea money hope things work out for you be happy don't worry as bob would say

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It sounds strange to me. While some say it's common practice, I have never had a police man visiting me in all the 10 years I have been living here and I only once had a visit from immigrations police at my than company office (on Christmas day out of all days!).

Maybe you check this with the other farang you know in your area and see what they know about it and next time ask the police why this sudden interest.

I may just be some vague directive from a new boss or what soever, they tend to be rather xenophobic. I would at this stage not worry too much about it.

Maybe he's just after you wife ;-) Than you should worry police man are notorious for having a lot of gig's!

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Wow, I think that would freak me out a bit. I've only been here around 3 years now, and same as you, I live in a small town and stay out of everybody else's business - but I've never been visited by any cops. Every time I've had an interaction with a police officer its been normal and polite. If I was suddenly subject to intense scutiny without any reason, I would think their trying to set up to rob my house or something. Sounds very weird to me. If it were me, I might try to (very, very politely) stop by the local police station and inquire - just to see if its some kind of official orders, or just one cop doing something alone.

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